@Religious_Atheist-eu4ci 8 күн бұрын
Congrats sis! Good to see more of our people (Latinos) on the side of truth and reason
@haddow777 21 күн бұрын
There is a difference between what many believe the bible teaches and what it actually teaches. For instance, many christian religions will teach that God made this world. Some will claim that sin and suffering were even part of his plan. Yet, the bible actually states that Satan, an angel that rebelled against God, rules this world. Jesus even acknowleged this. When Satan tempted him for the third time, he offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the Earth if he just did a single act of worship to him. Jesus never disputed that the nations were Satan's to do with as he pleased. He argued how worship belonged to God alone. Why though, would God, it he is so much more powerful than an angel, allow the devil to rule the world? Back in Genesis, most people think the story of Adam and Eve is about humans. It isn't. The human aspect is just a minor component of what heppened there. What it really is about is a war that broke out in heaven. When the serpent deceived Eve, he called God a liar and a tyrant. The bible claims this serpent was a rebellious angel refered to later as Satan, which is a translation of the phrase, the Accuser. It isn't really the angel's name it is never actually given in the bible. The bible also claims, referring to this event, that the Devil is the father of the lie. That is a fancy way of saying originator, first. As such, this was the first time any intelligent creation of God called God's honesty or leadership abilities into question. So, why did God not just kill the Devil? Because while God claimed to never lie and to be the best ruler, he had no proof to back himself up with. We've all heard our parent give the old, because I said so line before. While it would be okay at shutting a kid up, did it ever convince a kid their parent was right? So, if God killed the Devil, the questions he raised would have still been in the minds of every other intelligent being. In fact, the mere fact that the questions were left unproven while the Devil was killed would have caused even more doubt to settle in. Wait, but isn't God omniscient? Didn't he know from the beginning the end? Didn't he know before making the angel that later became the Devil that he would rebel, thus creating the rebelion himself? The idea God is omniscient is a modern teaching. Omniscience means you just know everything, flat out. While the bible says God is all knowing and knows the future, it also says he is ignorant of things. Isn't this a contradiction? No. Many who look for problems to expose about God tend to oversimplify him. Clearly, in the account of Adam and Eve, God is shown as being ignorant as to their actions and even their position. After theh ate the fruit, he cannot find them. He wanders around looking for them, calling to them. Even after finding them, he asks them why they are hiding. After finding out they know they are naked, his first question is about who told them. He didn't even guess first that they ate the fruit. They had to tell him specifically. What's more, this account also shows that he was in ignorance of the Devil's actions as well. How can God be all knowing and ignorant? Choice. Omniscience is knowing all without choice. God is all knowing, in that he can independantly know anything. Still, he has a choice in what he knows and what he chooses to stay ignorant of. It's like a computer. It can have all sorts of data on the hard drive, but a running program has no access to it unless it loads it into running memory. The bible males the case that God chooses to stay ignorant of his childrens lives, so they can tell him about themselves in their own way. It gives them privacy, to be autonomous from him. He created intelligent creatures to be in his image, and a key feature of God is autonomy. To break that would be to strip them of being in his image. Add to that, the point that God didn't creare the Devil. The bible claims that God created one being, the one that ended up being Jesus. He then had that being create everything else. So, when the bible claims God built the universe and the Earth, along with life on Earth, it isn't saying he directly built them, but commumisioned they be built. In any event. The Devil called God's goodness into question and God took the accusations seriously. As I mentioned, this started a war in heaven. Not a war of violence like we are used to. One of logic and discussion, much like a court proceeding. The book of Job is a glimpse of one such proceeding, where the Devil accued God of both bribing and sheltering humans in exchange for faithulness. As the only humans alive at the time sided with the Devil, they made him their ruler. When God made them, they were his children, but they rejected him and followed Satan, adopting him as tbeir father. This follows in line with how Jesus spoke to the Pharisees. They were leaders in the nation of Israel, but their warping of God's Laws, making them a burden on his people, pushing them away from God, was really a rejection of God. They too put their own self inportance over the assignment from God to shepard his people, thus Jesus said their father was the Devil. As such, part of God's plan to prove thr devil a liar was to allow him to try and prove his case. A fair portion of the angels were swayed. Over time, some agreement must have been made about the way the proceedings would go, where God and the Devil would prove their cases to all creation. Part of this can be seen in Deuteronomy like in chapter 32, where God speaks of the world of men being devided up and assigned and how during this process Israel became his. This shows that much the Hebrew scriptures where God had a precense on Earth through the nation of Israel was part of the trial going on in heaven. The gods of other nations were rebellious angels who were taking part in trying to prove they could be better rulers than God. One aspect of God's working with Israel was for the trial. Another aspect was to set the foundation for his kingdom, the method of his plan to finally prove the devil a liar. Another aspect was the lineage of the Messiah. For reasons I won't go into here, a perfect man needed to sacrifice his life to balance the scales Adam set askew. Short version, the wages sin pays is death. Adam sinned and created a debt of a perfect human life with death. When Jesus died sinless, it created a valie death obtained that it didn't have the right to hold. Jesus, instead of taking it back, used it's value to nullify the debt Adam created. In effect, Jesus bought Adam's offspring out from slaver to death. It's a lot more complicated, but this is long as it is. So, suffering exists in this world because God is tied up in a trial for thousands of years. Why does it need to go on so long? The angels, according to the bible, are very old compared to us. A few thousand years is very short to them. From God's perspective, he never wants this to bappen again. He has the perapective of forever stretching out beyond this one case. As such, while this trial is going on, he wants every possible variation of the Devil's claim explored and proven wrong. When judgement day happens and he finally proves beyond a shadow of any doubt that the Devil was wrong, he was such a significant legal standard to be set that no claim like this could ever be made again. Any being beyond that point who calls God's authority or ability into question will quickly be judged by the standard set and no suffering will be allowed again. Fine, but what about all the people now and through history. While we have to suffer through this trial, God has made promises. He told Abraham that his seed would one day help the whole world. One aspect most people fail to understand the most is that the bible isn't here to save this world or the people in this world. This is Satan's world, so if God helped now, it would literally be helping the Devil make his case. When people suffer, it just adds evidence Satan is a failure as a leader. God has a plan. He is going to wipe away all the governments of this world and institute his kingdom to rule over the whole world. Part of Jesus ministry was miracles like curing people and feeding them. These were promises of what the kingdom would bring. In that new world of rulership, everyone will be made healthy and be fed so there will be no hunger. More than that. Jesus also raised the dead. Unlike what many teach about the bible, pretty much every human that ever died will be brought back to life to live under God's kingdom. Those people in other parts of the world that never learned about God aren't going to be tormented in hellfire, but will live again in a better world. Those people God had the nation of Israel kill as part of his making his case, they will live again free from violence. Everybody will have a chance to live in a world free from hunger, suffering, fear, and death. There, they will be given a real chance to learn about God and his ways. That is what the bible actually teaches, in a very brief manor.
@michaelallen1154 21 күн бұрын
Just don't feel like abandoning religion means that you have to jump headfirst into pop culture progressivism. The twain ain't same.
@mosog8829 Ай бұрын
1 John 2:19a “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us”
@ayoolukoga9829 Ай бұрын
Come unto me, all ye that Labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
@milanterzic859 Ай бұрын
So what is the atheist take on evil? Just bad luck that something bad happens? Maybe in 1 million years, humans will evolve to stop being evil?
@JDrocks4ever 3 ай бұрын
Reading through the comments of Christians here is ridiculous to me. They are making so many claims they can’t prove and/or are blatantly false. Going to your confirmation biased echo chambers to figure out the truth about history doesn’t make any sense. When you look into actual scholarship and archeological findings around the biblical narrative by accredited professionals, you can’t assert that most things in the Bible is historical; especially when compared to the historical findings of other civilizations like Egypt for example. There are virtually countless artifacts found that corroborate the legitimacy of ancient Egypt so much so that we can be detailed about their dynasties. There is almost nothing to confirm any biblical narrative from Israel. You’d think you’d at least find something to confirm the exodus, but you don't and you absolutely would if it were real.
@johnhavel7685 3 ай бұрын
He was still cool with slavery in the New Testament. For me something that really struck me is how god would have no problem with destroying me for simply not being born an Israelite in the Old Testament times but now somehow he’s like actually that’s not good let’s make all people worth living. Also the thing in the law about sacrificing the firstborn of every womb to god is whack of course he gives a way out for your children but he also says no one comes empty handed so if you’re unfortunate enough to not have an alternate sacrifice you’re kinda stuck sacrificing your kid. The you got all the awful stuff in judges like child sacrifice apparently being cool and genocide and all the awful stuff in the last couple chapters where a woman gets brutally raped to death then dismembered by her husband and sent to the other tribes who the proceed to kill all the benjaminites at gods command and leave only 600 men alive which they feel bad for so they go a kill an entire city except the virgin women to give to those guys as wives but there isn’t enough so they tell them to kidnap more women at a festival. Then there’s the thing in 2kings where Elisha calls gods wrath on a group of 42 young men for making fun of his baldness who apparently then get mauled by two bears. There’s also a bit in the law that says if a man rapes a virgin she has to become his wife. There is so much stuff that when you really look into it is so whack and we have all just been taught so long that it’s all justified because God says so. It’s just fucked up when you think about it.
@debunkingthefundamentalist 4 ай бұрын
If you start questioning it leads to that path of finding answers. The real problem is people can read now. And as I state on my own episodes to my subs---people research on their own instead of just taking a pastor's word for it now. I didn't want to deconvert. Believe me, I fought it. But the fact is if you start to research you will see that the claims don't add up. And no I didn't take the late Christopher Hitchens word for it. I researched apologists' claims. I looked at Lee Strobel's interviewees and his total lack of objectivity, not to mention he never bothered to actually fact check their claims. And what you find is nothing but speculation and poor speculation at that. Or you find an apologist taking one fact (IE the city of Ur existed in Abraham's time) so therefore Abraham existed. Total fallacies and apologists do it all the time. I always say in my episodes that I want to find evidence to reconvert. But the fact is the more I research, the more the deconstruction continues. Cheers, DCF
@conniegrant939 6 ай бұрын
All religions are man made. CHRIST TAUGHT LOVE ❤️ and you won’t find that. Christ said “you will know the TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE,” congratulations on your freedom!
@jameswarren180 7 ай бұрын
Can you tell me what is a Christian? Where does Christianity come from based on evidence?
@jameswarren180 7 ай бұрын
@jameswarren180 3 weeks ago I wrote this to you from another video. @jameswarren180 2 minutes ago Thank you first of all and I need to apologize to you also I was wrong and I am sorry for assuming. I thought you were wrong about not wanting to be a Christian and that you were confused. I think differently now and I support what you said and you are correct. If you ever see this I need you to teach me, thanks. Christians are not from God Yeshua Christianity and the word Christians are man-made. Please do research and prove me wrong, you need to find who coined the phrase Christian there in lies the enemy. I can just tell you this and prove me wrong again if you're able. Let me give you scripture: Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Moses said it first okay but the Bible taught me that the word Christian did not come from Ueshua God or out of his mouth. That is there first problem with that word. Yeshua God has ruled so that Christians can fool or control you. If you learn anything about your Father is that he exposes all evil no matter where he finds it. I must say you are a son just like me which makes us brothers. “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” is a phrase from 2 Corinthians 13:1 in the King James This is another rule that the word Christian does not pass according to Scripture so if fail another test from Yeshua God. The last test and Yeshua God always has more but these three are enough to prove that Christianity does not belong in the Bible because the Bible itself says so. King James Bible Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. World English Bible Give diligence to present yourself as approved by God, a workman who doesn't need to be ashamed, properly handling the Word of Truth. You can do your own research, but find the best religious leader independent of you let them prove me wrong please sir, and thank you very much. Brother If you were a real-life human then there would not be a God Yeshua. Since you are real he has more answers than you have questions, please prove me wrong and let the best preacher pastor minister you can find prove me wrong so that I can have two or three witnesses to call me on the carpet.
@olengivens 7 ай бұрын
Hebrews 6:4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 6:5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, 6:6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. According to the Bible you were never born again. The Bible is the source for the understanding of Christian faith. I can see you are really serious about these important things. Don't give up. Jesus is King, peace.
@AlA-ok5jh 11 ай бұрын
Jesus is the tree and true believers the branches. Jesus is the way truth and life. Same yesterday today and forever. Pray to Jesus from heart and you will have an encounter with the Holy Spirit. Draw close to God and He will draw close to you. Devil and demons sin power and hell are real. Satan is father of lies and deceiver. Jesus loves you all.
@barrylyndongurley 11 ай бұрын
Most questions become explainable when you no longer anthropomorphize God. Church is a place where we draw false comfort from a false consensus. Sant Kirpal Singh once said " God is high, but truth is higher still."
@user-zs2ly5qu3f 11 ай бұрын
Biblical Christianity is either True or False. All Truth has 3 Immutable Properties. If Christianity is True it's true whether you believe it or not. I support the unbeliever to hold any position you want. It's your God given right to be wrong, but understand this God will honor you and give you exactly what you deserve. DEATH.
@Activation1111 Жыл бұрын
A spell has been casted over the humans of this planet for thousands of years. Conquerors would commit mass genocide, enslaved people, steal their land and natural resources. Then apply a weapon to mentally, physically and spiritually control the remaining survivors and their offspring for generations. That weapon is religion. Fortunately the evil spell is slowly but surely disintegrated. Congratulations for applying empathy, love, reason, logic and critical thinking to break that spell. Welcome to your freedom☀️
@Joe-bx4wn Жыл бұрын
Higher consciousness has led to deconversions
@brisadelcastillo2840 Жыл бұрын
See God's perpetual memorial to the crucifixion, Look up "THE CRUCIFIX FISH - WHAT THE CRUCIFIX FISH REVEALS" Go to the domain "The Crucifix Fish Testifies"
@ROEnotEOR Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. Sending love from a gay pastor's kid who was taught and raised to hate himself his whole life for being himself. Hope we all find the peace we need to rest from all the damage religion has caused on us throughout a big period of our lives. ❤️🏳️‍🌈
@vblake530530 Жыл бұрын
Oh, I heard of it. I got the T-Shirt 😢
@theologytherapist Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story!
@MichaelAllen-po4eo Жыл бұрын
Maria, have you ever considered the Gnostic worldview?
@mariamarziana Жыл бұрын
Googling it now. 👍🏽 check out my latest video if you’d like to see kind of what direction I’m leaning towards now
@macavelli8905 Жыл бұрын
Courage it takes courage to own your own thoughts. The journey is singular and that has been lost in the group mentality that only knows to follow the middle man message,that claims to be sent to you rather than speaking directly to the person.
@mariamarziana Жыл бұрын
You’re so right. It does take courage and lots of self-love to explore beyond what we already know. ✨ thanks for saying it!
@jmdsservantofgod8405 Жыл бұрын
@tonygoodkind7858 Жыл бұрын
Why post that? The main reason non-believers don't believe is the lack of evidence of god(s), and your vid isn't evidence of a god. The more that theists _don't_ present evidence, the more ridiculous it makes their position seem.
@jmdsservantofgod8405 Жыл бұрын
@LittleUST Жыл бұрын
Hope this help u. Please, take your time to finish the video and listen very carefully the claims and its explanations kzbin.info/www/bejne/fWK7e2p6mrdonMU
@tonygoodkind7858 Жыл бұрын
What about truth, Jose? When people make big claims, do we need weak evidence or strong evidence? An internet comment is weak evidence: if I claim to be a god (a big claim), are you just going to believe me? If 4 others show up to say it, does _that_ indicate it's true? This isn't the sort of idea you take people at their word for. You should demand evidence, and the Bible isn't it. I did in fact watch your entire video, but he's just knocking down bad arguments. (And yeah, they're mostly bad arguments. He's right to knock them down as he does.) The problem is he's not providing the core reason why we should believe the Bible's claims, especially the supernatural ones. Even at face value, Jesus being said to do _human-fakeable_ things like faith-healing should be a huge red flag. After all this is said to be an all-knowing, all-powerful god, so the idea that they _chose_ to do only human-fakeable things (faith-healing, etc) is just ridiculous!
@mariamarziana Жыл бұрын
Check out my latest video then, and let me know
@DIBBY40 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou for sharing. I left evangelical christianity in the late 1980s. Really the term "deconstruction" is the normal process of questioning, researching, doubting and making our own minds up. This normal process is quite often circumvented by an emotional conversion experience. I would say most Christians start with a conversion and then , in order to make sense of the experience, are prone to indoctrination; someone tells you what it means. After a while the healthy, rational, questioning part can reassert itself. You are no longer satisfied with clichés, easy answers and convoluted explanations. Surely, any sane God wouldn't make everything this complicated as to have the eternal state of you soul dependent upon having it all worked out as doctrines; and having the "right" beliefs as regards the convoluted rabbit hole of biblical scholarship?!
@mariamarziana Жыл бұрын
Wow, that’s so interesting that you called deconversion normal 😅 I wish it was normal but I realize it’s not because as you said, usually after conversion comes dogmatism and that’s the end of it for many since it brings them a false sense of safety. Thanks for commenting though. Feel free to subscribe, I would love to keep knowing your thoughts as I keep sharing my journey.
@robertjimenez5984 2 жыл бұрын
Your first topic is evil. But you skipped suffering. When I was a believer in god the question of suffering was always in my head. Christians will say that it’s because we live in a fallen world. But what about children of Christians that are “ covered with the blood of Jesus and are gods chosen ones? Children of Christians are born with bone cancer, brain damage, organs defects, muscular distrofia, and many condition that causes suffering in a mayor scale. They have a supposedly relation with this Jesus, but this Jesus does nothing to prevent this atrocity. Doesn’t this Jesus said that if you ask with faith you will receive? But the pray, pray and pray and the solution to stop the suffering is death. This is what made me change my view about this god. As you say, this god is not good or he simply doesn’t care.
@mariamarziana Жыл бұрын
Right, there are many dissonances in the Bible, nonetheless I think is that version of god that’s not loving. On the other hand my view of god has changed. I don’t know where you’re at in your journey but if your intererested on digging more into these topics feel free to subscribe and check out my latest video. It’s a little long but in my opinion is a good way to go about life when we navigate life without a concrete idea of god.
@postmodern9208 2 жыл бұрын
I was an associate pastor of a full-gospel church for about ten years. I went to college to become a Christian Apologist - long story short ~ I am now an Anti-Theist. My family disinherited me, my Church family shunned me and my community bullied me. I moved to another part of the country and started over. I never could have foreseen the freedom and courage that comes from fully letting go of GOD. Compulsory love - is not love.
@mariamarziana Жыл бұрын
Wow. That’s such a big life change. Thanks for sharing and I wish you so much light and strength in this journey. Keep going!
@geretteisaac7428 2 жыл бұрын
Yep I learned in COMMUNICATION studies that language is evolutional.....this is your point 2 I think
@mariamarziana Жыл бұрын
Fuck yeah, and the more we evolve as a species the more experiences we’ll collect and we’ll find ourselves in need to expand and as you said evolve language
@Slavaisusukhrystu 2 жыл бұрын
My only stumbling block is your last question. Don’t most denominations agree on core principles? They affirm the apostles’ creed. No joke, I just looked the term up, and 5 differently affiliated church websites had it on their website! 😂 Each person tries to live out Christ is his own way. The Jesuits would ramble from place to place, without food or shelter, to live life like the Christ. The proponents of liberation theology focus on the fact that God’s way for us to worship is to help the widows and orphans. Evangelical and Vineyard congregation focus on His grace, simplicity and desire to reach every nation and race. The church is the body of Christ - an infinite being - on earth, right? Doesn’t it make sense that it has different parts and different perspectives?
@tabithaedwards745 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly Christian/ religious types always lash out when you don't mirror them. Just this week I have been called Satan, stupid, lacking the ability to have discernment of seeing evil happening now because I'm an atheist. It's a very narcissistic spin they put on everything.
@greglogan7706 2 жыл бұрын
The people who criticize you by asserting you didn't really have criticized you by asserting you didn't really have criticized you by asserting you didn't really have Christianity are people whose identities are feeling attacked and so they have simply not crucified their own egos but they have tied up their eagles into their man made religion.... Rather than crucify it
@greglogan7706 2 жыл бұрын
Maria As a Christian theist, I find the issues you are raising our superb!! I just listened to a response to your video and it was very poorly done or mediocre had the best. I trust you can see through the typical evengelical hooey that would be used to respond to the very serious issues that you raise about the way God is described in the standard canonical text.
@rolandwatts3218 2 жыл бұрын
Saw your interview on "Harmonic Atheist". A great talk. Well done. I loved it. All the best for your journey into the future.
@smfort1 2 жыл бұрын
When some of my friends discovered that I do not believe in a heaven or a hell, I was asked on why I live a highly ethical life. I do not need the reward of a heaven or the concept of a god continuously watching me. I became an atheist 20 years ago.
@Iskinder411 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Maria, First I can't really say I'm sorry you have deconstructed nor glad you have deconstructed Christianity. It's perfectly natural for non believer not to believe what he or she have never "believed" in the first place. When I write believed I mean the full gamut of belief: mental ascent, heart acceptance and complete and total trust in God through Jesus. Belief is not a power you summon yourself to believe. it is actually a miracle to believe because the natural inclination as humans is not to believe. That is the default mode of every human in history or in the future without exceptions. Atheism is not a hard position to take. The moment we were born , we are naturally train atheist. So when some says I became an atheist, I would say "so what, big deal". Join the 99.9% of humanity. But what is amazing is when someone encounters your questions 1 to 4 , and then some AND still believe and trust God through Jesus while being persecuted and ridiculed and hunted down, that is a something unusual. That is something you don't see every day. That is a miracle , you might say, Well frankly belief and trust is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. To believe one must overcome the sin barrier, the peer pressure, the self preservation instinct, and host of reasons why not. It is an impossible barrier to breach. No human has ever breach that barrier out of their own free and sheer will power. In order to believe, you have to ask God for that miracle. You must first admit honestly you are a sinner condemn and your way to destruction (hell to be exact). The only way to stop you on your tracks is Jesus our Lord. If you "can" accept that, then you must also repent ( I mean really really really really sorry) to God. Then pray to Jesus to have the gift of believing in Him. It doesn't matter how you grew up or what you've learned. If this miracle really happened, you'll know for sure. How? things like your previous dispositions will gradually change, your very nature will change, etc. Second I would like to give you a glimpse to time tested answers to those questions of yours. But my responses will be brief and just one. The answers are in the Bible 1. Why does he permit evil? Why does He permit rapist murders, criminals? Why does He permits Satan? I will extend your questions and your doubts even further. Why did He permit Jesus to be murdered, tortured, mocked, crucified and abandoned not just by non believers, but His own disciples and ultimately God the Father himself? Consider the flip side to your question. Why does He permit you to live and breathe? Or me. or anybody else, for that matter. You might say, how is that? If your assumptions are that men are basically "good" , that would be unbiblical. A mere thought of sin play out in your mind is considered a sin. A strong emotion of sin without being actualized is already a sin.See Matthew 5:28. You see it is impossible to NOT sin. For ALL have sinned and have come short of the glory of God. There is NONE righteous , not even one. Remember penalty for sin is death , the wages of sin is death. That means you and me and Charlie, Megan, and every one in this planet. The same reason why he allows the rapist to go unpunished NOW is the same reason why He allows us , you or me and every non rapist to go unpunished. Same standard all around. And also just because He doesn't punish now, doesn't me He will never. One of His attributes is Patience. Otherwise if God doesn't have patience, there will be no living soul in this planet. Any ways I hope that clarifies some misconception about God.
@RonLWilson 2 жыл бұрын
In regard to why God permits evil in the world how would you suggest God end all evil? 1. He could destroy the world. 2. Or destroy all who do evil in this world, but that seems to be all so that is just another way of saying 1. 3. He could change us all into robots that can't do evil. .. or he could do what he is doing now and give us all time o see the effects of evil, decide we wish to have no part in it, and to repent for any evil we have done, and strive to do better, asking God to help us do that. Which solution do you prefer?
@greglogan7706 2 жыл бұрын
Maria you certainly are on the right path... Is especially regarding The Bible and the various presentations of yawa in The Bible. I loved yourGod changing his morality and say as an example we shouldn't eat pork and then we can eat pork - that is silly. Is what actually changed you know why would that be a change at all. It seems there is a much better explanation than some of the silly evangelical explanations that is that is a very human explanation. As far as the nature of God maybe that is an area where either God will reveal himself to a person and interact with a particular person as he chooses or he won't or the supernatural realm or whatever. But he is allowed to be and do whatever he chooses rather than what we choose so in that regard remain atheist but I look to God too identify himself rather than to silly evangelical fantasies and idols... Which lead to many misconceptions. And I don't try and explain what I don't know no I certainly don't know where God came from - I hardly know where I came from. I am not even get into the evangelical fascism and ugly hate mongering and fear of mongering, deceit, slander, ignorance, irrationally that is so endemic in that community.
@DEADTHENALIVE 2 жыл бұрын
5:06 🙏
@a.r.2012 2 жыл бұрын
I believe that life is a big mistake so I break out the booze and have fun.
@mariamarziana Жыл бұрын
😂 I mean you do you boo. Lol check out my latest video in case it serves you.
@steviet3995 2 жыл бұрын
You can side in with God,or you can oppose God. Everyone has to make the choice. Most Christians that walk away from God,are those that question God. That is not wise. Does the sheep ,question the shepherd.
@simplygilgh 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for opening your heart and share your story with us. You made many powerful points that are deep and intriguing. Keep being genuine and a shining light in your journey through this planet Earth.
@daggerfighter 2 жыл бұрын
I sort of apologize in advance for trying to answer on the confusions and not being supportive in your deconstruction (not very popular here in the comments🙂). I just wanted to provide sincere answers to questions you raised which I believe can be answered. 1) Why God allows terrible things: I'd like to bring some perspective that may help out understand this question. - Hell really exists and at least very many people inherit it as eternal place of tornment for their evil deeds during the lifetime which havn't been cleansed by Christ's sacrifice (why exactly it happens and why hell exists - that's another separate topic) - God doesn't see infants as we do, He has a perspective of the whole life of a human (including his future free will, being an out of time Being) so where one sees "cute boy" God may see a terrible future murderer/rapist that will be destined to eternal unbearable tornment. And by letting him suffer during the childhood He may alter his fate and thus affect his future will. Also God cares not only for those who will inherit eternal glory but also for those who will be eternally damned. And for those, suffering/trauma during the childhood will be an excuse to not be judged as hard as they could be. That's not me justifying the evil, just an example why something seen as uncompromised evil may be a mercy from eternal perspective. That's His providence and judjement which is called "an abyss" by saints because we can not get into this realm, not knowing the future and essense of other people's soul (which is so deep, only God can comprehend it). 2) Why God couldn't just avoid creating the angel which will become satan: - God created angels and people as beings with free will which is a necessary attribute because othervise we'd be just robots, far from the image of God. So if He created only those which would chose the bright side, would mean that their free will is fake because they were created only because God knew they would chose good i.e. they can't do evil because otherwise they wouldn't be created. So it's a necessary price coming with creatures being truly free from eternal perspective. 3) "Why Bible if fallible" - Bible is not fallible but it has minor differences, for example in different Gospels which in fact confirms the fact that this is a historical document (for example in criminology, 100% overlap of evidence of different people is usually a sign of fake evidence, because real one always vary/has mistakes due to human factor). Also, Bible is not a diety to be infallible, it's a library of books officially accepted by the Church's council in 3rd century, as written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit (so called biblical cannon). So, technically, it's just a Church's internal document completing the teaching of the Church (but not being its source as Church existed first centuries well without it). 4) Why there'r different denominations - because these'r human made denominations, not the true Church of Christ which exists to this day unchanged in teaching from the times of Christ, having a direct succession from apostles (which is The Orthodox Church) and even modern saints living and having real gifts of the Holy Spirit as in the apostolic times. And of which you probably may never have heard in the USA, being raised and taught by protestant communities. Sorry if that sounds bold or as an advertisement 🙂 you can always check out by yourself if you will.
@mariamarziana Жыл бұрын
Hey! Thanks for sharing and taking the time to comment. I’ve taken a different direction but I think it’s a very godly driven one. Feel free to check out my latest video and let me know what you think. I think we can all believe different versions of god and yet converge in some of the ideas. Have a great 2023 🎉
@daggerfighter Жыл бұрын
​@@mariamarziana I will be frank and I want to apologize for harsh words if it sounds like that but I want to be sincere: I think your new video is more about yourself and your feelings (i.e. feeling confident) than seeking truth and God. It's understandable and may be just a legit stage of development, just it's not about God now, but more of a psychology and self-motivation. Feeling good in a sense of comfort is not the same as being close to God and serving Him, though only the latest may bring true satisfaction and happiness in the end. It's good to note than"Feeling good" techniques is often a substitution provided by the evil one to mask void in soul that it has without the Grace of God so a person is comforted while he's slowly falling onto the sinful path. So to me the old "deconstructing" version of you from this video, struggling with questions&faith is much more sympathetic than the new one. I really hope that doesn't sound too bad 😁
@Carrosh87 2 жыл бұрын
First of all I'd like to give you so much love for doing this video, because you are really brave coming forward and speaking about this even if you are getting very negative comments from Christians about how your faith wasn't real. I'm kind of in that situation too. Just 6 months ago I said out loud that I was an atheist, my deconstruction from evangelical to exvangelical took me about 15 years and I still have traumas and questions to fight through. I also did struggle most with the question of evil and what made me come to my final conclusion about God being non-existent was that of him being almighty and not willing to stop all the evil - therefore he is evil. That was my conclusion of it all. Thank you for your open thoughts about these questions!
@mariamarziana Жыл бұрын
Thank you for commenting. It really means a lot. Feel free to check out my latest video in case it’s useful. 🫶🏽✨
@ketsune23 2 жыл бұрын
I left Christianity in 2017 and the Bible nonsense when I started to question and read more about the origins of the Bible and Christianity and I had grown a lot since then. The understanding of myself, the nature of reality and love for others have amplified massively in my life since i left such cancer by the name of Abrahamic religions. They keep you in church based on partial truths, they oppress the manifestation of your true self and they also suppress your critical thinking.
@defenestratefalsehoods 3 жыл бұрын
If God knew everything that was going to happen (based on the bible and not real history) and went through with the plans anyway, that would make him sadistic. He knew he would drown millions of people, the war and genocide of neighboring nations of the Israelites, sex trafficking the virgin girls/women with the Midianites, and everything else he did.
@Becca_Lynn 3 жыл бұрын
“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14:6‬ I pray that Jesus will bless you with Truth! ❤️
@whiskeredtuna 3 жыл бұрын
When you talk about “evil” in the world the implications are clear you are suggesting that there is a way things ought to be. But how can anyone know what ought to be in a world guided by random mutations and natural selection? Also, when you suggest there is a way things ought to be it implies the earth should look a little more like heaven and a lot less like it does. Moreover, you seem to be implying that God and evil are incompatible that if God existed evil wouldn’t, therefore God doesn’t exist. But maybe God has very good reasons to allow the existence of evil. When presented with evil it’s the cross of Christ that give us hope in the face of it. The hope that one day all the wrongs will be righted. Atheism lacks that kind of hope.