Local Change Detection in Angular
Signals - The Future of Angular
Angular defer loading - Stream VOD
Angular control flow
8 ай бұрын
Dynamic Module Federation with NX
Exploring NX & module federation
Angular hydration explained
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Required Angular Inputs
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Understanding Angular DI decorators
Angular Signals RFC
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Exploring Angular signals
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Angular async pipe explained
Nest JS and Prisma
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Angular signals
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CSS grid | GraphQL | Angular query
@MonaCodeLisa Ай бұрын
great video, thank you so much 🙏
@crummybunny777 13 күн бұрын
GUYS PRAY FOR SAM AND COLBY THEY BEEN DECEIVED BY DEMONS AND ARE IN DANGER THEY ARE KZbinRS❤ God wouldnt allow souls to be trapped on earth, its umbilical and never happened all souls belong to God, so you cant sell your soul to the devil❤ And not everyone is a child of God jesus said it himself youre of your father the devil and your desires are to do his will true children of God are the ones who have been born again spiritually and repented from sin❤ So many people say they love God, but most of them never repented from sin and have a personal relationship with him, and love isnt just a feeling love is doing❤ Familiar spirits are demons well if I'm wrong I wasted nothing because I got peace and joy from him, but if you're wrong you wasted your entire life!! ❤️🎉 And demons love when people believe that lie that God doesn't exist and they love it when people don't know they are there ❤I copy n paste this everywhere❤ And no one talks about repentance, God will never lower his standards to be okay with your sins, sins is very serious in the eyes of God hes holy and righteous and it seperates us from him❤ Demons exist, and the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and uses people to do so❤ Btw telling the demon to stay doesnt do anything unless you have the holy spirit you arent safe. People: okay please stay this is your place❤ Demon: okay People: **leaves** Demon: **Goes with them anyway** Demons arent gonna make it obvious they are there so yeah. Demons are fallen angels that uses the form of our passed away loved ones to make us believe ghost exist and the souls of the person we knew still remains here❤❤ Astrology is demonic before my relationship with God I would always do zodiac signs literally just a bunch of sins put into each one I bet if everyone was sinless zodiac signs wouldn't make sense and literally a cover up for demons❤ Hearts are deceitful above all things, listen to God❤ Depression can be a demon you may need deliverance❤ God said unless you're born again spiritually u will not enter the kingdom of heaven also God doesn't judge us by our good works he's judging us by our sins Gods standards are so high he's that HOLY saying oh my God is using Gods name in vain it's called blasphemy ❤ To get to heaven you must believe with all your heart that Jesus died and rose again paid full price for your sins repent and receive his Holy spirit. KZbinrs I recommend Impact videos ministries David diga Hernandez IsaiahSaldivar Mapalo DLM christian lifestyle Billy garham Danial adams Living waters Mike Signorelli Okay now pray this to be saved and to get to heaven pray out loud Jesus I confess that you are my lord and savior I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead I ask to receive your holy spirit and I repent of my sins with your help❤ by faith in your word I receive salvation now Thank you for saving me! I am now reborn a christian a child of almighty God I am saved thank you Jesus! *Be genuine when praying this* Watch videos on how to receive Gods holy spirit on YT God creates Jesus redeems The holy spirit changes Now our good deeds and works we think are good are like filthy rags in the eyes of God Things to get rid of in your home 1sage 2dream catchers 3crystals 4crystal ball 5ouija board 6 tarot and angel cards 7religious statues 8demonic movies music or video games 9soul times items 10pornography Now like a theif robbing a store, demons won't make it obvious they are there unless they have to. Now know you can't save yourself Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life You have insurance on your house if it ever caught on fire which rarely happens but when it comes to your soul, you play with it like you have forever to make your choice which you don't 150k+ people Die everyday and you never know when it may be you God spent 9 months shaping and forming you before you were born but only 7 days on earth you're fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful in the eyes of God❤ Don't waste time Hearts are deceitful above all things ask God for wisdom and understanding we are just tiny humans with a 3 pound brain and our imaginations cannot go beyond what we already know❤ Your souls is so valuable both Satan and God want it but it's your choice who you will serve You serve the devil when you Lie Hate Blasphemy Disobey Lazy Gossip Gluttony Wanting what others have cause what God has for you is for you he will never deliver your male to someone else's house Hate And unforgivness And cussing murder and more And once you die, you're locked with your choice of where you're spending eternity God doesn't care about you doing more good then bad cause he's not judging that God never said that's the way to heaven So who's lying you or God? Be serious about this❤ God is holy and righteous God is love So either you would play around because you don't believe hell exist or you don't believe you're going there but the bible makes it very clear The path to destruction is wide and easy many are on it the path to eternal life is hard and nerrow very few find it and to get into heaven u can only enter through the nerrow gate❤ You dont have to wait until you die to know if youre going to heaven you can know right now 100% where youre going❤ Satan doesnt rule hell this is a myth when lucifer known as satan now became prideful and rebelled against God he took many angels with him Demons are fallen angels we live in a spirital and physical world so hell was made for punishment for satan and his angels and the reason why people go there is because they Align themsleves with the devil in SIN! Sin separates us from God and the wages of sin is death if youre found guilty with one sin on judgment day you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so the thing is We us humans broken Gods law and jesus paid the fine! So the good news is you dont have to go to hell if you accept him as your lord and savior! God offered us eternal life as a free gift and you receive it by faith! You dont have to work for it you dont have to pay all you have to do is receive it by faith❤ Don't expect Gods best when you always give him your least don't reject him anymore let him come in and change your life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@KamilNajax Ай бұрын
awesome video, very clear
@crummybunny777 13 күн бұрын
GUYS PRAY FOR SAM AND COLBY THEY BEEN DECEIVED BY DEMONS AND ARE IN DANGER THEY ARE KZbinRS❤ God wouldnt allow souls to be trapped on earth, its umbilical and never happened all souls belong to God, so you cant sell your soul to the devil❤ And not everyone is a child of God jesus said it himself youre of your father the devil and your desires are to do his will true children of God are the ones who have been born again spiritually and repented from sin❤ So many people say they love God, but most of them never repented from sin and have a personal relationship with him, and love isnt just a feeling love is doing❤ Familiar spirits are demons well if I'm wrong I wasted nothing because I got peace and joy from him, but if you're wrong you wasted your entire life!! ❤️🎉 And demons love when people believe that lie that God doesn't exist and they love it when people don't know they are there ❤I copy n paste this everywhere❤ And no one talks about repentance, God will never lower his standards to be okay with your sins, sins is very serious in the eyes of God hes holy and righteous and it seperates us from him❤ Demons exist, and the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and uses people to do so❤ Btw telling the demon to stay doesnt do anything unless you have the holy spirit you arent safe. People: okay please stay this is your place❤ Demon: okay People: **leaves** Demon: **Goes with them anyway** Demons arent gonna make it obvious they are there so yeah. Demons are fallen angels that uses the form of our passed away loved ones to make us believe ghost exist and the souls of the person we knew still remains here❤❤ Astrology is demonic before my relationship with God I would always do zodiac signs literally just a bunch of sins put into each one I bet if everyone was sinless zodiac signs wouldn't make sense and literally a cover up for demons❤ Hearts are deceitful above all things, listen to God❤ Depression can be a demon you may need deliverance❤ God said unless you're born again spiritually u will not enter the kingdom of heaven also God doesn't judge us by our good works he's judging us by our sins Gods standards are so high he's that HOLY saying oh my God is using Gods name in vain it's called blasphemy ❤ To get to heaven you must believe with all your heart that Jesus died and rose again paid full price for your sins repent and receive his Holy spirit. KZbinrs I recommend Impact videos ministries David diga Hernandez IsaiahSaldivar Mapalo DLM christian lifestyle Billy garham Danial adams Living waters Mike Signorelli Okay now pray this to be saved and to get to heaven pray out loud Jesus I confess that you are my lord and savior I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead I ask to receive your holy spirit and I repent of my sins with your help❤ by faith in your word I receive salvation now Thank you for saving me! I am now reborn a christian a child of almighty God I am saved thank you Jesus! *Be genuine when praying this* Watch videos on how to receive Gods holy spirit on YT God creates Jesus redeems The holy spirit changes Now our good deeds and works we think are good are like filthy rags in the eyes of God Things to get rid of in your home 1sage 2dream catchers 3crystals 4crystal ball 5ouija board 6 tarot and angel cards 7religious statues 8demonic movies music or video games 9soul times items 10pornography Now like a theif robbing a store, demons won't make it obvious they are there unless they have to. Now know you can't save yourself Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life You have insurance on your house if it ever caught on fire which rarely happens but when it comes to your soul, you play with it like you have forever to make your choice which you don't 150k+ people Die everyday and you never know when it may be you God spent 9 months shaping and forming you before you were born but only 7 days on earth you're fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful in the eyes of God❤ Don't waste time Hearts are deceitful above all things ask God for wisdom and understanding we are just tiny humans with a 3 pound brain and our imaginations cannot go beyond what we already know❤ Your souls is so valuable both Satan and God want it but it's your choice who you will serve You serve the devil when you Lie Hate Blasphemy Disobey Lazy Gossip Gluttony Wanting what others have cause what God has for you is for you he will never deliver your male to someone else's house Hate And unforgivness And cussing murder and more And once you die, you're locked with your choice of where you're spending eternity God doesn't care about you doing more good then bad cause he's not judging that God never said that's the way to heaven So who's lying you or God? Be serious about this❤ God is holy and righteous God is love So either you would play around because you don't believe hell exist or you don't believe you're going there but the bible makes it very clear The path to destruction is wide and easy many are on it the path to eternal life is hard and nerrow very few find it and to get into heaven u can only enter through the nerrow gate❤ You dont have to wait until you die to know if youre going to heaven you can know right now 100% where youre going❤ Satan doesnt rule hell this is a myth when lucifer known as satan now became prideful and rebelled against God he took many angels with him Demons are fallen angels we live in a spirital and physical world so hell was made for punishment for satan and his angels and the reason why people go there is because they Align themsleves with the devil in SIN! Sin separates us from God and the wages of sin is death if youre found guilty with one sin on judgment day you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so the thing is We us humans broken Gods law and jesus paid the fine! So the good news is you dont have to go to hell if you accept him as your lord and savior! God offered us eternal life as a free gift and you receive it by faith! You dont have to work for it you dont have to pay all you have to do is receive it by faith❤ Don't expect Gods best when you always give him your least don't reject him anymore let him come in and change your life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@ramaraob333 Ай бұрын
Hi Kevin, Great teaching with In-depth knowledge. Loved it. Can you make a video on how observables behave behind the scenes. Thank you!
@Bourn77 Ай бұрын
Hala madrid
@nivekDev Ай бұрын
y nada mas!
@XINTSUAI Ай бұрын
In my case, I cannot find my appStyles/custom.scss, Assets/icons and Assets/fonts when using the http-server dist/myproject command. I don't know how to solve this issue.
@iuriius Ай бұрын
Can you please explain how to wrap a part of the component to make it a client side instead of SSR? For example button that simply hides the text. In NextJS it's easy with "use client". In Angular it's much harder.
@nivekDev Ай бұрын
In Angular there is no such thing as server components. So basically you have to make your code SSR compatible so that it is able to run on both server and client. There are new life cycles like afterRender and afterNextRender which are client side only though.
@mktrann Ай бұрын
Amazing as usual! I understand what you're talking about regarding the UI framework because I work with it every day, and it's so interesting what you mentioned about the unit tests part 😊
@LarsRyeJeppesen Ай бұрын
I also like inlining template code but it really sucks that Prettier does not format the html. Anyone got a solution?
@nivekDev Ай бұрын
Good point, I would also be interested in this ;)
@name.iz.blurryface Ай бұрын
You could have cloned the project on your local and delete the .git folder.
@nivekDev Ай бұрын
True, did not think about that.
@MathVideo678 Ай бұрын
Excellent presentation
@AppySpaces Ай бұрын
01:00 Exploring Fullstack development using Angular Query 03:41 Comparison between NX and Ngrx 08:35 Setting up NX workspace with NestJs and Prisma 12:19 Setting up Nx with NestJs and Prisma for a new project 19:52 Introduction to NX tooling and schematics 23:33 Setting up Nest controller and To-Do list with Nx 30:36 Setting up an open source backend using NestJs 34:11 Setting up todos model with ID, title, and description. 42:16 Implementing CRUD operations with NestJs 46:05 Setting up Angular frontend for local development 52:31 Building a full-stack to-do list with Nx, NestJs, Prisma, PlanetScale, Angular Query 55:25 Using NX, NestJs, and Prisma for web development 1:03:10 Discussing container size and text color 1:06:28 Connecting with Angular experts and finding videos 1:13:07 Configuring app with HTTP client and backend URL 1:16:48 Discussion about structured folder and feature UI data access 1:21:58 Developed Anx release library to automate releasing multiple libraries from an NX workspace 1:24:16 Discussion on using NX plugin for setting module boundaries 1:31:09 Implementing the todo list component 1:34:36 Implementing to-do item component in Angular with necessary functionalities 1:41:01 Implementing UI controls and event emitters 1:44:37 Overview of gin models and trash icon functionality 1:51:59 Implementing ID count for to-do items 1:55:51 Integrating Angular Query with Angular application 2:01:13 Implementing and utilizing Angular Query in the application 2:04:17 Managing state with Angular Query 2:12:32 Handling object mutation functions in the application 2:16:10 Understanding mutation and query keys in cache invalidation process 2:24:26 Introducing Angular Query for efficient state management 2:27:02 Implementing CRUD operations with mutations in a fullstack application. 2:36:14 Setting up Prisma schema for Fullstack web development 2:39:46 Setting up Prisma models and database migration 2:48:37 Setting up server connections using Nx, NestJs, Prisma, and PlanetScale 2:53:52 Struggling with database connection in the project 3:00:28 Crash course on setting up a database using Nx, NestJs, Prisma, and Angular Query Crafted by Merlin AI.
@AppySpaces Ай бұрын
00:09 Exploring new Angular signal APIs 05:27 Some developers find Angular to add unnecessary complexity 11:20 Switching from Moonlander keyboard to a Bluetooth keyboard for cleaner office setup. 14:11 Angular APIs can have optional or required fields with default values 20:24 Difficulty in separating state file and triggering shared actions 23:37 Understanding Angular APIs for type checking 30:33 Introduction to model options in Angular APIs 33:38 Using the model API in Angular creates a contract for sharing data between parent and child components. 39:39 Introduction to new Angular APIs 42:51 Handling asynchronous operations in new Angular APIs 47:54 Listening to outputs using new Angular APIs 50:47 Signals and RX CH serve different purposes 56:40 New Angular APIs introducing signal as view marking mechanism 59:14 Using Angular's new promise-based HTTP client in the onInit lifecycle hook 1:04:58 New Angular APIs bring changes in handling required input fields. 1:08:09 Angular view child and static true 1:14:34 New Angular APIs for content projection and querying elements 1:17:53 New Angular APIs for component interaction and querying elements. 1:25:56 NgZone APIs: After next render vs. After render 1:28:46 New Angular APIs allow for server-side rendering demonstration in the life cycle demo project 1:36:26 Design tokens ensure consistent style values 1:39:06 Exploring new Angular APIs for inputs, outputs, and model 1:45:58 Creating a dedicated CSS file for a web component. 1:49:40 Implementing focusable styles for the photo card in Angular APIs 1:57:22 Understanding the change detector and focus in Angular APIs 2:02:00 Demonstration of using Angular APIs 2:09:43 Creating Angular APIs for demo components 2:13:25 Introducing the Code Tailor program for custom coding themes. 2:24:27 Exploring new Angular APIs for output and model inputs 2:29:03 Summary of Angular APIs for view containers and content children 2:38:44 New Angular APIs bring enhanced client-side functionality 2:42:18 Migration to modern injection method in Angular 2:49:25 Inject makes it convenient to inject services without super calls. 2:54:12 End of the stream and wishing viewers a great start into the week Crafted by Merlin AI.
@mktrann Ай бұрын
Hi Kevin, I really appreciate that you've been streaming more frequently, even though, as you mentioned, there are usually only around 10 viewers. I've learned a lot and gained valuable insights from these streams. Discovering the Angular under the hood can be quite challenging, especially for someone like me who joined the community quite late and has less experience. I try to catch your streams whenever I can. But even if I miss a live stream, I always make sure to watch the recording. Thank you again for your efforts 😊
@nivekDev Ай бұрын
Thx @mktrann this really means a lot to me.
@abdelkrimhaddadi5098 Ай бұрын
I think you need to toogle that flag : provideZoneChangeDetection({ ignoreChangesOutsideZone: true })
@LarsRyeJeppesen Ай бұрын
Just a tip for people going zoneless and using Angular/Fire. Angular/Fire does not yet support zoneless, so in order for it to work, you need to do the following: do NOT remove zonejs from the polyfills (but still enable the zoneless change detection). Then it will work. It sucks to having to still have polyfills but at least the change detection is still zoneless
@LarsRyeJeppesen Ай бұрын
@AppySpaces Ай бұрын
1:18:48 great way to structure nx monorepo, looking forward to see this nx plugin open source
@AppySpaces Ай бұрын
14:45 about editing long commands in terminal on mac I like to use: - Command left/right arrow move cursor to start/end - Option left/right arrow move cursor by word I just found your channel, really cool videos, and that shell/terminal is the coolest: command duration, time icons, how are you doing that? :D
@cwnhaernjqw Ай бұрын
Kevin. Why dont you use vscode. I skip into your videos and im not sure if im missing sometihng because you dont have a basic vscode exentsion
@lucasdepadua8037 Ай бұрын
Hello, I was trying to do the steps but it looks like all the commands on package.json changed, and the documentation is still the same. So at the moment, when I run 'npm run build:lib' it works, but when I try to build again or generate the preview it fails. It would be nice if you can remake this playlist ;)
@edisn4596 2 ай бұрын
After this i ask myself why they just don't pass with event submission other component information for zone, like component ids and just find them in the tree and update it and childs wihout checking others. Or maybe why onpush marks for check until the top app component not only that one which is trigger an event. Maybe someone have knew it. Can you give me explanation or link to the article where i will find explanation please?
@crummybunny777 13 күн бұрын
GUYS PRAY FOR SAM AND COLBY THEY BEEN DECEIVED BY DEMONS AND ARE IN DANGER THEY ARE KZbinRS❤ God wouldnt allow souls to be trapped on earth, its umbilical and never happened all souls belong to God, so you cant sell your soul to the devil❤ And not everyone is a child of God jesus said it himself youre of your father the devil and your desires are to do his will true children of God are the ones who have been born again spiritually and repented from sin❤ So many people say they love God, but most of them never repented from sin and have a personal relationship with him, and love isnt just a feeling love is doing❤ Familiar spirits are demons well if I'm wrong I wasted nothing because I got peace and joy from him, but if you're wrong you wasted your entire life!! ❤️🎉 And demons love when people believe that lie that God doesn't exist and they love it when people don't know they are there ❤I copy n paste this everywhere❤ And no one talks about repentance, God will never lower his standards to be okay with your sins, sins is very serious in the eyes of God hes holy and righteous and it seperates us from him❤ Demons exist, and the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and uses people to do so❤ Btw telling the demon to stay doesnt do anything unless you have the holy spirit you arent safe. People: okay please stay this is your place❤ Demon: okay People: **leaves** Demon: **Goes with them anyway** Demons arent gonna make it obvious they are there so yeah. Demons are fallen angels that uses the form of our passed away loved ones to make us believe ghost exist and the souls of the person we knew still remains here❤❤ Astrology is demonic before my relationship with God I would always do zodiac signs literally just a bunch of sins put into each one I bet if everyone was sinless zodiac signs wouldn't make sense and literally a cover up for demons❤ Hearts are deceitful above all things, listen to God❤ Depression can be a demon you may need deliverance❤ God said unless you're born again spiritually u will not enter the kingdom of heaven also God doesn't judge us by our good works he's judging us by our sins Gods standards are so high he's that HOLY saying oh my God is using Gods name in vain it's called blasphemy ❤ To get to heaven you must believe with all your heart that Jesus died and rose again paid full price for your sins repent and receive his Holy spirit. KZbinrs I recommend Impact videos ministries David diga Hernandez IsaiahSaldivar Mapalo DLM christian lifestyle Billy garham Danial adams Living waters Mike Signorelli Okay now pray this to be saved and to get to heaven pray out loud Jesus I confess that you are my lord and savior I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead I ask to receive your holy spirit and I repent of my sins with your help❤ by faith in your word I receive salvation now Thank you for saving me! I am now reborn a christian a child of almighty God I am saved thank you Jesus! *Be genuine when praying this* Watch videos on how to receive Gods holy spirit on YT God creates Jesus redeems The holy spirit changes Now our good deeds and works we think are good are like filthy rags in the eyes of God Things to get rid of in your home 1sage 2dream catchers 3crystals 4crystal ball 5ouija board 6 tarot and angel cards 7religious statues 8demonic movies music or video games 9soul times items 10pornography Now like a theif robbing a store, demons won't make it obvious they are there unless they have to. Now know you can't save yourself Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life You have insurance on your house if it ever caught on fire which rarely happens but when it comes to your soul, you play with it like you have forever to make your choice which you don't 150k+ people Die everyday and you never know when it may be you God spent 9 months shaping and forming you before you were born but only 7 days on earth you're fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful in the eyes of God❤ Don't waste time Hearts are deceitful above all things ask God for wisdom and understanding we are just tiny humans with a 3 pound brain and our imaginations cannot go beyond what we already know❤ Your souls is so valuable both Satan and God want it but it's your choice who you will serve You serve the devil when you Lie Hate Blasphemy Disobey Lazy Gossip Gluttony Wanting what others have cause what God has for you is for you he will never deliver your male to someone else's house Hate And unforgivness And cussing murder and more And once you die, you're locked with your choice of where you're spending eternity God doesn't care about you doing more good then bad cause he's not judging that God never said that's the way to heaven So who's lying you or God? Be serious about this❤ God is holy and righteous God is love So either you would play around because you don't believe hell exist or you don't believe you're going there but the bible makes it very clear The path to destruction is wide and easy many are on it the path to eternal life is hard and nerrow very few find it and to get into heaven u can only enter through the nerrow gate❤ You dont have to wait until you die to know if youre going to heaven you can know right now 100% where youre going❤ Satan doesnt rule hell this is a myth when lucifer known as satan now became prideful and rebelled against God he took many angels with him Demons are fallen angels we live in a spirital and physical world so hell was made for punishment for satan and his angels and the reason why people go there is because they Align themsleves with the devil in SIN! Sin separates us from God and the wages of sin is death if youre found guilty with one sin on judgment day you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so the thing is We us humans broken Gods law and jesus paid the fine! So the good news is you dont have to go to hell if you accept him as your lord and savior! God offered us eternal life as a free gift and you receive it by faith! You dont have to work for it you dont have to pay all you have to do is receive it by faith❤ Don't expect Gods best when you always give him your least don't reject him anymore let him come in and change your life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@JeanPhilippeMaquestiaux 2 ай бұрын
Good way to setup CI but the video title is not really related...I was more expecting a more in depth tutorial about creating the angular library.
@andreidetenkov 2 ай бұрын
Hi! Do you have any tutorials how to use NX in a right way?
@nivekDev 2 ай бұрын
Hey, I have some stuff locally but its not polished and not published. So actually no but maybe I can do something here in the future.
@SamiullahKhan 2 ай бұрын
51:35 one example of outputFromObservable is if you have component that has form and on each change in the form you want to notify parent, so you don't need to use emit specifically. Like observableFromObsevable(this.form.valueChanges.filter....) I've used in the production
@nivekDev 2 ай бұрын
Yes, that makes perfect sense, this way you can get rid of the subscribe call and the manual subscription handling 👍 thx for sharing
@SamiullahKhan 2 ай бұрын
Yeah and same works in reverse with outputToObservable. Usage: if you are using material dialog with the same form component. Now you want to listen to instance output. outputToObservable(dialogRef.componentInstance.formChanged).pipe
@quentinmonmert 2 ай бұрын
thanks for the live, why do you add changeDetectionStrategy: OnPush on all your components?
@vk19148 2 ай бұрын
Yes same question. I never used onPush. Please explain why onPush is used?
@youssefbenkhair 2 ай бұрын
we can juste delete item from object without using angular query
@oliverfrench9656 2 ай бұрын
@sahilkhanna9782 2 ай бұрын
Great content
@tanushreebhattacharji2611 3 ай бұрын
Initially I had implemented a module per component, and module based lazy loading in my app. At that time my main.js bundle size was 2mb. Now I converted to all standalone and implemented lazy loading for standalone components. Now my bundle size is 4mb. Any idea what can be the problem or a solution?
@mktrann 3 ай бұрын
Hi Kevin, what is exactly custom terminal you are using?
@nivekDev 3 ай бұрын
I am using hyper.js with fish and oh my posh. Here's a detailed write up of my setup. angularexperts.io/blog/the-ultimate-terminal
@MonaCodeLisa 3 ай бұрын
really cool video helps a lot thank you for sharing :) SCSS part is very important for me 🙏 thank you for showing how to set it up, I use separate files so it's cool that it works. And don't worry about the HTTP client - its normal with so many changes going on, it happens to miss out things here and there. This console error before was also pretty confusing, it should have said - 'yo, provide that http client in yo app' 😝that would have saved us all a lot of time, I believe its a better one now
@Bourn77 3 ай бұрын
can you share the source code for change detection demo component with colour codes?
@mahdiandalib186 3 ай бұрын
thx man
@crummybunny777 13 күн бұрын
GUYS PRAY FOR SAM AND COLBY THEY BEEN DECEIVED BY DEMONS AND ARE IN DANGER THEY ARE KZbinRS❤ God wouldnt allow souls to be trapped on earth, its umbilical and never happened all souls belong to God, so you cant sell your soul to the devil❤ And not everyone is a child of God jesus said it himself youre of your father the devil and your desires are to do his will true children of God are the ones who have been born again spiritually and repented from sin❤ So many people say they love God, but most of them never repented from sin and have a personal relationship with him, and love isnt just a feeling love is doing❤ Familiar spirits are demons well if I'm wrong I wasted nothing because I got peace and joy from him, but if you're wrong you wasted your entire life!! ❤️🎉 And demons love when people believe that lie that God doesn't exist and they love it when people don't know they are there ❤I copy n paste this everywhere❤ And no one talks about repentance, God will never lower his standards to be okay with your sins, sins is very serious in the eyes of God hes holy and righteous and it seperates us from him❤ Demons exist, and the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and uses people to do so❤ Btw telling the demon to stay doesnt do anything unless you have the holy spirit you arent safe. People: okay please stay this is your place❤ Demon: okay People: **leaves** Demon: **Goes with them anyway** Demons arent gonna make it obvious they are there so yeah. Demons are fallen angels that uses the form of our passed away loved ones to make us believe ghost exist and the souls of the person we knew still remains here❤❤ Astrology is demonic before my relationship with God I would always do zodiac signs literally just a bunch of sins put into each one I bet if everyone was sinless zodiac signs wouldn't make sense and literally a cover up for demons❤ Hearts are deceitful above all things, listen to God❤ Depression can be a demon you may need deliverance❤ God said unless you're born again spiritually u will not enter the kingdom of heaven also God doesn't judge us by our good works he's judging us by our sins Gods standards are so high he's that HOLY saying oh my God is using Gods name in vain it's called blasphemy ❤ To get to heaven you must believe with all your heart that Jesus died and rose again paid full price for your sins repent and receive his Holy spirit. KZbinrs I recommend Impact videos ministries David diga Hernandez IsaiahSaldivar Mapalo DLM christian lifestyle Billy garham Danial adams Living waters Mike Signorelli Okay now pray this to be saved and to get to heaven pray out loud Jesus I confess that you are my lord and savior I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead I ask to receive your holy spirit and I repent of my sins with your help❤ by faith in your word I receive salvation now Thank you for saving me! I am now reborn a christian a child of almighty God I am saved thank you Jesus! *Be genuine when praying this* Watch videos on how to receive Gods holy spirit on YT God creates Jesus redeems The holy spirit changes Now our good deeds and works we think are good are like filthy rags in the eyes of God Things to get rid of in your home 1sage 2dream catchers 3crystals 4crystal ball 5ouija board 6 tarot and angel cards 7religious statues 8demonic movies music or video games 9soul times items 10pornography Now like a theif robbing a store, demons won't make it obvious they are there unless they have to. Now know you can't save yourself Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life You have insurance on your house if it ever caught on fire which rarely happens but when it comes to your soul, you play with it like you have forever to make your choice which you don't 150k+ people Die everyday and you never know when it may be you God spent 9 months shaping and forming you before you were born but only 7 days on earth you're fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful in the eyes of God❤ Don't waste time Hearts are deceitful above all things ask God for wisdom and understanding we are just tiny humans with a 3 pound brain and our imaginations cannot go beyond what we already know❤ Your souls is so valuable both Satan and God want it but it's your choice who you will serve You serve the devil when you Lie Hate Blasphemy Disobey Lazy Gossip Gluttony Wanting what others have cause what God has for you is for you he will never deliver your male to someone else's house Hate And unforgivness And cussing murder and more And once you die, you're locked with your choice of where you're spending eternity God doesn't care about you doing more good then bad cause he's not judging that God never said that's the way to heaven So who's lying you or God? Be serious about this❤ God is holy and righteous God is love So either you would play around because you don't believe hell exist or you don't believe you're going there but the bible makes it very clear The path to destruction is wide and easy many are on it the path to eternal life is hard and nerrow very few find it and to get into heaven u can only enter through the nerrow gate❤ You dont have to wait until you die to know if youre going to heaven you can know right now 100% where youre going❤ Satan doesnt rule hell this is a myth when lucifer known as satan now became prideful and rebelled against God he took many angels with him Demons are fallen angels we live in a spirital and physical world so hell was made for punishment for satan and his angels and the reason why people go there is because they Align themsleves with the devil in SIN! Sin separates us from God and the wages of sin is death if youre found guilty with one sin on judgment day you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so the thing is We us humans broken Gods law and jesus paid the fine! So the good news is you dont have to go to hell if you accept him as your lord and savior! God offered us eternal life as a free gift and you receive it by faith! You dont have to work for it you dont have to pay all you have to do is receive it by faith❤ Don't expect Gods best when you always give him your least don't reject him anymore let him come in and change your life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Matheus_1582 3 ай бұрын
Se você usar o NPM INIT @ANGULAR você instala o Angular direto sem instalar o Angular globalmente.
@Matteo-rq7fk 3 ай бұрын
Very clear explanation thank you 😁
@flygonfiasco9751 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for having this stream! Good content!
@alex_chugaev 4 ай бұрын
“model” function feels like it’s something from realm of forms.
@scottfwalter 4 ай бұрын
Great explainer video. Wish they called it something different. Model seems too generic. Wish they could have added an option to the input signals. Have a feeling these will get confusing.
@mktrann 4 ай бұрын
He cannot zoom in the Console tab with his keyboard. Because of that, he came up with NgWebConsoleComponent later. So inspired solution 😂😂. Thank you for all of videos related to Angular Signals, Kevin!
@PaulSebastianM 4 ай бұрын
Can't belive they were doing this checking in the beginning. Totally blows my mind how someone could design this. 😂
@yaibanoutsukushii 4 ай бұрын
thank you for this great example!
@rohit87k 4 ай бұрын
Awesome as always 🎉❤ Could you please share the Amazing PPT
@mktrann 4 ай бұрын
I am also looking forward the PPT, thank you so much!
@LarsRyeJeppesen 4 ай бұрын
About http client and observables: once you go zoneless, there is nothing preventing you from using native Fetch
@fonzanedelungini 4 ай бұрын
I never really got into rxjs. I tried many times, but that library somehow never hooked me. I only used the basic stuff, like observables, subjects but almost never worked with their operators nor did some kind of deep rxjs programming. Now I'm refactoring my code to using signals and I'm enjoying it (even though I usually hate rewriting code). Maybe signals are a good improvement under the hood, but even on the surface, I find them amazing. My code looks cleaner, it needs less logic to fulfill certain functionalities. I'm very happy. Angular is amazing! 😇
@mkez001 4 ай бұрын
how many years of experience in angular do you have?
@fonzanedelungini 4 ай бұрын
@@mkez001 I think I started with angular 7 about 5 years ago.
@fonzanedelungini 4 ай бұрын
@@mkez001 I started with angular 7 about 5 years ago. I'm a sole developer of a web app that runs in the intranet of one of the big energy supply companies in germany. I get constantly good to very good feedback from the users of my app and I'm thankful that angular is such a beautiful framework that enables me to maintain a high complexity with simple and elegant code.
@Bourn77 3 ай бұрын
cant agree more, never really hooked into Angular with all the rxjs stuff, now with Signals it looks approchable for me. way cleaner imho, hope we get to completely ignore rxjs if required with httpclient also supports native signal functionality instead of returning observables.
@TayambaMwanza 4 ай бұрын
I've been wondering where you've been 😊
@georgigeorgiev3970 4 ай бұрын
How did you import the raw Lib to the angular adapter lib? This step is missing
@richarddeerflame 4 ай бұрын
when you got to the topic of store .... great video enjoyed it .
@Driver___ 4 ай бұрын
There is just nothing easy with Angular. An edgy framework.
@user-ms5bo6lf2l 4 ай бұрын
Can I use remote module created in Angular into host which is created in react, if Yes can you please guide me through the process about how import the angular remote module into react ? Thank you
@arozendojr 4 ай бұрын
Do you know why nx test, using angular, ignores the app.routes.ts and app.config.ts files?