@scottgroves1010 2 күн бұрын
You’re a newbie writer. It’s your first bike and you know that those bikes like to play in the dirt.? There’s a lot of other bikes are better for riding off road!
@FineLine-Media 2 күн бұрын
@@scottgroves1010 yes, I know because it’s very easy to do research. I also had been riding it for over a year when making this video. Definitely agree that there are better offroad bikes, but because I’m a beginner I like something that’s easy to handle.
@ChadHaatvedt 4 күн бұрын
I really appreciate this video. It's well done and honest and a good teaching moment. My only c`omment is asuggestion is to stop referring to an accident and call it a crash or an incident instead.
@FineLine-Media 4 күн бұрын
Thanks Chad! I'm actually saying 'incident' in the video (or at least meant to say) but I tend to talk quite fast, especially when there's a camera running, so maybe it sounds like accident or I misspoke.
@nakedkiwitraveler 4 күн бұрын
Great video, you've brought up some great points. We do share spaces so a good idea to be aware. On the other side of things I've noticed in my country that many cyclists especially mountain bikers has become really entitled to the space. I have got from discussions that they believe because they are exercising and don't have an engine they are entitled. Very arrogant from my point of view. Us as motorcyclists have our responsibilities just as others. I believe that having a very quiet exhaust can make it worse for others to hear you. I have followed mountain bikers go the same speed as myself and cut corners. I think it's great that you've owned up to your responsibilities I also think it's important that others need to be aware that they share the road
@brianshelford2099 4 күн бұрын
Good video. I had a friend almost loose his life on a back road like this getting hit head on by a drunk driver. He did loose total use of his left arm permanently. Despite the errors I almost feel that this worked out about as good as it could have considering they were also not riding on their side of the road. Had you been on the outside of the corner like you should have one or both of you could have collided and gone off the edge or just gone off the edge trying to miss one another. Seems like everyone got pretty lucky here. I'll admit that on these long rides in the middle of nowhere with little to no other traffic it's really easy to get complacent. I admire your willingness to post the video. Everything seems to have been properly handled. Props to you for trying to do the right thing.
@FineLine-Media 4 күн бұрын
Sorry to hear about your friend, that's a nightmare scenario. I hope he's still enjoying life. We definitely all got lucky that day. I find it difficult to say if it would have been worse if I was on the outside. We would have seen each other a bit sooner giving us more time to react, but like you say, we'd also be closer to the edge leaving less room for evasive manoeuvres. Nobody got hurt and that is the best outcome, so I'm inclined to agree with you. Thanks for your comment, I appreciate the support.
@yorungedekiCaydanlik16 5 күн бұрын
This is one of my biggest fears. I learned my lesson years ago when I almost avoided hitting a kid while mountain biking. It is also possible to hit a wild animal rather than a human. Especially where I live, there are many nightjars resting on middle of a dirt track at night and they fly towards the headlights of the vehicle.
@FineLine-Media 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, this was a huge wake up call for me too. I've been much more cautious in these scenario's ever since but you're right, wild animals will always remain tricky. I haven't come across nightjars but the deers over here sometimes pop up out of nowhere. Just happy there aren't any sharks along the trail, because that would be my biggest fear.😅 Thanks for watching!
@gsj-66 14 күн бұрын
Very clear and concise videos with the issue explained along with the solution.
@FineLine-Media 13 күн бұрын
@@gsj-66 thanks man! Glad you like it🙏
@WaffleShortage 22 күн бұрын
definitely should have been more cautious into the blind turn, HOWEVER, the cyclists were riding 2-across. so if you'd been on the outside, you'd have hit the guy closer to the drop and you both may have gone over the edge. at least in the actual event, you and the guy at risk were both near inside. you're not without blame here, but they shouldn't have been riding 2-across in a blind turn.
@CheekyMiner 22 күн бұрын
That is fire, super cool mod.
@wickedtwix Ай бұрын
good video. we all make mistakes riding our bikes. Every story that educates an unexperienced rider before he makes the mistake and dies...is a story that needs to get out. Just yesterday we had a call for our firebrigade (i am a volountary firefighter) for a sportster rider that passed a coloumn of cars. the cars were following a traktor with a trailer and just when the biker was on the hight of the tractor, it turned left. he crashed and died on the spot. just one of the many lessons I learned...if you pass a slow moving row of cars, do it slow and carefully. thumbs up for showing your mistake.
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Oof, that sounds rough to deal with. I can imagine witnessing something like that leaves a lasting impact. I'll keep this in mind for future rides. Thanks for sharing and take care🙏
@wickedtwix Ай бұрын
@@FineLine-Media It sucks. Good thing here in Switzerland is that we only pull people out of accidents if necessary as we are only "voluntary" and not professional fire fighters. The medics are and we only lend a hand and do the lifting. We tend to only let as many of our own people get close as necessary. But still, it always affects you in some way, but mostly it makes you think about what is important and how fragile we all are. But yea, i have been riding for almost 30 years, had my share of accidents and I am glad I survived the "idiot-years".
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
@@wickedtwix Yeah, it puts life in perspective. I haven't witnessed accidents like that but seeing serious illness from up close does the same thing. I have huge respect for everyone in the emergency services. "The idiot-years" is actually a great way to refer to those first few years when the hunger for adventure is stronger than the skillset. It captures the stupidity and dangers so well. I may borrow it in a future video.😉
@toine0002 Ай бұрын
amazing video that might even help save lives in the future... I always tell my friend not too ride too close to me in the trails because "I might brake for no apparent reason, but it's because of other people and blind corners"
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Thanks Toine, appreciate it! If this video helps to prevent just one accident, I’d be super happy. I was surprised how quickly you catch up when someone brakes firmly, because I wasn’t even following that close. I try to leave more space now. Another viewer also recommended to practice swerving, which is a great tip and fun to practice too. Thanks for watching!
@DrakoDragoonz Ай бұрын
I like the honesty, and the big fact your saying your where in the wrong is pretty good personal trait. I am a motorcycle driver always wanted to diver offroad but never did, because i am to scared to damage my bike or make a realy big fall. Any tips?
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Thanks man, appreciate it! As for tips: invest in protection, both personal and for your bike. For personal protection I'd recommend a good helmet (obviously), a full harness (chest, back, shoulders, kidney), elbow guards, knee braces and mx boots. For the bike I'd get at least a skid plate and some crash bars. It also helps to define your bike's weak points and protect those extra. For example: my CRF250L has a very exposed radiator, so I bought a radiator guard for some extra protection. Accept that you're going to fall more than once. It's usually at low speed and nothing scary. Oh, and never cut blind corners.😉 Enjoy!
@DrakoDragoonz Ай бұрын
​@@FineLine-Media thanks for the tips
@amarured Ай бұрын
I really love this Video and that he does this kind of "AFTER ACTION REPORT" and shares it!! I believe this to be really valuable! BUT, even if he said 'not to tear him a new one': MAN! Even the first few moments of footage gave me immediate anxiety on how he cut the corners! RIDICULOUS! I know the dangers of HYPE myself. And almost fell victim to it as well once on a narrow mountain road through the forest. But even then... Like THIS? Completely BLIND? Nahhh man! ... But still: Really love that he spreads awareness like this! Owning it! Like a man! And thus helping others!
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
It's okay, you can tear me a small one. Just because you're so nice about it.😉 Thanks for watching man!
@amarured Ай бұрын
@@FineLine-Media Sure thing. Glad I stumbled on this vid. Hope the algorithm picks it up and adds a couple zeros behind the view-counter. Keep up the videos and stay safe✌
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
@@amarured Will do and you too!🙏
@elobiretv Ай бұрын
Seems like the cyclists are just as much fault to me tbh, riding 2 abreast like that you would have still hit them if you were out on the right side of the road. You'd never ride a motorbike like that sat alongside your mate on a road like this, but cyclists do it all the time.
@maciej5866 Ай бұрын
You've made big mistake here, but after consideration they shouldn't be driving side by side when they knew somebody is approaching, the engine isn't quiet. Now when I think about it, it may become problem when electric bikes become popular.
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Yeah, this will definitely become worse with electric bikes.
@uriasora Ай бұрын
Hello, with high beam position of the bike, both leds are switched on? Thanks
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Yeah, when you switch on the high beam you're using all lights.
@adv_hugh Ай бұрын
This was a really thoughtful and helpful and also important video, thankyou for sharing! Honest assessment of our own mistakes is so valuable isn’t it, and important in avoiding repeats. I just had a head on crash with my best mate on our dirtbikes on the weekend, and we did a bit of a debrief assessment as well, and worked out some good plans for avoiding that again (fortunately no major injuries), but the assessment of mental state as well in this is something very helpful to add to it. Thankyou!
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Oof, glad you guys are okay! Yeah, a bit of self reflection goes a long way. In all honesty, it’s not something I do regularly but taking the time to think about this incident gave me some insights I otherwise wouldn’t have. And better yet, by sharing it I’ve gained even more. It’s been cool to get so many constructive reactions, lots of experience and wisdom in the comments. Thanks for the kind words, really nice to hear it’s been helpful. Happy riding and stay safe!🙏
@adv_hugh Ай бұрын
@@FineLine-Media cheers and thanks for such a nice reply! 😊
@dpforth Ай бұрын
No one's mentioning the cyclists' responsibility, riding two abreast, basically taking up the entire road around a blind corner?
@sindrijonsson45 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing! You are going to be great and safe rider with this mindset :D
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
I hope so, haha. Thanks man, appreciate it🙏
@utcI9 Ай бұрын
i mean they should have heard your bike and maybe gone to the outer side
@JohnEmerich-y5t Ай бұрын
Does it have a USB outlet to plug in your phone or tablet?
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Not standard. I think One Adventure might have it as an option, but I mounted my own that I got from Amazon. I'll be doing a follow-up video soon and will show how I've installed this. It was easy, but you do need a special auxiliary if you want the plug to turn on/off together with your bike. (for the CRF250L and CRF300L anyway). Good luck!
@patrickwilliamson29 Ай бұрын
I would say the cyclist was mostly at fault, they wouldve been able to hear the motorcycle coming up but still decided to ride side by side on a blind corner. Cyclists need to be aware they're not the only ones on the trail which they often forget
@soggybawsmoto Ай бұрын
Earned the sub for publishing on a difficult subject. I'm a rider of 40 years, and had my fair share of stupid mistakes. It conditions you. I'd probably not be going as fast as that off road, due to a matter of personal responsibility. I think the trend for people carrying SOS beacons expecting someone else to save them pushes caution to the wind and raises expectations in others. I've not seen a SOS recovery situation that wasn't totally avoidable. Looking forward to having a look through your channel
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Thanks, I appreciate it! To be honest, I wasn't carrying a SOS beacon either, I went full stupidity.😉 I've become a lot more cautious since this incident though and will probably get one of those beacons just in case. But even if I do, I'll try to keep out of situations where I need to use it. I've received a lot of great advice (see comments), with ride right, slow down and the SEE approach being just a few of 'em. It's been really cool to get so many constructive reactions. Thanks for watching!🙏
@DonMayers-e5m Ай бұрын
Bikes, cows, pickup trucks…never know what’s around that blind corner.
@vashon100 Ай бұрын
Your speed was too fast and obviously wrong side. The cyclist on the outside should not be there on a blind corner. A full sized vehicle could have taken them both out at that speed. I see YT dirt bikes flying thru single track and if they met someone the same speed going the other way it'd be all over. Encounters will happen on multi-use trails, always ride in control allowing anticipation.
@ridenm Ай бұрын
I teach dirt bike and ATV safety classes. An important part of the course is SEE: Scan/Search, Evaluate, and Execute. This should sound familiar to street riders, and it is infinitely more important off-road. On the street, there are lots of regulatory controls like traffic lights, speed limit signs, and stripes indicating traffic paths. In the off-road environment, regulatory controls are rare. So use SEE. Scan the entire area where you are riding for critical information. If you can't see (for any number of reasons like dust, sweat in your eyes, glare from the sun, etc.), you can't gather ANY critical info, so evaluate that ANYTHING could be coming from your blind spot. The correct decision to execute is to slow way down until you have enough time and space to react. Yes, it's fun to ride briskly on roads and trails. No, it's often not a good idea. BTW, BDR's Ride Right campaign is very valuable, but with a caveat: ride to the side that matches the local 'rules of the road'. In the US, most of Europe, etc., people have been conditioned to ride on the right on the street, and their reflexes will make them tend to follow that convention off-road. In the UK, NZL, Japan, etc. local conditioning is the opposite so Ride Left is the correct answer. If you can't reflexively do that because you are a visitor, SLOW DOWN so that you conscious brain can help you with the correct behavior.
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
This is really helpful, thanks! I’ll use it and SEE where it takes me.
@sebastienlambert1976 Ай бұрын
one of the reason the shifter is cheap is to bend before you bend the shifter shaft. Personally I wouldnt recommend more robust.
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Thanks, that’s a good point. I didn’t know that but someone else mentioned this too. It makes sense so I’ll probably switch back soon. I have major maintenance planned for next week👌
@SoapMovie2300 Ай бұрын
Cyclists probably doubled down on pedals when they heard motorcyclist who almost killed them coming back to finish the job. 🤣🤣
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
@kyfisher3662 Ай бұрын
in australia you were in the right, they should be on the right and you should be on the left where you were
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
I actually chased them down to tell them this exact thing. "If we were in Australia I would have been in the right!"😉
@krproton Ай бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to post this video. I am an experienced motorcycle rider with over 50 years of riding and racing. I recently started dual-sport/adventure riding offroad. I completely understand the thrill you were experiencing while thinking of the Dakar racers. Sometimes I pretend as though I'm in the Baja 1000 on a stretch of hilly, gnarly, sandy road where I live. But I will try harder to keep in mind your incident and the 4 points while riding on public roads and trails. Your video is of great value.
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment! The Baja 1000 is a bucket list goal. Not sure if I’ll ever get there but it sure is fun to dream about it. “Imagination will take you everywhere” - Einstein.
@OneRound79 Ай бұрын
I'm a cylict myself but I'm wondering why is noone mentioning the way these two were going downhill? They were riding next to each other which is extremely dangerous. So if you were riding your bike correctly on the right side of the road can you imagine what would happen with the other cylist? Would he be able to steer to his right or would you drive off the road? Then the roles would have been reversed and the cylist would be the one to blame. All in all you were not the only one creating a dangerous situation here.
@tjeers3098 Ай бұрын
Something I learned when going down loose rocks.: Turn off your motor. Use your clutch as the rear brake. It saved my ass.
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
That actually sounds really nice! I come from mountain biking and have always struggled a bit with the foot braking, especially in the steeper descents. Your tip would basically make braking the same as on a mountainbike. Definitely trying that out!
@tjeers3098 Ай бұрын
Me being a truck and coach driver. Will always expect a big vehicle coming around the corner. Just try that. Next time.
@tjeers3098 Ай бұрын
Pff 1st off all. You are very brave posting this. You are sooo lucky. Not just killing others. BUt also yourselves by simply crashing In The middle of nowhere. I’m already scared simply listening to your revs. You are driving too high revs. Not being able to pull your bike through the corner. You need to be able to take the corners rotating the bike over the rear at all times. It means drive lower rev where torque is higher. And use your front brake a little to feel the grip. Create more grip on the front and be able to angle the bike more until after the corner is safe to attack. The more angle helps your rear to become loose. In combination with front brake. As you wash out controllable on the front you can ad torque on the rear. Notice that the sound of the motor will be deeper / lower. Now you will be able to 2 wheel drift through corners in control. You need to relax. Loose the adrenaline. You will get it at near washouts anyway.
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Thanks for all the tips, that's exactly what I want to learn. Regarding the revs, my bike (2018 crf250l) actually makes it peak torque at 7,000 rpm and the bike seems to be happiest in those higher rev ranges. Should I still drop the revs than for 2 wheel drift? Working on relaxing and skills too. I'll be honest, it goes with ups and downs. ;) Thanks for your comment man, appreciate it🙏
@BigStreams_ Ай бұрын
Even if you had been on the right side of the road, there was a cyclist there too. They cant be too mad as they were occupying the whole road coming around that turn. Fortunate nothing came of the dangerous crossing. It may have been worse had you been on the outside of the turn though...
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Yeah, it could definitely have been sketchy either way, we were all lucky that day. I don't think I'll be making that same mistake again soon. Thanks for watching!
@zef1337x Ай бұрын
Being a beginner rider is hard, i started on a 60cc, and after a year, I went all in onto a 450cc dirtbike. I loved the speed, but sometimes i crashed, broke the bike and got hurt or burned. The best thing i learned is to ride in the middle of the path. Sometimes, it is okay to take risks, but most times u have to think that behind that corner there is danger. At any time you can come to a sudden turn. U never know. Happy riding and stay safe❤
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Middle of the path sounds pretty good, might be a nice compromise with those steep drops along the road. Thanks man, you too!🙏
@M8ze879 Ай бұрын
Don't forget: the two bicyclists can hear your motor! They took up both of the main lanes! It's not only your fault. Those guys were just as negligent.
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Since posting this video my perspective on this has changed a bit as many people have pointed out the cyclists were to blame too. Doesn't absolve me from my own mistakes of course but it nice to share the blame a bit.😉 Thanks for watching!
@MrDoboz Ай бұрын
actually fuck those guys. riding next to each other on such a narrow and dangerous road, that makes no sense. going through between them was quite a nice maneuver, but they shouldn't have had to put you in a position where it was necessary. it wasn't your fault
@redpepper007 Ай бұрын
I had a very similar situation on tight invisible right turn, on a very long dirt road in woods. As it is a right I try to stay on the right side because a car might be driving towards me. Instead of vehicle, a cyclist was randomly stopped right in the middle of on the road, absolutely invisible from both directions, and doing something on his phone. I was going about 70 kmph on a dirtbike there and in a split second pulled to the side a bit and luckily missed him by centimeters. A car would have hit him. He most definetely could hear me approaching as the bike is quite loud and echoes throughout the woods, maybe he was on earphones listening to music... So also in your situation even if you stayed on the correct path, someone else might be doing the wrong thing.
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Yeah those tight turns are devious! Glad it ended well in you situation too. I assume the cyclist will have learned his lesson, sounds pretty intense to have a dirtbike ripping by at just a few centimeters. Thanks for watching!🙏
@redpepper007 Ай бұрын
@FineLine-Media yeah, we all learnt our lessons that day!
@roadrunner_meepmeep Ай бұрын
McRider... talked about this already... "This video will DRASTICALLY improve your cornering skills!" kzbin.info/www/bejne/eqXYqmenrdCNbK8
@Dorekus Ай бұрын
Maybe time to learn how to drive then safely.
@laius6047 Ай бұрын
Yes you were stupid. But be thankful it ended without an accident and hopefully this will stick with you. We all are stupid certain times.
@sergeypavliuk2634 Ай бұрын
A typical motomeat
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
@@sergeypavliuk2634 motomeat😂holding onto that one
@250txc Ай бұрын
Nothing to be learned here except *do not be a dumb a$$ when you first start riding.* You are *not and never will be, Toby Price, as this guy states.* Get a grip on reality before getting on a bike or maybe you will be Toby? The states keeps stats on ~everything; one stat yrs ago revealed most motorcycle *deaths occurred in the first 6 months of starting to ride a bike.* Next, you *cannot* look around at the scenery when riding a bike at any speed. Another rookie mistake.
@madrussian75 Ай бұрын
Work on your reaction times, anticipate possible issues. 48 years of offroad, street and adventure rider. You made some really good points, and good job on video. I have been guilty of the "I think nobody else is even here" and taking "not so smart" lines. Now we have SXSs that have absolutely 0 idea of tread lightly and zero thoughts for others. Speed has many criteria, I ride a lot of mountain trails and like you, have the "oh shit if I go off on that side, I am toast" that occupies my mind and line choice. I just slow down in these areas on blind turns.. Too many times there has been a Jeep or SUV etc awaiting a head on collision. I also have a Denali SoundBomb horn on my 1190r that I tap before blind turns as well. Save the speed for areas that you wont die if you go off one side lol.
@waynekrafft1069 Ай бұрын
I guess I'm old enough and been riding long enough that rush felt from pushing limits is now moderated by thoughtfulness. When riding public rural places it might be cyclists, as in this case, or trucks, cars, cows, SXS, 4-wheelers, downed tree, washout, or all the other things you might come across. So don't out ride your line of vision regardless of what line you choose. Also consider that the ATV or motorcyclist coming the other way may be riding beyond his talent and wisdom. In this particular case I wonder what would have happened if you were in the outside track the other cyclist was in and how he might have acted. It wouldn't have been your fault but if he didn't react just right in time he would have hit you and send both of you off the side.
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Yeah, while both of us made mistakes here there are different scenarios possible where the outcome could have been worse. If I was on the right side of the track we would have seen each other a little sooner leaving more room for evasive manoeuvres but like you said, it would all depend on how the cyclist (and myself of course) would have reacted. Thanks for watching!
@castortoutnu Ай бұрын
Biker's fault
@AG.89T Ай бұрын
Nederlanders kunnen beter in Nederland blijven ;)
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Haha, ik heb de TET hier inmiddels wel gezien😉 Wel veel zin in het OTR seizoen.
@seamlessdread Ай бұрын
ima be honest i dont even think that's your fault, they could obviously hear a motorcycle coming in th distance, you couldn't hear them. They were on both sides of the road so if you were on the outside you would have hit the guy on the right anyways? What were you supposed to do lol. And people might say 'slow down' but do we really expect him to be going caution speeds the entire ride when it's that long?? And the fact that there's RARELY ever any bikers out there means they should be cautious when they hear a motorcycle coming for the sake of their own life. That's what I'd do at least.
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
I was in the wrong taking the inside of the corner so I definitely have a big part in this, but I agree it's strange they stayed riding side by side. I think they just didn't hear me which could be true. The Gopro audio makes my bike sound better than it actually does. A sewing machine sounds gnarlier.😅
@lmcc8798 Ай бұрын
Cyclists: "I hear a motorized vehicle coming! Quick! Get side by side!"
@JasonMatthewCrabtree Ай бұрын
Honestly, I think that being somebody who posts on KZbin and having such an irresponsible incident makes it all the more likely bet you would have just deleted the footage and moved on. Most people would have shit their pants and then never thought about it again. I think it is really awesome that you not only went back and looked retrospectively at what happened what you could have done better where you made mistakes, but you chose to share it with the world and help all of us fight the dangers of complacency
@FineLine-Media Ай бұрын
Thanks Jason, appreciate it!🙏