@amydavis4945 2 күн бұрын
I am pretty new to this game, so I have to ask... HOW do you even get to that screen where you were doing mod conversions?? All I know how to do is enhance the effects that are ALREADY on the mod. I wish someone could do a video that explains HOW to do all of this click-by-click. I've never even seen the screen you were on and I right-click and left-click and middle-click all over the place and STILL seem to miss things in this game. If you DO such a video, please don't be in a hurry and talk 90miles a minute... those of us that are new don't know all the "lingo" or how to access the different "menus". Just slow down and don't assume that we actually know **anything** lol! Thanks for this video tho, and I'll try to see how to even get to the conversion screen(though I doubt I will understand what I'm doing IF I get there).
@bobbylouiston5595 2 күн бұрын
give up please
@DexThePunisher 6 күн бұрын
Great video man! Thank you for the tips!!
@mjrrawne8750 27 күн бұрын
Nice informative video! What's with your voice turning into the Exorcist? 😂
@GAMINGRedhanded 24 күн бұрын
what do you mean?
@mjrrawne8750 24 күн бұрын
​@@GAMINGRedhandedI watch your video and couldn't hear it as much. I thought that was something you did on purpose but it might just be distortion coming from my wifi headset.. sorry didn't meant anything by it! In any case, great content! Keep it up!
@BeefstickFather 28 күн бұрын
I already played through this game several times, but I still struggle with bosses if I don’t have the dps. The boss attack breakdowns are great! Could you maybe do them a bit more detailed? Clips for the relevant attacks mentioned and etc?
@shzzi1 28 күн бұрын
Nice Video!
@cutjj Ай бұрын
Completely wrong tree is what I want to say…. Concoction skills are super powerful….
@GAMINGRedhanded Ай бұрын
concoction skills, or poison concoction? where is the clear coming from?
@Rayeskie27 Ай бұрын
if it sounds too good of an offer its probably a scam. people who gets scammed so easy liek this are the same people who also gets scammed or believes in crypto scams
@vhofujino Ай бұрын
I think you need + to skills on your ammy and quiv with widowhail. Concoction gets stronger exponentially with each lvl.
@GAMINGRedhanded Ай бұрын
I explained that so far the only way to make concoction work was widowhail. I even put it in my video. I also pointed out that im not using widowhail or a bow.
@bartswargaming Ай бұрын
Need some love on that tree. Look for only bleed duration and magnitude. I've been enjoying the concoction a bunch. Good luck!
@syahidirhassan4846 Ай бұрын
As someone who manage to make explosive concoction work... ur gem support is not a good choice... u lack of jewels that give u more crit + magnitude for bleed... u also lack phy dmg... And don't use DEEPCUTs that shit is a trap.
@GAMINGRedhanded Ай бұрын
explosive concoction and bleed are not the same thing. Im also not using deep cuts. Not sure what video you watched, but i already explained all this and why they are bad in the video.
@GPS08 Ай бұрын
Perhaps a good solution they could employ, which is something Last Epoch does. If you chose Bleeding Conc, it could also give you something like "whenever you poison, you cause bleeding instead. all bonuses to poison is now bonuses to bleeding.". That way you can benefit from the other poison nodes in the ascendency and get some bonuses from poison nodes in the tree.
@PixelRaptorHQ Ай бұрын
Does the game Scalebound ring a bell?
@BlazingMarauderDCUO Ай бұрын
"I wonder what we can add to the ascendency... oh lets just add more passives for spending passives"
@crazyhoarse Ай бұрын
nice, great vid
@crazyhoarse Ай бұрын
great video this is the ultimate guide thanks
@EniGmav34 Ай бұрын
People knowing dog shit about the game and saying "THAT'S HOW IT WORKS IT'S A SCAM" are annoying.
@EniGmav34 Ай бұрын
I don't want to be mean but at this point it's just natural selection if you expect a top 70 guild to give you a weekly salary of lucent knowing it's real money + you can see what's the distribution method in the guild. This system is good if you can trust the leadership else just join a guild with automatic distribution to looter. This system makes so you can make a fair reward distribution not a RNG based piece of shit it's a guild you play TOGETHER. If you deserve the loot then you'll get it else the player who deserves it more will get it so he doesnt feel bad for having nothing while his investing his time for the guild.
@ochatarra19o Ай бұрын
ur support gems are not correct, neither ur passive tree, im saying this because i saw a guy DESTROYING with bleeding with 1 shot, so this is VERY VERY VIABLE, try this setup of support gems: HEFT, BRUTALITY, CONCENTRATED EFFECT, SUPERCRITICAL, and pls, make ur tree and ur items to do a good critical chance %, otherwise u will still being a shit, i hope that helps you :), and pls remove the attributes from the bottom of ur tree... u are not stacking nothing xD, and you will need the points for other things.
@GAMINGRedhanded Ай бұрын
Link what you are speaking about.
@saschaschmitt592 Ай бұрын
this game is one of the worst frauds that came out over the last decade. its completly designed to grab your hard earned money in all aspects. People who promoting this bs broken "game", are the true fools tho. i played 600 hrs in this and i regret every minute. this game is gone in less then 6 months from now
@MrSanJose420 Ай бұрын
Great post. Crazy. So the guild I’m in has 30 members and somehow out of the blue I’m the guild leader now???? I noticed over Xmas holiday that I’m the fuxking guild leader?? I’m clueless??
@MissingClaimant Ай бұрын
Peace Boss loot is solo contribution and you still get dummies creating parties with restrictions and kick you if not showing weapon LMAO even Guild Raid loot is solo contribution, only war boss drops are based on guild contribution
@dylangriffin6957 Ай бұрын
What's theirs gamer tags?
@GodHexe Ай бұрын
game started so fun but due to so much predatory / toxic behavior in the game and lack of pve / support builds i just gave it up.
@larsschulze2799 Ай бұрын
A lot of systems in this game that just create toxicity
@KREASE_ Ай бұрын
Someone should start up an app to call out all of these guilds and the peeps in it so others know what they're getting themselves into. I'm now worried that my guild is going to be doing this to me.
@KREASE_ Ай бұрын
How is this game allowing this to happen as this is theft as it's really money and u did this thing in the real world u get done for theft. This should be talk to the devs and they should have some sort of greifing system that if this happens they should be shut down.
@ruffynowa580 Ай бұрын
kinda strange when you do the trails with 2 ppl. the client in the session dont benefit from the relics you put in. we just did them a couple of hours ago where i had like 1200 honor and my mate had to ran around with 800 something. i feel like this is kinda unfair and i makes me think is not intentend by the devs. at least i hope so
@5Zyl-Rengo Ай бұрын
Iam a new player in this genre and you helped me out a lot, thanks for the great vid
@GAMINGRedhanded Ай бұрын
Glad I could help!
@mikedarling905 Ай бұрын
I said this in another post about poe2. i don't like the 180 spin lock ons by bosses. i don't like how i lose 10% exp on death (i know i stopped playing poe1 because of that) it just feels its 2024, and game zero respect for my time. also those stupid check points don't all work. in the sundisc before time travelling. i die on the boss and i cant teleport to checkpoint back. bugged. respec should be free. this is 2024. dying and loot being deleting sucks. so many one shots. so many other bugs at the moment i know this is an early access. but why should i play poe2. i don't mind the slowness and this and that. but i am 44, i have restricted time. i don't want to waste my time. i don't want to do a map. get 2 bubbles of exp and then die. this is not fun to me. i spend 10 minutes fighting the gorilla boss. one bad roll and a 180 degree turn lock attack and bam dead. i kill the viper boss, she dies and then instant death from her guards rushing me. not fun at all.
@AndragonLea Ай бұрын
The fact that people can one-shot bosses and then complain when the build gets nerfed is kinda baffling to me. Like, if all the other builds were similarly OP, maybe. But surely it must make sense to them that it's easier to nerf a small handful of build that drastically overperform than to buff all of the other builds AND the enemies so they're all balanced. That said, I wish GGG would allow us a free respec when they nerf a build. Having something nerfed is fair, having to start over when the nerfed skills no longer perform at the level my character is at isn't.
@Kettupaini Ай бұрын
This game has so much freedom that is just awesome!
@stonic5 Ай бұрын
As a new player i am absolutly baffled they went with the 2001 terrible backward trading system. Spent an hour last night sending wispers instead of playing the game. Waste of time. Also lost 90% of motivation to play once i learning when 1.0 we get shifted to some legacy dead server and are banned from main server..... insanity. Respec cost even after nerf is insanity, how in tf is a new player meant to test anything witbout spending 4 hours grinding ea respec. The loot pile killing me is the most tilting thing in gaming btw. They drop all this loot in one spot and then just as you go to pick it up BOOM.... everything was dead, no threat. That bug or gameplay what ever will make many new to arpgs never touch them again. But if they just added that terrible trade website to the game and made buying automatic, game would be lit af. Happy no patches over xmas. If a build i crafted got gutted i would be sooo mad.
@fluid3007 Ай бұрын
its a game for hardcore gamers man if they make it too easy they lose most of their main player base
@Damalon01 Ай бұрын
Are they adding an Easy mode? Or at least making the Bosses less BS? If not, I'm not coming back!
@BGTournaments Ай бұрын
See ya and good riddance
@s3-a3-j3 Ай бұрын
Skill issue
@theurikshow4228 Ай бұрын
So you got played by ninja looters, not new back in vanilla wow we had ninja looters who wanted bindings of the windseeker because he was the right class for it best 1 handed sword in game all the way to end game till naxxramas.😊
@zarieya4281 Ай бұрын
If your on PS5 only server Pippin join nightshade order we don't BS with loot and we give it out like candy
@Noelio-noel Ай бұрын
Even guild loot should be given to who ever got it, because leader also need the people to do the raid. You so right everything in this game is made f or pw.
@JKJustSaying Ай бұрын
As soon as I was made Guild Leader I changed this option, I thought I can't see how this benefits anyone but me, so changed it.
@ivosantos2758 Ай бұрын
The rationale is that if you get a drop that is good for another player's build and not your own, you can assign the item to that player and vice versa. This is only needed because there is no trade system in game and, of course, it's abused like hell as this video showcases...
@zhadum353 Ай бұрын
If the devs were actually listening they would be working on POE2, not Ruthless2 like they are.
@TheRealmsofPsanaurius Ай бұрын
That's all bullshit and you're absolutely right, it needs to change. I play another NCSoft/ Arenanet game, Guild Wars 2 and we don't have that issue. If you haven't tried it out yet, check it out!
@noharachamploo6091 2 ай бұрын
looks horrible lol. Dang, the trailer looked cool
@VocaloidEnjoyer1 2 ай бұрын
The American simulator for sure I despise Americans so much nobody of the greek people I know approves of this dei slop
@MarineCARMINE 2 ай бұрын
Shit guild and shit guild system. They need to rework that asap.
@drkingschultz4347 2 ай бұрын
Well to be honest you scamed yourself lol. Btw never reply to sms asking for your banking info.
@Sivatra 2 ай бұрын
Join a decent guild.
@cluverss 2 ай бұрын
completelly agree with you, i had the same stituation of being scam in my guild, i got so frustated that for now i left the game, if you pay your own money to get strong is one things but literally stealing the hard work from others players to your own desire isnt good or motivattional to keep playing TL for now, and thank you for showing this to everyone, so actually im not the only one that notice this issue,
@MunkeyBrewster 2 ай бұрын
Incredible interview!
@freeup1997 2 ай бұрын
What the FUCK rabbit hole are you talking about? you can play this game without freaking spending any kind of money whatsoever if you know what the FUCK you're doing, so you obviously don't know what the hell you're doing.
@ChimpOnComputer 2 ай бұрын
Guild Wars 2 is the only game I know that does well where you don't have to rerun the campaign with each character, but fully going all the way with a main the first time to bring in account wide benefits for new charas afterwards is great.