Mysteries of Ontario
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Curse of the Thunderbird Photo
14 күн бұрын
Mysteries of the Canadian Prairies
The TOP 57 Creepiest Places in Canada
Obscure American Mysteries
5 ай бұрын
Hairy Man: Alaska's Bigfoot
5 ай бұрын
@doncarmack5132 17 сағат бұрын
Was that Tom dude half black-face 😮😂😂😂😅
@UnWorthyDaisy42 18 сағат бұрын
her voice is too calm and melodic for this kind of storytelling
@juliesoucy3529 18 сағат бұрын
Bonjour! Je suis originaire de la Côte-Nord au Québec. J’en ai parlé à un ami montagnais âgé et il m’a raconté ceci: Mon grand-père originaire de essipit ( communauté autochtone près du village nord-côtier les Escoumins) et son territoire était situé près du lac des coeurs. Il nous racontait des histoires qui ressemblait au Wendigo. Lui le nommait uinitekau (qui aime faire peur ). Il disait qu’il n'aimait pas la chasse excessive et le gaspillage c'était comme un gardien de la forêt et des animaux. Il venait déranger ceux qui étaient excessifs et il pouvait se transformer en ogre pour voler les enfants pour punir ces familles. Ces histoires me faisaient peur quand on était en forêt pour chasser le petit gibier.
@CarolinaThreeper3534 19 сағат бұрын
Thanks HP. You are the man!!!!!!!
@kentwhoo 20 сағат бұрын
Gorgeous coverage of the many folk lores about the fact. It was something I was taught at a very young age. NEVER, whistle after dark. …”the devil dances on the stove.” I also spent a tonne of time in the bush. This, THIS, is my ONLY rule when leading a group. I really do like your common sense approach to the reason. So, awesome
@terenciosaymo3671 20 сағат бұрын
Some Canadians have a U.K. accent.
@liukang85 22 сағат бұрын
The mixture of what would be elements of ancient folk tales with the supernatural and of more recent modern Western history is inteiguing
@FreeReel1 Күн бұрын
This is a fascinating story, as I can swear that I've seen a photo similar to what is being described in this video. But there's some differences. The Photo I remember seeing is of a few, maybe 5 cowboy looking guys with rifles standing in front of a suspended Pteradactyl that was supposed to be from the 1800s. I can't remember exactly where I saw that picture, but I saw it when I was little, probably in elementary school. I feel I saw it in a textbook but I'm unsure. I was not aware of cryptids back then, so it's weird that I thought I saw it that long ago.
@mykailahove410 Күн бұрын
The photo was in most amazing top ten videos like a lot of them
@nascarvintage17 Күн бұрын
La présentatrice Kelsea Crowe is exactly the type of woman I find beautiful and perfect, absolutely not vulgar. Honestly, this woman is stunning.
@MizLaur Күн бұрын
I live in Niagara, ON. I love going on the Fort George ghost walks. Educational *and* spooky!
@AutodeskFTW Күн бұрын
@ResurrectingKnowledge Күн бұрын
They were also in Sumatra, Indonesia at the same time
@ASM42186 Күн бұрын
I drew the thumbnail image used on this video and the header on Kevin's website. Kevin found an old sketch that I'd posted many years ago and contacted me to document my recollection of the photo and ask for permission to use the image. I agreed to share my story and to produce a better image, which I believe to be the most accurate recreation of the actual photo. As I told Kevin, I distinctly remember seeing the photo in a dinosaur book in the library of my elementary school when I was 4 or 5 years old. Unfortunately, I have no idea which dinosaur book it was in apart from the fact that it must have been published between the 1960s and 1990s (as most of the books were already several decades old when I was in that school). There is ONE authentic Thunderbird photo, with the bird strung up on the side of a barn or similar building with half-a-dozen men in western garb standing in front of it, arms outstretched to demonstrate the wingspan. I doubt that the photo is of a real animal, as it's most likely an example of early analogue photomanipulation like those you often see in postcards from the era. I'm of the opinion that most people have misinterpreted and misidentified the various recreations that followed (like the Civil War Pteranodon) with the authentic Thunderbird photo.
@eddiemudie952 Күн бұрын
Man reality really is tearing apart. I know for a fact I have seen this original black and white photo.
@DynamicOwl13 Күн бұрын
My brother was acqainted with a guy whos family name was Windigo. His family also owned and ran their own caterimg company. I thought it was kind of funny lol
@PerspectivEs Күн бұрын
Eating some ketchup chips and poutine with this one.
@mbeecher9921 Күн бұрын
The world I'm from ended in 2012, many of us jumped consciousness into this world without realizing it. Notice there was no Mandela effect prior to 2012.
@martydom666 Күн бұрын
Remember bird bones are hollow.
@martydom666 Күн бұрын
Nah they just tell you ots false and provides someuch false leads and data thanks to chat gpt makin morethan all humanity combined ever written in its short time. 😅
@gradycooper7416 Күн бұрын
the new thing is there is a bunch of muslims pooping in are parks its wild bro
@printisdead1983 Күн бұрын
My cats name is Edgar Allen paw But I call him The bubbers, he bub bub bubs all the day long
@printisdead1983 Күн бұрын
I've never even heard of any of this lol,
@76Boomer Күн бұрын
I have never seen this picture
@smalldowns Күн бұрын
I live in the falls and I learned more in this vid about the war of 1812 than I did in all my years of elementary and high school… LOL
@theschunk4030 Күн бұрын
Find and watch the new movie consumed, it was an interesting representation of the wendigo, and im not spoiling anything, if you know about them, you could tell from the trailer
@thisoldnurse1521 Күн бұрын
Atlantic Canadian here. I have heard about Sasquatch, or Big Foot since a little girl and I’m probably going to say something stupid now. But back when I was a child, there were no cell phones, there were telephone booths or sometimes just covered telephone areas on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere that you could drive up to and make your call. So that reduces greatly the number of people back then who could actually take a photo of the cripted. But there were those who loved to hike on trails and carry a backpack with a bite to eat water and warmer clothes and very likely binoculars (we had binoculars) even possibly a camera. Yet people would speak about seeing this and of course no photos. Today EVERYONE has a cellphone, always with them yet still no photos of alive or dead Sasquatch. Certainly they must die, yet nobody has found one but the stories pop up everywhere. I guess I need it have absolute proof of these things.
@rushgush Күн бұрын
just people who allow themselves to be possessed by demons.
@joancruickshank7771 Күн бұрын
the stories & experience about 'white otter lake' near atikokan...west of thunder bay was pretty scarry. very difficult to get out of there before dusk. it is a long story, but there was a tv show called 'creepy canada' that described a couple having to over-night there !
@matttriano Күн бұрын
@katherinejaworek3340 Күн бұрын
Hamilton Ontario here
@noblestsavage1742 Күн бұрын
those little people live all over the world and the tales are so similar everywhere.
@aidanjohnston1940 2 күн бұрын
Cannot wait to leave this trash fucking country.
@Ayso 2 күн бұрын
There’s a wonderful place in Ontario
@benpregent 2 күн бұрын
Moved to Summerside a few years ago and heard from the Acadians that are still here that the reason they live on the west of the island is because the English considered it to far a back country to bother rounding them up there.
@HarryMarsee-fw9ot 2 күн бұрын
Evil CAN NOT stand in the presence of God's Holiness. If that church had been dedicated to God and if the people were devout, nothing like that could occur within a church.
@sealyoness 2 күн бұрын
Hyah, you Northern neighbors. Over the decades we've (me, in N. Illinois mostly) have come to terms with knowing that some of the best singers, composers and storytellers in the world come from your provinces. In gratitude, I promise we'll gas up your lawn mowers if you'll loan us a couple snowblowers. LOL We might need a hand shoveling out this winter. Cheers, all; don't forget your tire chains and practical solutions.
@marjeketchum1630 2 күн бұрын
I haven't told many people about an image i saw in the clouds many years ago, but I took it to mean someone's life was in jeopardy. I had just finished taking someone to emerg and was outside the hospital. So I went back in and told the nurse I had to see that person. She brought me to them and immediately recognized they had quit breathing. She raised the alarm and the staff saved their life, but I know they weren't the only ones trying to save this life. Thank you for adding the details about the images seen in the clouds. What I saw was over 30 yrs ago, but I've never heard of anyone seeing something in the clouds until now. For any who wonder, I saw a huge, perfect image of a Hereford bull's head. My family raised Herefords. It didn't just look similar to a bull's head. Every detail was perfect.
@rinalore9416 2 күн бұрын
You won't find a more honest man than Mr. Dan Akroyd, he's one of very few people with the imagination for reality.
@The-three-eyed-Prophet 2 күн бұрын
i swear i saw the picture before in youtube videos ... this has to be some kind of mandela effect ...
@kirkdepierre4544 2 күн бұрын
Coconut fiber (Coir) is a natural organic fiber totally biodegradable within 8 - 20 years , coconut fibers are relatively waterproof , but not 100% waterproof , Coconut fibers are "Hygroscopic fibers" , meaning they absorb water , in this case sea water ... Seawater contains a diverse range of microorganisms, including bacteria, archaea, eukaryota, and viruses... microorganisms in seawater significantly speed up the decomposition process by breaking down organic matter into simpler compounds through their metabolic activity, playing a crucial role in the recycling of nutrients within the marine ecosystem; essentially, they act as decomposers in the ocean ... Coconut fibers placed in seawater can absorb not only microorganisms in sea water , but also the carbon naturally present in sea water ... seawater can significantly affect the carbon dating of anything that comes into contact with it, due to a phenomenon called the "Marine Reservoir Effect," which means that the carbon in the ocean has a different ratio of Carbon-14 compared to the atmosphere, making marine organisms appear older than their actual age when carbon dated; therefore, any object that absorbed carbon from the ocean will show a distorted age when tested , depending on location , typically 400 to 1,200 years older than they actually are ...
@goombah226 2 күн бұрын
Them Wendigos are badass.
@marknorberg5009 2 күн бұрын
My hometown has the most concentration of windigo cases in all of Canada, slave lake is a spooky place with a lot of UFO sightings.
@gnanagowryvithiyananthan6427 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing ancient Canadian true stories 🙏
@stevenrencher4797 2 күн бұрын
Hammerso Peters is one of my favorite youtube channels. So well researched. Canada is indeed an interesting place. I grew up and spent most of my life in the wonderful Area on the south shores of Lake of the Woods. Sadly no longer live there due to life circumstances but i visit as often as i can. Spent 10 days there in July August. Walleye fishing, visiting my family, sitting around campfires telling stories up in the big, wild, mysterious northern Boreal forest. I miss it. Thanks for this. Plenty of personal stories of strange phenomenon, legends, weird sightings, crazy noise coming from the night forests from the good ol’ 807. Keep up the great work, ill keep listening.
@gnanagowryvithiyananthan6427 2 күн бұрын
I was a Hindu but after i became Canadian Citizen I babrized and became a Catholic, the Hindus spirit started visit my house everyday mean I show them like shadow on the floor, wall etc, however they are shadow they speak in a clear voice I can hear, most of the time I left alone in the house that they could do that to me, I experienced so many bad thins happened to me by them, that's why I wanted to be a Christian.
@crazyj902-topic2 2 күн бұрын
wij zijn in de wijk
@93FilmsandMedia 3 күн бұрын
This photo looks so familiar to me and I have no idea why
@gnanagowryvithiyananthan6427 3 күн бұрын
Nowadays if we said like this mysterious ghost story they think you are mentally ill and tried to treat you, however now technology improved so much so there's no way to like this ghost play.
@axelgray260 3 күн бұрын
As long as you claim many of claimed to see it, youll get 1,000 of people claiming their one of those people, its fomo or some sort of sociological effect, this specific photo never existed, but there are thousands that look like it. Everyone just wants to claim they saw it i hate this type of zoology!