Advent and Christmas Classical Music Celebration St. Finnan Basilica December 21 2024 2:00 pm Isabelle Utovac contralto Naeche Achodor organist Music Programme 0:04 Esurientes implevit bonis (Magnificat) Antonio Vivaldi 2:22 Expectans Air pour alto (Oratorio de Noël) Camille Saint-Saëns 5:23 Fulget amica dies/Tu virginum corona (Exsultate, jubilate) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 11:30 Cantabo Domino (Sacrae cantiones) Ivan Lukačić 14:07 Sicut cedrus (Sacrae cantiones) Ivan Lukačić 15:56 Behold a virgin shall conceive/O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (Messiah) George Frideric Handel 20:21 Nun wird mein Liebster Bräutigam/Bereite dich, Zion (Weihnachtsoratorium - Christmas Oratorio) Johann Sebastian Bach 26:12 Navideña (Del Verbo Divino - By the Divine Word) Victor Carbajo 28:02 Ave Maria Charles Gounod/Johann Sebastian Bach 30:49 O frondens virga Hildegard von Bingen 32:27 **********************Intermission 10 minutes************************************ 43:07 Die Heiligen Drei Könige aus Morgenland (6 Lieder, Op. 56) Richard Strauss 48:39 Christbaum (I. Weihnachtslieder, Op.8) Peter Cornelius 50:34 Die Hirten (II. Weihnachtslieder, Op.8) Peter Cornelius 52:46 Die Könige (III. Weihnachtslieder, Op.8) Peter Cornelius 54:30 Simeon (IV. Weihnachtslieder, Op.8) Peter Cornelius 56:19 Christus der Kinderfreund (V. Weihnachtslieder, Op.8) Peter Cornelius 58:18 Christkind (VI. Weihnachtslieder, Op.8) Peter Cornelius 1:00:00 Noël (2 Songs Op.43) Gabriel Fauré 1:02:19 That yongë child (A Ceremony of Carols) Benjamin Britten 1:03:45 Schlafendes Jesuskind (Spanisches Liederbuch) Hugo Wolf 1:06:47 Weihnachtschnee (6 Songs, Op.49) Edvard Grieg 1:10:37 Maria Wiegenlied (Schlichte Weisen, Op.76) Max Reger 1:14:16 But who may abide the day His coming? (Messiah) George Frideric Handel Translation of sung texts Latin-English, German-English, Spanish-English, French-English
@celioreis650717 күн бұрын
Peço orações por todas as almas do purgatório
@genevieve6122Ай бұрын
@chantaleblais77042 ай бұрын
Je t’aime ma tante ❤
@CHRISTO_01012 ай бұрын
@genevieve61229 ай бұрын
An exceptionally beautiful service.
@tonyandangienussbaumer7509 ай бұрын
Below I inserted the content from the handout "The Way to Freedom: Scriptures and Practices Against the Eight Thoughts" that Fr. Denis Lemieux gave out during his retreat. Thank you Fr. Denis for compiling these scriptures.
@tonyandangienussbaumer7509 ай бұрын
Scriptures for the thought of pride - 'Happiness is mastery' In truth, virtually all the Bible is a vast tract against pride, in that it perpetually teaches us the truth of God overcoming human arrogance and illusion, the reign of God overthrowing human mastery. Virtually all our reading of the Bible in a spirit of humble acceptance and reverent submission-is efficacious against pride. These additional scriptures are chosen merely because they more directly address the theme itself. Matt 5:3 - (Blessed are the poor in spirit) Matt 9: 12-13 cf Mark 2: 17, Luke 5: 31 (I have come to call not the righteous...) Matt 18: 3-5 - (Unless you change and become like children...) Matt 11: 25-30; cf Luke 10: 21-22 - (Come to me, all you who labor...) Matt 7: 21-27 - (obedience to God's word is our strength) Matt 19: 14 - (let the children come...) Matt 21: 28-44 - (the tenants and the landowner, the parable of the two sons.) Mark 13: 2 - (the splendor of the temple destroyed.) Matt 4: 8-10, Luke 4: 5-8 - (the temptation of Christ to power) Luke 18: 10-14 - (the Pharisee and the tax collector) John 13: 3-17 - (Christ washing the feet of the disciples.) Matt 7: 1-5 - ('do not judge...) Matt 11: 21-24 - ('woe to you, Chorazin...) Practice(s) - Humble service, humble prayer ('Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner')
@tonyandangienussbaumer7509 ай бұрын
Scriptures for the thought of vainglory - 'Happiness is the good opinion of others.' Matt 5:5 - (Blessed are the meek) Matt 6: 1-6, 16-18 (prayer, fasting, almsgiving in secret) Luke 14: 8-11 - (take the lowest place...) Mark 10: 28-31 - (the first shall be last) Matt 23: 2-12 - (call no man rabbi, teacher, father.) Mt 5: 10, Luke 6: 22-23 - (blessed are the persecuted.) Mt 5:33-37 - (let your yes be yes.) Matt 7: 15-20 - (beware of false prophets.) Matt 10: 5-15 - (the dignity of the apostolic call.) Matt 9: 12-13 - (I have not come to call the righteous.) Matt 11: 7-15, Luke 7: 24-28 - (the least in the kingdom is greater...) Matt 11: 21-24 - (Repentance greater than honors.) Matt 12: 48-50, Mark 3: 33-35, Luke 8: 21 - (Doing God's will is all that matters.) Matt 13: 57 - (Jesus is dishonored) Matt 16: 24-28, Luke 12: 8-12- (If we are faithful to Jesus, we will be repaid.) Matt 19: 28-30 - (the first shall be last.) Matt 20: 21-28, Mark 10: 35-45 - (your rulers should be your servants.) Matt 23: 37-24:2 - UJesus' lament over Jerusalem.) Matt 25: 31-46 - (the sheep and the goats.) Matt 28: 18-20, Mark 16: 15-18 - (the greatness of the apostolic commission.) Matt 15: 24-28, Mark 7: 272-9 - (the Syro-Phoenician woman) Mark 9: 33-37 - (who is the greatest?) Mark 9: 39-40 - (another promise of reward.) Mark 12: 43-44 - (God's standards are not ours.) Mark 13: 9-13 - (promise of persecution and disgrace.) Luke 1: 46-55 - (the Magnificat.) Luke 4: 23-27 - (no prophet accepted in his hometown.) Luke 6: 26 - (woe when all speak well of you.) Luke 13: 24-30 - (entering by the narrow door.) Luke 20: 3-9 - (the scribes stymied by wanting human respect.) John 5: 41-44 - (rejecting human glory.) Practice (S) - Acceptance of humiliations, thankful prayer when one is ignored/unacknowledged
@tonyandangienussbaumer7509 ай бұрын
Scriptures for the thought of acedia - 'Happiness is oblivion.' The whole of the Gospels are effective against acedia, and in fact the reading of the Gospels in their entirety remains among the most powerful and constant practices we are to adopt in this particular battle. All of the healing miracles in particular speak against acedia, in that their constant message is God's desire to make us well in every particular. The Passion narratives as well have great power in this fight, as we continually contemplate in them the overpowering love of God for us, and his will to heal and save us. Matt 7: 7-11 - (ask and you will receive) Matt 11: 11-15 - (the kingdom of heaven taken by violence) Matt 25: 1-13 - (the wise and the foolish bridesmaids) John 3: 16 - (God so loved the world...) Mark 9: 42-50 - (If your eye offends you...) Mark 13 - (the Markan apocalypse) Luke 12: 35-40 - (Be dressed for action...) Luke 18: 2-8 - (perseverance in prayer) Matt 5: 13-16 - (let your light shine...) Matt 6: 7-13 - (praying with faith...) Matt 7: 13-14 - (the narrow gate) Matt 10: 37-39 - (preferring Jesus to everything) Matt 11: 28-30 - (I will give you rest...) Matt 13: 3-17 - (the seed and the sower...) Matt 13: 44-46 - (the pearl of great price...) Matt 14: 27-31 - (you of little faith, why did you doubt?) Matt 21: 18-22 - (whatever you pray for with faith...) Matt 28: 18-20 - (I am with you always...) Mark 8: 15-21 - (God's power and will to care for us.) Luke 10: 41-42 - (the one thing necessary.) Luke 13: 6-9 - (God's desire for us to bear fruit.) Luke 17: 5-10 - (we are servants of God.) Practice(s) - Commitment to Regular Prayer, praying with Scripture
@tonyandangienussbaumer7509 ай бұрын
Scriptures for the thought of despondency - 'Happiness is getting my way.' Matt 5: 4, 11 - (Blessed are those who mourn, who are persecuted) Matt 11: 16-19 - ('To what shall I compare this generation...?") Matt 26:36-46 - (Gethsemane) Luke 24: 17-26 - (road to Emmaus) John 16: 20-24 - (Your joy will be complete) Matt 7: 21-27 - (Doing the will of the Father) Matt 7: 7-11 - (God knows what to give us) Matt 12: 48-50 - (Who is my mother?) Matt 4: 7 - (Do not put God to the test) Matt 13: 20-21 - (the seed on rocky soil) Matt 17: 6-12 - (the Transfiguration) Matt 18: 10-14 - (God's desire to save) Matt 24: 4-35 - (trials followed by deliverance) Mark 4: 38-40 - (Jesus calming the seas - in times of trouble, all shall be well) Mark 5: 39-41 - (the raising of Jairus' daughter) Luke 4: 18-19, 21 - (Jesus has come to bring good news.) Luke 14: 16-24 - (the reluctant wedding guests - call to accept life on God's terms) Luke 15: 4-10 - (joy comes from being saved) Luke 17: 17-10 - (faith makes us well) All of the Passion and Easter Gospels Practice(s) - Praise and Thanksgiving to God in all situations
@tonyandangienussbaumer7509 ай бұрын
Scriptures for the thought of anger - 'Happiness is getting even.' Matt 5:9 - (Blessed are the peacemakers) Matt 5: 21-26, cf Luke 12: 57-59 - (when you bring your gifts to the altar...) Matt 5: 38-48; cf. Luke 6: 27-29 (love your enemies) Matt 18: 15-35, cf Luke 17: 3-4 (the unforgiving servant) Matt 5: 7 - (Blessed are the merciful...) Matt 11: 25 - (forgiveness and prayer) Luke 6: 37-38 - (Do not judge...) Matt 6: 9-15 - (the Lord's Prayer) Matt 26: 52-56 - (those who live by the sword will die by it.) Matt 7: 12 - (the Golden Rule) Matt 10: 34-36, Luke 12: 49-53- (rightly ordered conflict) Matt 18: 15-17 - (rightly ordered reconciliation) Practice(s) - Forgiveness without limit or condition, prayer for those who have hurt us.
@tonyandangienussbaumer7509 ай бұрын
Scriptures for the thought of avarice - 'Happiness is material security.' Matt 6: 24-34 - (do not worry...) Matt 8: 20, Luke 9: 58 (foxes have holes...) Matt 19: 17-26; cf Mark 10: 17-31, Luke 18: 18-30 (sell all you possess...) Luke 16: 19-31 - (rich man and Lazarus) Luke 12: 13-34 - (the rich fool) Matt 5: 3, 7, Luke 6: 20, 24 - (blessed are the poor, and the merciful) Matt 10: 5-15, Luke 9: 3-5, Luke 10: 2-7 - (the poverty of the apostles on mission) Matt 13: 44-46 - (the kingdom is worth selling all one has) Matt 21: 13, Mark 11: 17 - (worship corrupted by avarice) Matt 22: 18-21, Luke 20: 24-25 - (render unto Caesar) Matt 26: 10-12, Mark 14: 6-9 - (the wasteful anointing of Christ's feet) Mark 11:22 - (call for total trust in God for all things.) Luke 16: 1-15 - (being shrewd in using money for good) Luke 14: 26-33 - (the cost of discipleship, and the need for total dedication) Matt 10: 26-30 - (living without fear) Matt 6:19-21 - (do not store up treasure) Matt 5: 38-42, Luke 6: 30-36 - (give to those who ask) Matt 13: 22 cf Luke 8: 14-15 - (the seed choked by thorns) Mark 12: 43-44; cf Luke 21: 3-4 - (the widow's mite) Practice(s) - Almsgiving
@tonyandangienussbaumer7509 ай бұрын
Scriptures for the thought of lust - "Happiness is the body of another.' Matt 5: 8 - (Blessed are the pure). Matt 5: 27-30 - (adultery of the heart) Matt 22: 29-32 - (no marriage in heaven) Mark 14: 37-38 - (the flesh is weak) Luke 12: 2-7 - (What is done in secret will be brought to the light; do not fear the destruction of the body, but of the soul.) Matt 19: 4-12 - (The indissolubility of marriage and the virtue of celibacy.) Matt 6: 22-23, Luke 11: 33-36 - (Custody of the eyes) Matt 13: 44-46 - (The kingdom of God is worth paying any price to possess.) Practice(s) - Commitment to personal prayer, vigilance around media consumption
@tonyandangienussbaumer7509 ай бұрын
Scriptures for the thought of gluttony - 'Happiness is bodily satiation' Luke 6: 21, 25 - (Luke's first beatitude) Matt 4: 4 - ('Man does not live...") Mark 6: 35-42 - (Multiplication of the loaves, trust in God's providence) Luke 22: 14-20 - (Institution of Eucharist) Matt 5:6 - (Matthew's beatitude on hunger) Luke 21: 34-36 - (fasting and temperance to be vigilant for Christ's coming) Matt 6: 16-18 - (fasting in secret) Matt 9:15-17, Mark 2: 19-22, Luke 5:34-35 - (why Jesus and his disciples do not fast, and why we do) Matt 15: 10, 16-20, Mark 7: 14-19 - (food itself is not defiling) Matt 16: 6-11 - (it is Jesus who provides food in plenty) Practice(s) - Fasting
@ldetillieux864810 ай бұрын
My school
@Elegance33Refine11 ай бұрын
* When their is no agreement! Of success run 🏃♀️!!!!!!
@Elegance33Refine11 ай бұрын
* When someone doesn’t have professions! Avoid ! Speak 🗣 to everyone ♥️
@Elegance33Refine11 ай бұрын
* Which gives me the conclusion when someone is NOT FULL-FILLED WITH LOVE AND GOD! Inside of their heart ♥️ as me: I rebelled because I did not communicate with others and my parents affected me by their first language! When nothing is beautiful of words of ( God ) education LEAVE!!!!!! When your NOT PROGRESSING OR WHEN YOU SEE NO PROGRESSION LEAVE!!!!! Ms.Gonzalez
@Elegance33Refine11 ай бұрын
* A lot of bad things! I leave when they speak 🗣 vulgar ghetto! Fighting!
@Elegance33Refine11 ай бұрын
* DO NOT PUT YOURSELF IN A POSITION! Leave, avoid anything harsh as the word : Listen - When your heart ❤️ doesn’t like something leave! When someone something in a building house 🏡 location voice head is hardening your heart ♥️ mind sanity leave weather you have income or not! DO NOT INVOLVE YOURSELF IN A PROBLEM IF THEY DO NOT STUDY 📖 HAVE A BUSINESSES SCHOOL AVOID AND A OFFICE!!!! Acknowledge the 🚩!. When they do not have a clipboard 📋 pen 🖊 paper 📄 SAY IT AS YOU LEAVE!!!!!
@annemacgregor9481 Жыл бұрын
Amazing concert! And the two Jon/John's was a special surprise! Loved it all.
@frjsblake Жыл бұрын
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Aldous Huxley Thanks to everyone who participated online and in person. Peace.
@lisaguertin77 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful🕊️ Amen!🙏🏻
@lisaguertin77 Жыл бұрын
Amen! 🙏🏻
@crazyedswonderfulworldofso9370 Жыл бұрын
All readers should be properly attired. If one were to be given an audience with King Charles, odds are they would be attired in appropriate garb. At Mass, in presenting the Word, we have an audience with the King of Kings Himself! Do we believe this, or not? We should dress accordingly, particularly on Sundays. In many parishes, should the participants not be suitably attired for the occasion, they put on gowns just for this purpose.
@lisaguertin77 Жыл бұрын
@patrickkearns344 Жыл бұрын
so pleased I happen to come across on youtube here, being able to watch Sr Kathryn Cameron's celebration of life (funeral mass) and offer my own private thoughtful farewell to her. Sr Jean's reflection of Sr Kathryn reminded me of my own fond memories of past interactions with Sr Kathryn Cameron, again at Shalom House and various (Alexandria-Cornwall) Diocesan Liturgical events - on a side note, nice to see (via youtube feed) Fr Kevin M and Fr Louis G +🙏
@aileenukara6598 Жыл бұрын
STOP using Jesus!!
@aileenukara6598 Жыл бұрын
I wouldt want to see Jesus crucified.. Why don't you crucify pope. You love your pope more than Jesus.
@lisaguertin77 Жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏🏻 So many important things are said in this Homily🤍
@lisaguertin77 Жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏🏻
@lisaguertin77 Жыл бұрын
Thank you🙏🏻🌌Beautiful Mass and good, strong, Homily 🤍
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
Joyeux Noël à vous tous ❤🎇 Merry Christmas Fr. Gilles, Deacon John, Fr. Allan & Fr. Jonathan 🎄🌟 Thank you for this beautiful Mass. 🙏🏻
@janetbattistoni73872 жыл бұрын
What a wonderful concert. So many talented people! Thank you Paddy Kelly for sending me the link.
@claudetteemond80542 жыл бұрын
Great concert
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
Comme dans le bon vieux temps 🎄❤ Good job Fr. Blake 💫🌌 Sublime moment hors du temps............🙏🏻🕊🕊🕊💙🙏🏻⚜️
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
Thanks be to God 🌌🌅🌻 I spent Mass today with the children of the Little Liturgy. I really appreciate the KZbin video. Merci! 🙏🏻💙⚜️
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
Vraiment beau 🌌💚🕊 MERCI 🙏🏻
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
"The way we look at God will determine the way we look at others" Thank you for this very deep and moving Homily. 🙏🏻
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
This Gospel is very profound 🌌🙏🏻🕊
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
💙⚜️🌌🕊 Merci Jonathan (Many years later) xx
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
@leattriceanderson43842 жыл бұрын
RIP Helen
@francoiselafrance46512 жыл бұрын
Thanks for that chance to be able to pray together🙏🏻
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr Gilles 🌷
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
@lisaguertin772 жыл бұрын
A little children choir at an 8 am Mass is very impressive. Their voices are beautiful. Thank you🌌