@akaji3013 4 күн бұрын
Only the truth remains in the shadows
@moonpressure 4 күн бұрын
Let's see if we can fix that in the coming episodes :-)
@akaji3013 4 күн бұрын
The end of an adventure
@akaji3013 5 күн бұрын
Yeah It’s good to empathize with Henry
@moonpressure 4 күн бұрын
Truly one of the few characters who speak sense in this nonsensical world. I know he was a bad kid, even before the demon, but who can honestly blame him too much with the way the islands are. Henry is an engineered tragedy and that's getting him my sympathy at least.
@akaji3013 6 күн бұрын
Cool a new episode
@akaji3013 12 күн бұрын
I got a question. Why do you chose to play games blind, while you could gather info and avoid being disappointed ?
@moonpressure 10 күн бұрын
That's a good question, that I'll have to answer in two parts: 1) Playing blind in general gives you the chance to experience the game together with your audience for the first time. As a big fan of mysteries, guessing and theorizing about the plot are some of the things I consider "the most fun part" next to voice-acting, not just when playing video-games, but also when watching LPs myself. To give your thoughts or follow someone elses thoughts regarding the plot differentiates Let's Players from each other. It makes the experience unique. This would not be possible if I know stuff beforehand. I would basically need to fake every reaction or act unknowing for the sake of the viewers and that would taint the LP in my opinion. It creates a power impalance between the all-knowing LPer and the ignorant masses watching, that I just don't dig at all. 2) As for not knowing the plot beforehand, but reading extensive reviews on either gameplay or progression... It also taints the experience for me, I guess... I'd like to think, that my critique and disappointment (or praise) are also a legitimate part of the experience, both for me and for you. If I inform myself beforehand, then I would go into this with alot of bias or even the taint of social desirability. Hope this helps. Thanks for the question :-)
@akaji3013 10 күн бұрын
@@moonpressure Thats an interesting answer. So you do it to make better LP and enjoyed them more ? But how do you choose each game ? You can’t play everything that you find, you need minimal information. Do you choose based on trailers, steam page or recommandations? And do you play overwhelmingly liked games, because just knowing it’s trending can influence your opinion (the taint of social desirability) ?
@moonpressure 6 күн бұрын
​@@akaji3013 Yes, essentially both. It makes the LP better and I enjoy it more blind. As for choosing games: Most often it is a recommendation either from someone in person or from some KZbin videos. For example, I sometimes watch these "The best RPGs of 202X" or "The most unique Indies to come out 202X"-type videos. If I notice a game that has an interesting artstyle or a nice one-liner premise, then I turn off the volume so I don't get spoiled and watch some gameplay scenes very sparingly (skippin everything that looks like a cutscene). If I think it looks cool I add it to my list directly or sometimes look at some metacritic scores (only the scores, not the contents) to ensure it isn't complete garbage. There is also a really good games show called Game Two (not in English, sadly), where they often present sleeper hits as well. That's where I found out about "a Short Hike", I think. Lastly, I think both my viewer-count and the games I played make it pretty clear, that how new or well liked a game is to the public has little to no impact on me picking them for an LP. I have yet to play a AAA-game on this channel and don't consider in the slightest, which games would make my channel grow bigger. I could. I simply don't want to. I want to play what caught my fancy and not force myself to play stuff only for the audience. Both of us need to have fun, right? Hope that answers the question 🙂
@akaji3013 4 күн бұрын
@@moonpressure do you want some recommandations ? Where can I find Game two on line ? Which language is it ?
@moonpressure 4 күн бұрын
@@akaji3013 Game Two is on KZbin on a channel under the same name. Won't do you any good unless you speak German though. Which is a shame, since it's really good. It even won the Grimme-award multiple times, which is like the german Television-Oscars. As for recommendations. I'm always open to them though I don't make any guarrantees past carefully checking them out before coming to a descision. The upcoming LP will actually be a game suggested in the comments, and the LP after that is also already set. So it'll likely take some time until I get around to it, should I like what I see.
@akaji3013 12 күн бұрын
That’s some good voice acting
@moonpressure 10 күн бұрын
Thank you. I try to make them unique :-)
@akaji3013 13 күн бұрын
Cool episode
@moonpressure 12 күн бұрын
Thank you very much. It's nice to see that those who watch, are enjoying the episodes. (^-^)/
@TherinCreative 20 күн бұрын
I went back through the game to verify what Meditate does and does not reveal. Reveals (until you collect it): Blood Crystals, Starlight Skins (including phones you haven't unlocked), Relics (includes vending machines you haven't purchased from), Shinji, Remnants (side quest items), Music Towers, Whisky, Certain Key Items (Dog Treats, Crests - all colors, Vending Machine that holds Starlight Upgrade, Crane System Unlock Card, Valve Handles, Lady Love Dies's Gun), and one piece of evidence: The Grate/Lydia's Lap Top (this is the exception). Curiously, the collectables in the tunnel can be revealed outside of, but not inside their tunnel. Does NOT reveal: Bearchan, Footbaths, All other Evidence, Investigate Scenes, the Grappling Hook, Hatches, Electronic Switches, Tyre Tracks, Comm Tower, the Boat Gate, the Fridge, Drag Marks, and all other switches. Alternate Reality reveals: Any Nightmare Computer you have interacted with but haven't unlocked, the Crime Scene, Suspects, all Ghosts (and the demon fish) you have interacted with. Other tidbits: It takes exactly 10 drink purchases for Dead Nebula to reboot the vending machine. Hang Out is on a 1 minute cooldown that starts once you close the conversation. There are 49 extra blood crystal assuming you buy everything and including the trip to and from the Paradise Gates you must make to collect everything.
@moonpressure 17 күн бұрын
That's a really comprehensive list. Thank you for that. In the episode I recorded today, I finally entered the trial, so I probably won't find the boat gate (despite rounding the beach multiple times) or the grappling hook
@TherinCreative 17 күн бұрын
@@moonpressure Boat gate is just the device to move the boat into position, you definitely found that.
@moonpressure 12 күн бұрын
@@TherinCreative Thank you. I didn't think of that as a gate. More like a cargo bay with the crane being the main feature. But it did have a gate, now that you mention it.
@bobboberson6792 26 күн бұрын
These episode parts make watching the playlist on the tv app a huge pain.
@moonpressure 25 күн бұрын
I don't really know how the TV App works. Does it really matter though if they are two half hour episodes or one 1h episode split in two? The playlist should play them in order regardless, doesn't it? Anyways, early in my KZbin escapades I got feedback that 1h videos are too long to watch, and that I should split them up. Tell me if I can do something on my end to help you.
@TherinCreative Ай бұрын
Review from 33:01 to 33:02 and you'll see switches you overlooked.
@moonpressure Ай бұрын
Don't worry. I'll find them in an upcoming episode. Still, thanks for the advice. You seem to know this game like the back of your hand!
@TherinCreative Ай бұрын
Meditate does reveal key items and clues. The Council Building has some more secrets to uncover, and Meditate should help locate them, if desired (you've been within a couple meters of two of them and may have caught one of those in editing this video, the others are somewhere you haven't investigated yet). Hang out timer is something between 1 to 5 minutes - basically running between characters was enough to for it be available again from my experience.
@moonpressure Ай бұрын
I'll find some more stuff at the council building in an upcoming episode, and I'm already aware of missing something at KHX's hut, that I caught during editing (obvious in hindsight, but it was on screen for a split second, so I'm not suprised I missed it). But are you certain, that meditate shows clues/evidence? I had meditate active at the council building and it didn't show a piece of evidence via highlight, if I remeber correctly (I'll even point it out in the episode...) :-/ As you've probably noticed, I hate using meditate, since it takes forever to active and lasts only a few seconds. Plus I have to manually cut out each activation during editing since they completely destroy the pacing of the video otherwise. Truly an error in game-design in my opinion.
@moonpressure Ай бұрын
Still, thanks for the advice. Especially for the hang-out timer. I wonder how many events each character has?
@TherinCreative Ай бұрын
@@moonpressure You can hang out 5 times with each character.
@TherinCreative Ай бұрын
@@moonpressure I think it works on every clue that you can pick up, but not on those that are part of the environment (like the pink tire tracks). I know I found some clues via meditate when I played the game. And yeah, the time it takes and short duration makes meditate a little annoying, but it could be that the developers didn't want it to replace investigation on the player's part.
@moonpressure Ай бұрын
@@TherinCreative Okay that's good to know. I'm afraid I didn't keep count though ('°.°)
@pn2294 2 ай бұрын
Jude is the patron saint of lost causes.
@sopmgv411 2 ай бұрын
@sopmgv411 2 ай бұрын
@TherinCreative 2 ай бұрын
The longer you put off using foot baths the more you're going to kick yourself when you finally do.
@moonpressure 2 ай бұрын
Okay, thanks for the advice. They just seemed supremely pointless to me. The game doesn't comunicate their use at all.
@frikimaster_8v 2 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie I'm still confused about the story but the gameplay seems nice, I'll let the game cook xd
@moonpressure 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, this game really expects you to just roll with the punches thrown by the setting. Still, I think around episode 3 or 4 was when I started to get into the groove. Figuring out the rules of this world is probably an intended part of solving the mystery.
@frikimaster_8v 3 ай бұрын
3:25 Well in terraria Chtullu is sealed in the moon as moon lord and you are MOONpressure so maybe there's a connection there >:)
@moonpressure 3 ай бұрын
The title-screen made generating the thumbnail for this LP kinda easy. Just when you thinks Cthulhu is gone he returns in full force with his presence.
@frikimaster_8v 3 ай бұрын
Well the title said it xD This was a short hike indeed :b Relaxing gameplay too :b
@moonpressure 3 ай бұрын
While I can't say I would've minded the game being twice as long, the way it is is a nice little gaming snack for in-between.
@frikimaster_8v 3 ай бұрын
The real game hasn't even begun (i supose) and you already have like 6 power ups xD nice
@moonpressure 3 ай бұрын
I am nothing if not methodical. Sort of feels bad, that I cannot shake my tendencies even when I'm supposed to relax.
@frikimaster_8v 3 ай бұрын
Well a chill game, that's new :b A break from the madness of Yuppie psycho :b
@moonpressure 3 ай бұрын
So far I'm loving this game alot. It is as you say, I needed a break from the chills and get some chill XD. I normally like collect-athons but they usually don't lend themselves to Let's Playing, because of lacking dialogue or mystery.
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
As some of you may have noticed, I sound kinda weird in this episode. That's because it was recorded in the summer of 2022. I completely lost the subsequent episode 2-material due to audio-corruption and got discouraged. That's why the first episode sounds different. From episode 2 onwards we are back in the present time of 2024. I'll go a little more in depth on this at the beginning of next episode. Hope you'll still give this LP a shot. It is a nice change of pace from our usual action-packed fare. 🙂
@frikimaster_8v 3 ай бұрын
Time capsule gameplay >:)
@moonpressure 3 ай бұрын
@@frikimaster_8vironically my voice is way more chill in this old recording, which is fitting for this type of game.
@floydcase5710 4 ай бұрын
@eternallysami 4 ай бұрын
This looks like a good game. I like the art style.
@matthiasries8175 4 ай бұрын
I would prefer if the DLC ending was the normal ending and the original endings were the special endings. If you played the DLC before the original ending you would still have questions and you can't save Rei. The normal endings would be the "best" and "most complete" endings where you learned all there is to know and even saved Rei. I agree with frikimaster_8v. Saving everybody and having the coffee with Kate would be the final best ending.
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
I'm suprised you all seem to agree. I'm way more 50/50 about which is more positive. But yes, the regular ending being the special ending would flow better narratively.
@frikimaster_8v 4 ай бұрын
I personally prefer the first ending you got, cause it kinda was a happy ending, with Rei and Domori being alive (?) and Brian with Kate on the top of the building admiring the views and seemed hopeful (?) (I want to believe that Rei gave Brian at least a bit of money as a compensation for everything he went through xd) This was a fun ride :b Time to wait for the next one >:D
@frikimaster_8v 4 ай бұрын
I wonder if in the Chapman ending he ever finds out that it was Brian that made him the CEO
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
He can probably guess and knows it deep in his heart but will never admit it to himself because Brian is a peasant.
@matthiasries8175 4 ай бұрын
It's confirmed or at the least very heavily implied that Sintra is corrupted and in a loop with every new hunter. 34:44 you can use the cocktail with the picture "the devils blood" inside of sintra net. if you leave it's gone. A room will open. it's filled with hundreds of copies of Hexenhammer just lying around. I guess that's the reason for the snake in android assemble scene.
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
Okay yeah, that's alot of context for what could be going on. But Is it really a loop? As far as we know noone succeded before Brian. They all perished and a new hunter gets hired. Or maybe it's a nod to what happens in part two about how the loop is forcefully upheld, in case someone finishes the witch off. We will never know if Joao was a hunter at some point.
@frikimaster_8v 4 ай бұрын
Interesting :b if this is really in the same world of yuppie psycho, i wonder if it would be a sequel, a prequel or something happening in another place that has nothing to do with the Syntra corp stuff :b Chapman's origin story >:) ok no xD
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
My bet is on the latter. Probably the same world and rules, but disconected from the Sintracorp happenings. I wouldn't be suprised if Mr. Devil turns out to be the only referenced or reappearing character. As for Champman: Daniel and Tony have different names and different eye-colour. We also know that Champman's father was also named Anthony. With how pretentious their family is I wouldn't be suprised if every single boy is named Anthony, lol. It's a serious long shot but on some level it would be hillarious to have Champman's son (or something like that) be an absolute goody-two-shoes who cares for the poor and downtrodden.
@frikimaster_8v 4 ай бұрын
0:45 Let's get spoiled together >:) xdd
@matthiasries8175 4 ай бұрын
20:29 you can use a witch paper with the mirror in the bathroom on floor 5. you don't get an achievement or anything. just a visual.
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
Cool. I probably missed the easter egg already, since I recorderd the final episode yesterday.
@matthiasries8175 4 ай бұрын
about the furniture. you can actually see the shadows on the carpet where the furniture had been standing before. I agree there should be a bit more wiggle room.
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
Maybe I should've turned up the brightness :-). But this info makes it at least somewhat better although not by much since the game disincentivises heavy light-usage
@matthiasries8175 4 ай бұрын
you had the right idea about the candy. unfortunately it's not explained. I didn't know it either when I played the game. when she is running at you to stab you you can use the candy and she will leave. Like back then the dot matrix. when the dot matrix grabs you you can give it ink and it will through you away instead of well killing you.
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
Ah, okay. Thanks for clearing that up. I tried using the candy like that in the stroller-maze-segment, but I'm guessing it only works when she's walking around and spots you.
@matthiasries8175 4 ай бұрын
29:27 candy was a good idea, but not in this room. patience would have been the key. If the stroller shake every ~5 seconds. The little princess is inside.
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
There is nothing less conductive to patience than being chased by a small murder-gremlin with a ritual knife XD. Guess I was my own worst enemy there.
@matthiasries8175 4 ай бұрын
15:40 you can barely see a vision, on the top of the screen before you leave xD you were clearly in thoughts
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
I did see Domori, if that's what you meant. I was simply too scared to enter the room and possibly trigger a point of no return cutscene. I wanted to explore the Sintra residence more first. probably should've reacted more.
@matthiasries8175 4 ай бұрын
10:19 I googled what "ms cat" means. and it looks like as soon as you found all familiars illustrations the names of some characters change. for example. - Spader (9th floor guy): Mr. Bat - Hugo: Mr. Toad - Sosa: Ms. Cat
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the effort. I'm unsure what that would imply. Sosa is clearly opposed to the witch, yet she is listed as the stand in for one of her familiars?! Weird.
@matthiasries8175 4 ай бұрын
@@moonpressureI agree doesn't make a lot of sense.
@matthiasries8175 4 ай бұрын
you will finish the game with 20 witch papers left. that's my guess.
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
Maybe. I'm not there yet
@frikimaster_8v 4 ай бұрын
22:45 same ;-;
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
The unfairness is what gets me. If you design your save system both with limited savepoints as well as a consumable save-ressource to disincetivice saving, then you have to take extra care to avoid creating gameplay scenarios like this one.
@matthiasries8175 4 ай бұрын
You won't play the normal ending anymore, but now that the security department is closed for good, there is no "security breach" when you get the robot head from Mr Spader. So no wandering security daemons(?) on the staircases and the 3 floor.
@moonpressure 4 ай бұрын
Good to know. Continuity always shows the devs care
@CoffeinshockDe 5 ай бұрын
I heard on a different video, that the game doesn't like to get recorded and glitches out depending on the screen recorder. This would explain all the weired moving people. 18:18 this cubicle should move fast straight up and down. Maybe you can check if that's the case. The people on floor 2 initiation should run around. In your video it looks like they are spinning around.
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
That would make so much more sense. You'll see in the next video, just how bad the glitching can get. I'm recording with OBS.
@frikimaster_8v 5 ай бұрын
18:45 And this is when the game now extended for like 10 chapters more in a secret route or something xD Imagine that happens xD
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
Noooo! The irony! There's no way that would ever happen, right?..... RIGHT?
@frikimaster_8v 5 ай бұрын
I don't know if this is a happy ending but... At least Brian seemed happy (? xd Well let's just hope that after this ending there are at least less creepy shenanigans so the people that stayed in sintracorp can have it easier xd, either that or that there is a better ending to stick to that instead >:) At least Chapman did get a bit of character development i guess xD Also i hate youtube for not notifying me of these last videos >:c I was wondering about a next chapter and checking the channel i see the 3 parts already ;-;
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
You have an optimistic outlook. I guess only Kate will find out. Brian was let go from the company. No matter whether you leave or stay, all that awaits Brian should be a journey back to being in poverty-hell as a dreg of society. Truly uplifting stuff. I'm also banking heavily on Route B to clear up all the confusion, or maybe there could be a sequel somehwere down the road? I dunno, the game probably didn't sell well enough to warrant one :-(
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
As for Champman: Yeah, i kinda liked his arc from "some a**hole" to "our a**hole" as well :-) We never did figure out what was up with Malone though, did we? My theory is, that she was on the brink of becoming an HR-girl, with the seductiveness- and the cultish worship-motives around her.
@frikimaster_8v 5 ай бұрын
@@moonpressure well I want to believe that rei gave some money to Brian to thank him for his help, I mean... If it wasn't for him, she would still be in the computer and her Sister trapped in a Block of ice/cristal in her body... So... Maybe not a class ascension but at the very lesst some money so his family can be fine for some months even without the job (? xd At least I guess so cause nobody would be as calm as Brian was if they go through all that and then the reward is a "thank you, you can go home" xD even Brian would feel a bit mad there, after all, the game has showed that he really likes money xd
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
@@frikimaster_8v Rei: "Well, you didn't kill the witch. So.... no 20k bounty for you, Brian 😛 Now get out of my office!"
@sleepy_lurker 5 ай бұрын
I have so many question like why did Domori disappear after taking Rei’s body? And was AD lying? ‘Cuz in his story, the parents loved Domori before Rei’s disappearance but in the flashback they kept her locked inside. And is Rei even sane at this point? Is she even the real Rei? Or just an AI with made up memories that Soushi give her? And more, I want to know where Domori came from. And how she got put in that ice. And a lot more questions. All in all, lovely let’s play! Thank you!
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for sticking around and maybe continue doing so for the second route, if you have the time ;-). I'm pretty much asking myself those questions too. I hope we'll get some answers, but maybe this is the type of game that likes to keep things vague... Hence the name of this episode. Domori clearly has to do with Shintoist mythology, because of the associated iconography in her room, her being a kitsune of some sort and having a japanese name. The Yuppie Psycho world seems to run on different rules, as I've often observed. I mean, where can you just go to the black market and buy a floofy reality-bender off the rack?! As for the ice, I pretty much assume it's the serpent's doing. After completing the body-swap, he probably had to lock Rei's body (with Domori inside) up, both in order to be unshackled from his mistress and to escalate the situation with the Sintra parents. They burned the only person who could've tattled on him, had she overcome her mental breakdown. I'm unsure whether or not A.M. was lying intentionally, but I'm pretty confident what he said was false either way. All flashbacks show Domori being held prisoner in her room and being treated with disregard. I'm guessing she was treated not as a daughter but as a pet. Beloved initially, but after Rei was born things changed. Initially the Sintra's may have been happy, that their daughter had a loyal playmate, but after Rei grew up and got bored of the family pet, Domori switched from beloved to just something they had to maintain for their wealth. An obligation. At least that's my headcanon so far. I don't think Rei was inherently evil, as seen by her memoryless gynoid version. I think it was simply her upbringing that corrupted her whith a bit of corporate callousness. She clearly likes Domori, but sees her as a valued asset, not family or a friend.
@matthiasries8175 5 ай бұрын
26:33 every time you save someone (with the plastic knife) the list of names get shorter. you saved all but kate.
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, in hindsight it's pretty obvious, especially combined with your prior comment. I was feeling way too smart in figuring out each mummy's name when I didn't need them after all.
@matthiasries8175 5 ай бұрын
Getting the dagger was hard for me I tried 3 times. Hugo always caught me. Which by the way triggers 1 of the endings
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
Oh really? I don't know what it did accidentally right :-/ Does his walking-pattern change randomly?
@matthiasries8175 5 ай бұрын
@@moonpressure maybe he was running faster in a previous build and they changed it. He would catch up and I had to hide 2 time under a table and wait for him to leave again.
@matthiasries8175 5 ай бұрын
3:52 I didn't know the dagger works too. If you don't have the dagger you can use the "symbolic" dagger aka plastic knife, but then they ask "who am I" and you have to answer the correct name or you lose them forever. (at least if you don't reload)
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, I found that out later as well. Though I'm unsure how you're supposed to know that the plastic knife should be used... Maybe because the cocoons are wrapped up people?
@matthiasries8175 5 ай бұрын
​@@moonpressure I guess so. They hint at it by letting you "simulate" stabbing Kate at the birthday party. also in the dream sequence cut-scene the plastic knife transforms into the dagger. It's not clearly communicated. At the end I would have tried all usable items anyway.
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
@@matthiasries8175Pretty much, yeah...
@matthiasries8175 5 ай бұрын
2:32 the ghost of AM and the cut-scene are the payoff for lighting up all shrines. good work 🙂
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
Thanks. Kind of accidental but it's good that we saw it nontheless.
@frikimaster_8v 5 ай бұрын
5:02 idk why but here I imagined brian sweating with a nervous smile like "everything is fine, everything will be fine" just before resuming his chill attitude with everything that's going on xd
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
Normally the "swinging back and forth" would be done in the fetal position on the ground. Brian is truly blessed to have implements to enhance the experience.
@frikimaster_8v 5 ай бұрын
12:07 BRIAN . _.
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
Take a lesson from this kids: "Don't drink and drive....... -out unspeakable evils beyond human comprehension"
@frikimaster_8v 5 ай бұрын
10:28 OH SH- 💀
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
Brian: "Why do I hear boss music?" (ó﹏ò。)
@frikimaster_8v 5 ай бұрын
9:20 Brian was just a few words apart from telling him he is the hunter . _. Nice voice acting for the drunk Brian btw
@moonpressure 5 ай бұрын
Thanks. I had some recent experience with drunk voice acting via my theater group, so I'm a little more in the groove than I would usually be.