Ezek a panaszok nem úgy bontakoznak ki, mint egy csillagokkal teli képeskönyv, ahol madarak repülnek, farandolok forognak, csörgők csattognak és varázslók táncolnak, és őszintén megbánhatjuk 🥸
Koenji Hyakkei is an all-time favorite, and absolutely stunning in concert. Keiko is an impish little odd time signature pixie, with her dancing and body English on her horn. Taku is a drop-dead keyboard virtuoso. AH is just having way too much fun singing those incredibly difficult vocal lines. Kengo is a rock. And Tatsuya a goddamn genius.
Oh man, you know that feeling when a word is on the tip of your tongue but you can't quite bring it out? That's what this madcap medley does to me. I need the help of some fellow Magma-heads to identify the sources of some of these riffs (especially as they're a bit distorted/inventive, possibly combining more than one source in some cases, and definitely out of context!) Here's what I hear so far: 0:00 = Kohntarkosz I 0:15 = Riah Sahiltaahk 0:25 = Wurdah Itah (Malawelekaahm) 0:34 = Riah Sahiltaahk 0:48 = Opening prologue (manic Retrospective version) of MDK 1:01 = MDK (Mekanik Kommandoh) 1:15 = K.A. III 1:30 = MDK (Hortz fur dehn Stekehn West) 1:38 = Kohntarkosz 1:49 = De Futura 1:58 = Last Seven Minutes 2:12 = Soleil d'Ork 2:20 = K.A. II 2:28 = Kohntarkosz 2:38 = Hhai 2:52 = MDK (Mekanik Kommandoh) 3:06 = Kohntarkosz ?? 3:18 = De Futura 3:32 = K.A. III Corrections? Additions?
@druckiplutnik342 Жыл бұрын
The sound of me in the morning after too many beers and fucking kebab the night before.
@newyorker1853 Жыл бұрын
@ClaesFerm Жыл бұрын
Fantasticly well played !
@ulfingvar1 Жыл бұрын
Good concert of course, but incredibly boring camera, totally static. Awful.