Selam yehwat Tarik nay zawel zefelet ente alo kemeleselay yemehxen. Murad yebehal ab keren twelede 3abiye 2 abahagowy kea hedri mareyam eu shemo. Zawel ab tigre. Ab bilen ab tigrinya alewo kamey kamey eu eti goday hade deyoum welas zefelali alewom?
What a shame this kids are drunk where are the adults sad sad .
@PaittrocHiallae Жыл бұрын
@PaittrocHiallae Жыл бұрын
this fack network
@PaittrocHiallae Жыл бұрын
no line English spker in London
@PaittrocHiallae Жыл бұрын
I and we by English government and most women old traget our life and need help,,, fight for flat every day and Min/second can't do,,, all habesha east and north Africa,,,traget,,,,got need help 2024 happy new years end this year ,,,,every body one line habesha south,wast,north,east,,,,be habe,,,,
@PaittrocHiallae Жыл бұрын
we do have English government and commonwealth,,,, government in English land,,, police English fighting us for their flat old,,, to east Africa,,,,wake up,,, all esst and north Africa