Is Sex Assigned at Birth?
14 күн бұрын
Only One Way?
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Alex Has Magic Fingers!
Ай бұрын
Who Is In Control
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Find A New Religion
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Love vs Lust
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Headphones To The Heart
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How To Overcome Temptation
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How Can I Stay Pure?
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Denying Yourself is Real Worship
Does It Matter What We Watch?
Dating: How Far Is Too Far
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How Did We Get Here?
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Does God Care About Football?
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Are You Truly Grateful?
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STINT @ Reality Conference!!!
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5 Facts That Prove Christianity
Are You Reading it Wrong?
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Coming Back 2024!!!
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Easy Way to Share the Gospel
They're HERE!!!
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@ArjaSusanne 6 сағат бұрын
Amen ❤
@shawnwardyn1628 5 күн бұрын
This was an awesome weekend! We can't wait to go again next year!
@anothergodlessheathen 6 күн бұрын
All religion is BUNK.
@1011sue 8 күн бұрын
Excellent! Well done!
@caelachyt 11 күн бұрын
So, you have to help out God who is apparently incapable of simply saying sex between unmarried person is always a sin. Good thing He has you to clarify and elaborate for Him, since it appears you see Him as too incompetent to clearly express a simple concept.
@S62bhas 12 күн бұрын
Amen Praise The Lord Wonderful Counselling Amen God Bless You Abundantly Praying In Jesus Name Amen
@Jennifer-di4nl 13 күн бұрын
Where does it say you must sign a contract with the state? My question is, how is marriage defined? What if you are committed to one man and he is committed to you your whole lives, but you don't sign a contract with the state?
@vennie951 14 күн бұрын
For those of you who are concerned about lust, and do actually want to follow God’s way, one big way is to not watch any shows or movies that have sex in them. I know that sounds very restrictive, but it really makes a big difference. Ultimately, we have to come to a point where we don’t want to break our God’s heart. That’s at least what is working for me.
@brentschmoeckel1420 14 күн бұрын
Yes it’s called fornication
@NoahLadd 16 күн бұрын
Hi Alex
@RobertWilliams-mb9jb 25 күн бұрын
Unfortunately your diploma mill failed you
@mkmobilegaminginthephilippines 27 күн бұрын
God doesn't care if you get permission from the government
@DaughterofYah101 27 күн бұрын
True, that is a good thing. Freeing
@user-nc6sp4ij4l 29 күн бұрын
@dmiller1577 Ай бұрын
This is great! Thank you so much!
@douglasparks8430 Ай бұрын
I wonder how many virgins get married and see each other naked for the first time on their wedding night and don't like what they see.
@FloridaMarlinWrangler Ай бұрын
Suppose that a man cannot find a wife because he is financially un secure. He works his tail off but he can barely survive. The thought of ever finding a wife loses hope. Then he meets a female that likes one night stands and sleeps with her and her only for the first time and last time ever he does not sin if he commits himself to never sleep with a woman ever again. The reason we are here on earth as christians is to LOVE! If its proper love its ok. Sleeping with another man is an abomination to the lord. God created woman for man and if women get too high minded and hard headed expecting the man to take her on extravagant dates and to always have cash no matter what, then God understands and its ok to sleep before marriage. But one time only and never again. We christians are saved by grace alone by faith alone and once we belong to God, we can never ever lose our salvation an God will never lose his children amen.
@1011sue Ай бұрын
Wonderful! ;)
@NoahLadd Ай бұрын
Alex does have magic fingers. When he snapped, my whole phone went completely black.
@lilacicecream Ай бұрын
@georgheinrich5224 Ай бұрын
1:23 This is actually not the case. Nowhere in the Bible is there a definition of sexual immorality. It is, in fact, depending on the context. That means that God did not define it once and for all, but the society we live in does. In western culture, sex is permissible if the partners consent to it while the have the power to decline it. 1:28 That the man leaves the parent's household and moves to the woman's household is a description, not a proscription, so no commandment. If it was a commandment, then there has never been a Christian who followed it, since in patriarchy, the woman moves to the man's household, and in modern western society, man and woman start a new household together. Besides, while Gen 2:24 (which Jesus quotes here) limits the man to one woman, there is no limit given for the number of men the woman can have. This indicates that "God's design", if there is one, is not patriarchal. 2:19 The English translations of this verse is wrong. It does not say "with lust" or "with desire". It says "in order to covet". Jesus is referring to the tenth commandment that prohibits to covet the wife of another man. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the view of a beautiful woman. It is a calling for men to do that. 3:02 There is no evidence whatsoever that sex is bad for the body. On the contrary, there is plenty of evidence that sex is very beneficial for one's health. What Paul is referring to here is the fact that the body of a Christian is the temple of God's spirit, and as such it should not connect to the temple of an idol by having sex with a temple prostitute. 3:15 You have not at all stated what God says in his word. Instead the author only stated what her own bias reads into the text. And she has ignored some important things the Bible teaches regarding sex. The Song of Songs celebrates sex before marriage. The female protagonist says she didn't protect here vineyard, she meets her partner outdoors and wishes he was her brother so she could kiss him in public. That is all evidence for the couple to not be married. The Song of Songs also gives the female protagonist the leading role. That is another blow against patriarchy. In the mosaic law it was entirely permissible for men, even married men, to have sex outside of marriage and have multiple wives and concubines. In patriarchy men suppress the sexuality of women in order to enforce a male bloodline. In Gen 3:15, however, God assigned the bloodline to the woman, even after the Fall. So there is no support for patriarchy in the Bible, and the rules given are based on societal norms. The final blow against patriarchy comes from Jesus himself in Matthew 19 (which the author quotes) when he permits divorce only if the woman commits sexual immorality. So the power to end the marriage is with the woman, and she can only be divorced, not killed, as the mosaic law required.
@GassonTeddy Ай бұрын
Thanks sister.
@theshadowninja4223 Ай бұрын
So in ancient Israel men were not expected to wait until marriage to have sex women were seen as sexual commodities if a man wanted to have sex with a woman she wasn't allowed to refuse however if he did have sex with her he was expected to marry her because she would be considered "damaged goods." I would suggest you do scholarly research and see where the data leads instead of just believing whatever your pastor tells you and looking for ways to justify your own personal agenda. And I would also suggest that you check out Dan McClellans KZbin channel
@olek.2023 Ай бұрын
Thank you! Great job!
@olek.2023 Ай бұрын
God bless you, sister!
@reginaldrichmond9485 Ай бұрын
It’s a lot of sexless marriages.
@TRR552 Ай бұрын
Good luck
@brucevann7129 Ай бұрын
If that’s the definition why did God give David multiple wives as He said He did when correcting him via Nathan? This is really not cl ar to me.
@shashamunzara3192 Ай бұрын
What is sex intended for? Answer: Reproduction. Is it okay to reproduce outside of marriage?
@markuslandington2593 Ай бұрын
My kinda girl. I've never met someone like her in reality. Anyone know if she's married? I live by the principles she discussed in this video, coming from a Vaishnava (Hindu) background.
@williamwelch1157 Ай бұрын
Hebrews 13:4 Marriage [is] honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
@etheljanefontenot2970 Ай бұрын
@corinnesmith2971 2 ай бұрын
When God created the Institution of marriage (and family) He wanted a husband and wife to make a covenant with Him - a 3 strand chord which cannot be easily broken. Not only that. God is pure and He wants us to be pure in our behaviour. Sex before marriage excludes God from the marriage covenant. I also feel that this is why so many relationships fail down the track. Certainly it was in my case. The marriage failed after 10 years. I determined that of God was to provide me with another spouse i would wait until God could properly bless the union.
@mphomakhanya-rs9xy 2 ай бұрын
so what can you do to avoid sexual seen and temptation?
@1938UKTiger 2 ай бұрын
I Sometimes wonder what prompts some people to be so publically concerned with other peoples private lives??????
@Caramel272 2 ай бұрын
It is sin
@georgelopez3146 2 ай бұрын
Sex is mariage.
@georgelopez3146 2 ай бұрын
This woman makes too many inferences.
@1011sue 2 ай бұрын
@charlesfrances1 2 ай бұрын
This is what infuriates me about the bible and God. He gives us these feelings and we are doomed for hell if we act out on them. It seems almost impossible to do what he commands. It really makes me angry that God gives us these feelings but oh no don't look at a female and have normal thoughts I am doomed for hell! I have to get married to have sex? It is completely ridiculous. I grew up with an abusive parent and they never should have married. I don't want to get married because of this and so now I can't have sex with the person I love? How F.... ridiculous!
@jamesfitzpatrick9869 2 ай бұрын
How can it be a sin as man made it one thru its lies of the church
@rosahoran2480 2 ай бұрын
GOD made man then woman then said now go be fruitful and multiply
@warren6790 2 ай бұрын
My comment below was reaching the limit of words so I had to stop, read it or live under the curse of not KNOWING the LAW
@warren6790 2 ай бұрын
Well we have another person here that don't know the law so I will try to enlighten them, 1 tim 1:7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. sex before marriage is NOT a sin according to the LAW, Lev. 15:16-24, deals with masturbation also, the only law being applied here is a cleanliness law, it's no different from any other law dealing with any issue leaving a man's body, pee, poop, a runny nose or a cut that's oozing, wash with WATER and be unclean until a certain amount of time, this woman lying sexually with this man is NOT married, she is SINGLE and the man is SINGLE and their not children still living under their fathers rule, this word I keep hearing they translated sexual immorality is way too misleading, what's immoral to one is NOT to another, forget that, the word is FORNICATION, period, since you don't know what it means, let me help you, it's a word used for ANY forbidden sexual act in the LAW, whoredom included only spoken by the prophets, the reason the word fornication is used is so the original author wouldn't have to LIST them ALL, the word sums them ALL up, it includes adultery, incest, man on man sex, animal sex, rape and whoredom spoken of by the prophets, let me explain to you what whoredom means, it's NOT prostitution, prostitutes have sex for money, whores have sex for pleasure, whoredom is having MORE than ONE LOVER, NOT ONE LOVER, this is the gospel of the unmarried not the married, the married would be committing ADULTERY, Paul teaches this law to the unmarried in 1 Cor. 7 but the translators obviously didn't know the LAW or they assumed the yuvalkl=Greek and the yuvn=Greek words used meant " wife", that's incorrect because Paul would have NEVER taught the married man and woman anything concerning sex as it was unlawful to do and for good reason's, Paul's mind is on " touching" when he begins speaking to the unmarried and how to conduct themselves, whatever is done, holding hands, hugging, kissing, MUST BE MUTUAL CONSENT, these people are NOT living together as so many assume but for the sake of NOT being tempted to be with another they should come together or meet again, these two people have already established a relationship BUT they have NOT gone ALL THE WAY ( so to speak ), Paul includes them along with the widows in his scenario where he's obviously referring to sexual intercourse but the word " marry " is used instead of sexual intercourse, Paul would NOT have been teaching something that was unlawful, the word " marry " is easy to figure out as sexual intercourse by reading the scripture about Onan and his brothers wife, Onan was told to go in to his brothers wife and " marry " her and raise up seed in his brothers name, DO WHAT TO HER?, marriage is NOT commanded in the LAW nor in the scriptures and the man that marries ( has sex with the woman) in the LAW is NOT MARRIED BY LAW, the one's that get married BY LAW are UNDER the LAW, they can have NO ONE ELSE period, it's for LIFE, what you don't know is your setting a TRAP and using the desire to TRAP the two together by teaching them they can't have sex until their married, it's a trap that SO MANY have fallen into only to find out in TIME they made a mistake, now they can't get out and they begin to look for a excuse, the betrothal period was the period to so call test the waters, get to know the person you wanted to marry, if one or the other changed their minds, a father could annule or cease a betrothal, once marriage was entered there was no way out, Jesus only gave ONE excuse and that's sexual unfaithfulness, NO OTHER, Paul gives a believer an excuse if married to an unbeliever but making the other person a unbeliever is sending them to hell, they must be HATED very much, not to mention if the man don't go to her church he would be labeled an unbeliever, too many scenario's at play here, I would absolutely FEAR going against what Jesus taught on this, Jesus teachings on sending away had nothing to do with the law of marriage, it includes everyone in the whole world, those that marry and those given in marriage, now listen good, a man and a woman not married by law and having sex and the woman gets pregnant, the man say's she's not my wife, the baby is not mine, he runs away or sends her away, I can't emphasize this enough when a child is where Jesus mind is on this subject of " WHOM GOD ( not man ) had joined together" the two shall become one flesh is NOT the same as the two being one in body, the two becoming one flesh is in the CHILD, it's one of him and one of her and when it happens because of LOVE and NOT adultery, whoredom or incest, that man just got himself a wife and her a husband, maybe you'll get it maybe not, why become a eunuch?, a eunuch can have sex, he just can't reproduce, you make a baby and God gives it life, it had better be out of LOVE and NOT out of fornication, the whoredom thing you already know or knew about before you got married, it was in your heart because God put it there, you KNEW NOT to CHEAT on him or her, if they did, you wouldn't nor couldn't call them an adulterer but you could slap his or her face and call them a WHORE then SEND THEM AWAY ( if your smart ), as far as masturbation goes, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how the semen got out of his body to begin with in Lev. 15:16, unless your a person that hates their body and you need to know there's nothing the eye's can see that is SIN, there is only what the eye's can see that can "cause " you to sin, if what you see can cause you to sin then pluck it out, SIN is BREAKING the LAW or God's law which includes what the prophets saw, adultery, incest, rape, man on man sex, animal sex, Paul includes woman on woman sex, you need more teaching here but I might have wrote too much, will see if this gets posted
@barrymcvea4767 2 ай бұрын
The word is fornicators
@flournoymason8961 2 ай бұрын
If you read about the fate of the Amalkite women aka the virgin women you will see that the bible does condone sex without being married to the partner.
@ristonalaimo5048 2 ай бұрын
God is trying to restore the Garden of Eden, not restore Babylon. In the Garden there were literally only two people: one was a man, and one was a woman. There was no ability to be attracted man to man or woman to woman because there was only one man and one woman. *All attractions other than that are variants of that inescapable truth. You are denying God when you deny His created attraction template,* and, even more-so, it is confusion: you cannot make love without rod A in slot B (forgive my crassness). You can't have a man without a woman! You can't have a male without a female. You can't have true "relations" without an opposite. The only true relation is male to female and that's just a fact of logic. You can worship yourself, please yourself, and make up your own rules to "'love' who you want to 'love'" and how you want to 'love', but that isn't love, it's lust. Love is selfless. Same-attraction is selfish BY NATURE, by logic.
@Jake-be9ji 3 ай бұрын
What’s immoral about two single consenting adults giving eachother pleasure? Nothing. Case closed.
@jameslong5139 3 ай бұрын
Yes !
@HadassaMiguel 3 ай бұрын
In our society sex is normal but in bible says sex is for marriage only..
@markuslandington2593 Ай бұрын
That's because it's a Godless society, which is falling apart. Only communities that are built on the foundation of religious morals and principles will hold together for many generations. All religions are designed to communicate a series risk-mitigating instructions, which encourage the preservation, conservation and spiritual growth of individuals and the family unit. I respect and love all religions.
@RobertWilliams-mb9jb Ай бұрын
Not really.
@Fatelvis2 25 күн бұрын
there is a kind of disconnect as if its just an activity yet its the only activity that makes life
@RobertWilliams-mb9jb 25 күн бұрын
There were humans on this earth long before Judeo-Christianity existed
@RobertWilliams-mb9jb 25 күн бұрын
Hindi is the oldest known religion. But even the religions of native Americans predate Christianity