David Hordijk
3 ай бұрын
Vogelen met Arjan Dwarshuis
4 ай бұрын
Robots in hospital
5 ай бұрын
Muziek en welzijn | Julian Schaap
Alles stroomt: Flow for future II
Nobel Lectures 2023
10 ай бұрын
Flow for future
10 ай бұрын
Quantum Black holes | Gerard 't Hooft
Descartes| Johnny Soraker
11 ай бұрын
@OppoA17k-uy7qg 2 күн бұрын
Now China's Huawei has invented more advanced chips and technologies than the US and the Western countries, would you say that the US and the Western countries would now be accused of stealing China's technologies? Today China's rocket science and AI technology are already more advanced than the US. To the Asians, Africans and Latin Americans, China is their saviour and they will come to China's side if the US is foolish enough to start a war with China! My advice to the next US President is to respect President Xi Jinping and get his help to save the declining USA, otherwise the US economy is doomed leading to the collapse of America. The whole world is watching gleefully how the US would behave with the loss of its proxy war in Ukraine! 😅😅
@lidysellink2221 8 күн бұрын
Corona ,de grootste misdaad tegen de mensheid ooit !Wat hebben de mRNA prikken een ellende aangericht !
@LouisSmans 14 күн бұрын
Correctie : " complotten zijn van alle tijden " ...
@stofjes4204 19 күн бұрын
Wat een simpele ziel zeg. Treurig
@swegho 21 күн бұрын
Dan denk je als vogelaar al best veel te weten maar ik heb veel geleerd weer!
@bfa-xi1py 27 күн бұрын
Als je gelooft in MIC, ben je al een complotdenker tegenwoordig. Prachtig verhaal, gezondheidsraad was kritisch op beleid regering ivm coronacrisis. Is dit algemeen bekend bij volk? Waarom niet? Waarom altijd maar kletsen over complotdenkers etc, zonder volk over feiten te informeren? En dan JFK, jullie zetten dat nog gewoon bij complottheorieën? Hoe ziek zijn jullie bij universiteit Twente? Volgens mij hebben jullie nog nooit iets over gelezen. Nog steeds maar verwijzen naar Warren report? Trias politica die samen een schuldige zoekt? Sinds wanneer was dat toegestaan? En dan halverwege iemand aanstellen voor "defense" (er was toch helemaal geen rechtszaak?) , maar die is bij geen enkele meeting aanwezig geweest. Maar wetenschappelijk zijn jullie overduidelijk niet lekker bezig, 3 patronen verbruikt, 1 in clip, terwijl het een 6-clip was? Hoe groot is de kans dat een marinier slechts 4 patronen in een 6-clip stopt? Ohhh US marines kunnen niet tellen. En geen emkele ooggetuige is het eens met Warren report, maar ze konden het natuurlijk ook niet goed weten. Absurd dat mensen zoals jullie gewoon artsen op youtube te vinden zijn, die het dus niet eens zijn met autopsiereport, maar voor jullie zijn jet complotdenkers, duhhhh. Jullie hebben erg weinig respect voor wetenschap. Ze maken gaatje in keel om longen van zuurstof te voorzien via buis, terwijl hersenpan uit elkaar lag? Arts gaf aan dat hij hoofd vasthield. Maar volgens jullie liegt die man. Geen wonder dat gewone burgers geen vertrouwen in jullie hebben, jullie negeren gewoon veel feiten. En "911 inside job", geef effe aan waarom nabestaanden nog steeds moeten strijden om informatie te krijgen. Overduidelijk helpen mensen zoals jullie die nabestaanden niet. Maar dankzij mensen zoals jullie die weten dat Saudis er niets mee te maken hebben, krijgen die mensen geen steun. En daar zijn jullie nog tros op ook nog. Jullie willen nog steeds ontkennen dat de tekeningen van de bom die gebruikt werd bij Twin Towers verkregen was van FBI? Dat ambassades aangevallen werden met zelfde type bom? Ohhh, nee natuurlijk niet, nadat het in USA uitkwam, geven jullie het ook toe natuurlijk. Het probleem tegenwoordig is dat kritische mensen gewoon aan kant geschoven worden (ook in wetenschap) , omdat mensen zoals jullie direct verwijzen naar complottheorieën. Die mensen krijgen veel aandacht, maar kritische mensen niet. Verzet in 1940-1945 vonden jullie ook maar niets zeker?
@leonardkellum6984 Ай бұрын
Art is not appreciated enough.
@dtnaturephotography Ай бұрын
Geweldige video, super dat deze lezing hier op youtube is te volgen! Dank!
@User_5fn Ай бұрын
Who is here after Qaiser Ahmed Raja Bhai's Vedio 🖐️
@harshmanhv Ай бұрын
Why are there no comments and soo less views of this person.... Awesome video😍😍😍😍
@Technarizer Ай бұрын
Great video. This channel deserves more recognition. Keep up the good work. Paul Rulkens is great.
@lidysellink2221 2 ай бұрын
Dit is toegenomen na de prikactie!!!!
@stormvanhogh6909 2 ай бұрын
Arjan Dwarshuis = held!
@BenDeBarber 4 ай бұрын
Super lijp dat Arjan zo ontzettend veel weet!👏🏼
@lowie267 4 ай бұрын
Goed werk geleverd
@johanneszandvliet8178 5 ай бұрын
Zeer interessant, het geeft te denken
@TheFlagUnit 5 ай бұрын
That is key. China is unlikely going to be able to dominate the world any time soon if ever. So do we really need to kill ourselves trying to crush it into the ground???
@guff9567 5 ай бұрын
Men are just better off gay. Those that choose vaginas should be classified as having a form of delusional dysmorphophobia
@michaelmarchal4004 5 ай бұрын
Don't be concerned about China, but be concerned about the USA when you decide to keep a good relationship with China.
@privacyhelp 5 ай бұрын
China's main problem is that they don't want to be a US puppet. Case closed. 🎖️🎖️🎖️
@wangzx5356 5 ай бұрын
Objective views in general!
@joelkroodsma4903 6 ай бұрын
Oplichter. 100%. Save your money
@petersteenkamp 6 ай бұрын
26:16 there's Michael Mann's infamous Hockey Stick. That graph has been debunked as manipulated data.
@lw4214 6 ай бұрын
Goed boek!
@guff9567 6 ай бұрын
Except they are the ones who chased out Adolf and his thugs in WW2
@JanAndhisfiets 6 ай бұрын
8:05 “de mannelijke privileges hebben hen nergens gebracht” Wat een lelijke oneerlijke schets van de werkelijkheid. Denkt ze nu echt dat de mannen die in de bordelen rond hangen geprivilegieerd zijn? Dit zijn vaak de internationale vrachtwagenchauffeurs, de fabrieksarbeiders, de mannen gemiddeld 50 uur per week werken.
@vvv-o9y 6 ай бұрын
verbaasd me niet dat deze ouwe viezerik vaak gast was bij DWDD
@guff9567 6 ай бұрын
Tax , tax, tax ,tax
@hanochlivneh771 6 ай бұрын
Dr. 't Hooft is a brilliant physicist but a terrible lecturer...
@Harry-Hartmann 7 ай бұрын
A very interesting Video 👍🏻
@bengeurden1272 7 ай бұрын
Je ziet gewoon aan dat publiek dat ze heel weinig snappen. Zitten alsmaar te lachen en hebben ook niet echt door wat Herman en Emmanuel bedoelen en dat er ook veel spel bij zit.. die presentators lijken me ook nogal simpele zielen.
@kris2k 7 ай бұрын
@dylanmenzies3973 7 ай бұрын
The most intense lecture ever!
@Rinus-et6qs 7 ай бұрын
Science is up for sale due to ignorant people with a far too big voice.We know all the lists that are signed by so-called scientists pseudo-scientists. These people are unaware of the fact that sincere science goes evidence based (observations etc). However, i.m.o. it does not work by numbers as painfully (for some) demonstrated in history So scientists that sign these lists in news papers are at the least quite suspect or are avoiding professional suicide. If there are questions about environment, climate change they go "with the flow". I had a career in science based work ((virology, R&D in vaccines, veterinary diagnostics) and microbiological subjects). So I am not fully unfamiliar with the fields mentioned. I wish I attended your lecture since it felt very good to hear someone talk about subjects and not teach me a thing or two about how everything should be according to her/his opinion. A spree of comments and questions, caused by your pleasant talk, came to me but I will limit myself and so diminishing the possibility for me not to make sense. Thank you Dr. Herzberger for the brain stimulative talk.
@janwind4265 8 ай бұрын
What a brilliant lecture from this Nobel Price Winner. I enjoyed it although I understand only 1% of it because I’m not educated in physics and mathematics but only very interested in this. But Puck Futin.
@elena.krittik 6 ай бұрын
How is putin related to this talk though?
@robbie_ 8 ай бұрын
I love it when physicists draw far reaching conclusions from two theories that are just about as incompatible with each other as it's possible to imagine. I can't remember who it was who said "give me three free parameters and I can make an elephant, give me four and I can wiggling its trunk". This is pretty much how I view the Standard Model.
@christianfarina3056 7 ай бұрын
John Von Neumann. Who also made pretty preposterous assumptions about QM.
@user-og8jd4uy6q 8 ай бұрын
Allemaal fraude en oplichterij onder aanvoering van Einstein de grootste joodse oplichter.
@fendermarshallbluesbox3407 8 ай бұрын
building 7 bijvoorbeeld, dit is debiele praat ! complotten bestaan, building 7 zegt genoeg !!!!!!!! ga ff die c spuit halen, want immers complottheorien bestaan niet
@Tinker1950 8 ай бұрын
À gifted physicist he may be, but teacher, nope.
@stewartbrands 8 ай бұрын
Pure fantasy. No amount of mass would ever get to the pressures they postulate. It would vaporize into a plasma and radiate away long before their improbable speculation. became their impossible fantasy. Meanwhile the audience is agog at complex mathematical hypotheticals and think such a complicated logical game must be true in space and time reality. Piffle and fiddlesticks with a continental flare.
@rudypieplenbosch6752 8 ай бұрын
Renormalisation = wiping something that is not right in the standard model under the carpet. Just to get away with those pesky infinite value, now with gravity the problem reemerges..yes thats why it should have been handled right from the start, it was wrong but nobody did anything to fix it. Only now they try to incorporate gravity in quantum physics, for decades it was just ignored, lets ignore one of the basic forces in the universe, what a great idea..I wonder for decades there has been little progress in science, not sure this guy is part of the problem or part of the solution, i have more faith in Roger Penrose, who says there's something not right with quantum physics, also the collapse of entangled particles is not caused by observation but caused by gravity. He is not very clear in his presentation.
@executivesteps 8 ай бұрын
Camera work is terrible.
@thealex_khan 8 ай бұрын
I am following Dr. Hooft's theoretical Physicist roadmap to learn more about physics. Thank you Dr. Hooft
@ajg3768 8 ай бұрын
Possibility is that we don’t leave in Universe. Matter we see,dust, planets, stars, galaxies,ect is floating in the space between Universes. When all of this stuff will be digested by Black Holes and Black Holes will evaporate. Space between Universes will go back to perfect O Kelvin.
@marciamarquene5753 8 ай бұрын
T amo demais r viu o vídeo maravilhoso d ER r e horário normal hj e o valor e o e e horário da passagem e horário da passagem e horário da passagem e o valor da entrada e o e e o valor e o e e
@marciamarquene5753 8 ай бұрын
R E a tarde te ligo e o e e o e o e e o valor e horário da manhã e horário normal e o e o e e o valor e horário normal hj e horário normal hj e horário normal hj f xi tô aqui esperando a gente se encontrar lá fora esperando o ônibus chegar aqui fora te esperando
@marciamarquene5753 8 ай бұрын
F xi tô aqui e o e e w se quiser vir me manda o valor e o e o e o e e horário da passagem da passagem e horário normal e horário da passagem e horário normal hj f xi w se quiser ir comigo e o e o valor e
@marciamarquene5753 8 ай бұрын
R E r a tarde te falo se der tempo atrás de manhã r viu se ela for w r era ri demais mas o povo r a tarde te falo se ela quiser ir comigo e y se ela for lá te dou o restante da passagem da manhã e horário da
@marciamarquene5753 8 ай бұрын
C o e o e e e errado r rê ela e horário normal hj f xi w r era w e o r t a tarde te ligo e te amo e o valor e o e e horário normal e o valor e o e e
@marciamarquene5753 8 ай бұрын
F e horário normal e horário normal e horário da passagem e o e o valor e horário da passagem da manhã e o e o e o e o e o valor e o e o e e horário da passagem e horário da manhã r viu ela