@lunarmodule6419 Күн бұрын
Good stuff. Good luck with the channel!
@lunarmodule6419 Күн бұрын
1:06 Three people that were assassinated. 60s weren't so quiet...
@hannahmcclee 3 күн бұрын
My elementary school would get Highlights and I LOVED the day we got new issues. I would read it cover to cover dozens of times.
@tgif1345 3 күн бұрын
Disney Adventures and Nintendo Power are the only magazines featured in this video that I actually owned issues of in the 90's. I vaguely remember seeing issues of Highlights in the waiting rooms of both my pediatrician's office, and the clinics I went to at the local children's hospital, but I never got to read one. Zoobooks and Time for Kids weren't something I was even aware of, and Nickelodeon Magazine wasn't available here in Canada, because Nickelodeon wasn't available here in Canada, unless you had a satellite dish that picked up the closest Nickelodeon feed from the US. Shows produced by Nickelodeon aired on two different channels here, and we didn't get the actual Nickelodeon channel here until 2009, unless, again you were lucky enough to have a satellite dish instead of regular broadcast and cable television. I had a 1995 issue of Disney Adventures that featured a preview and indepth look at Gargoyles, which was just about to air its second season, and I had a special summer special issue of Disney Adventures from 1997. I also had the Pokemon Yellow issue of Nintendo Power from 1999, and then the Epic Mickey/The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks issue from 2009.
@tymforhistory 3 күн бұрын
Nickelodeon didn’t start airing in Canada until 2009? TIL.
@tgif1345 2 күн бұрын
@@tymforhistory Yup! Like I said, we got most of Nickelodeon's shows on two different channels, one was Family Channel, which the Nickelodeon shows shared with Disney Channel shows in the late 90's and early 2000's, and YTV, which aired all of the Nicktoons. However, we didn't get all of the live action shows, or got them later. Like we didn't get Kenan & Kel at all, and we didn't get Clarissa Explains It All and The Adventures of Pete & Pete until 1999 or 2000, long after they'd both finished their original runs on Nickelodeon.
@tymforhistory 2 күн бұрын
Okay I remember hearing about YTV. That’s interesting that Disney and Nickelodeon kind of shared a channel! I had no idea a
@tgif1345 2 күн бұрын
@@tymforhistory Yeah, because we also didn't get Disney Channel here until 2015, six years AFTER we got our own Nickelodeon. So the shows from both had to be split between two channels, just because we also had our own shows to air as well. So all we Canadian children knew of Nickelodeon was the logo at the end of shows like Doug, Rugrats, Angry Beavers etc. as well as the orange VHS tapes, which we still got since we not only got the shows on home video, but we had the movies like Harriet the Spy as well.
@judgesaturn507 10 күн бұрын
I wasn't there in the late 90's, but I was there in 2016 when Pokemon Go hit. You know something is a phenomenon when a presidential candidate mentions it in a speech...
@judgesaturn507 10 күн бұрын
I can see a lot of JJ influence with this video, especially the thumbnail (and the facial hair). I'll admit I'm not super familiar with Springer or Maury. The daytime trash TV spectacle I've seen the most of is Dr. Phil.
@constantinosfudas3785 15 күн бұрын
Dragonite Card good buy many money
@alexhawkins7674 15 күн бұрын
I'm not sure as to the actual point of this video. This is just the umpteenth Pokémon retrospective/history video isn't it? I honestly think that this topic has been overdone to death.
@BaronLickilicky 15 күн бұрын
Really well made video! I especially agree with your conclusion that Pokemon played a big role in making cartoons and video games more mainstream, where they had previously been much more niche. I also think you highlighted a point which is easy to miss - there was something almost exotic about this strange fad which arrived from Japan. Playing Pokemon as a child in the late 90s made me feel like I was in some kind of special club. Secrets spread around the playground, rumours of Mist Stones and Bill's Secret Garden, and this mysterious glitch Pokemon which could give you infinite items... It all added to the allure and mystery.
@cafeAmericano 15 күн бұрын
I often think of Muzzy when I've run out of every other conceivable thought to think about
@amybess 15 күн бұрын
I've sat in the audience for Steve Wilkos, Maury, and Karamo Once I watch that stuff, i feel better about life
@JakobMusick 13 күн бұрын
Steve wılkos makes u feel better abt lıfe? That show ıs dark
@jaritime1406 16 күн бұрын
The Jerry Springer Show has over 15 years of Footage unseen.. We need it back as TV is now trash and it was at least funny.. See Jamie Dundee saying how none of it was real they would call him and ask for what thwy wanted
@criminalmindsgirl2936 16 күн бұрын
Wrestling took trash TV and ran with it 😅😅😅
@mmecharlotte 16 күн бұрын
While I enjoy the later gens, the 1st Gen holds a special place in my heart. I was just 9yo when Pokemania hit. My dad surprised me with a Gameboy and Pokemon Red just in time for our family summer roadtrip. I played the entire car ride across three states, using a flashlight at night, buying batteries at the gas stations, and I related to the protag of the game because I was also going on a journey to new places too. I even met kids that traded with me in some rest stops and hotels. It was magical. Then Gold/Silver came around and I fell in love with the games all over again.
@akaLaBrujaRoja 17 күн бұрын
And now there’s a crossover from those shows to new trash. A creature named Angela Deem was skanking it up on Maury’s show several years ago and is now one of the most infamous monsters on TLC’s “90 Day Fiancé” franchise.
@teresamartinez8372 17 күн бұрын
we played together as a family we learned the game, we had a local gaming store made good friends ! have a garage full of toys and cards
@dominickgaramella6431 17 күн бұрын
Jenny Jones was my favorite
@classictimer4052 17 күн бұрын
I was born in 2002, but I know from my mom and uncle that pokemania was just as big here in Europe as is was in America. Really makes me wish I was born a decade earlier so I could have experienced those times.
@Dirtcake71 18 күн бұрын
Great videos. I look forward to seeing your channel grow and other topics you come up with.
@tylerthompson3075 18 күн бұрын
You talk like someone who is too young to remember the context but you look like you're 40.
@gabrielh989 18 күн бұрын
I was there for it all, I loved every second of it lol
@TheTrumpReaper 19 күн бұрын
Do Surge and Vault have that chemical "glow-in-the-dark" flavor that current Mtn Dew has? (Throwback Mtn Dew is really good and tastes like lemonade.)
@mydjsobad 19 күн бұрын
Kahn absolutely did not come up with the name Pokemon, it was being used in relation to the franchise as far back as January 1996 (before the games were even released) in a feature Corocoro comics published to promote the series. The change in name is said to be a result of Pocket Monsters sounding too similar to the existing 90s franchise "Monster in my Pocket".
@SuperSpacebum 19 күн бұрын
My name is Sergio. Often shortened to "Serge". So when this drink came out, all my friends at the time greeted me with "SSSUUUUUURRGEEE! IT'S A FULLY LOADED CITRUS SODA WITH CARBOS! FEEEEEDD THEEEE RUUUUUSSHHHHHH!" I never once got tired of it and I encouraged my friends to continue do it. Hell, I wish people greeted me like that now. Haha
@taylorswan8587 20 күн бұрын
I had a great childhood, and Pokémon was a massive part of that. I have so many memories, and it’s so much stuff that goes beyond just playing the games. I remember going to see the first movie in theater, and my dad telling me he was going to get popcorn so he could sit in the lobby instead of having to watch it. I remember getting the birthday Pikachu promo from my friend Shaun because he was just sick of everybody at school asking for it. Biking around my neighborhood with a plastic Poke ball thinking I was Ash running from Beedrill, playing Pokemon monopoly, explaining every species to my very patient grandmother, getting episode novelizations and organizing cards. Somehow, one of my strongest memories of all of that is just sitting in my childhood living room, staring in fascination at the base set Switch trainer card. It’s funny in retrospect, maybe some of the panic over the obsession we had with Pokémon was valid, because I grew up loving Star Wars, Lord of the rings, Harry Potter, all the franchises that a younger millennial had at his disposal. But now, two months away from turning 30, the only one of them that has held on to me emotionally is Pokémon. My collection of Gen 1 cards is prodigious now. The Indigo League is oft recurring background noise while I do stuff at home. I have a little shelf in my bedroom with my gameboy color, yellow version, and some of the Tomy figures I grew up with. And the smell of the old cards is still the most nostalgic agent I’ve ever found.
@TimLukeyMusic 21 күн бұрын
Dude you're a fantastic and engaging presenter, I mean it helps that you're talking about something I'm obsessed with but you deserve more subs!
@chibicheeks78 22 күн бұрын
At the age of 21, in 1999, I sat down with my brothers to watch my first episode of Pokemon. They were also into the cards. They abandoned it but I’ve been a fan ever since.
@nzardoin 23 күн бұрын
Ty is a handsome dude!
@Vidgmchtr 23 күн бұрын
My first guess for the actress is Lois Lillenstein of Sharon, Lois & Bram's Elephant Show, but they don't exactly look the same.
@tgif1345 23 күн бұрын
I got my original Game Boy, including Tetris, The Incredible Crash Test Dummies, and Star Trek: 25th Anniversary, as well as the link cable, from Nichelle Nichols, a.k.a. Lieutenant Uhura on the original Star Trek series, as a gift. I was in the hospital alot as a kid, and this particular time, I was in the hospital and couldn't go to the Star Trek convention that Nichelle was appearing at. So she brought the convention to me, in my hospital room. She included three of the Galoob Star Trek: The Next Generation figures, as well as a couple of TOS figurines in the mix as well as the Game Boy. Unfortunately that Game Boy died on me many years ago now, but I still have all three of the games she gave me, as well as the blue Game Boy carrying case it came in.
@JohnSmithsu2006 23 күн бұрын
for the 20th anniversary of pokemon my tv network had all the movies on demand for like 3 dollars.. i ended up wasting over 60 dollars on pokemon movies that day. i was like 12 or 13 and my parents were absolutely pissed. I've been watching the series with subtitles, playing rom hacks based off the anime and manga and I've even collected some japanese exclusive promo cards from the anime that feature ash and brock's pokemon.
@shadycnetwork 24 күн бұрын
I hate to burst the delicate snowflake bubble, 90s so-called trash TV is better than anything currently airing on television. But really though, do you always have to talk crap about the 90s? Look I get it people constantly bring up the 90s because it was the best decade for music, movies, tv. People weren't constantly out there looking to be offended all the time. Grown adults didn't act like fragile children.
@evilmonkeyspeaks7801 24 күн бұрын
We always knew that stuff was staged for the camera. The trash today is just as staged, but it's presented as being real life.
@happydays8171 24 күн бұрын
Jery Springer was easy to see which stories were fake and meant to insult every chord of one's moral fiber. Pushing to see what new low they could bring the audience to.
@foreignparticle1320 25 күн бұрын
There's fundamentally no difference between 90s trash TV, more recent iterations of reality shows (as you mentioned), and people being fed to Lions for the entertainment of thousands in the Roman Coliseum. With social media, we can now all accuse strangers in real time and verbally ravage them ourselves from the comfort of our own bedrooms, rather than it purely being a spectator sport. Trash TV has always existed in one medium or another, and always will.
@andrewgrove1691 16 күн бұрын
@JakobMusick 13 күн бұрын
They use a dıfferent genre as theır format
@JakobMusick 13 күн бұрын
Part of the evolutıon was thay tall shows were seen as fake and contrıved. The synthesıs was "realıty" tv
@swagkirby3449 25 күн бұрын
I got into Pokemon during Gen 3, when Pokemania was dying out...I remember being so sad when Toys R Us only had those Poke Ball keychains in the clearance section
@pamelamays4186 26 күн бұрын
Maury Povitch didn't start out as a baby daddy drama show. A popular and frequent guest was zoo keeper Jack Hannah.
@SuperMarioBrosIII 25 күн бұрын
@pamelamays4186 Not only that Muary Provich used to host the tabloid type news magazine called A Current Affair on Fox 5 for years before he went into the talk show arena LOL! Maurys' early days on Daytime tv were more serious in tone and content. He used to dress up in a suit and tie remember that until maybe the early to mid 2000's starting dressing more casuel and switching the ton of his show from Children with tauret syndrome to who's the baby daddy LOL! 📺📼👶🙆
@jmfdm1 26 күн бұрын
towards the end of his run long after it went 100% fake, Jerry Springer booked literal professional wrestlers (mainly from a deathmatch promotion called IWA Mid-South) to be guests on his show... so the rasslin connection is strong
@gbear2253 26 күн бұрын
I remember Wally George! He was GREAT! I think he made an impact on television because he was such an offensive conservative. His shows and topics were so hilarious and entertaining.
@LegioXXI 26 күн бұрын
i still have this special Mew Pokemon card that you got when going to the first movie in cinema...
@tymforhistory 26 күн бұрын
Did you get the Dragonite one too?
@angelh1743 26 күн бұрын
The truth is the trash tv shows now that came after 2K are the most toxic and destructive shows ever made. They literally ruin lives with no remorse. The 90s trash tv were the girl scouts group compared the ones we have today.
@tymforhistory 26 күн бұрын
There’s also the parasocial aspect now. You can comment on any reality tv star’s Instagram and tell them what you think of them. So I’d say the audiences now are much worse as well.
@angelh1743 26 күн бұрын
Jerry Springer was the KING.
@christianlorre 27 күн бұрын
at least jerry springer had the sense to go from i have the worst show on tv to eventually saying i'm sorry i caused the downfall of western civilization. human nature means we can't stop watching train wrecks.
@SuperMarioBrosIII 25 күн бұрын
@chrisianlorre You know it's funny I stopped watching his show before he had any gray hair LOL! I believe this was before his show moved to Connecticut as well. 🧓🤔📺👍
@eltiolavara9 27 күн бұрын
you awakened an ancient memory
@kenhill8272 27 күн бұрын
I remember watching these shows between classes back in college
@whimsicalVanilla 27 күн бұрын
I remember in the 90's and early 2000's there was a LOT of pokemon themed food. Pokemon cereal (that came with a prize, of course), canned pokemon spaghetti, pokemon macaroni and cheese, pokemon waffles, etc. Even snacks that weren't pokemon shaped might come with a pokemon sticker or temporary tattoo.
@gugurupurasudaikirai7620 28 күн бұрын
I remember watching the French VHS when I was very young. Wasn't all that effective, I still don't know French now. Haven't even thought of Muzzy in a very long time
@ryszakowy 28 күн бұрын
sometimes i watch jerry springer episode and actually miss those times dumbass fake show was the top of our concerns and world wasn't on the brink of war
@vocaeien 29 күн бұрын
7:40 mentions sydney, like australia? i tried to google but couldn't find anything 🥴 unless i misheard
@tymforhistory 29 күн бұрын
Sorry about that! Yes I meant Sydney Australia.
@musclebear 29 күн бұрын
When life was fun