Skyrim 30
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Skyrim 29
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Skyrim 28
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Skyrim 27
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Skyrim 26
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Skyrim 25
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Skyrim 24
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Skyrim 23
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Skyrim 22
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Skyrim 21
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Skyrim 20
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Skyrim 19
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Skyrim 18
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Skyrim 17
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Explanation of Skyrim dump
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Skyrim 16
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Skyrim 15
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Skyrim 14
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Skyrim 13
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Skyrim 12
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Skyrim 11
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Skyrim 10
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Skyrim 9
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Skyrim 8
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Skyrim 7
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Skyrim 6
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Skyrim 5
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Skyrim 4
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Skyrim 3
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@SnugSnowSnail9977 7 күн бұрын
Ash, Skyrim! Such a good game!
@rebjamohemedamine5293 7 күн бұрын
nice u r doing well
@daniil7800 8 күн бұрын
Bro, nice video! Do what your doing! Good luck!
@conorduh 22 күн бұрын
im loving watching the skyrim videos, thanks for posting them :)
@mosgromtube 12 күн бұрын
Yay! More are on the way.
@Spacegamejunkie 23 күн бұрын
Yay getting back to Taxinaut!
@mosgromtube 12 күн бұрын
I'm back from my trip now
@SnugSnowSnail9977 24 күн бұрын
Oh damn! I somehow never noticed the skyrim videos being uploaded lol
@mosgromtube 12 күн бұрын
I published them all in a batch of about 16; more are coming.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 12 күн бұрын
@mosgromtube if you release one at a time it works better for the algorithm.
@mosgromtube 12 күн бұрын
@@SnugSnowSnail9977Yeah thanks for the tip. I don't think I'm going anywhere with mumbly Skyrim videos anyway (unmodded no less!) so I don't give two shits girlfriend.😎
@SnugSnowSnail9977 11 күн бұрын
​@@mosgromtube lol 😆 alrighty then!
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
This game is incredible. My favorite apocalypse game. Can't wait for the 4th
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
I'm only starting to get it. The awkward weapon changing, no hud, the map can't be zoomed etc. it's all to make it more immersive. I think I'm playing it like a Bethesda game and shouldn't.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
​@mosgromtube yeah it's no Bethesda game lol
@КостяНесмелов-н3ц Ай бұрын
Если хочешь пройти игру рекомендую брать уровень сложности ниже чем бродяга корабль дискавери, челнок Патфаиндер. И учёных в команду т.к. проще скрафтить оборудование чем купить. Во первых оборудования может не быть в наличии, а вот вторых добыть денег это ОЧЕНЬ большая проблема в игре. Самая первая необходимость это радиационный щит т.к. опять же покупать Экзотическую материю дорого и кроме того сильная радиация бывает не только на заправке от звезды. Из за низкой вместительности баков на Дискавери дополнительный бак экзотической материи не будет лишним. 3 модуль уже что угодно пойдёт. С усилителем прыжка на дискавери последний сектор преодолевается за два прыжка. Ну и похожая тема на челноке. Антигравитация обязательно т.к. любая поломка снижающая стабильность двигателя челнока приведёт к тому, что чрезвычайно сильная гравитация планеты просто не позволит челноку улететь на орбиту. Защита от ветра приятный бонус т.к. в некоторых местах ветер сдувает настолько сильно что даже используя реверс не удаётся зацепиться за поверхность. Попадания молний ещё как повезёт, а вот от температуры хорошо бы защититься если нет возможности пачками закупать мази от ожогов. На эндюрансе было бы ещё не так плохо если была возможность получать, или покупать большие топливные баки, которые заполняют экзотическую материю полностью. Тогда повесив на эндюранс ещё топливный бак получалось бы за один большой бак заправить топливо на 6 прыжков, что неплохо.
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
I didn't know you could craft equipment. I have kinda moved on from this game but might try again using your advice. Thanks friend!
@КостяНесмелов-н3ц Ай бұрын
@@mosgromtube Некоторые персонажи могут переделывать найденные устройства во чтото другое. Не обязательно это будет оборудование. Но и такое бывает. Зависит от персонажа и от используемого устройства. Аш может делать лекарства из растений. Алесандра чинит, или создаёт оборудование. Вроде бы информационный маяк делает Алесандра. Бенуа с собой не брал. А Николай из какой то штуки вроде делал щит для корабля. Также стоит некоторые предметы показывать инопланетянам. Т.к. они могут предложить обмен или высказать уважение. Разумеется общение затягивать всё равно нельзя. Если говорят что устали, то не дожидаться пока отключатся сами. Шивон тоже учёный. Она решает загадки чуть хуже чем Зоя, и у неё есть своя уникальная возможность починить тотем. Для чего это нужно я так и не узнал. Т.к. задерживаться чтобы найти все тотемы не получилось. У Зои в свою очередь уникальная возможность провести расследование на тему одной расы и сканировать найденые предметы чтобы искать точки интереса
@КостяНесмелов-н3ц 21 күн бұрын
@@mosgromtube Будешь ещё проходить?
@mosgromtube 12 күн бұрын
@@КостяНесмелов-н3ц The translation doesn't make sense so I don't know what you're asking me here. I probably won't get back to this game if that's what you're asking.
@КостяНесмелов-н3ц Ай бұрын
Всё пытаюсь пройти игру на эндюрансе и сталкиваюсь с тем что посещать каждую планету не выгодно, Во первых топливо, во вторых поломки в том числе износ после прыжка. И нет места для улучшений корабля, чтобы разваливался не так быстро. Снимать же щит, или оружие, тоже скверная затея. И получается что я ещё только лечу к первым вратам а у меня на базе уже все модули по 3 и 4 поломки. И экзотическую материю приходится получать только от звезды т.к. на станции покупать денег нет. Ну хотябы радиационный щит купил и экипаж не так активно болезни получает. В общем на дискавери намного проще игра. С другой стороны большой запас топлива на эндюрансе это то что надо чтобы на каждой планете поискать раскопки на сложности сюжет.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
Im guessing you liked the first two
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
I never played them or this one. The last shooter I played was Doom (unless you count Fallout). (Oh, Starfield maybe).
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
​@mosgromtube oh you might wanna play the first two then this is the third game. Lots of spoilers in this one
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
Oh hell yeah! This game series is incredible! Absolutely love it! Huge fan!
@rrudden Ай бұрын
Great game. Discovered recently and really enjoying.
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
A new trailer for Itch and Steam that hopefully shows the gameplay a bit better than the old one.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
Hell yeah! I'm gonna send this to my brother's group on discord. They're really into sci-fi stuff
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
looks like youre enjoying this game more!
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
Yeah I was this episode. Spoiler alert: the next one we're back to grumpy mos.
@mootootwo Ай бұрын
Thanks for streaming this one, Mosgrom. I'll probably try playing it a bit more but I think I agree with your comments about it.
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
I have another one there to upload and it's driving me nuts again...I'm not sure I can recommend it. But if you're into that type of punishing game. It's $0.99 at the moment I think so it isn't the money but your health might suffer. The controls after I started using the controller improved a lot and mostly the lander and interplanetary flying is what I now like about it. But I don't know I get real grumpy playing it. It's a weird one.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
Hello again!
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
Hey snug!
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
This looks like your taxinaught game. How's that doing btw? Likes sales and whatnot?
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
It's called "taxinaut" it's working at a Starbucks on Wilshire boulevard hoping to get "discovered".
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
@mosgromtube I figured I was spelling it wrong lol oops. I hope it gets more attention soon!
@mootootwo Ай бұрын
Lunar Lander!
@mootootwo Ай бұрын
Oh cool, nice to see this one. I played it for about 20 minutes and I think I owe it another attempt.
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
I is/was really pissing me off. Especially the lander bit. But the feel of it improved a lot when I started using a controller with a thumbstick.
@mootootwo Ай бұрын
Thanks Mosgrom, you stuck with this series a long time! I got to see parts of the game and DLC that I never experienced back when it was new. I think I did most of the guild quests and some of the daedra ones, but I stopped playing right after the main quest was finished. So thanks for letting me experience all that other stuff from the game.
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
I might do Skyrim next but not sure yet. Playing some games that probably only take a few episodes, some quirky stuff I have lying around in my steam library etc. before I commit to a big one again.
@mootootwo Ай бұрын
Sorry to see all the technical troubles. I did laugh out loud when the guard busted you for the "shivering isles bounty". Even in the realm of madness, you can't escape the cops. I wonder what jail is like, there?
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
Those demented guards in Oblivion get really annoying especially since sometimes the "there's enemies nearby" thing lasts for ages, even when you leave town completely. I don't think there's any problem with being brought to the jail place (as long as they don't put you in jail) except that you lose stolen items but for some reason my mind has grabbed on to the belief that it might reduce your skills eventhough I'm 100% sure that only happens when you actually go to jail. It's why I don't like just paying the bounty even if it's just 5 gold.
@mootootwo Ай бұрын
@@mosgromtube haha, I remember seeing an early video of Starfield where a guard ran out through shallow water to get to where the players ship was landed, and served an arrest warrant just like in every other TES game, and I thought "I'm not playing this ****"
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
@@mootootwo Law system is a hard thing to do. My gripe with Oblivion is that even if I'm 100% chameleon, 100 sneak skill, sneaking, fucking 100% invisible too they still sorta magically know kinda where you are and stay aggro even when you've long left town; preventing you from fast traveling or resting.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
that really sucks about oblivion. yeah i was thinking you can always fast travel in. and yeah the mod fix might work. but i understand wanting to change games. its strange seeing you play some new games! lol i can give you another list of recommendations if you want. i know ive mentioned Sunless Skies and Cloudpunk. also have you played cyberpunk, mass effect, resident evil, machinarium, baldurs gate? oh i bet you would like Octopath Traveler. or final fantasy. Eve-Online is amazing!
@mosgromtube Ай бұрын
I'm playing some games that I don't think will take many episodes for a while until I figure out what long game I want to do next. I have some ideas but in the mood for some short and quirky stuff at the moment.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 Ай бұрын
@@mosgromtube I don't blame you
@DisfiguredMale 2 ай бұрын
That's too bad. I'm sorry that it's not working for you. I have a character too, and I've been playing along with you with my level 38 character - he's made it into the Shivering Isles as well. I was really happy when you decided to switch to face cam too mid way through the LP. You made a fantastic LP man, good job.
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! Thanks for the feedback on the webcam too. I was wondering whether people enjoy that more or don't. I thought it's nice to put a face on somebody: it makes a lot of things just a lot easier. I thought I get that "reveal" over with so people won't after watching a lot of my vids, talking to me or playing taxinaut suddenly realize they don't like me when they see my face. Now they can know straight off the bat what they're dealing with 🙂
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
I think those bubbles that pop up on the screen are from the chameleon spells. I think illusion magic has some weird bug in the shivering isles.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
I knew you'd be surprised at how big the DLC was. Lol when I saw the map I was excited. Did you play Morrowind's DLCs?
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
Yes both tribunal and bloodmoon. They were a lot harder than the base game.
@PapagenoX09 2 ай бұрын
Wait, are you already done with the main quest of Oblivion by this point?
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
Yes I think I'm done with everything except "the shivering isles". This is episode 212. For the first 100 or more episodes I played it more seriously. I didn't fast-travel etc. I've been on this "thing" since slighly before covid of finishing games. So I'm grinding Oblivion through to the end now. Although I'm enjoying it a lot more now again in the shivering isles because I finally see some new creatures and environments. I also don't really fight anymore; I just use 100% chameleon and basically walk through mostly everything.
@PapagenoX09 2 ай бұрын
What always made me laugh about the name of the city and subsequently having my character called "The Hero of Kvatch" is of course that "Quatsch" in German (pronounced the same) means "nonsense."😆
@PapagenoX09 2 ай бұрын
Are you using a lockpicking mod or something? I remember there was an easy way to pick the locks every time if you knew to listen for a certain sound.
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
No I have the "skeleton key" it's a lockpick that never breaks. I think I got it during the thieves guild questline.
@PapagenoX09 2 ай бұрын
@@mosgromtube Ah, that would explain it. I never got that far. I had just started looking into the Thieve's Guild and Dark Brotherhood stuff when I stopped playing for whatever reason (probably got distracted by some other shiny thing).
@PapagenoX09 2 ай бұрын
You know, one thing about Oblivion that I really missed in Skyrim were the Sewers under the Imperial City. Something about those reminded me of CRPGs going as far back as Might and Magic 1, which had dungeon levels under the towns (I played that back in '89-90, probably part of the reason I never actually got the MA despite doing all the coursework--ah well, I landed on my feet anyway).
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
Those Dungeon are big, which I like. I'm one who enjoyed the dungeons in Daggerfall (mostly).
@PapagenoX09 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for this!
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
Hey! You're starting Shivering Isles!
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
I think I finished everything now except that. (Oh an haven't completed the Sinderion questline).
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
@@mosgromtube can't wait to see what you think of it when you really get into the DLC
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
the whole dark brotherhood questline is so dark lol when lucien died i was shocked at how gory that was. the lighthouse was creepy too as was the statue.
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
It's like Marvel's Avengers but made up of: Patrick Bateman, Hannibal Lecter, Norman |Bates, etc.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
😂 yeah that's true.​@@mosgromtube
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
Hey! You're back! Welcome! Did you get a haircut?
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
Yes, it took a while: starting spring they first do all the sheep and only towards the end of summer get to guys like me.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
@@mosgromtube XD
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
Haven't seen one of your videos pop up in a while now.
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, haven't been in the mood and kinda on a break to charge-up inspiration for the next phase of taxinaut. It's how I can stay with the same project for years. It's kinda boring because it's very tempting to start working and there isn't much else to do. But I know from experience it's best to take breaks and not force it. I've been playing some dwarf fortress together with my daughter but haven't recorded it. I was actually thinking maybe doing some Oblivion today but not sure yet as I'm typing. I live in a different country than my family and me visiting them is long overdue so that's probably going to occur soon, during which I also won't have any output. But I'll be back. How are you doing? I should check your videos.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
@mosgromtube no worries. I understand. I still haven't watched all your oblivion videos so I can always go back to the beginning lol and yeah visiting family is always good. Where are you originally from? And yeah I've got some gaming videos but I also have a new channel that's all about storytelling. I write and narrate them and it's been fun. It's called Adam's Lost Journal. It's a mixture of all genres of stories. The 4th is pretty dark though lol warning
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
@@SnugSnowSnail9977 I'm from Holland but live in Ireland.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
@@mosgromtube oh that's cool! I'm from America
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
I love the soundtrack
@PapagenoX09 2 ай бұрын
Hard to believe it's been so long. 18 years! You playing this with mods? I played like 100 hours or so back then until I had to go find some book for someone at the Mage school, and immediately got killed by whatever was there waiting for me.
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
I'm not using any mods.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
What's this game about? Looks cool
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
It's about being an alien refugee trying to get into the better parts of earth.
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
@@SnugSnowSnail9977 Yes it's free. Link should be in description. I might play Xoo: Xeno Zoo (or whatever it's called) by the same developer next.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
You mentioned you were wanting quests: this isn't really a quest, but have you been up to dive rock? There's a unique encounter up there and I think an item you can find. There's the hackdirt quest, or the other DLC Knights of the Nine
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
I did Knights of the Nine that was a good one (kinda). It actually had sort of a boss fight. I'll have to look up dive-rock. Don't know hackdirt, I'll look that up.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
@@mosgromtube hackdirt can be started in chorral. you have to talk to an argonian. theres also a quest where you can go into someones dreams in bravil. have to talk to someone in the mage's guild. think shes an argonian too
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
@@SnugSnowSnail9977 I've done the dream on with the mages guild in Bravil when I was going to all the mages guilds to get their approval to join. That one was cool. I had done it before years ago. I remember being creepy the first time I did that quest.
@mootootwo 2 ай бұрын
Wow, I don't think I ever knew about this quest. That was really cool.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
Have you done the bloated float quest?
@mootootwo 2 ай бұрын
@@SnugSnowSnail9977 it looked familiar when Mosgrom did it, so I think so. It was 20 years ago though.
@erniebeasley8521 2 ай бұрын
You know it’s bad when I have to watch a video for a problem in a game that’s two years old. Played this game twice with a two year gap and only now am i knowing this 😂
@SnugSnowSnail9977 3 ай бұрын
When the guard came into the tavern "look at this freak!" LOL the guards hate you!
@SnugSnowSnail9977 3 ай бұрын
I've never seen a painted troll attack him haha BTW I remember you mentioned you had gotten kind of bored of oblivion and was going to suggest shivering isles to help bring you back into it again. It's incredible. Would hate to see you stop playing before you ever got to it
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
@@SnugSnowSnail9977 I'm not stopping. A couple of years ago I decided to nearly always finish games. And I've done so for about 10 big games (Pillars of Eternity, Doom, Battletech, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Witcher 3, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Fallout 4, GTA 5, Knights of the old Republic). In the end it always becomes a bit of a "power through it" thing but that's ok.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
@@mosgromtube awesome!
@SnugSnowSnail9977 2 ай бұрын
@@mosgromtube have you ever thought about playing ESO?
@mosgromtube 2 ай бұрын
@@SnugSnowSnail9977 I was just talking to somebody about that. I played it with my daughter years ago and didn't really like it but maybe if I played it with somebody and had fun maybe streaming it or something I would be open to it perhaps.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 3 ай бұрын
Noice! I recognized where you were instantly from the thumbnail lol I've always liked that little quest.
@SnugSnowSnail9977 3 ай бұрын
@mosgromtube 3 ай бұрын
Key & Peele noice?
@SnugSnowSnail9977 3 ай бұрын
Indeed XD nice catch ​@mosgromtube
@SnugSnowSnail9977 3 ай бұрын
Did you do that painting quest in cheydinhal I was telling you about? It's short but cool. Unique like the bloated float
@mosgromtube 3 ай бұрын
I mention it (and you) in the vid but then forget again. I'm doing it tonight (because it's Saturday).
@SnugSnowSnail9977 3 ай бұрын
@mosgromtube oh ok lol I must have been in the kitchen and missed it when I was cooking lol 😆 oops
@jared_biz 3 ай бұрын
time for computer games and pizza!
@mosgromtube 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I haven't been playing Oblivion for a while because Ive been busy with taxinaut but it's definitely time...for cmputer gamz...n pizza
@SnugSnowSnail9977 3 ай бұрын
Hell yeah dude! Noice! I'll have to get this game. Need to tell my brother about it too since he's a huge sci-fi fan
@mosgromtube 3 ай бұрын
@chronoton7909 3 ай бұрын
Looking great! Loving thr game. Thank you for your effort!
@mosgromtube 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, glad you like it!
@Spacegamejunkie 3 ай бұрын
@Spacegamejunkie 3 ай бұрын
@mootootwo 3 ай бұрын
Congratulations on the release!
@mosgromtube 3 ай бұрын
Thanks it was a bit of a fight this one.😅
@SnugSnowSnail9977 3 ай бұрын
This game reminds me of sunless skies with a bit of eve online. Looks cool!
@mosgromtube 3 ай бұрын
das cause it is kewl 😎