We reach out to souls in the light of the gospel, making Jesus real by the preaching and the teaching of the gospel in spirit and in truth.
Our mandate as revealed by God is to make visible the word of the Lord in Joel 2:28.
Baptizing people with the Spirit of God is our core function.
👉🏽To make Jesus known to the fullest of His capacity.
👉🏽To bring the young ones into a face to face encounter with the person of the Holy Spirit.
👉🏽 To mentor and guide the young ones as they journey on the path of faith in God.
*MISSION(To achieve the above vision)*
👉🏽We will preach the gospel of Christ in Spirit and in truth.
👉🏽We will expose the young ones to the reality of the Holy Ghost baptism and His dealings.
👉🏽We will study to show ourselves approved. With this we will be able to teach and nurture the people through our words and deeds.
You can reach us through our gmail account;
[email protected]You can send a direct message to; 08107500007