@treattrick8991 3 күн бұрын
So i guess ultraman is here as well....this is as close as a godzilla and ultraman crossover we can get
@spacehunternebulanm7003 6 күн бұрын
6:51 - 6:56 snif.. snif sob snif.. he just like me... HE JUST LIKE ME FOR REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL......
@spacehunternebulanm7003 6 күн бұрын
alright, so my interpretation of this is essentially - even though all the monsters seem "evil" in fingerbones, i think the king dragon thing might actually be telling the truth. especially after zero strangled the cave lady. he's going around killing other monsters, and while they were hostile to him first, he's also had the choice not to leave his residence, or around hiding sections, he could simply hide and then run away. he also had the choice not to kill the cave lady, but he did it anyway. and that's an example of zero disobeying the player, so while he points out to them that they're no better, it's not a good faith argument, because he seemingly has always had the power to act independantly, and if he really cared for the creatures of the world, he just wouldn't kill them when the player presses the buttons to do so. meanwhile, in godzilla's world, godzilla is the force of protection, and ghidorah's the force of erasure. with fingerbones glitching out like it does at the end, the king dragon, seemingly a good guy, gets melded together with the lovecraftian ghidorah. and i'd think in godzilla's eyes, especially since i don't think he has any knowledge of what actually happened in the fingerbones world, he's not viewing this from a "help zero kill the king!" angle, he's viewing it from a "we need to kill this thing right here and right now" perspective. we don't know what would've happened if the king had defeated zerozilla, but presumably fingerbones would turn out like the other world affected by the distorted ghidorah. there is a moral quandry here with those who believe in the game having some form of sapience vs the legitimate human life we find out gets taken away from the protagonist, so it's kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation in that aspect. only one option really seems good. if zero had been able to defeat the king alone - well, okay, but you just let this POS kill the king. and the player might also die too, but i don't know. if everything starts glitching out and godzilla helps the player out, okay, you beat the king apperation, you saved the fingerbones world, but zero's alive, so he's gonna go kill the player now. if the king glitches out and gets overtaken by ghidorah, then killing zero or zerozilla, okay, zero's dead and the player's safe, but then the world gets erased. it seems like the best option would have been the king killing zero before any of the glitching started. maybe just not saying anything to him and the player, and just outright attacking. perhaps leaving traps or something beforehand, too? maybe bringing out a whole army. maybe bringing out the lobster. maybe bringing out the whole ocean! i don't think it's the king's fault, and if the game had simply not glitched at that point, he totally could have won. it was just a wrong place, wrong time kind of thing.
@spacehunternebulanm7003 6 күн бұрын
buzzkill also did a terrific job on the music used in this so somebody should go find their address and start mailing them solid gold bars or something.
@spacehunternebulanm7003 6 күн бұрын
now wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, this is something that came together after i posted the comment, but i kinda realized that if zero had just let the lady live, and kissed her foot... he might have been able to kill the king!! she was one of so few people who were never willing to hurt him. i can also get not wanting to kiss her foot, because most people wouldn't wanna do that either, even if it makes their centipede form last longer. and his unwillingness to just leave her be is what kind of causes his downfall until godzilla shows up to help.
@spacehunternebulanm7003 6 күн бұрын
alright so i'm commenting this at the very start of the video but it's interesting the way the game can entirely remake itself just for someone who doesn't know enough about godzilla. for zach, he knew everyone they threw at him apart from the original monsters, for carl i'm assuming the monsters he thinks he didn't know, he'd maybe actually seen when he was younger and just completely forgotten about (on some repressed memory type shit), then for this character, they get a whole new game. it makes me wonder if, for example, if someone were to have seen all the gamera movies, yet not a single godzilla movie, if it could be about gamera or something? if the game can make a "fingerbones", it could probably make a "gamera: protector of the earth". and i'm not expecting someone to make a gamera story either, it's just food for thought. i'd have to assume from the language used in the story this has to be somewhat recent in the story's canon. yeah, dates are redacted, but "media consumed"? nobody in the 80s - 2010s spoke like that. but then we also don't know when zach and carl played the games, now do we? not with the releases so spread out. or maybe cosbydaf has said something about that on discord and i don't know. and if this story were to be in modern times, then that'd imply that either the cartridge gets stolen from carl, he gives it away, or zach and carl played the game way way off into the future and just so happened to never catch any newer monsters. that'd also explain how they're able to "screenshot" their nes consoles.. some kind of weird future technology. and i'm aware that that's totally insane, and probably not true, nor do i expect it to be true, but it'd be really, really funny.
@spacehunternebulanm7003 6 күн бұрын
well.. OK, i suppose not. oopsie.
@karlhnedkovsky5214 6 күн бұрын
That was creepy as f@#$! Well done! **chef's kiss**
@tachibana-m7k 16 күн бұрын
what was the name of Warlock's theme again?
@Caratrox 18 күн бұрын
Is this Nytronx?
@TranscendenceTeam-tm2ky 18 күн бұрын
@Caratrox 18 күн бұрын
@@TranscendenceTeam-tm2ky cool 😎
@donbototo5068 19 күн бұрын
i hope that the protagonist actually fighted back and beated the shit out of zero, or the cultist or whattever the hell that was at the end after finding his own strenght
@infinityzer054 24 күн бұрын
This fandom is strange…I knew I made a good choice of staying and watching what happens next
@AnimationIndustrys 28 күн бұрын
27:40 Reference to Red