@residentsleeper5678 12 сағат бұрын
Jak series was peak platforming fun to me and is the series that along with Tony Hawk made the PS2 my favourite console of all time.
@residentsleeper5678 12 сағат бұрын
I kinda wish you included American Sk8land in this retrospective since THAW is your favourite. It was a neat little spin-off version of THAW that worked decently well with the limitations of the DS hardware. Something else I find worth noting is I find it interesting you never once mentioned EA's Skate series. Obviously they're not Tony Hawk games, but I feel like Nail the Trick was Neversoft's attempt at an answer to the more fluid motions introduced in Skate. That series to me definitely helped bring on the downfall of the Tony series as people were finally given a skateboarding game with insanely fluid controls and a more realistic, grounded approach to skateboarding games that until that point had a standard set by the Tony series. No other skateboarding games before Skate did anything but try to emulate the Tony series. And once Skate came out and the 7th generation of consoles were at their peak, it seemed like Neversoft tried but kind of failed to turn Tony into a slightly more grounded in reality game and I feel that's best evidenced by Proving Ground being the way that it is. Without Skate, we may have seen Neversoft continue making more and more wacky Tony games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@TroyVault 9 сағат бұрын
Valid take! But it’s interesting to note that Skate wasn’t released until one month before Proving Ground, so I think the series was headed that direction regardless of Skate.
@RiC3R69 Күн бұрын
Tony Hawk's Project 8 PSP Or Tony Hawk's UnderGround 2 Remix PSP Which one is a better tony hawk on the go ?
@KingdomHeartsBrawler Күн бұрын
Going to have to respectfully disagree. I'm in the process of 100%ing both games (did so for SA1 and SA2 on Dreamcast, and am now doing it for SA2 on GameCube), and I've discovered just how good SA2 is. Like the Classics, SA2 focuses on replay value and skill-building. While some of the levels can be daunting at first, when you really learn them and hone your own skill, it becomes AMAZING. You feel like a freaking god blasting through the levels, pulling off crazy tricks, chaining combos in the Shooting levels, and finding the fastest routes to the trinkets in the Hunting levels (yes, you can A-Rank with hints. Can confirm. In fact, the Hunting gameplay in SA2 is basically designed with you getting a hint and then rushing off to find that particular trinket. That's probably why they changed the radar like they did. Bonus scores for finding stuff is based on how quickly you can find them, and, naturally, when you learn the level, it becomes second nature. Practice makes perfect, just like the Classics).
@intothebreak571 4 күн бұрын
American wastland was the best and the bmx was really awesome. Too simple but fun enough with
@cloudygaze6842 4 күн бұрын
My favorite would american wasteland also. On the xbox you could use the music you had stored on your Xbox. It was great. The genic tunnels to each level was what made me want to play. Even though lackluster it is cool
@adamlach6572 5 күн бұрын
My first game was THPS 4 for psx and to this day this game, and this version is my favourite xd 2 and 3 on psx i also love, but i never could get into ps2 games, guess i liked the simplicity
@DOAHITMAN 5 күн бұрын
i know this vid is like a year old but wasnt ecw anarchy rulz(predecessor to hardcore revolution) also on 64?
@MrDark086 6 күн бұрын
I'm here to say "Fuck Eric Sparrow. All my homies hate Eric Sparrow."
@michaelsoto8490 6 күн бұрын
Yeah IDC Mayhem is still better than anything Acclaim made
@danielgrizzlus3950 6 күн бұрын
you are fucking insanely delusional and if we ever met irl we would get into a physical fight instantly
@pawelgryglak1179 7 күн бұрын
really loved the video! i definitely support doing videos on the different season modes in the games. yeah you can do a ranking but i say dedicate a video to each gammes. i just recently got into replaying these games for the first time since i was a kid. 20 year old memories really flashing back.
@RaxonXVI 7 күн бұрын
Shout out to the fact that THAW had covers of classic punk songs reimagined by modern bands like MCR and Fallout Boy they're AMAZING and is to my knowledge the first and only time music was actually made for these games and not just licensed tracks
@heavyhitter5538 8 күн бұрын
Having played them all.. 2006 was the best. And still playing to this day. It had almost everything.. best roster, best CAW engine, 2 WM arenas, lots of game modes, balanced combination of arcade and simulation gameplay. And more importantly.. its highly hackable.
@linomoutinho9023 9 күн бұрын
my man, i wasn't expecting 06 being at the 1st spot. i agrre completely with the list. normally i have am internal conflict choosing between 06 & 07. not disappointed at all. 06, for me, is the more nostalgic of the series. i don't know if it's the presentation of the menus with the playlist, but even the season mode is more grounded... idk i completely agree
@xaviermengle3322 9 күн бұрын
Tony hawk underground 2 holds a special place in my heart, being young and playing that was a load of fun. Made me a complete bam fan
@scottmeyer4126 9 күн бұрын
The Downhill jam on gameboy rocked so hard but project 8 and American wasteland are also great. Series fell off with ride. But the remastered 1+2 rock as well Hahahah I’ve always loved these games but I also love skating so there’s that 🤣
@scottmeyer4126 9 күн бұрын
The Skate games came out and made these games seem so arcady. Which is what it is
@daPideLux 10 күн бұрын
Thps 1 & 2 were and are the GOAT. At age 15, when the 1st came out, it was the best skateboarding game ever. The competition was games like grind session and street sk8ter, which sucked. When Manuel’s were added for combo linking in the 2nd, that’s the reason for the highest meta score. It’s not the graphics, it’s because it was never done before, hence GOAT. I’m sure you if you were older you would have known that though. Good video though
@johnnyhun1 10 күн бұрын
surprised that you didn't mention the most important new feature in THUG2 that set the combo system to a new level: Sticker slaps
@lausonic11 11 күн бұрын
I don't agree at all, still i respect your opinion since SA1 is an amazing and fun game! You spit many wrong affirmations trought all the video related to game designs in both games (SA2 is a more polished game on every aspect) and little details like saying SA1 came on the fifth gen of consoles (the Dreamcast was a next gen console at the time like PS2). Like these you said many wrong things but is okay, but if i have to be objective SA2 is better
@pedrofelix9793 11 күн бұрын
I wasn't aware of its existence, so thank you a lot for shining a spotlight on it!
@jimmyrolls37 11 күн бұрын
2006 is my favorite overall, with 2011 right behind it. 2011 had the best physics, they never should have nerfed it from 12 onward
@zaZzw3k 12 күн бұрын
FANTASTIC video! American Wasteland was also my favorite as a kid
@andrewdyke5561 13 күн бұрын
I actually loved mayhem alot
@andrewdyke5561 13 күн бұрын
Nitro is horrid horrid i hate it
@Shodan130 13 күн бұрын
i played both for the first time recently.... and you spitting. i even got into the games because i wanted to play SA2 for the shadow story. and while the story was better imo in SA2. SA1 was comfy. the bad parts weren't all that long. the good parts were great. and the vibe was super comfy. and while i do like the "cool" sonic that was in SA2. SA1 hit different. the game felt different. everything just worked. SA2 felt a bit off as well as having 2/3rds of the game taken up by gameplay styles i didn't really like. tails in SA1 was fun. the mech sections are not. knuckles hunting was ok in SA1. but with worse radar and bigger levels it became a chore.
@brittondaye2529 13 күн бұрын
I loved thug2 for the gameplay and the fact that bam bullied eric right off the rip and made him piss himself 😂
@brittondaye2529 13 күн бұрын
The remaster of thps 1+2 was a great game I still will not get rid of it
@steffe689 13 күн бұрын
THPS 1 is the king for me. But Underground and American Wasteland are awesome. I don't agree with everything in the video but it was a great video!
@The_MAXXX 13 күн бұрын
Imagine a modern Tony Hawk game perfected with everything great we all know and love
@qlnzky 13 күн бұрын
In svr you could play with a friend and if you picked up a ladder (or table) and he hit you with a quick punch the character would drop the ladder. With this method you could stand sideways to a table or the commentator desk and the ladder would fall on top of it. This was insanely fun to do and way better than the intended stacking that was later introduced in svr07 or svr08. We had so much fun stacking things it was amazing. I also how we would spent minutes to counter each other until someone would not time the counter lmao
@astrowoes 14 күн бұрын
hoping you’ve heard of reTHAWED, basically thugpro for THAW, and is pretty insane.
@mart5610 15 күн бұрын
I used to love both SA1 and SA2 on the Gamecube when they came out when I was a kid. Sucks sorta I didn't play the Dreamcast version of SA1 till later because looking at DX now I don't like how they messed with the graphics
@isthisguybotheringu 15 күн бұрын
I didn’t fear about this so kudos!
@ferny4123 15 күн бұрын
Have you heard? I have
@Moniak 15 күн бұрын
I knew about it
@TroyVault 15 күн бұрын
@AlvinPlayz997 15 күн бұрын
Something I wanted to say regarding Knuckles in SA2. I really don't like him in SA2. In SA1, I loved his campaign and besides Sonic's story, Knuckles story was my 2nd favourite. In SA2 however, I quite literally HATE him. Not only are the levels even bigger, but the emerald radar(like you said) is nerfed heavily. I've recently been able to play SA1 and SA2 and yesterday I fully completed SA1. SA2 however, 2 weeks ago I had been stuck in Aquatic Mine until last week. After a few levels, we end up with another Knuckles level. One inside a pyramid base. Guess what. I've been stuck on this one for another week and still haven't completed it. All because the levels are "Big" as hell and because the radar is extremely nerfed
@theexpert758 17 күн бұрын
Missed out on thug gba lol. Fun for the time haha
@WaffleStomper69 18 күн бұрын
Dude I had Tony Hawk Shred. Bought the the board for it and everything. At that age, that was like my ONE expensive thing that I figured out how to get ~1 times a year. It was WORSE than TRASH. It felt like it was consciously completely phoned it in assuming everyone would just buy it no matter what.
@Zackoboy19 19 күн бұрын
Where’s just bring it?
@VlogsIWC 19 күн бұрын
SVR 11 is my all time favorite I have it on every console and the giant game guide as well lol
@herpderp3131 19 күн бұрын
Thanks for this vid, checking out Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x & Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 later! I thought EVERYTHING after THAW was garbo so I never considered any game after THAW. But apparently some good stuff left. Is the multiplayer on P8 still a thing?
@achildnamedhotchick1739 21 күн бұрын
I loved project 8 and proving ground but Skate really killed TH games. it felt soooo different so good and smooth meanwhile tony hawk was moving backwards. (Also I love nail the)
@XELNAGATYLER 22 күн бұрын
I still play American Wasteland and Project 8 Online multiplayer on 360. Amazing game.
@SupplementalSense 23 күн бұрын
I bought all of the main titles up to Project 8. The THUG games were outstanding for first playthroughs, but coming back to these games many years later I've realized that it's the more arcade like titles that are replayable. The classic levels of the first 3 games are really the draw for me now. THPS 2 is still the best in my mind. I'm not an expert at chaining together combos so the older mechanics don't bother me at all. I kind of like the limited abilities.
@DNipp 23 күн бұрын
Svr 09 was the best one to me
@SylentEcho 23 күн бұрын
Best SVR comparison video on KZbin I've seen so far! Very handy for those of us who wanna pick and choose and not play all of them.
@hollyw00dty 24 күн бұрын
THAW was my fave, I loved THUG 1 and 2, project 8 on 360 was so fire as well & pro skater 1+2 is amazing I love the reskin and updated gameplay
@CannaToker420 25 күн бұрын
I don’t agree, but I agree with some of your points and I respect your opinion.
@thotroaster4507 25 күн бұрын
Do you know what the event in that picture in the background of season mode for the original Smackdown versus Raw is?