欢迎来到 世代教会 KZbin 官方频道,该频道提供每日清晨吗哪,可以帮助您了解神对您生命的旨意和目的。
欢迎您每周六在 ZOOM 上加入我们的线上中文聚会,在世界各地您可以与的我们联系,与我们一起参与敬拜,和聆听神的话语。
[email protected] 与我们联系。
Welcome to the official New Era Church KZbin channel which features daily morning devotional manna that can help you to understand God's will and purpose for your life.
You are welcome to join us on ZOOM every Saturday for our LIVE mandarin service where you can connect with us all over the world, engage in a time of worship with us, and listen to the Word of God.
Feel free to drop us an email on
[email protected] to CONNECT with us.
Topic: 世代教会 New Era Church
时间 Time: 9am 新马 (Singapore/Malaysia)/ 11am 澳 (Melbourne, Australia)
Join Zoom Meeting: us06web.zoom.us/j/84036373371
Meeting ID: 840 3637 3371