@borisnahalka3027 4 сағат бұрын
close, but no cigar. first, let me ask you a question. How are you going to chant anything while inhaling? (ok, you can chant internally, but it would be really funny trying it out loud.) needless to say, names and mantas are not necessary in order to perform this rite/ritual to be fully effective. important to realize is, that SN is not an exercise. It is a process. It is a process of aligning your body and your energy with the rising sun. Therefore it is important to balance it with Chandra Namaskar - to keep the equilibrium. SN in the morning, CHN in the evening. Another important thing to keep in mind is that even if you are exchanging inhalation and exhalation with each next position, SN in whole is like one big inhalation. its emphases are about energy to get going, it is a life confirming ritual. CHN on the other hand is Death confirming ritual, with emphases on reflection, relaxation, letting go, therefore exhalation is the main focus. Now, to subtle technicalities - there are many different versions of SN and it's ok. as many different versions as there are people doing it, is perfect. But. There are some principles, which should not be bend - bending them might be harmful to your whole system. What are those principles? Most important one is - your breath is your Master. follow your breath always. It dictates how fast/slow you perform the rite. Next - don't push, go easy. enjoy. Feel. Flow with it rather then fight it. And remember - progress, not perfection. Next - inhale - head all the way back, exhale - chin to your chest bone. Next - start with 1 soft cycle on both sides, then slowly progress to 3, 5, 7, 12, 21. Last but not least - you need to reasonably healthy and not very pregnant women to perform the ritual. High blood pressure, heart diseases, epilepsy, any inflammations in your body, and quite a lot of other issues within your body and your psychological state - are the red flags. not necessarily saying - STOP!, but definitely you should proceed with caution if you decide to proceed at all. other than that - go for it! Explore! Enjoy!
@meenasukumar9652 5 сағат бұрын
So what's the point of all this , why does meditation and reaching samadhi have to be so convoluted and why is it necessary to understand each of these stages ?
@borisnahalka3027 5 сағат бұрын
no such thing as a super experience. Meditation is super, because it is not an experience. Why? because there no-body to experience it. the subject is missing. there is a process, there might or might not be an object, but one link is missing - therefore, it is not an experience, not a practice, not something you can do, it is something you need to be. deepest meaning of Anya is- "NO I" no such thing as superhuman. If you are truly human - it is super! What does that mean to be truly human. it means to get from limit-full to limit-less. It means transcending your animal nature - not suppressing it - but going through and beyond, to expend, transcending your emotional "make-up", transcending your thoughts, your memories... what then? well, you can still use them (all bunch) if you want, but the main difference is, you can't be used by them anymore. You were a puppet, now you became a puppeteer. eh, sorry, but no. The whole Yoga Sutras are pointing and preparing the adept towards Dhyan - therefore going beyond experience. Using experience, yes, but the main point is to go where you can't go unless you relax and surrender your precious "I".
@borisnahalka3027 Күн бұрын
asmita is not difficult at all - it is natural. kids experience it all the time. When they are completely emerged in their play, the sense of "I-ness" disappears. It happens often in high states of intensity in any activity/inactivity. The doer disappears, the subject disappears, only the activity remains. basic definition of meditation is - meditation is, when you are not, in awakened state. That is why saying "I meditate" is a silly statement, because "I" and meditation never met and will never meet. It is not that you disappear completely, there is a strong sense of "Am-ness", strong sense of presence in that state, but no feeling of "I". Dhyana - Meditation, is the corner stone of Patanjali's Yoga, and yet it is the most misunderstood aspect of Yoga, maybe more then Yoga itself.
@dilipsalgar8345 Күн бұрын
Best of all
@jenniemercer1415 Күн бұрын
Thank you this was so interesting and helpful 🙏
@RajendraSingh-vg6ou 2 күн бұрын
Seemless explanation
@borisnahalka3027 2 күн бұрын
oh, you are all over the place by this one. key word here is re-establish. You are not inventing anything, nor you are improving upon anything. You are coming home, where you have always been, but by stillness of Chitta (all modifications of the mind), you can see it clearly for the first time. You brought a light into your own house and now you see. Darkness (and coldness) has no real existence - it is defined by absence of light (heat) which is real. another important word is witness. It is highest form of awareness. Witness is not involved, it doesn't judge, it doesn't act, it just sees the things as they are without distortions. So basically, what Patanjali is saying in this Sutra - once you reach the state of Yoga - you arrived at home as a Master.
@borisnahalka3027 2 күн бұрын
2nd Sutra defines Yoga as a state of being. Not a process. The whole process is about how to get to this state. In fact, if you get to this state, you realize, that there was no journey, the journey (process) was important to get where you have always been from the very beginning. This is your nature and has always been. It is just covered by layers of "dust", which the process through self-discipline tries to remove. That is why each well designed Sadhana always starts with cleansing process. Why nirodha? sounds a bit boring, no? nothing is happening, everything is still..., we want life to be dynamic and vibrant, not still, right? well, yes and no. If I use well-known metaphor - if you want to see the bottom of a lake, you need the water to be clear and the surface to be still. In this case the bottom of a lake or the lake in its entirety is your true nature, it is a state of Yoga. Once you are dis-identified with the surface, once you saw and anchored yourself with your true nature, then dynamic, vibrant, turbulent surface is not a problem anymore. Then and only then you can ride the waves instead waves riding you, use them instead of being thrown off by them and used by them.
@SatyaChetan 2 күн бұрын
Hlo Dear I m Satya Chetan Nice to Listen you 🎉
@RajendraSingh-vg6ou 2 күн бұрын
Very interesting and motivating video of duo ! fATHER & SON
@RajendraSingh-vg6ou 2 күн бұрын
well explained !
@ananjuhu5467 3 күн бұрын
I really want to continue with this series but the sound of you swallowing is so distracting it brings me back from my focus every time
@borisnahalka3027 3 күн бұрын
Now, discipline of Yoga. defines Yoga as a process. main misunderstanding is about the word "Atha". Atha is a condition you need to fulfill, if you are about to take this path. You might be attracted to Raja Yoga for many reasons, but if Atha didn't happen deep within you, you are not ready. "Atha" means - Are you ready? How do you know? How do you know if you are in love? You just know. Nothing seems to make sense in your life without it. That's about how Atha feels. Are you ready to do what it takes? if yes is an existential answer - discipline of Yoga. Patanjali had a small group of disciples/students in his small school, and why it was so small comes down to "Atha". he made sure, he was not wasting his time with somebody who was not ready. And even those who were ready and those whom he was teaching - he kicked more then half of them out for one reason or the other. He was a brilliant Master, but very difficult teacher.
@borisnahalka3027 3 күн бұрын
ehm, as far as I know, there are 4 major types of Yoga. Bhakti- devotion, Jnana- knowledge, Karma- action and Raja - discipline. and why? Mantras, Yantras, Mudras... just as Hatha Yoga Asanas are the tools, nothing more and nothing less. Pratyahara is a 5th limb of Raja Yoga, so... there you have it. you could add Kria Yoga and many others, which are basically just a part of those 4. let's keep it simple, shall we?
@borisnahalka3027 3 күн бұрын
the essence of 8 limbs of Yoga according to Patanjali is this: going through and going beyond. Now, what that means? Going through means being involved with every possible aspect of that particular Sadhana, exploring, experimenting, studying, experiencing as deep as it gets, leaving no stone unturned. Going beyond means - it is not an issue anymore. It is working in your favor and you don't need to be concerned about it anymore. You can go on. Important note: it is not about perfecting the Sadhana, it is about inner understanding based on experience, at least on an initiation level. when it comes to Dhyan, there are 2 types. One (more common) with the object, and the second - without an Object. The later is superior to former. but what both have in common is - there is no Subject. Therefore if anybody says - I meditate, it is by definition and the essence of meditation false. Meditation can happen, when "you" are not there.
@borisnahalka3027 3 күн бұрын
1st sutra of Patanjali defines Yoga as a process and the very first word gives you a glimpse of condition you need to be to even attempt this process. 2nd sutra of Patanjali defines Yoga as a state. The state which the process is leading towards. Exercise is all good and healthy, and it is excellent as a tool, but you can spent a lifetime doing "Yoga" exercising and never actually touch Yoga, and you can do zero exercise and be a true Yogi. The middle ground is the best of course, you should use all tools available if you can, but never loose the focus on Sadhana, which is the main part of Yoga process. Why and how? you can do exercises for 1-2 hours a day, Sadhana means your involvement 24/7. Which one you think will have a bigger impact? How, is up to teacher if he/she is a real teacher. What makes a Yoga teacher? certificate? no. Teacher needs to first understand the science of Yoga, the main principles and the subtleties of those principles and then be able to translate it into coherent teachings depending on students current capabilities on day to day bases. One of the biggest challenges for a teacher is - to choose whom to teach and whom not to teach. Exercises are in a certain extend for everyone, Sadhana is not. Is "Atha" happened withing a student? If yes is an answer, he/she is a lucky teacher - found a student. Unfortunately, no is 99,9% correct answer. OK, exercises then.
@BPSCIM 3 күн бұрын
Mai 2025 se start kar rha hun.....
@doug7467 4 күн бұрын
@deeghaunayakaratne7982 4 күн бұрын
This is very useful. I am a Medical Doctor, 55y from Sri Lanka and practicing yoga. Thank you very much.
@sairamsubramanian4671 4 күн бұрын
Simple and Wonderful explanation ❤
@bandanamazumder8782 4 күн бұрын
@nadunguaq 5 күн бұрын
Hi Avita! This is so wild! Your meditations are sooo sooo powerful! Today I had so many reflections about my life purpose before I did this meditation. I think it was because we meditated on the heart chakra yesterday! So my heart has opened more since yesterday, and I lam listening to my inner voice more, than I usually do! So thank you so much! So I smiled when you mentioned what the throat chakra represented. I think I need to purify my throat chakra, because I couldn't visualize it in the clear blue - it was still a muddy blue, like it was not purified yet. Any guided meditations you (or you in the comments) can recommend to purify once throat chakra? Thank you so much again for postingthis meditation challenge. It helps me stay disciplined on my meditation journey, and inner journey of self reflection. My intention is, to meditate to understand my self better, listen to myself better, live more aligned with myself, but my first motivation was to actually feel peace inside, to create peace outside of my self. I want to meditate for peace, and create a whole community of people who want to do the same. Because I come to realize, that our collective peace starts with our self - our inner work, with the peace inside of our selves. I wish peace to the world. To every one of you out there, reading this comment or not!
@harshabanad 6 күн бұрын
Glimpses of Asmita 🙏
@rohancolombage825 6 күн бұрын
Nice explanation, thank.
@KanhaiyaSingh-im1mq 6 күн бұрын
Om sahi hai yeha aum sahi hai
@user-lj4dp7lg4c 8 күн бұрын
thank you so much for these videos!!
@user-lj4dp7lg4c 8 күн бұрын
@mikemallimo9286 8 күн бұрын
I’ve read about the 8 limbs of Yoga and Patanjali. I love your accuracy and am excited to learn more about Yoga from you.
@georgiananiev2851 8 күн бұрын
Change in itself is not an explanation for unhappiness. When we improve, it’s also a change. The cause of unhappiness is the vicissitudes of fate, the chaotic and illogical changes of life in this confused world in which we live. P.S. Otherwise, Anvita, you are very luminous and clever and present things perfectly.
@shillpad9543 8 күн бұрын
Well explained
@Susonyam88 8 күн бұрын
Beautiful and crystal clear explanation ❤
@Susonyam88 8 күн бұрын
And what about kundalini yoga as tought by yogi bhajan, relating to the sikhi dharma?
@Susonyam88 8 күн бұрын
Sam. Adhi. Is to yog!!!! Through a whole process, you come to a state with the one. What a wonderful explanation!!!!! Thank u for that ❤
@meenasukumar9652 9 күн бұрын
So what do the words PRANTABHUMI mean here - not the literal meaning but it's meaning wrt to the sutra ? I also didn't understand what the connection to sabeeja samadhi is .
@couqikaan 9 күн бұрын
... and again an outstanding explanation 🙏🏽 Thank You!
@lovelymandal7472 10 күн бұрын
Done ✅
@Simple_Sachin_1007 11 күн бұрын
Day 2 Complete Thank u so much ma`am
@lovelymandal7472 12 күн бұрын
Day 8 completed ✅🤩
@ananjuhu5467 12 күн бұрын
Everything is fine but the sound of you swallowing - that sound is very distracting
@ravinderavnoor 12 күн бұрын
I really liked your way of doing it
@dipmistry92861 13 күн бұрын
Day 4 Complete
@meesh9141 13 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@meesh9141 13 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@meesh9141 13 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@dipmistry92861 13 күн бұрын
Day 2 completed
@giliare4380 16 күн бұрын
Grazie per la generosa condivisione di questi importantissimi contenuti che mi hanno permesso di comprendere molto più a fondo gli YS, di cui, lo ammetto, nonostante i libri, non avevo capito molto finora. Namaste
@lovelymandal7472 17 күн бұрын
Day4th/21 complete ✅ Thank you 😊
@lovelymandal7472 17 күн бұрын
Day 3rd/21 complete ✅ Thank you 😊
@A6.-L0_6. 18 күн бұрын
INCREDIBLE. Supreme yoga Vasishta too. In Treta yuga World of Spirits is REAL and we are illusion, so the mind under the supersoul can do things IINCREDIBLES . Happy dwapara world , good luck sadhaka to go beyond time & not wait 26000 years