Srry im new here, are they both deaf? Couldnt his wife or gf just told the drive thru what they wanted?
@That_sovereignguy6 сағат бұрын
not a hate comment, but why does me make those clocking sounds?
@trenawawrzyniak43976 сағат бұрын
I'm 57. My uncle was completely deaf. My Momma's much older brother. He was a Tailor. My mom sent me to my Uncle's house by my bicycle. With my school uniforms to be hemmed. 5 uniforms. With a note from my mom. It was the start of 3rd grade. My mom told my uncle to start teaching me how to sew my own uniforms. I told my uncle I didn't want to learn how to sew I wanted to learn ASL and I wanted him to teach me. He read lips so well it was scary. I knew the alphabet and how to sign Happy Birthday. And a few other signs. My uncle gave me books ,and made me come 2x's a week after school. My uncle did say I signed better than what I read signs.😊
@S.F.H.24038 сағат бұрын
As a deaf person who was fortunate enough for hearing aids at the age of 3, it breaks my heart seeing deaf people not taken seriously.
@krys___10 сағат бұрын
How hard is it to just get a pen and paper to take his order? So rude and lazy of them to do this to the man.
@Stretch193110 сағат бұрын
Wow. Who cares if you're faking it. Just please assist me, and I'll be on my way.
@xPRxJeff12 сағат бұрын
In the age of pranks and content, managers and client facing workers are always on high alert and think everything is a prank. Still wrong what they did.. sorry they did that.
@jawny40712 сағат бұрын
9:25 I love how even through all of this, he tries to stay positive! And her support is like no other!
@candacecotton741014 сағат бұрын
Such a cute couple 😊
@lolarae847619 сағат бұрын
im gonna explode with joy they are so cute
@lolarae847619 сағат бұрын
they should honestly start teaching basic sign in school like mandatory
@ThatEggWoman23 сағат бұрын
I agree with what you guys said about how people should know at least a little bit of sign language. I think it should be taught in schools. I took a course in Auslan a long time ago and as embarrassing as it is for me to admit this, I honestly was so lost and I fell behind really badly. I think the course was too advanced for me. I did my best but ultimately ended up having to drop out because I was failing. I learned some basic signs but the most important thing I’ve ever taken from it was etiquette and respect. I have done several customer service jobs since and I don’t normally sign because I was really bad at it when I tried to learn and I lost my confidence, but this one interaction I had proved that even though I didn’t know much, it was still worth doing the course. I had a Deaf customer and her son had been interpreting for us throughout the entire interaction. Right at the end I managed to build up the courage to sign “thank you, have a nice day”. My customers face lit up and she started signing to me while her son stayed silent. I signed back “Sorry, I only know a little bit of Auslan” and her son responded “We can tell, but she was just saying that you’re the only customer service person who has ever looked at her while talking to her instead of ignoring her and talking to me. She really appreciated that and the fact that you went to the effort to learn some basics” It just goes to show that you really don’t have to know much sign language at all. Just knowing basic etiquette and basic human decency is really quite enough. It’s not that hard. This video made me cry.
@frankling.castillo99623 сағат бұрын
Coming back to rewatch this I did not enjoy the video at all 🥺 I enjoyed watching you guys though but what they did made me mad. I work at fast food and I’m a manager myself. I’ve had many deaf costumers and I always make sure to help as much as I can. I hope that manager gets educated and never does that again with other deaf people. I’m so happy to rewatch your videos though and I hope you guys are having an amazing day. Miss you guys
@EmmetOfficialAUTTP23 сағат бұрын
This man: thinks he’s deaf. If my mother saw it: My mother: STOP DOING HAND MOTIONS, A-HOLE!
@Cheesy-choco-mashКүн бұрын
No disrespect but I think some people don't think a deaf person can drive, I didn't realise it myself, so that's one reason, another is .more likely that you're young and doing some stupid prank . However no matter what they think, you are a customer and you deserve service like everyone else, you have the right to be served at a drive through and be respected, also given food that's cooked properly and within the correct time.
@6TwistedКүн бұрын
True love does still exist 😭
@ryanblunts9181Күн бұрын
One of my buddy has a hidden disability he will get pale then faint out of nowhere it’s a hit and miss when it happens but he talk fine he parked in a disability parking because he was feeling a spell come on (what he calls his faint) before we enter the store some lady and guy was disrespectful towards him saying he’s faking it why we taking disabled parking for we are young blah blah blah well in the store sure enough he passes out the store calls ems the run his vitals n crap same couple passes by with a stank look on their face still always confuses me ln why people need to fill entitle to know everyone diagnosis for
@OllieLovesBirbsКүн бұрын
You should have access to a drive through like every one else, and get the same treatment some people will say just go inside to make it easier on the workers but what about making it easier for you? Some people just don't understand that you're a normal person you just can't hear, you shouldn't have to go out of your way and take time out of your day cuz workers didn't prepare for this part of their job x.x
@jilljones9804Күн бұрын
Man, what a tough situation for your viewer. I hope that her family will make an effort to communicate in sign language. I don’t want her to feel isolated. I hope she can connect with a local deaf community. I need to start to learn sign language for my child, so I just started using a few signs here and there and I haven’t made a focused effort but I realized that I’m actually already learning some words as I was showing another child some signs and it made me feel like I can learn this. I’ve struggled with learning foreign languages but I have a strong desire to. Being immersed helps bit without the opportunity I just watch media in target language. I’ve been enjoying your channel and when I come across others I find myself recognizing more words. I used to watch Switched at birth, the show is pretty dumb but I liked being exposed to sign language. The more we start speaking another language or signing in this case, the more we catch on and others get to as well. Thanks for sharing your tips, as I learn signs I can talk less to encourage those around me to learn the signs also.
@Annagator-ze8ooКүн бұрын
Hi guys! I’m just commenting here because the last drive thru video is from a few years ago. I’m pretty new to your channel so I’m not sure if you’ve done this place already, but if you live in America then I’d love to see you guys do Chick-fil-a! It’s one of my favorite if not my favorite fast food place so I’m curious to know how they will help you guys out!
@brozerjamesfrКүн бұрын
Those with no subtitles: 🤷♂️?
@koryhawkins1499Күн бұрын
I know why they want him to go inside it is Becky they can't read well!
@bullymaquire8797Күн бұрын
I mean of course the employees are in the wrong here and should have done more, but you can also imagine the shit they have to put up with in all the pranksters in recent years and whatever else on minimum wage. You gotta be strong enough to realise that and not take it personally in the moment.
@katkay7Күн бұрын
That's ridiculous that he said you were probably faking it! There is no reason they couldn't have taken your order from what you typed on your phone. I'm your newest subscriber! I learned ASL back in 1979 It was so easy, but I don't get to use it a lot, so watching you two has brought me right back. Thanks for posting :)
@OnegaidolКүн бұрын
Alright, after seeing this, I’m definitely going to learn sign language.
@Anchovyroll2 күн бұрын
I just thought of something that would be cool to implement. Maybe it exists and idk because I wouldn’t need it but a button you could press in a drive thru that tells the employee that you can’t communicate verbally so they can pull you through to the window without as much hassle. This might help when there are long lines.
@xanjab_editz77892 күн бұрын
You can see him talking but he literally can’t hear himself so he is not confident
@obbeegoobieattacks2 күн бұрын
I don't know sign to well. I know like I love you and hello. Though my heart shattered into millions of pieces when some of those employees were being super disrespectful such as "he's probably faking it." Are you fr rn? 🤦♂ Plus you can tell that he is actually deaf, he is muttering words as he is doing sign (most deafs cannot speak proper english unless they were born with hearing). Nowadays it's hard to find someone who knows sign language. The only people who really know are deaf, mute or the loved ones of the deaf and mute. Sorry you guys have to face this. This is not hate to the employees but I'm extremely disappointed.
@jessicamacaulay74622 күн бұрын
I don't understand why they had to have someone come out to take his order. Parking and waiting at the line for 10-15 minutes is normal, at least in my area. I see it all the time. But they should be telling you to do that once your order is taken. Could they not read? That's literally all they had to do
@K.L.-2 күн бұрын
I couldn’t have sat there and watched that happen. I’m way too emotional. I would’ve stormed in there and asked wtf what going on and why they were treating someone that way. Absolutely disgusting. Shame on that place.
@crystall5332 күн бұрын
You should definitely inform the corporate office each time this happens to you. Maybe then, they’ll make some changes. This is so unacceptable. It makes no sense to me why they couldn’t punch in your order at the window. You shouldn’t feel bad for ordering a burger.
@thewinterfury75322 күн бұрын
Oh cool. I didn't realize the caption feature picks up ASL.
@reensabeans2 күн бұрын
Don't leave!
@rdkiithetrainguy2 күн бұрын
Soooooo, I’m actually complete hearing myself, but since I was three, I’ve been signing for pretty much my whole life afterwards. I’m even friends with a group of people at my church who are deaf, and they even gave me my sign name the more I talked with them. In fact, one of my friends from the deaf group at my church is currently engaged to the oldest daughter of one of my mom’s friends.
@abbygarcia91022 күн бұрын
You both seem so kind, I got to learn more ASL, I know a little due to a tv show I used to watch, much love to you both and God bless 💛🙏🏻✨
@Otsorah2 күн бұрын
Even if the person was a mute person just help out a fellow human being.
@charleanelake27362 күн бұрын
5:19 ❤❤ dog❤❤
@Rehab_2032 күн бұрын
0:07 what did he say?
@6Twisted2 күн бұрын
Has anyone invented glasses that show real life subtitles yet? Not only do you have to deal with being treated differently for your disability but you can't hear what they're saying about you.
@Doughnutlordz12372 күн бұрын
My thing is why can't she just translate for them?
@nikibronson1332 күн бұрын
Empathy and kindness will go a long way for humanity it’s kind of what got us to this point
@tsungwahlee43462 күн бұрын
As a profoundly deaf person myself I know and feel you it i can't sign but thankfully Google has live transcribe to help. How you held in the anger, I don't know, but then there days that you meet people and they can see and try to communicate with you which puts a smile on your face. I agree it hard and no on understands what you go though unless they really care. You have a good friend there❤
@Abraham-Lincoln-honest2 күн бұрын
I feel you man I don't even eat out because of this
@HouseLaptop-mv5gh3 күн бұрын
no wayy, the first time i watched a sponsor 😂
@SpriteTheFemboy3 күн бұрын
Sue or shut up.
@lethalparasocial95623 күн бұрын
Says the one bitching in the comments?? Gtfo snowflake💫
@interetycreativity39403 күн бұрын
I’ve always said everyone should learn asl because it’s the one language we can all know as world even if we don’t speak the same language.
@dragon.mirth38453 күн бұрын
Wait, if your deaf, when you think do you think in hand signs?
@dragon.mirth38453 күн бұрын
Sorry I meant sign language 😂
@dragon.mirth38453 күн бұрын
If your deaf, how can you get people to teach you sign language if you can't hear them to know what your hand signs mean?
@ooshiikurai3 күн бұрын
So I actually know some sign and that always startles people. Both my coworkers and the Deaf customers. I’m not fluent by any means but I can definitely take an order in ASL or give directions or even just say, hi how are you. Sorry for the rude hearing person. Can I help you? I’m hard of hearing myself so I really feel for the Deaf community. This sort of thing should never happen.
@paper_stars_4_mental_health_yt3 күн бұрын
I swear if the drive through people say “he doesn’t look deaf” ima keel over dead