Cooley Amazing Point On Why Women Need Men!
Slovak PM Robert Fico Assasinated
@noahgraber9339 Күн бұрын
It's so funny how he get's got in the first minute
@ManarReports Күн бұрын
come debate me then
@ChristiKnits Күн бұрын
Ben Shapiro is an ignorant egocentric moron, but everyone around him tells him that he’s so smart, and he talks fast so the dummies he’s talking to can’t keep up to debate his nonsense. I don’t know if he knows that he’s dumb, but the people around him don’t seem to know or care that he’s stupid and ignorant. ETA: I like your analysis and your argument is sound. Thank you for making this video. I hope it helps make people understand what is actually going on in the world.
@wsgsuper423 2 күн бұрын
I hope Nancy doesn’t step in front of a bus.
@ManarReports Күн бұрын
Yup we don't wish bad for anyone
@user-jj8vn8gj9v 2 күн бұрын
If any US politician should be brought to trial and impeached for outrageous abuse of her Speaker's position, for sedition and for actively undercutting a US presidency for four years with all manner of tricks, hoaxes and lies, it is Pelosi. She caused more damage to the USA from the inside than did any outside agitator. And the Democratic Party kept electing her to be the Speaker of the House! Glad that people at the Oxford Union can see her as she most embarrassingly and shockingly is! An arrogant and sanctimonious nothing of a person! No integrity. Talk about "threats to democracy." Pelosi. She initiated 2 unconstitutional impeachments , based on her vicious old world personal vendetta hatred of Trump, followed up by her unAmerican Kangaroo Court J6 Committee. Not to mention her grade school behavior in Congress of ripping up Trump's State of the Union address on international TV. She is beneath contempt and should be jailed for life. Tarred and Feathered too! She has embarrassed our country, was given immunity by the Democratic Party in DC for too many decades to still be a free person.
@philipgolding3672 2 күн бұрын
Mate you are an idiot!!! You didn't listen to what he initially said This is the first time in the social media age that people are confronted with what War looks like'..... He is absolutely correct. Listen prior to jumping out of thin skin buddy!!!
@dtybur10 2 күн бұрын
An ideologue will never relent from their delusion. They are like the narcissist, they do not listen, do not accept being wrong, or try to ever change. Talking to a wall will be more productive.
@yaboyvickk5635 2 күн бұрын
The fact that you asked for their response on two differing opinions on an ACTION and whether that can prove humans are amoral and dudes only response is an analogy of difference in opinion on if an object is aesthetically pleasing lmfaoooo... what a discord full of 🤡s
@yaboyvickk5635 2 күн бұрын
Like brother taste in art has jack shit to do with MORALS wtf
@ManarReports 2 күн бұрын
It's crazy bro they actually think they are winning or sound smart in anyway. Athiests are bad thinkers it's horrible
@ManarReports 2 күн бұрын
@@yaboyvickk5635 lmaoaoaoaaiaiaiaia
@skatemaster33 2 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports You know all your comments are just, you can't disprove me blah blah, this and that, attacking athiests, etc etc, but you can't actually listen or even refute our points, your argument is fallacious in nature and still claim it's all true. All you do is make up two premises with many flaws, then conclude something totally bonkers based on some book. The burden of proof is on YOU, give US evidence for your objective entity, ya can't xd
@tomaugdal8903 3 күн бұрын
listen to Nancy Pelosi
@ManarReports 2 күн бұрын
Yes master pelosi
@JSH0977 3 күн бұрын
No wounder she doesn't come out that much she is completely corrupt and bonkers.
@ManarReports 2 күн бұрын
Bro she should never do this again. Now we know why media is paid so much they protect the elites so well it's insane
@thunkjunk 3 күн бұрын
She is part of the Postmodern movement. It is anti-Enlightenment which is why she makes no sense to lots of us who still value the Enlightenment.
@ManarReports 3 күн бұрын
Yup she hates traditional movements and clearly holds annymoaity towards them. I never seen a more manipulative person than her in my life. She knows she failed us but gaslights us that it's the other side that did
@joyhoward5325 3 күн бұрын
She's using her hand movements to throw people off so they're drawn to her movement INSTEAD of what she's saying, because it makes No Scense and rambling on of words & sentences that have NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. Your opinion that she's using her hands to cast spells as witchcraft is hilarious, BUT unfortunately could be true also. satan's minions are everywhere and running to and fro throughout the world.
@ManarReports 3 күн бұрын
Bro she is an honorable witch from the Bohemian Grove so I assumed it's part of her training. Bro her hand movements are not used to emphasize her words. They are to put you in a trance. Clear witchcraft
@heidiblake7957 3 күн бұрын
You have Pelosi dead to rights. She's a very evil woman so you cannot just dismiss her ridiculousness. She's gotten rich from being in Congress by playing the stock market - there's actually a group of people who follow what her husband plays. There is so much more I could add about that awful woman but none of it is good.
@skatemaster33 3 күн бұрын
You're whole argument has multiple logical fallacies in it in the first place. 1) Humans are subjective beings because they are necessarily limited in knowledge You appeal to ignorance here, humans can have objective methods (science, logic) to overcome their limitations. The word "subjective" is ambiguous in this context, what are subjective beings? Humans are capable of objective reasoning... 2) Subjective entity is amoral (Doesn't know if its moral or not) Again "subjective" is ambiguous and doesn't imply amorality at all. -------------------------------- c) Humans are Amoral unless they rely on obj entity guidance The conclusion doesn't follow from the premises, even if entities are subjective it doesn't follow that said entities need objective guidance, entities can have frameworks for morality developed. You are also begging the question, the objective entity has no evidence for its existence and subjective entities don't have to rely on it. Aka you assume said objective entity exists and this is circular reasoning. You over simplify morality and you ignore the spectrum that can exist in subjectivity and morality. Hope this helps
@ManarReports 3 күн бұрын
You are trying to say humans aren't subjective but name me one human that achieved objectivity using the tools you mentioned. If we agree on the definition of subjectivity then one of us can be true and that's an objective reality barred away from subjective influence but we will disagree which one of us is right that's the subjective reality no matter how much data we can apply we cannot confirm it's concurrence objectively. Which means objectivity exists but we subjective entities cannot receive it because we are missing variables Science always changes when adding new variables which means it's all subjective and cannot be relied on. Back to the argument that is valid and sound. What can stop subjective entity from being ammoral except an objective being. Science is subjective and changes with new variables proving the fallacy of trusting science as your arbitor of truth and confirming my argument for me that subjective entity is always ammoral
@ManarReports 3 күн бұрын
My answer to my own argument is that objective entity is necessary if subjective entity wants to be moral what is your conclusion?
@trumpbellend6717 2 күн бұрын
​@@ManarReports Our metric reference standards for weights, distance ( kilometers, meters, centimetres ect ) was originaly a man made concept, arbitrarily concieved with no divine dictate involved. Yet once it becomes accepted and a pre- agreed consensus reached it functions perfectly. A "meter" is not some vague "about this big" concept that varies dependant on culture or God. We can OBJECTIVELY measure things "from within our pre-agreed metric reference framework" 😜
@ManarReports 2 күн бұрын
​@@trumpbellend6717 Umm 2+2=4 always.. doesnt matter if its subjective if you answer with 5 you're always wrong unless you change the laws of nature or you change the definition of 2.
@trumpbellend6717 2 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports Lol two things firstly with I suggest you look up the video "Questioning Darwin, if the bible said 2+2 =5" its only about 20 seconds long but kinda ironic given your narrative. 🤭 Secondly You seem confused dear, you see "morality" is a tool/common reference standard conceptualised to measure and judge objective facts. In my earlier analogy the metric system was that tool/ common reference standard that we conceptualised to measure "distances" ( objective facts ) Now absent our metric system tool / reference standard those distances would still exist irrespective our our ability to measure them ( *THEY are the objective facts* ) the tool that is doing the measuring is a *"SUBJECTIVE ONE"* .... only from within a pre-agreed subjective and arbitrarily concieved framework can we make Objective statements about said "distances" ( objective ) If my moral measurement system ceased to exist the consequences of our actions and decisions with respect to the wellbeing of ourselves and others ( *objective factual reality* ) would still exist, irrespective of our inability to recognise and evaluate said consequences and thus differentiate between decisions and actions that are appropriate from the inappropriate with respect to the desired outcome of wellbeing. But the "measuring" of it is what defines "MORALITY" and that tool / common reference standard was arbitrarily and subjectively conceptualised. Our actions have real consequences ( *objective* ) But without the pre - agreed desired goal ( *subjective* ) we can NOT make a determination of what we *"SHOULD"* or *"OUGHT"* do or not do, we are unable to differentiate between human intentions, decisions, and actions that are appropriate from those inappropriate. If i hit someone they feel pain ( *objective fact just like 2+2=4* ) means nothing without first agreeing "we don't want people to feel pain" ( *subjective goal* ) only then can we say "I OUGHT not hit people"
@jffrysith4365 3 күн бұрын
when you don't understand existential vs universam quantifiers. "He's using a fallacious argument, he's using a different example that doesn't map onto my example". Like if morals were objective, then every moral would have to be objective. Therefore if there exists a non-objective moral, then morals aren't objective. Therefore it doesn't matter what his example is, just that the example is evidence of a non-objective moral that could prove an objective moral system false.
@ManarReports 3 күн бұрын
Every example given I was able to draw from it the necessity of objective view because why else would you say the other side is wrong. If you ask me is their morality if there are no humans that's the kind of fallacious examples and arguments I won't accept and explode at
@masterchief5603 3 күн бұрын
[for the commentors.] I think they are pointing our specifically that God is an "Entity" to give his own Moral values. Which is alright. But there's one problem who object against such ideal to be not "Objective" at the same time. You may ask [or someone else may do ask..], "how is that possible? How can an entity give subjective and objective moral values?" Well in technicality it isn't really _subjective_ but based on attributes of God (if you believe they exists firstly...) Or characteristics of God. The reason why it is objective is because he is All knowing and All powerful, He created the Universe hence is the best source for Guidance for humans, specially considering what he intends for Humanity.
@skatemaster33 3 күн бұрын
And this relies on god to exist. And there is no evidence for said god, so you cannot use that in an argument to prove that morality is objective
@ManarReports 3 күн бұрын
It's subjective in interpretation but the objective entity is any entity powerful to know every variable at all times and scriptures are how we derive objective entities moral claims. You can claim our interpretation of Scripture is subjective but the actual scripture is from an objective entity. Does this explain a bit about the diff of objective entity as I describe it and how you describe it
@ManarReports 3 күн бұрын
What other conclusion can you give me to solve the solution of humans being ammoral forever
@skatemaster33 3 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports Again you presume that such an entity (god) exists therefore objective morality exists. This is fallacious because all the bible is, is a book. You don't provide any sound evidence for your objective entity at all. You can't validate your argument by just saying, but my book is objective.
@MonsieurMaxence 3 күн бұрын
Im French and English is not my native language, and I am pretty sure I can define democracy and populism in two more coherent sentences. Can’t believe all this non sense is listened and taken seriously. She cannot talk, she cannot make any viable argument, this is terrible, what is happening to western society…
@ManarReports 3 күн бұрын
Hahaha I swear she is embarrassing to all Americans. No wonder the world thinks men are women if these are the people making the laws and logical arguments hahaha
@purdysanchez 4 күн бұрын
Democracy is literally Populism. It doesn't have any other immutable value. Democracy can be Theocratic, Fascist, Socialist, etc. The outcome of Democracy is determined by the majority view of the populace.
@ManarReports 4 күн бұрын
I can't believe a person with such skewed views on reality has their hands on the wheels of our Republic
@purdysanchez 4 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports, America is not a Republic. It's an Oligarchy.
@tommcclelland119 4 күн бұрын
Nancy is off her meds again
@ManarReports 4 күн бұрын
LMAO her husband took her falling asleep lmaoaoa
@tommcclelland119 4 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports 🤣👌
@ericcape9911 4 күн бұрын
Nancy Pelosi is an idiot!
@user-pn6iz8yc1l 4 күн бұрын
Can you believe this is a politician of a "first class" world country?? What a shame for the US this old bag is
@ManarReports 4 күн бұрын
Bro I'm brand new to debate scene and I promise I could do 10 times better debating her own positions than her. Even her husband went to sleep 😴
@user-pn6iz8yc1l 4 күн бұрын
US is a beautiful country and it's people too but.... It's politicians unfortunately had taken this country to the sewer line
@ManarReports 4 күн бұрын
Great point. No return for America. BRICS financially chocking West is the only solution to regain our government
@63grandsport11 4 күн бұрын
IDIOT and the media pretends shes OK.
@piotrgurtatowski 4 күн бұрын
Ok... How the f are you on main? Can somebody inteligent explain to me why the guy that dosnt even have 1000 subs is displayed on main? Algorythm went totally nuts! Sure shes a manipulative bitch and she ought to called out but... Not even 1000? For real nibba?
@donaldorlopp6798 4 күн бұрын
We are NOT a democracy! We ARE a constitutional republic!
@ManarReports 4 күн бұрын
Yup that's why we have Congress. She just trying to use buzz words she thinks we are stupid
@trumpbellend6717 4 күн бұрын
Please note talking fast, loudly, and over one's interlocutor is normally indicative of someone who recognises just how flawed their own position is. 🤫
@ManarReports 4 күн бұрын
That's your opinion
@trumpbellend6717 4 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports 🤔 Hmm is your "opinion" with regards the "right" God subjective or objective?? Can we ground morality in "any" God or just the particular one YOU determined is the "right" one out of the many thousands man has invented ?? If your answer is the latter then in actuality its *YOU* and YOUR SUBJECTIVE OPINION that is determining morality dear. if your answer is the former, then asserting objectivity to any moral claim based upon a "God" becomes a completely vacuous useless concept 👍 The claim that theistic morality is somehow "objective" is ridiculous. Theists are merely substituting their own subjective moral standards with the morals standards of the god they subjectively determine represents the "correct objective" morality. 🙄🤔
@ianchisholm5756 4 күн бұрын
The fact that an entity is not human does not make its moral views 'objective'.
@ManarReports 4 күн бұрын
That's true but we can't trust any subjective entity to tell us true morality. We just staying ammoral
@trumpbellend6717 4 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports Lol please feel free to *NAME THE SPECIFIC "ENTITY"* you think is the objective reference standard that we should all adhere and aspire to dear. I'll wait.......... 🥱😴
@somethingeasy333 3 күн бұрын
​​​​@@ManarReports​ might have missed the point of the original commenter altogether. "The fact that an entity is not human does make its moral views objective" is referring to whatever being you're appealing to as a basis for your claims to objective morality. you're functionally punting the can further down the road by saying "I will abide by this being's objective definition of morality", because you've merely asserted said being exists, and has access to objective morality. What if said being is lying? You have no access to objective moral knowledge, how will you evaluate whether it's objectively moral or not? In short, all you've gotten to is "Humans have no access to any objective morality". To which congrats, but you're in the same boat unless you can prove that said objectivity and/or objective being exists. If you're going to talk about objective morality in the sense that we all feel an unprovoked kick to the face of an innocent being is wrong (you raised this example in another comment thread), sure. That means we have access to it, objective being or not. If we know something is wrong because we feel it is wrong, either it's all subjective or it's objective and we have access to objective morality. If the former, then it's not objectively wrong, therefore failing as an example. If it's the latter, we clearly need no objective being to tell us what's right and what's wrong. If your point is that we don't possess any objective morality, I can agree with you. I believe morality is a subjective affair, and we as a society come up with objective rules to achieve subjective goals. Where I disagree is you asserting that some entity has access to objective morality, or that we should listen to an entity claiming knowledge of objective morality at face value.
@masterchief5603 3 күн бұрын
​​@@ManarReportsI think they are pointing our specifically that God is an "Entity" to give his own Moral values. Which is alright. But there's one problem who object against such ideal to be not "Objective" at the same time. You may ask [or someone else may do ask..], "how is that possible? How can an entity give subjective and objective moral values?" Well in technicality it isn't really _subjective_ but based on attributes of God (if you believe they exists firstly...) Or characteristics of God. The reason why it is objective is because he is All knowing and All powerful, He created the Universe hence is the best source for Guidance for humans, specially considering what he intends for Humanity. I guess that is what is missing from the OP of the thread.
@masterchief5603 3 күн бұрын
​@@somethingeasy333how about my response?
@trumpbellend6717 4 күн бұрын
. "Values" are subjective BY DEFINITION. The word "value" discribes a relationship of worth between a "valuer" and that which is "valued." When we discuss moral values WE are the "valuer" To a man dying of thirst and stranded in the midst of a vast desert a cup of water would hold immense incalculable "value" However to a man drowning in the midst of a vast lake the same cup of water would hold no "value" whatsoever. It is however possible to make statements of objectivity, from with a pre determined subjective and arbitrarily concieved of framework. For example an old photo or memento of a lost loved one may hold real "intrinsic" value to the family and friends of said loved one. However once one leaves that specific subjective reference framework that same photo or memento may be something thats thrown in the bin without a second thought by others.
@ManarReports 4 күн бұрын
Actions have inherent values this destroys consequentialism. Is a kick to the face inherently neutral or do you need to see the consequences of that kick to determine the moral value of that action??
@trumpbellend6717 4 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports I have just demonstrated why values are subjective and we can only have "inherent values" from within the perspective of a subjective and arbitrarily concieved framework but you simply ignored it. Instead you choose to respond by spouting a baseless assertion as if it actually constitutes some form of rational argument. 🤭 Of course our actions have real consequences ( *objective* ) But without the pre - agreed desired goal ( *subjective* ) we can NOT make a determination of what we *"SHOULD"* or *"OUGHT"* do or not do, we are unable to differentiate between human intentions, decisions, and actions that are appropriate from those inappropriate. If i hit someone they feel pain ( *objective fact* ) means nothing without first agreeing "we don't want people to feel pain" ( *subjective goal* ) only then can we say "I OUGHT not hit people"
@devaxionrl8189 3 күн бұрын
@@trumpbellend6717wrong you’re just black so your value is not worth much thus proving not subjectivity but relativity which they are different concepts that blend into each other but are distinct
@trumpbellend6717 4 күн бұрын
You clearly don't understand that "right and wrong" are words that are relative to the actualization of a desired goal or outcome, absent said goal, the terms right and wrong become meaningless. My "goal" is the actualization of a healthy flourishing coperative society based upon our common desires with respect to wellbeing and the values it incorporates, empathy, respect, equality, altruism, reciprocity. That is why one "ought" to treat another's as you would like to be treated, One "ought not steal if you wish to live in a society were property is not stolen. One "OUGHT" not murder if they want to live in a society were people are not murdered. This is our "reference point" or standard. One "should" or "ought" do something if Its conducive with the actualisation of a situation that conforms with one's goals and values. These "values" themselves are subjective by definition however it is entirely possible to make Objective declarations or decisions 'Within a pre-agreed framework of subjective values'. Values are socially approved desires that are internalised through the process of conditioning, learning or socialisation and that become subjective preferences, standards and aspirations a shared idea about how something is ranked in terms of desirability, worth or goodness *What is your "goal" and why 'OUGHT' one do what your subjective God desires* ?? 🙄🤔
@ManarReports 4 күн бұрын
Give me a better answer to my conclusion of humans are ammoral that doesn't rely on obj entity.. you can't!!
@trumpbellend6717 4 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports First thing to note is your complete inability or unwillingness to even attempt to address my very specific questions, this alone demonstrates both the hypocrisy and fragility of your position dear. Morality is the cognitive process of differentiating between human intentions, decisions, and actions that are appropriate from those inappropriate. The recognition and evaluation of the consequences our choices have with regards to ourselves and others. My NOT believing in a mythological god in no way impedes the ability of forming such moral assessments. We are self aware conscious pain and emotion feeling individuals capable of love or hate, incredible acts of altruism or depravity. It's how we navigate through life and these potential extremes that define us, not our belief ( or lack of ) in anyone's specific subjective invisible "God" Buy hey if you disagree and actually wish to engage in an honest discourse then please define "morality" and "good" for us all...... does it relate to human wellbeing or suffering and how we treat each other ? Is it relative or absolute ? Objective or subjective, if objective then *NAME THE SPECIFIC STANDARD* ? What purpose does it serve ie what the goal of a moral system ? 🤔 If these basic questions are beyond you then please don't waste either my time or your own in further discussion
@yaboyvickk5635 2 күн бұрын
​@trumpbellend6717 calling his God "mythological" just already shows in itself how close minded you are on your own views and unwilling to open your eyes or ears to hear what anyone else has to say... mythological lmaooo .. man probably believes Jesus never walked the Earth even th9ugh its backed by historical data, yet you'll follow up with "well men can lie" 😂😂😂🤡
@indiangamerbg8346 Күн бұрын
​@ManarReports For you all morons out there saying if morality is objective and that it comes from god. Our morality is an evolutionary trait you [__]ing idiots. "If our morality is relative why aren't you killing everyone or there should be no one in jail" is [__]ing stupid statement to say I'll answer it for you since you don't search for the answers. The answer is you will never get away with it because getting away with isn't just about some form of authority, it's the basic concept of survival. The guy who goes around killing people willy-nilly is the guy everyone probably knows about and avoids. And Also humans survive based on communities. Their success is predicated on cooperation, morality is the very foundation of cooperation. I won't do to you what I don't want done to me. It's agonizingly simple. And I say agonizing because you guys refuse to use more than 1 Brain cell it makes my head hurt thinking about how the [__]ing hell you manage to get food into your face without poking your eyes out. mortality is an evolutionary favorable trait. It's just don't hurt each other we all survive better , anything that comes further from that is figuring out what does harm. Some say if you are not going to be caught why not do it? Your understanding of evolution is extremely poor. Okay, so you kill the next person cause you won't get caught and the next and the next and the next never getting caught until you are the last man standing with no food because you're not a farmer and no shelter because you're not a builder and you die freezing and starving all alone with no one to help you survive What a champion you are, well done you just proved natural selection favors working together because it increases your chances of survival you [__]ing utter idiot. Sure kicking someone in the face or smth doesn't kill them but remember we are a social species, our survival as a species is dependent on the fact that we work together.if we kept hurting eachother we won't work together and remember being alone in the wilderness with no help and many predators is not a great way to survive. Also, many religions have some form of overpowered forgiveness mechanic that means that as long you truly say whoops my bad god( like the guy who killed everyone, and is regretting he killed people) you will get away with literally everything. It's always funny when god boys talk up morality when they often say they would murder, destroy, steal, and rape to their heart's content if god doesn't exist. That's horrifying (only I am allowed to do it because I don't believe in god )
@ayeoneup7645 4 күн бұрын
Justin’s argument for “mockery” is the same shit people use to justify hitting their kids.
@ManarReports 4 күн бұрын
Not gonna lie I have no idea why bring Justin to this panel he barely knew destiny and ruined the conversation. What low IQ on display it was brilliant.. I'm just mad cuz I got invited to the panel and they picked those dumbasses instead
@ayeoneup7645 4 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports Yeah could have used more pro-debate people, it was super one sided. Keep trying bro, you’re content seems fun!
@ManarReports 4 күн бұрын
@@ayeoneup7645 MANAR IS RISING
@YJakane 5 күн бұрын
I cant believe this lady is still alive
@YJakane 5 күн бұрын
Salam bro
@ManarReports 5 күн бұрын
Habibi stop by when you can we missed you
@trumpbellend6717 5 күн бұрын
Morality is subjective, we set the rules HOWEVER that does NOT mean we cannot set objective rules about morality. Let me give you a couple of analogies perhaps then you will understand........ Our metric reference standards for weights, distance ( kilometers, meters, centimetres ect ) was originaly a man made concept, arbitrarily concieved with no divine dictate involved. Yet once it becomes accepted and a pre- agreed consensus reached it functions perfectly. A "meter" is not some vague "about this big" concept that varies dependant on culture or God. We can OBJECTIVELY measure things "from within our pre-agreed metric reference framework" 😜 In the game of chess there are no OBJECTIVE RULES laid down by a god. They were arbitrarily concieved man made, however once we all come to an agreement about which rules we want to implement and adhere to it then becomes posible to objectively declare a move as illegal "from within the framework of agreed upon rules" ( a Bishop can only move diagonally ect ) That does not mean therefore that outside of the framework ( rules ) that its objectively impossible to move a Bishop straight forward 😁 Precisely the same applies to our moral reference standard, it too requires only an agreed upon reference standard in order to function. Can you think of a better standard to aspire and adhere to than one based upon human well-being, empathy, equality and respect ??? 🤔
@ManarReports 5 күн бұрын
Come to discord this isnt enough
@trumpbellend6717 4 күн бұрын
"Morality" is a tool/common reference standard conceptualised to measure and judge objective facts. In my earlier analogy the metric system was that tool/ common reference standard that we conceptualised to measure "distances" ( objective facts ) Now absent our metric system tool / reference standard those distances would still exist irrespective our our ability to measure them ( *THEY are the objective facts* ) the tool that is doing the measuring is a *"SUBJECTIVE ONE"* .... only from within a pre-agreed subjective and arbitrarily concieved framework can we make Objective statements about said "distances" ( objective ) If my moral measurement system ceased to exist the consequences of our actions and decisions with respect to the wellbeing of ourselves and others ( *objective factual reality* ) would still exist, irrespective of our inability to recognise and evaluate said consequences and thus differentiate between decisions and actions that are appropriate from the inappropriate with respect to the desired outcome of wellbeing. But the "measuring" of it is what defines "MORALITY" and that tool / common reference standard was arbitrarily and subjectively conceptualised. Our actions have real consequences ( *objective* ) But without the pre - agreed desired goal ( *subjective* ) we can NOT make a determination of what we *"SHOULD"* or *"OUGHT"* do or not do, we are unable to differentiate between human intentions, decisions, and actions that are appropriate from those inappropriate. If i hit someone they feel pain ( *objective fact* ) means nothing without first agreeing "we don't want people to feel pain" ( *subjective goal* ) only then can we say "I OUGHT not hit people"
@eternalgaming5295 6 күн бұрын
you lost bro. repeating the same sentence over and over again isn't a debate its you saying what you THINK over and over and just closing your mind off completely. you are so insufferable and annoying. you are the least intelligent person in that voice chat and its so painfully obvious.
@Dragonlord826 7 күн бұрын
You did not cook. Learn to debate please. If you want to debate a similar topic I'd gladly take part however in 1 on 1 setting.
@ManarReports 7 күн бұрын
We live daily stop by the discord
@BunnyWithaTommygun 7 күн бұрын
"rules for thee not for me" is the mantra of the secularist
@ManarReports 7 күн бұрын
@aaronnoisboy8122 7 күн бұрын
Bro this is just a clip and please get Mohammed hijab official KZbin
@ManarReports 7 күн бұрын
Bro who cares I don't think he even monetized his videos
@JorgeTijerina03 7 күн бұрын
Horrible debate lol - and I’m on your side here but you’re not the guy to make these arguments haha
@ManarReports 7 күн бұрын
Come try to do better vs me and perfect the argument. At least I'm trying weirdo
@KINO-om9lx 7 күн бұрын
What a nonsense 😂😂
@user-kf9dk9gt2d 8 күн бұрын
Man, im sorry to say but you are insufferable. The fact you keep talking over them, repeating the same shit over and over and when they form arguments against you, you dont listen and type insults into chat like a child. You celebrating at the end was so funny when looking back at how they were literally laughing at you and breaking down your points for 20 minutes, i cant believe youre lacking that much awareness.
@mathias8236 8 күн бұрын
your argument was so stupid, like a child talking
@mathias8236 8 күн бұрын
you got cooked
@ManarReports 8 күн бұрын
Haha welcome brother
@halalpork4667 9 күн бұрын
he acts like an idiot
@danielrafferty4108 9 күн бұрын
You weren't debating anyone here mate. You were shouting over them like you were drunk in the pub 🤣
@ManarReports 9 күн бұрын
Ok you come debate me then we live almost daily
@BunnyWithaTommygun 7 күн бұрын
don't project. just cause you waste your money drinking and scrounging for resource just so someone notices you, doesn't mean everyone else does. keep worshipping yourself bud.
@danielrafferty4108 7 күн бұрын
@@BunnyWithaTommygun I don't waste my money on drink. Haven't for nearly twenty years(Even then I was barely a social drinker). I don't scrounge. I've got a cushy job in database engineering, I'm fully qualified and can pivot into any field within the computing science sector if I want. I just remember what it was like to be around people who behave like he did. At least they were usually drunk. You got so triggered over a single sentence. Get a life🤣
@yaboyvickk5635 10 күн бұрын
Give her a salary??? Lmaoo bruh if youre paying for everything as the man then the last thing she needs is a salary from you, she doesnt need any money if shes looking at you to pay for everything.. dont set up her exit strategy
@ManarReports 9 күн бұрын
It's so sad 😭
@call4sorrow1 10 күн бұрын
how do you know your subjective interpretation of your specific denomination from your specific religion is objective? how can we actually put it to the testand verify it.... your using a subjective mechanism to reach an objective conclusion and literally every other religion thinks they've done the same thing..... why would anyone care unless you can verify that what you're saying is correct? revelation, prophecy, historicity and eyewitness testimonies are evidence for many religions.
@ManarReports 10 күн бұрын
That's a different argument because we now have to look at the scriptures and the evidences we have. Once you accept subjective moralities flaws we start looking for a better option and thank God the abrahamic religions set up an objective entity that they trust completely and is perfectly creating a solution to the problem we concluded from my argument in the video. According to my argument Abrahamic religions are the only ones that truly know they are moral and only if they refer to the objective entity with scriptures. Islam is the final religion and is the only religion with a miracle alive today which is the glorious Quran. A book memorized by millions completely unscathed from corruption throughout the years. I have a lot more evidence to proclaim Islam is the true religion and is the final message God sent us. Following the Quran leads you to be the most moral person on earth
@call4sorrow1 10 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports well then prob best start working on your claims about the stories in the quran being setup by an objective entity, when literally every single interpretation of those stories is subjective by definition (human brain interpreting the world = subjective) your idea of what constitutes a miracle, as well as what is good evidence for a miracle is also entirely subjective, even if the quran was verified as being unchanging (which you may be wrong about as the first version does not actualy exist today)... so what?, if a story manages to stay the same for 2 thousand years does that mean that the best explanation is a supernatural being? if harry potter is perfectly preserved 2000 years from now, does that mean that harry potter existed? if the spiderman comics are exactly the same does that mean that spiderman existed? the ability to keep a story straight is a separate argument as to whether the story is historically true. saying the quan leads you to being the most moral person is exactly what somebody who subjectively interpreted allah as being perfectly moral would say, and likewise, somebody who subjectively interpreted christ as being perfectly moral would also say christianity leads to morality..... theres no way to verify it.
@ManarReports 10 күн бұрын
@realBreakfasttacos 7 күн бұрын
Hey there poopy diaper baby man :)
@Hruljina 7 күн бұрын
I’ll happily debate you. There’s no way you can claim objective morality exists while also claiming it comes from good
@ManarReports 7 күн бұрын
@@Hruljina come to discord
@Hruljina 7 күн бұрын
@@ManarReports Joined in as Hookero.
@Hruljina Күн бұрын
@@ManarReports still waiting
@AlR-ol9gh 10 күн бұрын
Obviously if you can do it wtf duh
@ManarReports 10 күн бұрын
If we keep it up the opportunity will come very soon just need to be prepared
@user-yz7vq2yu8l 10 күн бұрын
No, he never debates in good faith. He takes the opposite stance and straw mans and acts like a regard until you reach a point of agree to disagree. He's a complete waste of space and bottom of the barrel stupid. You gain nothing from even talking to him because his audience is also morons who live in mom and dads basement.
@zama422 10 күн бұрын
Buzzword salad lmao
@mickyarams 10 күн бұрын
Bro, you are interrupting too much, I had to turn it off.
@ManarReports 10 күн бұрын
Will do better on next one
@DerrickJLive 11 күн бұрын
Shut up