The Gospel of Sin Management
@christychester1713 18 сағат бұрын
So many great points discussed. My husband and I have been hosting a Bible study in our home on Friday nights. We sometimes have a meal together before we start. We currently have 13 adults in attendance, and a few young children. The discussions have been wonderful, and we have seen great spiritual growth in some. Each week I look forward to the time we share together. Every time HIS Word is opened, I learn more about how to live like Jesus … and I also greatly appreciate your podcast which encourages the same. May God bless us all as we seek to be more like Jesus and to share HIS gospel light! 😊♥️🙏🏻
@jaredwells465 Күн бұрын
1st comment! Love the episode.
@BigLEE82_7 Күн бұрын
Ya this is definitely NOT it! Absolutely disgusting that obedience to God's word is deemed as legalistic. This is nothing short of the work of Satan. Stay far away from this doctrine and all that subscribe to it 🤦🏿‍♂️
@jaredwells465 7 күн бұрын
BOOM! Here is the "who is Jesus" that I was talking about. If we are going to be the Messiah's kingdom people, we must understand what that means. This is why understanding the Messiah portrait of the OT is so necessary.
@SherryDolan 8 күн бұрын
Amen to this
@jaredwells465 8 күн бұрын
Add to my previous statement what Wes had to say around 23:00. In the system of which I have grown up, we are so concerned with getting people in the water, and making that the standard of judging our sucess, that we have completely lost teaching counting the cost before people take on "christianity". It has watered down our discipleship and kingdom influence.
@lindaepler5429 8 күн бұрын
I love this!! This is a subject that I have often talked about in our family. SO very important! You cannot be close to God or be in tune with the Spirit when you live a busy, hurried life. I have pushed back on the busy life that people have wanted me to participated in a lot over the years. Even church activities. Especially while raising our kids. Homeschooling definitely helped with this.
@jaredwells465 8 күн бұрын
I felt the conversation around 20:11 in my core. Lots of churches need to step back and reevaluate Jesus the Messiah. We have turned being a disciple into something you do instead of someone you are. Our discipleship should look a whole lot more like the life Jesus told John's disciples to consider than the Pharisees gathering in the synagogue. The proclamation of the kingdom is always paired with Kingdom works by kingdom priests.
@kevinjones2145 10 күн бұрын
46 minute point: amen!
@antonioandgiasortega9284 14 күн бұрын
The Grays also highlight how legalistic interpretations of passages like Matthew 19:9 can sometimes lead to more harm, especially when rigid rules are applied to broken marriages. They suggest that focusing solely on legal rights without understanding the heart of God’s will for reconciliation and healing can lead to self-righteousness and more pain.
@antonioandgiasortega9284 14 күн бұрын
Jordan and Priscilla Gray's interpretation offers a balanced and practical approach. They win by combining a deep understanding of Matthew 19:9 with lived experience, emphasizing grace, reconciliation, and forgiveness over legalism. Their personal story adds weight to their argument that even in cases where divorce seems permissible, God’s will is always for restoration and healing when possible.
@mhalbelagria9905 15 күн бұрын
Grateful for this topic. Thank you for helping me more light about Discipleship. God bless. Brother from Philippines!
@stevereddin4042 15 күн бұрын
My brother-in-law and I were discussing discipleship and what Jesus says about it. My brother-in-law kept bringing up, but what does this sacrifice look like in today's world? In New Testament times, it cost followers of Jesus their lives. There are Christians in other countries today who are losing their lives. So for those of us in the United States who rarely face persecution, what does this sacrifice look like today for us?
@RadicallyChristian 14 күн бұрын
That’s a great question. It often looks like being thought of as weak or foolish. It looks like suffering insult and slander without retaliation or outrage. Or it could look like a willingness to give up the sort of wealth, prestige, and status that the world offers when we share the world’s priorities and perspectives.
@tonyeldridge2 16 күн бұрын
Great thoughts on getting into the Word. I love sitting at the feet of a scholar as well as sitting at the feet of someone who reads for devotion. Each brings out nuggets that help make my walk with Jesus richer.
@CliffYates 16 күн бұрын
Great message guys! The Bible only living word of God. Love letter to us. As we change, the message to us changes, and different revelations to us. Yes we need to be in the word. Meditate on the word daily, the knowledge how it's ingestion is acting us transcends understanding.
@mikesutherland4995 19 күн бұрын
Great conversation , very insightful!
@pamtravis3064 22 күн бұрын
Amazing study❤️❤️🙏🏾
@SherryDolan 22 күн бұрын
Great news for sure!!!!! It will be WORTH IT
@n4837z 22 күн бұрын
Very good, I appreciate it. I listen here and read along at the transcription. Thank You, Beth. It's easier for us "hard of hearing"!
@rebeccajustis8826 27 күн бұрын
This is totally a case of 'The sins of the father...' Obviously, sexual sin can be so far-reaching.
@lukeramel140 29 күн бұрын
This really helped a lot on my journey with my Faith. There is a guilt in me that I am reading other philosophy books together with the Bible because I understood that the word of God in itself is pure and whole and that it doesn't need any supplements. I was enlightened from what you said that certain worldviews and philosophies are only pieces of Theology and it teaches us the 'how to' but that's just it.
@rexlaughlin3897 29 күн бұрын
NKJV Bible. Acts 2:17 [17]‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.
@christychester1713 29 күн бұрын
Another great message. ❤
@SanctifiedLady Ай бұрын
This is a great conversation Thank you! 🙏🏽
@SanctifiedLady Ай бұрын
There’s many many scriptures that says 45:59 you can eat their food offered to idols if it doesn’t cause a baby Christian to sin, we are not under those laws that tell us what we should or shouldn’t eat or drink…ones who follow these laws are weak in their faith… please look that up You separate by not learning their doctrine and forming an allegiance. God is jealous he doesn’t want us touching their doctrines and beliefs. All we need to know is that Christians are the only religion that believes in the trinity. Many of the others don’t believe in God but their own gods Allah, Buddha, Jehovah but don’t believe Jesus is his son at all. God has already done the work, he doesn’t need our help as marketing strategies, he’s already chosen his ppl before time, theirs nothing we can do to “save” anyone else. That’s what Jesus is doing for the chosen. I felt like I had to serve these ppl that’s aren’t believers by showing my spiritual fruit but no… We can love them but no we don’t go to anyone and suffer with them when God set us apart… No, we are not baby saviors. You remain neutral and stay away, you can invite them to church but NO WE DONT TURN GODS LIGHTS ON FOR PEOPLE. If there were ever chosen by God, Jesus is the Lord of the earth… we are not baby Jesus when the word say be set apart, come from among them, be separate… to go suffer with them is disobedience and a slap in the face of God for us to suffer in “darkness” when he gave us light and grace and freedom not to. John 18, John 6, Jer 31:33, isa 11, 2 cor 4:7, 1 John 2, James, 1 cor 7:13-14, John 17, Heb 3, Deut 22:10, Jer 2:4-12, Exo 23:31-32, Ezk 36, Act 3, mat 19, Deut 7, isa 30:31, 1 John 3:4, Jer 24:6-7 2 cor 7:17 don’t touch their filthy things AND I WILL WELCOME YOU. Clearly don’t go suffer and think you can roll up your sleeve and save anyone. My Bible is NLT. Not sure why it’s not clear to you 😢
@SanctifiedLady Ай бұрын
Thank you! Hard lesson but it’s dodging a major bullet(s) Satan loves to use our lack of knowledge, spiritual ignorance to make us sin and pull us to his purpose of destruction.
@jasonskaggs1199 Ай бұрын
Faith in God and Stoicism are completely different when you try to compare the two (I might compare Christianity and Islam for example... Or Stoicism and Cynicism) and do not need to compete with one another. Like Science and religion... if you try to justify the one with the other you are missing the purpose of them. Stoicism ideals are similar to Christianity and adopting practices such as letting go of anxiety, focusing on what you can control, keeping or mortality in mind at all times and so on are ideals that can positively influence ones faith in God. As a Christian my source and strength comes through a personal relationship with the Creator (inasmuch as I can comprehend) but as a stoic it is taking certain wisdom(s) with putting into practice. They can add to each other. I do not have to reject one because I find value in the other... They can be married, quite easily...
@tomellis3218 Ай бұрын
Very enlightening and for welcomed commentary and explanation of a Bible verse I often feel people utilized to support limiting or not supply resources, items and or money to people who are not working .
@rickynotestine9963 Ай бұрын
Do we use the English translation of Jesus or do we use the name Yeshua. If that matters that’s another problem.
@godscreation724 Ай бұрын
"And this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us." 1 John 3:23 (ESV) 🙏❤
@walterlahaye2128 Ай бұрын
Behold the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. (ROMANS 11:22)
@ardiem5168 Ай бұрын
I have had Logos 10/Gold for a few weeks and I have been a little frustrated with it over-feeding me and being so busy it is hard to concentrate. Thanks to your guide on creating simple, text compare, etc layouts I can control how much is on the screen and only see more when I am ready. I either missed that tutorial or it wasn't covered. Also, and I know it is nitpicky but after years of using BibleGateway it annoyed me to search and it default to All, so I created one that starts on the Bible tab. Thanks, I know it is too early to worry about something new but I was getting slightly concerned that my new "timesaver" was going to annoy me too much to use it. I found myself in BG more the last few days than Logos.
@RadicallyChristian Ай бұрын
That's great to hear! Thanks so much for sharing that!
@besaltandlight184 Ай бұрын
If you greived away the holy spirit, can you get him back????
@joshuas1834 Ай бұрын
This episode and the previous one have been incredible conversations. I came to the restoration movement from an anabaptist background so non-violence has been an important issue for me. The quality of this conversation outdid even the anabaptists on this issue and I mean that as one of the highest compliments I can give.
@RadicallyChristian Ай бұрын
That makes my day to hear! Thank you so much!
@RiseAtlantis Ай бұрын
I believe there will be no work and money and drugs in Heaven. We won't have reproductive parts so those sins will be eliminated but people may still act out of line in other ways which makes me wonder how much will be tolerated. I see like the brain is too complex to control
@amanslife360 Ай бұрын
The host is wrong on most points. The old and new testements are full of military analogy specifically designed to appeal to men using language most men understand. Its also full of advice directly aimed at young men (proverbs). Also wisdom aimed at young men (Samson). The fact that church leaders dont 'specifically' want to teach men is the problem.
@derricksowers9074 2 ай бұрын
This is how the church is failing, the west is failing. You are allowing culture to be embraced in your church, you are enabling Evil. You created equality to the point boys compete against girls in sports. The church is dying because they have femininized masculinity. Masculinity has compassion, that is different than feminine compassion. "The church is the Bride"; Femininized in definition. So we need a separate church for Men? (By the way i would agree!) You cant define the difference between masculine and feminine. So in conclusion the Church is the reason and fault for the fall of the west. 44:00 the resistance of self evil intuitions is predominantly Good? That is the definition of man? 52:25 Feminization's of male
@tylertyndell 2 ай бұрын
I feel like this conversation comes short of taking into consideration the connection of Esau who did seek repentance even with tears but was unable to attain it. Did he not desire to repent? Yes, it says he sought it with tears, so it cannot just be that a person “desires” the ability to repent. Because Esau did but was not granted
@athomeskincare8346 Ай бұрын
But why did he cry? I don’t know the intent of his heart.
@finalfootball2147 2 ай бұрын
Black people are the true jews. And the bible is their boock.
@zacariasfloreswong3696 2 ай бұрын
Buen video hermano y si debemos de ser agradecidos con Dios por todo lo que nos a dado y ptincipammente la salvacion segura por Su hijo Jesus
@DenasiaBrown-yy1qu 2 ай бұрын
Im not sure, there's so many different interpretationz of this. On that I agree with is that whatever we allow is allowed in heaven and whatever we forbid it's forbidden in heaven. Like works of the flesh if we agree with it God is going to honor that and let you go there of course he'll try to get you off that path but if you still go your handed over. And if you don't allow it God will honor that and give you revelation you'll grow closer to him and he'll get closer to you tell me what you think about this❤❤❤🎉
@samuelquinones6964 2 ай бұрын
Same with Jacob older son and the blessing went to Joseph 2 sons
@michaelwelch9463 2 ай бұрын
The CENI hermeneutic (Command, Example, Necessary Inference) fails in that it puts example and inference as equal in importance to direct command. Growing up in the CoC, I would constantly hear Acts 20:7 applied as a proof text that Christians are required to meet on the first day of the week. This example is applied as if it were a command, and yet the latter half of the verse, "and Paul preached unto midnight," is not applied as a "blueprint example" of how we are to structure our corporate worship. It's strange to me to try to apply a verse as prescriptive that is clearly descriptive and yet ignore words within the very same verse. In the video they discuss "guardrails"-- direct command is and always had been the explicit guardrail. Uzzah didn't die because he had good intentions but didn't necessarily infer the Will of God, he was struck dead because God directly said that was what was going to happen (Numbers 4:15). God is not a God of confusion. Example and inference are great for informing one's own choices when we are faced with situations of a moral nature that we don't have a book, chapter, and verse for, but to apply them as hard fast rules for all people at all times is by definition adding to and taking away from the Word of God. Adding a "Thou shalt" where there is none-- whether it be making Sunday morning some kind of "new Sabbath" that must be strictly observed, or using the silence of scripture as restrictive-- we are speaking where God has not spoken.
@ElSmith-p2t Ай бұрын
Tell us then for example when should God's children partake of the Lord's Supper ?
@pseudonymman9382 2 ай бұрын
Love stoicism
@johnwheeler3071 2 ай бұрын
"delivering such a one unto Satan" can sound like the Church have authority to hand him over to Satan but maybe it only means in their hearts. By kicking him out of the Church because he hasn't repented "may" make him repent but it is also good for them as "a little leaven leaves the whole lump". They can judge whether he is welcome in their Church but it is not for them to judge his salvation, God will decide that.
@xXEGPXx 2 ай бұрын
If you think people deserved to be tortured you hate them, if you hate them because of who they are you are a bigot, Christians are bigots
@Kirtfamily7 2 ай бұрын
So good!
@TwiztedHumor 2 ай бұрын
These arent the reasons the bible gives against sexual licentiousness, you guys need to stop lying. The bible says it is because of spiritual purity, that's it. These other excuses are rationalizations that you intend to be effective to a modern audience, but they are worthless. You would say the same thing even if none of these cultural criticisms were possible, and you know it. This is cult thinking.
@quennielagria8950 2 ай бұрын
I really love the discussion ❤
@DannyPhillips-kh7kr 2 ай бұрын
For the most part this is excellent. The creation is groaning for the sons of God to grow into full maturity and implement his original mandate in the earth.