Sex and Anxiety
8 ай бұрын
Social Anxiety and Chronic Illness
CBT for Paruresis (Shy Bladder)
@amzing878Sfd 2 ай бұрын
Is there any book for dr david clark ?
@sophibrumby9542 5 ай бұрын
Helpful content thankyou, but scratchy voice tone is challenging to listen to.
@andrzejsupermocny2386 3 ай бұрын
was pleasant to listen to in my view
@kennydepaepe6286 5 ай бұрын
Beautiful contribution for people who are looking to understand their predicament ! Thanks from the heart , a warm courage to continue !
@ranc1977 8 ай бұрын
CBT is therapy of ableism and therapy of errors. It bases its "knowledge" on DSM which is a book of statistical errors. In mid 1990s CBT "Experts" had a series of social anxiety research (which was called social phobia back then) and their research was filled with Researcher Bias - where people who were invited for analyzing social anxiety - did not have actual social anxiety at all. The people who responded to social anxiety research were narcissists struggling with narcissistic injuries (which are the same as social anxiety panic and worry) and shy people who struggled with common shyness. This way CBT based DSM and "cure" - on narcissism and shyness - and CBT will help only for narcissists and shy people who appear to third parties as someone with social anxiety. Person will social anxiety will never let themselves be evaluated. Even DSM itself says it so. Social anxiety is complex trauma issue. It starts with ACoA ACE ambient. So instead of CBT there is Humanistic psychology which actually helps with social anxiety trauma. Internal Family Systems Model and "No Bad Parts" book is like space technology in comparison with CBT which is Mediaevel or stone-age technology. CBT is like Ludovico Method from Clockwork Orange - CBT was invented as short term therapy (couple of hours) - to calm down the criminally insane (mass shooters) and anyone done and survived self harm - and now in mental institution they need to calm down to receive medicine - that is why CBT was invented. CBT was not invented as long term therapy. CBT completely is focused on Situational attribution "the ascription of one's own or another's behavior, an event, or an outcome to causes outside the person concerned, such as luck, pressure from other people, or external circumstances. Also called environmental attribution; external attribution." While in the same time completely ignoring Dispositional attribution "Dispositional attribution is a phrase in personality psychology that refers to the tendency to assign responsibility for others' behaviors due to their inherent characteristics, such as their motives, beliefs or personality, rather than the external influences, such as the individual's environment or culture." 7:00 Mental maneuver - explaining this to socially anxious will not work due to trauma. Due to trauma self worth is destroyed. This is something that CBT does not and cannot understand due to deliberate censorship of Freud and Jung. Blushing - is social anxiety in Japan. In the West, social anxiety is based on trauma, abuse and fear of being abused again. After all - social anxiety is called social+anxiety - meaning that anxiety stems from the society. Not from the blushing of face. It is not called Self Anxiety. Society caused and it is causing anxiety due to psychopathy and coercive control and mentally ill behavior - which CBT ignores and instead turns to pathologize victims of abuse.
@iamtheman7018 10 ай бұрын
I am Charles
@iamtheman7018 10 ай бұрын
Wow doctor, you just described my life. 😢.
@LarryCohenLICSW 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your feedback.
@lynyoung6071 Жыл бұрын
these videos are very very helpful. Thank you for making them.
@LarryCohenLICSW 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for your feedback.