@greatworshippersraphs7266 3 ай бұрын
This warning means I must drive the car at a particlular speeding? Or should I be worried
@nenad.zaninovic 8 ай бұрын
jeste zadovoljni s ovim čudom ?
@lazar0323 4 ай бұрын
Ja ga sad isprobavam
@Hardvet 10 ай бұрын
125 i 135 nije isto...
@GTL-Fahrer Жыл бұрын
Refuel more XTL or GTL !!!
@nourdinemallaly2072 Жыл бұрын
نفس المشكل عندي من كتشبر الطريق طويلة كطفى ولكن عندما تتجول في المدينة كيرجع نفس المشكل
@bikevoltrides7209 Жыл бұрын
When the light comes one I just drive it in Sport mode on the highway then it goes away after a few mins.
@jurajturiak6797 Жыл бұрын
perfect, this video help me very much, thank you!!!!!!!
@neilstokescvwshrewsbury7939 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget oil & filter change after
@efremovleks12 Жыл бұрын
Пули потяжелее надо, на таком весе пули поршень бьёт сильно по дну компрессора. Вес от 1.5грамм в самый раз
@muntee33 Жыл бұрын
Works better if you can sit at a slightly higher speed. About 80kph and 3000rpm-3500rpm for about 15-20mins. Occasionally shifting up a gear and applying large throttle input followed by down shifting and slight reduction in throttle input to return to 3000-3500 @ 80kph'ish again for another sustained period. This periodically alternate combustion / friction surface characteristics, reducing any risk of increased and uneven heat soak and/or pronounced and non-uniform wear on components / surfaces, while keeping the engine under load and at operating characteristics which initiate DPF regeneration. While 5-10mins might make the light go away, a decent 10-20 run like this will ensure a thorough clean is achieved and will result in the issue not returning after a short time. Once a comprehensive regeneration has been achieved and the system is in a optimal condition, subsequent regeneration cycles can be achieved with much less load and heat stresses placed on the engine. A sustained cruise above 80kph for 15-20 minutes at normal engine rpm, for around 15mins once or twice a week (depending on daily use characteristics) should be fine for maintaining the system. If you smell that horrible smell while you are stopped in traffic, only 5 minutes after beginning a <60kph drive, you know your car is undertaking a regeneration burn under sub optimal operating conditions, as a requirement to manage the condition of the DPF system, you can then interpret that as your car 'warning' you the DPF system is becoming sub-optimal and measures need to be taken to alleviate the situation before it becomes unmanageable. If you notice it doing it again soon after and again under sub optimal conditions, such as while parked at low idle shortly after the engine was started, you can interpret that as a 'serious warning' to take measures to alleviate the situation at the earliest possible convenience. Because it will be shortly after noticing this type of operation of the vehicle that a indicator light will appear and that is a 'final warning' to IMMEDIATELY take measures to initiate a regeneration cycle. Failure to do so will quickly result in the system no longer being able to 'self rectify' the issue and the system will require specialist maintenance. Continuing to operate the vehicle with this indicator light showing, even for a relatively short duration, without changing the operational characteristics characteristics of the vehicle will result in the engine management initiating a degree of 'limp mode' and even subsequent attempts at manually regenerating the system which seemingly remedy the situation will likely be a 'false victory' with the situation returning shortly after and already at the point of illuminating the indicator light. And the more likely outcome of attempting to regenerate the system once the engine management has intervened is a rapid escalation of the degree of limp mode applied by the engine management system, coupled with a marked rise in operating temperature(s). Depending on the vehicle, and its transmission system, this additional heat load quickly finds its way into the automatic transmission fluid and can easily cause further damage or wear & tear. In summary: If you're needing to take measures to stop the car doing a burn while stopped in traffic or idling while parked, take the extra time and effort to do it thoroughly. 5-10 min drives like shown in the video are a fairly counterproductive practice and only serve to temporarily address the issue, especially if the day-to-day use of the vehicle is the cause of the issue and this type of use is immediately returned too and without being modified. A thorough regeneration may pose an increased load on the drivetrain (and fuel consumption) but it is a worthwhile investment as following a properly successful regeneration, subsequent regenerations can be easily achieved under normal operating conditions, apart from an increase of speed to >70kph-80kph for a sustained 15mins or so. Failing to achieve a thorough regeneration will only see the problem quickly return and another attempt will have to be made. (And each time this level of suboptimal conditions is encountered, the intrinsic condition of the systems components will deteriorate to some degree. Eventually failing to function as required and, specialist maintenance/repair will be required.)
@jogero1581 2 жыл бұрын
So, it can with 2nd gear, at 3,000 rpm for so few minutes of driving?
@MariosKefalas Жыл бұрын
Μου! Only 3nd and 2.5 or 3.0 rpm for 15 minutes max
@MariosKefalas Жыл бұрын
@MaurizioCarrar Жыл бұрын
La rigenerazione puoi farla.anche fermo col motore al minimo senza troppe seghe mentali
@mongol9793 2 жыл бұрын
Hello how often do i need to do this? How many km ?
@mongol9793 2 жыл бұрын
Until the dpf light came on? Ty
@nagykrisztian1863 2 жыл бұрын
Pozdrav.gde mogu kupiti sa dstavom.?
@balkanboy1203 2 жыл бұрын
Svaka čast
@DEVEDESETE 2 жыл бұрын
Gde ima da se nadje i ako ri prodajes javi.
@Toffetoffe85 2 жыл бұрын
Has the Light come back?
@plumbum9635 2 жыл бұрын
yes, but after 3000-10000 km
@Toffetoffe85 2 жыл бұрын
@@plumbum9635 okey thank you. My Light came on at 20 000km
@accer555 2 жыл бұрын
Light is coming back because you are probably canceling active/passive regeneration, which occurs every 500-1000km, one of the signs that is regenerating are rpm-s around 1000(warm engine).
@Toffetoffe85 2 жыл бұрын
@@accer555 i got fault code bank 1 sensor 2
@zeljkopavlovic9429 4 жыл бұрын
Дошла заједно са монтажом? Јел издржала хатсана?
@plumbum9635 3 жыл бұрын
Od iskusnog majstora koji prodaje nosače i upucava lovačke karabine dobio sam savet da jedina nada da se ne uništi optika ovom puškom jeste nosač sa amortizerom + ova optika. Naglasio je da će tada preciznost biti slaba. Obzirom da svojim Hatsanom, zbog nedostatka vremena, ne pucam mnogo u poslednje vreme, montirao sam ove nosače koji su došli uz njega. Iskreno, za sada, sam više nego zadovoljan. Sada pucam sa 85 metara , domaćim dijabolama, u metu prečnika 28cm sa nekim prosekom 7-8/10. To je bilo nezamislivo bez optike na toj daljini. Potrudiću se da skorije napravim klip na tu temu. Potrebno je štelovanje optike posle 100-150 ispaljenih dijabola. Za sada izdržava. Pozdrav.
@УрошРадовић 3 жыл бұрын
@@plumbum9635 друже, а реци ми колико дијабола је за сада испуцала са оптиком, и шта мислиш да ли би дуго трајала на пушци са гасним клипом брзине 270 м/с, поздрав
@plumbum9635 3 жыл бұрын
@@УрошРадовић Nemam ideju da li taj gasni klip povećava ili smanjuje taj kontra trzaj. Problem kod klasične Hatsan puške je što više trza ka unapred, nego ka unazad. Optika vremenom klizi ka unazad. Ispalio sam do sada samo oko 500 dijabola. Optika idržava i zaista je kvalitetna, pravac ostaje dobar sve vreme, ali se mora s vremena na vreme štelovati visina zbog tog klizanja. Ovo se odnosi na Air King optiku, koja je navodno pravljena za taj kontra trzaj...
@plumbum9635 3 жыл бұрын
@@УрошРадовић prethpdna NO NAME optika se razvalila i postala neupotrebljiva na oko 1500 dijabola. Do tada je vršila posao.
@plumbum9635 4 жыл бұрын
Sistem opruge, naravno. Jače zaista ne treba, jer bi probijala zvučni zid. U kalibru 4,5 mm je dosta bučna. Pucao iz stojećeg stava sa improvizovanim naslonom.
@quenox4657 4 жыл бұрын
Pozz, ja sam pogodio psa lutalicu koji je s drugim lutalicama maltretirao mog cuku, pogodio sam ga s udaljenosti 50 metara s istom puskom, pas je pri pogotku skiknuo i pobjegao, zanima me jesam li ga ozbiljno ranio jer zao mi psa ipak i odsad trazim druge nacine da otjeram lutalice.
@josip3386 4 жыл бұрын
@@quenox4657 neznam mozda mu se rana inficirana ako je krepat Ce u mukam
@75jjj 3 жыл бұрын
@@josip3386 u pravu si,bolje da je uzeo lovačku pušku pa ga rokno kuglom,ne bi imao kad ni trepnuti a kamo li patiti...ostale bi samo rep i uši od cuke🤣🤣🤣