Dumbest way to do Breakcore Drums
Spilt Brain Juice
11 ай бұрын
My Failed Beepbox Music 2
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Petunia Nights
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My Failed GD Levels
2 жыл бұрын
that paradise place
2 жыл бұрын
My Failed BeepBox music
2 жыл бұрын
Beating Luna Nights for "fun"
2 жыл бұрын
Transient Faith | Touhou Level
2 жыл бұрын
maybe we were happy people
2 жыл бұрын
Mind Palace
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Silver Chrysanthemum
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Powered By Lamplight
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X Attack
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2 жыл бұрын
Luminous Night
2 жыл бұрын
Lunatic Fantasy | Touhou Level
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Winter Flurry | GD Level
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@keenantheho Күн бұрын
AllVoice?? (Bad joke incoming) You should be all subs! Like how sakuya is all pa- *knifed*
@abd-animation-22 Күн бұрын
Touhou is...... vast
@keenantheho 3 күн бұрын
Thoughts on peaceful romancer?
@AllVoiceHowdy Күн бұрын
never heard of it before I did the sorter, I thought it'd just be a nothing theme.. but first hearing it was like WHWHAT IS THIS SONG ITS AAWESOME its at the moment my 7th fav pc98 song (and itll probably stay that way, reincarnation is moving down but Daylight is moving above it) its called peaceful and romantic but I think its more vibrant and playful instead. along with being a bit celebratory (its a staff roll theme right? if so it does a great job ^^)
@keenantheho Күн бұрын
@@AllVoiceHowdy it's the last pc-08 theme so it gotta hit hard. Wasn't mystic square meant to be the last game? In this context, its like zun is legit saying bye to the series...
@keenantheho 3 күн бұрын
May I ask, where did you put extend ash?
@AllVoiceHowdy Күн бұрын
74th, absolutely luv the song ^^ one of my favorites from IN, in fact I even made remix of it for #imperishableday
@keenantheho Күн бұрын
@@AllVoiceHowdy extend ash is my #1 and I think you did a good job on your remix! I think you said something about wanting to get into 2hu metal. If that is the case, I have a playlist of touhou metal, rock and some eurobeat (no lyrics tho) if u wanna check it out! Good luck on the endless music search!
@BinglesP 4 күн бұрын
I actually tend to find myself listening to PC-98 music just as much as the Windows games' soundtracks. The fact that they were done on simpler hardware, with much simpler instruments, makes the melodies and do the heavy lifting, and I tend to prefer Touhou songs that have more defined melodic sections and memorability. I absolutely agree that they sound like they are long overdue to be remixed on more advanced software. I absolutely love Seihou Kioh Gyoku's and Dolls in Pseudo Paradise's OSTs too, by the way. Witch of Love Potion has to be one of my favorite tracks too, I even love the original Torte Le Magic version too with its intense "GeoCities MIDI" synth lead. Dolls in Pseudo Paradise in particular is very nostalgic for me, both in feel and in my history with listening to Touhou music as a whole; down to it being detuned, which if I recall correctly, is at A=432 instead of the A=440 that most modern music in general are set to. Both OSTS just have that beautiful feeling and sound that EoSD is so well known for.
@BinglesP 4 күн бұрын
VERY minor nitpick correction, but the "Mongolian chanting" in Zanmu's UDoALG theme is likely an Erhu*, not vocals. Though, it seems to be conflicted as to which one was the actual intention. (*Yes, the same string instrument that Rin Satsuki/Team Shanghai Alice Poster Girl uses.)
@Fishnberg 6 күн бұрын
I really love The Fairies' Adventurous Tale, it has a interesting energy that ZUN doesnt really do often in the modern era. When I listen to it for the first time, I thought "is this even touhou" and then when everything else come together it made me really like this song gosh, this song reminded me of the time I crave the melody soo much lol
@cirnobyl9158 10 күн бұрын
+1 to Lyrica Live's cover of Our Hisoutensoku being a great window into Touhou.
@AllVoiceHowdy 11 күн бұрын
Commentary and stuff in the captionss ^~^
@Exuploshion 12 күн бұрын
currently going through the works myself to see whats high up, though not done, one i didnt expect to like as much as i do is th18's Lunar Rainbow
@lapidotmatoi 13 күн бұрын
I like all the variety here. I was going to post my 20 favorites from the sorter, but i ended up deciding to restart since something seemed odd with some implied song placements. But for a general non ordered list. Kid's festival ~ innocent treasures, purest sky and sea, every day a red day ~ Folksy eastern days, Bahava-agra as seen through a child's mind, sea of which ones home planet reflects, faith is for the transient people, flawless as the clothing of the celestials ~ yellow lily, faraway voyage of 380,000 kilometers, theme of eastern story, vanishing dream ~ lost dream, unlocated hell, and the deviants unobstructed light ~ kingdam of nothingness
@AllVoiceHowdy 10 күн бұрын
Fun to see Transient faith, Faraway Voyage and Vanishing Dream! ^^ They're also very close to the top of muh listt, but still good luck with the restart, I cant even fathom trying to redo my sorter but go ahead ;-;
@turkia6148 13 күн бұрын
Actually insane how close our top 25 is, like only 8 songs are different. (Plus GoA being switched to its 98 version)
@saintbullart 14 күн бұрын
Everything here is great. Nice picks, lovely to see some rare inclusions! Just, in a video about music, better be sure your audio mixing is right... I could barely hear you before getting blasted by the music!
@AllVoiceHowdy 14 күн бұрын
Noted! I'm still doing the mixing by ear tho, because I dont have a consistent recording setup ;-;
@bobbobbob321 15 күн бұрын
Idolatrize, lolk stage 6 as a whole, and ufo stage 6 as a whole are my favorites. Actually a lot of final boss / ex boss themes are my favorites, probably because they get so many banger arranges (I didn't even know galaxy collapse was a touhou arrange before getting into touhou!)
@perkunie9764 15 күн бұрын
Surprised to see so many from the fighters. I really want to do this sorter now (despite how long it would take), especially since I don't have a ranking in mind as I am so indecisive. Romantic children is so good but I think my favourite from the PC98 era may be Lotus Love (I love how hard hitting the harpischord is in the game version), LLS is my favourite game from that era music wise. I like Illusory Science ~ Doll's Phantom from Seihou, as well as it's remix in CoSD, Phantasm Machine ~ Phantom Factory, even though from what I understand its meant to be an intermediate/transitional theme between boss phases (I haven't properly looked into the Seihou series). This series also gave us my favourite themes for the protagonists, Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly and Magus, however I think the best reiteration of Marisa's theme came in GFW, as I do not like the other versions used in the fighters. And since surprisingly Torte Le Magic was brought up, I'll say I have a soft spot for Magical and Hopeless with the one instrument (idk its name) that goes through stereo.
@AllVoiceHowdy 15 күн бұрын
oh god you wanna do the sorter... i made a whole redpost on some my journey and few warnings, but I'll give a rundown. Choose your one device, it only saves there. I could get it to save between devicess dont do it like me and actually limit the sources ;-; my total battles ended up being around 6700 matchups, so it is long... use the Save and Load feature as your undo, 1 undo is not enough, never forget to save ^^ Make sure to full finish a song before you pick a winner, because you dont wanna say "this songs already better than this other song" and then come back to that other song after a whole cycle, and regret your decision because there was apparently a 3rd Section to the song you didnt hear ;-; After spending alotta time on a sorting session. When you feel like you're "tired of listening to this", immediately stop and take a break. From my experience, you start see songs alot differently, and make choices you'd grow to regret later... And yes indecisiveness is the biggest obstacle when it comes to the sorter... ^^
@leonidtimofeev1178 15 күн бұрын
I think I know who's your favorite Touhou character 😂
@AllVoiceHowdy 15 күн бұрын
I'm never escaping the allegations 😢
@KellogsEnterprise77 17 күн бұрын
I fucking hate GD
@Hijiri_MIRACHION 18 күн бұрын
Between MegaPig's video and this one, Ive gotten used yo to the intro due to AspreyFM's VOD of Spring Crisis, in which he takes a while to complete a level with this song as the stage theme. The intro is also just catchy in general. As for my least favorite song... How do you feel about Nemesis Stronghold from Double Spoiler? I felt that it was too chaotic whenever I listened to it in the past.
@AllVoiceHowdy 17 күн бұрын
Asprey mentioned ^^ as for Nemesis, ngl the first time I heard it, I remember REALLY LIKING IT. since then, I haven't been able to get what I was on. I like the first 8 seconds, but yeah it gets VERY messy. The zunpet melody is nice, but theres too much happening ;-; It doesn't help that on the same OST as that song (Double spoiler) there's the MUCH better "Youkai Modern Colony" that I believe, is everything that nemesis was trying to do, but better ;-;
@Hijiri_MIRACHION 17 күн бұрын
@@AllVoiceHowdy Yeah, Youkai Modern Colony is definitely more focused. I remember liking it without even knowing it's name, funnily enough in another AspreyFM stream (I remember discovering Japanese Saga through that same stream as well). And Double Spoiler, apart from Nemesis Stronghold, is quite solid, especially Mystery in Your Town.
@AllVoiceHowdy 17 күн бұрын
​@@Hijiri_MIRACHIONIm glad someone else also lovess Mystery in your own town ^^ it definitely deserves more love But i have to say personally I kinda fell out of love from it ;-; I think the songs starts off SO GOOD, and then after 0:30 it kinda gets messy for me.. anyways Doble Spoler love is cool.
@solarissect6649 18 күн бұрын
@AllVoiceHowdy 18 күн бұрын
@Septhim 18 күн бұрын
Very interesting choices, I can see how you love this franchise so much from all the lesser known picks. My No.1 touhou song is Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess.
@YoannBB 19 күн бұрын
W VIDEO!! Didn't watch megapig's video because it didn't end up in my recommandations, but I'm a sucker for touhou music essay and for the second time you struck that chord perfectly! btw, what do you think about An Instant that Exceeds Planck's Time? I personally think it's the worst ZUN song excluding pc-98 and seihou, torte and miscellaneous works/arranges. It's just... filler to me lol
@AllVoiceHowdy 19 күн бұрын
how did you listen to the song? I recommend listenin to it in different context, like after you wake up, or walking, lightly paying attention to it. Because I feel like listening to 2hu songs in different moments help you see songs in a different light and maybe improve them. Back then, I used to not like "Pure Furies" Junko's theme, I thought it was boring and repetitive, and then I threw it on as background music on my bus ride home one day, and I suddenly understood why people love the song. I'm currently relistening to Planck, and writing this comment right after I woke up, I'm still kinda tired in the head ;-; and honestly I probably would have agreed with you, I kinda rember seeing this song as filler coming out of it with an empty feeling. But I'm sitting here, and I cant agree with you that this song is filler ;-; The spacey and wobblyy notes at the start are really calmingg, especially now that I'm tired. and when it reached around 1:32, this is a very personal experience for me only, but it reminded me of the instruments I used to use when I first starting making music, the memories of me playing around with the sounds I could use. I'm just smiling from nostalgia 😢 Some of the songs were made with being in the BG music in mind. Like being a stage/boss theme, Or for Planck Time, while you're reading the short scene ZUN wrote for it. I recommend trying to recreate the mood you're supppsed to listen to the song. ANYWAYS, I've rambled long enoughh, What do I think about Planck Time? Well I ranked it 549th on my Sorter List, on the "Below Average" Tier, meaning I still like it, but I feel like its lacking something.. Maybe more melodies on top to spice up the song and make it more interesting? idk an understandable pick, I can very well see why you personally dont like it ^^
@Pokeyoshi19 19 күн бұрын
I considered voting for (An Instant that Exceeds Planck's Time) in the popularity poll last week... That song is probably in my top 30-ish... AItEPT fans rise up?? Couldn't really explain why I like it tho xd
@AllVoiceHowdy 19 күн бұрын
@@Pokeyoshi19 I can throw a guess out ^ - ^ The piano/pads used especially in the intro are veryy wobbly, reverb-ed, its almost dreamyy at points. and is it just me or does it sound kinda like a PC98 type melody? Its a very unique song, I cant really think of a theme off the top of my head that captures a similar vibe, maybe White Traveler? its a very short ending theme tho ;-;
@Pokeyoshi19 18 күн бұрын
@@AllVoiceHowdy ​It's not just you, I thought the same thing while commenting :O I think the electric pianos give Wanwan vibes (MPP Stage 5, TLC Stage 3...) and maybe that's why I like the song ((But hey that's just a theory))
@badiskool9159 20 күн бұрын
I love how you can literally agree with both of them
@f.u.m.o.5669 20 күн бұрын
@f.u.m.o.5669 20 күн бұрын
Idk, this theme has done some pretty heinous things in the past. Should I really support that?
@AllVoiceHowdy 19 күн бұрын
shhshshsh thats some toxic gossip, and there are no trains in gensokyo >:((
@Solinaru 20 күн бұрын
5:03 That's some good beatboxing of the melody :o
@Solinaru 20 күн бұрын
Now this is the drama I live for! ☕👌🏼 (jk, in all seriousness I really appreciate the defence for the song. it's not that bad but also I totally understand where Megapig is coming from as well )
@AllVoiceHowdy 19 күн бұрын
MEGAPIG'S NEVER COMING BACK FROM THISS 🔥🔥 (yeahh... but at the same time, megapig's biggest reason for disliking the song is that he just finds it boring, which I could understand.. but for a least favorite song I feel like it should be more than that... It should be something like "The instruments are annoying", "It hurts my ears", "I have a bad relationship with this song" or "This song sent we weird messages online, and I tried ignoring them at first but... ☕" you know?)
@XiajieUwU 20 күн бұрын
idk how but this video give me vibes and back to 2020 or 2019 feels when i was still child minds,i really like the video music used and yes,you make me cry... (btw i was listening like "hours of touhou boss stage music alot videos before,like 100+ idk,that why I'm like Touhou music well) Anyways good video!
@AllVoiceHowdy 19 күн бұрын
YESS, SOMEONE NOTICEDD :OOO judging by your pfp, you must've came here from undertale, I ALSO CAME HERE FROM UT, it wass around 2017-2018 when the frisk vs sakuya video came out and at the time the touhou yt community was still pretty small, and there were little 2hu video essays. I'm trying to recreate the videos I watched when i was young, The "what is touhou?" videos, gensokyo boiz and other 2017-2020 feelss , I'd tear up too ;-;
@spaghettiking7312 22 күн бұрын
To describe all my favourite Touhou songs, I'd have to write an essay too.
@kapifromnevada4697 22 күн бұрын
My second favorite song from this album. Glad to people careing about this hidden gem of track
@AllVoiceHowdy 15 күн бұрын
SAME, satellite's my 2nd, with Greenwich 1st and Far Side of the moon at 3rd Magical Astronomy is a greatt album ^~^
@yelenkn4839 22 күн бұрын
No reason to leave a comment but I thought about sharing my top 3 1st Suika's theme Broken moon 2nd fate/judgement of sixty years 3rd the slow and melancholic un owen was her remixes an example of one would be 【東方Violin/Piano】 Lost My Lover or this one 【東方Piano】少女練習中
@powawawawawa 24 күн бұрын
I love Touhou.
@_ibk 25 күн бұрын
beepbox ! nice remix
@20DX00 27 күн бұрын
52:22 The first 4 notes of this song never fail to give me goosebumps, and yeah, it's without a doubt my no.1 favorite Touhou song too. Kid's Festival is the one song that represents the entirety of Touhou and ZUN that isn't even from the games. Aside from that, Alice in Wonderland and Tonight Stars an Easygoing Egoist were the only other songs that I share in this Top 20 and that's perfectly fine, there's enough banger Touhou themes that every favorite list out there is right. One of my favorite themes of all time is The Sea Where One's Home Planet Reflects. Starting with the sounds of waves immediately sets the tone for the stage. Contrasting the difficulty of a final stage with the calmness of the theme, the theme itself is beautiful yet there is a looming sense of dread and sadness.
@im_NOTsmile 27 күн бұрын
My personal favourite Touhou song is the touhou 8: I.N's third stage theme. It's so gorgeous
@Баневич-с9й Ай бұрын
Wonderful selection!
@nathanaeldean6301 Ай бұрын
You know, I'm actually curious to how far Girls' Sealing Club went uo your list. I actually think of that as the Hifuus' anthem
@AllVoiceHowdy 28 күн бұрын
Hifuu anthem? DEFINITELY, if there were an anime adaptation of Hifuu this should be used in the opening... and IT DID! (A journey of farewell by Yonder Voice from Hifuu Club Activity Record) It's definitely one of my favorites on that CD ghostly field club specifically, but the Hifuu collection as a whole is just SO stacked, It ended up falling to my 14th favorite CD song and 177th on the full list ;-; That's still veryy high, since there's over 700+ songs on there, I still ABSOLUTELY love the song, the opening notes are ICONIC, and the wandering and rambling piano keys, supported by soft guitar BRRR BRRR sounds is great ^~^
@zombiekiller0023 Ай бұрын
Trojan Asteroid Jungle is so unique to me. No other songs relate
@blue_the_boy_kisser Ай бұрын
Hello! Awesome remix here 👀 I wanted to ask smth since I feel like you're the only person I could ask who has a chance of knowing lol. In your playlist of Touhou music reactions, there was one youtuber by the name "Roartherapper". I haven't been able to find his channel or anything from him. He's a relatively smaller creator, so no one is really talking about this. I was wanting to know if this is my KZbin app just being stupid, or this dude really just dropped off of the face of the internet 😅
@AllVoiceHowdy Ай бұрын
WHAT THE- thank you for letting me know ;-; Ive been following roar for a while now, glad i'm not the only one worried for him rn you're not a lunatic, he's videos have been listed "DELETED" in my playlist as well, which is worrying because we'll probably never get them back like if they were "privated" Idk what happened to him, by since he made alot of reactions to JP content, atleast one of them probably went trigger-happy with the strikes and struck him out of existence ;-; I'm hoping he's able to get an appeal sent through..
@blue_the_boy_kisser Ай бұрын
@@AllVoiceHowdy Damn dude, this mega sucks...
@AllVoiceHowdy 29 күн бұрын
@@blue_the_boy_kisser i just wanna clarify its probably not related to 2hu, ZUN probably wouldn't copyright you, and even with circles that strike (like ButaOtome) they're very sensitive and give a month warning in advance when they do strike probably some other franchise
@blue_the_boy_kisser 29 күн бұрын
@@AllVoiceHowdy Oh I didn't think that's be the case lol. I figured it may have been due to some of his other reaction videos
@shooptouhoueurobeat Ай бұрын
Incredible work!!!! Absolutely love your descriptions of everything!
@tabitha17x Ай бұрын
Puts the third Vivit theme in the top 20? Egoistic Flowers exactly top 10? Lost Emotion? Wind God Girl?? Last Remote? Woahhhh!
@Daniel-Yeeeeeeeee Ай бұрын
a guy talks about his favourite touhou music for 50+ mins? brother sign me up 🤝
@randommaster06 Ай бұрын
You are absolutely correct. Never Gonna Give You Up is the best Touhou song.
@saltedsweets Ай бұрын
i love the inclusion of the little drawings, it makes this video so much more relaxing to unwind to :)
@kosuken 4 сағат бұрын
@fullmoonboss Ай бұрын
Very nice! The original gets me pumped up but this just goes all out in the melancholy feeling I could see this playing after her loss, hoping Mokou is safe
@AllVoiceHowdy Ай бұрын
funny.. I did try to go for a more pumping mood, recreating hiphop, funk jazz drums, I even put it on a Major scale (happy scale) allthat for it to still sound so sad ;-; guess no matter what you do, A sad melody is a sad melody ^^;
@MightyHyenaST Ай бұрын
love this! sounds really epic and calming, good to know your remixes never get old
@MightyHyenaST Ай бұрын
you down for a music collab on the 15th? Also huge congrats to everything you’ve pulled off recently, I’m so glad more and more people can come and experience this awesome music :)
@AllVoiceHowdy Ай бұрын
​@@MightyHyenaSTAY you also use beepbox/boxsites right? might be able to give it a shot ^.^
@MightyHyenaST Ай бұрын
@@AllVoiceHowdy slay :D epic im down
@MightyHyenaST Ай бұрын
I’ll be ready at 12pm tomorrow, PST. (If u dont know what timezone PST is just googel it ^~^)
@44tharia46 Ай бұрын
i literally wondered out loud if someone's made a touhou song sorter and then get this recommended
@AllVoiceHowdy Ай бұрын
I believe I might be the firstt to do it with all songs, unless someone proves me wrong ;-;
@dondake3278 Ай бұрын
no satori maiden 3rd eye sadge
@AllVoiceHowdy Ай бұрын
she my fav char, but my bias couldn't save the song from being 281th place ;-; (still a decent placement since theres 700+ songs)
@dondake3278 Ай бұрын
@@AllVoiceHowdy ah yes another Satori appreciator I'm curious in what place you put heartfelt fancy
@egorbessonow2121 Ай бұрын
Kid's festival is definitely one of the best Zun's works, and it also has my favourite remix: kid's festival from touhou rhythm carnival. So I'm glad that you picked it!
@Ven-xj8qx Ай бұрын
Most songs from the Dolls in Pseudo Paradise already make my top 20. Eternal Shrine Maiden from DiPP has been one of my favorite for a very long time now.