Updates from Korea
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It's Breakup Season
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I Pooped My Pants in NYC
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Last Day in NYC Q&A
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Pre wedding & relationship advice
My Korean family vacation vlog
Living Alone in New York City
Christmas in NYC 2022 vlog!
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Welcome to my home (in Alaska)
Catch up with me!
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Overthinking in NYC
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We went to a CREATOR CAMP!
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I needed to leave Alaska
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Getting out of a funk
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Why I left NYC & Updates
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What we ate in a week in ALASKA!
I moved home to Alaska
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My Last Week in NYC
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@user-nc7jj7vx2z 2 күн бұрын
@user-nc7jj7vx2z 2 күн бұрын
@devinjo2318 4 күн бұрын
Oink Oink.. I am looking at this Book.. and I would close the Book.. looking at your Picture.. It has been so hard finishing the Pages of this Big Book but.. I just wanted to let you know.. I wanted it to be done because we made a Promise.. the promise which I must keep on my part.. when I try to do something and if it is going to be something that I know in my Heart I just can't keep.. I will not do it at all because I don't want YOU to see me as a failure.. some one who cannot finish or cannot keep the Word.. that is why it is something that has to be Special.. it must be an Unique experience because I believe it is so Hard to keep a Word or to Keep a Promise.. it has gotten harder over the Years but when I think of YOU.. I know that IN MY Heart.. I must have YOU.. I must win your Heart and make you Mine forever.. to say to YOU.. to tell YOU to come closer and I would ask for Your Ear.. can you please lend me your Time and Lend me your Ear.. I must say few words so that YOU can hear my Heart.. and I will say to YOU when I see you Close.. when I see your ear approach me.. I will say.. My Heart is crying.. Not just crying but heart is dying for Your love.. dying just to say I love YOU.. and I been looking at your Picture.. sitting by the desk.. LOOKING at the Pages of this Big Book.. I would be thinking.. should I not read at ALL.. but when I think of the first time I saw YOU.. and just to get closer.. I must do my Part and that is to read.. as I would Pull the Note Book before me.. reading part.. flipping through many pages.. and trying to sit and focus.. concentrate on the Words on the Pages of telling Me.. but next is the Picture of YOU.. and I would stop.. thinking the Focus is gone.. can't concentrate when I be looking at the Picture of YOU.. because YOU are so beautiful to Me.. I would flip back few pages to re read.. and yes.. the Time flies very fast when YOU start to day dream.. holding your Hand.. and Pulling you close in my arms and LOOKING at YOU.. looking at your ear.. if I can speak.. if I am able to tell YOU the way my Heart feels about YOU.. I would say.. Please.. let me explain this Heart of Mine.. Please let me speak so that I can tell YOU.. and I would say.. ALL day.. when I did Not see YOU.. I started to miss YOU.. wondering when I can come close to YOU.. will you let me come close.. Please let me by your side.. because I need to be with YOU.. why.. because I miss YOU and I love YOU.. and I would look down.. looking at the Pages.. trying to write the summary of this BOOK.. trying to write more than a sentence.. the More I try to read this Big Book.. the More I want to see Your Picture.. but.. it took me back and forth of fighting myself that I would say.. I have made a promise to YOU.. and that is the End of the Line.. I told YOU and yes.. we made the agreement that If I finish this BIG BOOK and write the summary on the paper for this BOOK.. you will let me in the BOOK CLUB.. it was yesterday.. when I went to the Library to see YOU.. and I would be waiting in a Long Line.. feels like YOU are a famous Arthur.. because I have never seen so many People waiting in the Line.. and with a BOOK in one hand and the Paper on the Other hand waiting to be the Next.. to Join the Book Club.. I was excited when I saw People sitting down and there were many Cuts in between.. feels like an Audition to make a Movie.. and YOU are like the director who be looking for Actors and Actresses.. but I knew that I spend Many Hours.. re reading this Book.. going back and Forth.. writing on the Pieces of papers.. scribble this and Scribble that.. papers be rolled and thrown into the trash Can because I just could not Write well.. but as I let go of your Picture for few Hours.. opened the drawer and Put your Picture into it and closed the Door.. felt like an addiction.. wanted to open that drawer.. struggling to LOOK at your Picture but I told YOU.. I must finish this BIG BOOK first and then I can look at your Picture as Much time as I want.. so I had to focus and started to write the summary.. it felt so GOOD to finish Both the reading of the BIG BOOK and also the writing on the Note Book summary of the Book and taking it to YOU.. I would smile.. when the BIG BOOK hit the Final Page and I would close the BIG BOOK.. I smiled and said.. It is DONE.. I have kept my Word to YOU.. I have kept my promise to YOU and after writing on the Pages of the Note BOOK about the story what It means to me.. I just had to share what is real from my Heart.. not to act like I know but just be real with myself to YOU.. telling YOU my Thoughts about the story on this BIG BOOK.. as I would enter the Library.. and I am watching the Lines of People going down.. and I would see many people would fail trying.. I saw many stormed Off the Library and angry is what I saw in most people's faces.. as I would get closer and closer to the table and I would see YOU there sitting with Your Friend.. there were more guys in the Line than ladies so I guess the Intentions or the Motives must be Like Mine.. who wants to be Just Close to YOU.. as I would be the Next in the line.. and I would sit on the chair of the table.. and I look at YOU.. who is sitting across from me.. and YOU are looking at me.. probably thinking that I am just like All of these Other guys who came for the wrong reasons.. and who did Not keep his Word or His Part of the Deal means the Promise.. but.. It was such a great struggle on my part.. when I saw YOUR Picture inside the Big BOOK.. it was distracting me A lot because of Your Beauty.. How can someone who is so Beautiful Like YOU loves to be in a BOOK CLUB.. I am Not say all the Beautiful ladies are the same.. but it seems like YOU are so Different because YOU are so Beautiful.. I remember when I first Walked into the Library.. and I saw YOU walking.. holding BOOKS in your Arms and I just had to get Close to YOU.. I slip and tripped and it got to YOU.. the BOOKS fell on the Floor and I fell alone with YOU inside this Library.. I know that I just can't tell YOU any words Yet because YOU are not going to Like me at first.. and that is why when I heard of YOU telling me about this BOOK CLUB.. I must join into this Club to be part and that is the Only way to get close to YOU.. I would push the BIG BOOK towards your direction and told YOU.. I have read the Whole Book.. the pages are so long.. but I still had to do what I told I was going to do.. that is to keep my Word.. to Keep my promises I made to YOU.. and Do you remember that I called you on the Phone and You Picked UP.. I had to delay because I knew that the time line for me was just too short to finish in on time.. and YOU also told me.. that YOU wanted me to write YOU a Summary on the Pieces of papers of this Story that I read in this BIG BOOK.. and I would put few papers down and I would Push with my hand towards YOU.. and YOU looked at me.. and I guess you thought that I was not that serious type.. I am very serious when it is very Important for me to do.. when I want to so something and made the choice and made the decision to do something.. I will do it no matter of the Cost.. How hard or difficult it is to finish.. I just don't try but I go all in if it is YOU.. if you are very Important in my Life.. I can also make the changes for YOU TO know my Heart.. I see you grabbing the pieces of papers.. and YOU would start to read what I wrote on the Pieces of papers.. and YOU would pass the Pieces of papers to your Friend who is sitting next to YOU.. and I would take the Picture of YOU and Place it on the TOP of the table.. and I would say.. I would look at this Picture.. your Smile.. and How beautiful YOU truly are really amazes Me.. I had to struggle looking at your Picture.. if felt Like I was getting More drunk the More I saw your Picture.. I even opened the Drawer and placed YOUR picture inside in and closed for few Hours.. I was shaking in my hands.. wanting to Open the drawer and to take your Picture Out of the drawer and to have a Peek.. the truth is that More I see your Picture.. the More I would forget the story I was reading in the Pages of the BOOK.. I would grab the Drawer and I would try to pull the Open so that I can look at your Picture.. but I knew that there was something far more Important for me to do at that point and it was to keep my Promises I made to YOU so I would start to look at the Pages of the BOOK and kept on reading.. reading more and More reading as the pages would be read and I would flip the page to the Next.. I would be thinking about YOU.. thinking about the Meeting and How this is Much more Important to me than just LOOKING at the Picture of YOU.. and I would see you turn YOUR Head looking at your Friend.. and I see her smile.. and YOU turn to LOOK at me.. I see your hand out.. telling me that I can join in the Book Club.. and I thought this was a Joke.. I never been in any Kind of Club before.. but when YOU gave me YOUR hand Out
@devinjo2318 13 күн бұрын
Oink Oink.. Telling me to come if I am Not the One who is going to stand next to YOU to make YOU my wife.. If I am invited for the wrong reason.. I do not want to come.. I don't want to watch YOU leave my Life and go with another.. It should be Me who should stand next to YOU.. the One who can put the ring on your Finger.. But why did YOU write me this kind of letter.. It really hurts Me if YOU are telling me to sit and watch the One you love to be taken away from Me.. and I just can't believe you are telling me this.. so I would rip the Letter into pieces.. I just can't take this from YOU.. I don't want to receive this from YOU because YOU are Only hurting me More.. what have I done to deserve this Kind of News.. why hurt me when YOU know my true intentions.. My true Motives.. I know that if I stand next to YOU through Thin and through Thick.. through the good times and the Bad times.. I know that after a certain time.. YOU can Love Me.. why can't YOU give me a chance to proof that I can love YOU more.. and YOU will know.. you will see that YOU too can Love me back too.. YOU just don't know until you give me a chance.. give me a shot too so that YOU be loved.. I can love you more.. and Over and over again.. YOU will know how much I love YOU and can feel that love comes from me to YOU.. but telling me this and breaking my Heart.. and tearing it away is Not going to be good for YOU.. because YOU know that I love YOU.. NO matter How much YOU hurt me.. How much YOU tear down my Heart into pieces.. I can still Love YOU.. I will even love YOU more.. and more stronger with time.. but YOU have to give me that chance.. why can't you give me this shot.. I know that YOU will love me.. I know that I will love YOU but the most importantly.. YOU be loving me back too.. YOU are wondering How do I know for sure this can happen.. Because I love you first.. and ever since I told YOU that I love YOU.. I am still here loving YOU more.. that is the prove that I can share and show YOU that It is real.. My Heart is real.. just too real sometimes but is it not better to be more real than to be fake.. that is why I can tell YOU.. for weeks.. for months.. I can still tell YOU that I loved YOU then and I love YOU now.. as I am sitting on this rock.. I open both eyes.. and I look UP to the Moon.. wishing why does has to happen.. to hear this from YOU.. I wanted to hear.. can I marry YOU and will you be mine forever please.. Let me be the One.. Please.. let me be the One to stand next to you and exchange the Vows.. the One who can say I do to YOU.. and the One who can put the ring on your finger and tell YOU.. thank YOU for being the One for me.. the one who I can love forever and say that YOU are Mine.. YOU know that I love you too much.. because I just can't stop but just Love YOU.. because I do.. truly love YOU.. really really.. just love YOU..I been looking at this Door.. I tried to knock on this Door.. I would even stand by this door.. from the Sun Set to Sun Rise.. I even saw the Stars and the Moon appears in the dark Sky.. I would look at the door.. I been asking for Your Heart.. I wanted to show you this Art Sketch Paper.. I drew a Heart on the Piece of paper.. wanting to show YOU.. wanted your Approval if does this Drawing of the Heart looks like Yours.. and I wanted the answers from your Words.. But No matter How many times I would knock on this Door.. I would hear YOUR voice inside this House.. but The door never opened for Me.. It broke My Heart.. ALL I ever wanted was YOUR answers that Does this Heart LOOKS like YOURS.. if YOU only told me that It is the drawing of Your Heart.. I was going to ask YOU a Question but that Question comes with asking a Favor from YOU.. and I wanted to ask.. If this Heart of drawing which I drew in my room thinking of YOU resembles Your Heart.. can YOU Please write YOUR NAME on this Piece of paper.. in the center of this Heart saying this is YOUR HEART.. and If you would of told me yes and Writes YOUR NAME.. I would ask you a Favor.. is it okay I can call Out your Name looking at this Piece of Paper.. the Art Sketch Paper of Picture of Your Heart.. I want to call Out your Name and tell your Heart YOUR NAME and tell you that I love Your Name.. I will start with just loving Your Name and thinking of Your Name.. I would say.. can I love this Heart.. with Your Name in the center.. I can call out your Name.. every Night.. I would walk Out side.. I would turn and LOOK UP to the sky.. LOOKING at the MOON and I will show the MOON the Piece of paper.. LOOK at this Heart.. Please say the Name of this Heart.. and I would open my mouth and say YOUR NAME before the MOON up there and say.. I love this Name.. and I love this Heart means I really Love YOU.. But.. I am looking at this Door.. the same Door.. and many months has passed by.. of course for a while I begin to think.. Maybe YOU are Not going to open this Door.. maybe it is My voice.. is it just too rusty for YOU to hear.. is it because I am knocking on this door so Much YOU just grew tired of this same person.. I would see the Figure in the Window and I know that YOU are inside this House.. I saw the figure of YOU.. and Yes.. I heard your voice too saying something.. I kept on knocking and knocking.. but YOU never answered.. YOU never opened the Door.. and YOU are wondering.. why did I come back.. why did I return back to the same DOOR which it never opened for Me.. I don't know.. and If you want an answer.. I just don't know why I keep on coming back to YOU.. even though the Door never opens for Me.. YOU are asking.. DO I ever give UP.. and I will tell YOU NO.. I never will give UP on Love.. especially when It comes on Loving YOU.. How can I give UP ON YOU.. I just will Not stop trying until YOU OPEN this door for me.. I would unfold the Piece of paper.. and I am looking at the Drawing of the Heart.. It has been a while since I looked at it but I do remember.. I would sit by the Door.. and turning away from the Door.. I would sit and cry.. I only wanted YOU to answer Me.. I only wanted to see if this Looks Like Your Heart.. why don't you answer.. I wanted to know does this LOOKS like your Heart.. so that at least I can tell this Piece of paper.. the Drawing of Your Heart.. that I love YOU.. that I want YOUR HEART.. and for ever can I just stand by this door and tell it by the door and YOU can hear me from the Inside when I am standing Out side.. How much I want to be with YOU.. but I need your Heart.. Please give me YOUR Heart and tell me that It looks like your Heart.. so that I know that I can start saying and telling YOU.. telling your Heart that I really Love YOU.. but why don't you answer the Door.. why don't you open the Door.. why don't you tell me that It does looks Like or resemble YOUR Heart.. Please tell me the truth.. give an answer to My Ear so I can hear you say something about this Piece of Paper.. that It is a Drawing of Your Heart.. I want to start loving YOU.. BUT I just can't love you until YOU tell me the answer.. I want to tell YOU and Love you so Bad.. why don't you answer.. why don't you tell me something.. or just anything.. and I would be sitting.. Looking at the Piece of Paper.. the Drawing of the Heart.. which I only drew of thinking of YOU.. all I want is YOU to say.. I needs to hear you tell me.. give me the approval that I needs to know that It looks Like your Heart.. as I am standing by the Door.. I am just thinking about the last time I came to this Door.. I was crying.. and It started to shower down the rain.. I do remember I would stand UP from sitting on the ground.. and I started to walk straight.. and I would walk and stop.. turning too look at the window.. I stood there.. hands holding the Piece of paper.. the Drawing of the Heart.. and I am getting Hit by the rain and I am looking at the paper.. as I see it getting wet by the rain and It would tear slowly and into halves It became.. and I would open my mouth wide crying in the rain.. ALL I wanted to know is does this Drawing looks Like your Heart.. why is it so Upsetting to me watching this Piece of paper tearing apart in front of the eyes.. and I started to feel getting more wetter as the rain would fall down on Me.. and I would be crying and crying.. looking at the window.. LOOK at this.. LOOK at the Art Sketch Paper.. I came all the way down here to show YOU but to ask YOU for one thing.. It is all about YOUR HEART.. why can't you answer Me.. why can't you tell me what is in your Heart.. all you do is open that door and ALL I wanted to hear yes or No.. but why did YOU Not answer the door.. and as I am getting more wet by the rain.. I hear the Thunder and flashes of lightening making sounds.. and ALL I wanted is a simple Yes or No.. but I wanted to hear the answer YES more than No.. I came here to ask just this One question and also had a Favor in Mind.. as I would wait for YOU to appear in the window.. I don't see you there.. and I would turn around and started to walk slowly.. My head looks down and My Heart.. it feels so Hurt.. it feels so Broken inside.. I can't even hear my Heart or feel my Heart any more.. I just can't feel it no more.. as I am standing here.. why do I feel so Sad all of a sudden.. was it
@devinjo2318 13 күн бұрын
I have NO Chance to Love YOU.. but able to come here.. even the DOOR is still locked and YOU are not opening the Door.. I know who I love.. and I want to boldly claim my rights to Love YOU.. and I know you can hear me on the Other side.. behind this Locked DOOR.. I know you are inside.. I saw the figure on the window when I was coming back to this Door.. and I waved at YOU.. what got to my Heart.. YOU waved back.. that is when I knew.. DOOR can be locked all YOU want.. BUT it is Not going to stop me to tell YOU a story of what it means to really Love YOU.. as long as YOU can hear me and listen to the Stories I love sharing and telling YOU.. I know I will love YOU still and I would walk UP to the Door and I would stand by the Door.. and My Hand Hits the Door.. DOK DOK DOK DOK DOK.. and Hand Hits the Door again.. and I hear.. DOK DOK DOK DOK DOK.. I was about to hit the Door but why did YOU hit it back.. I see.. I know YOU hear me.. behind this Door.. I see that YOU are there.. and also I am here just to say.. I missed YOU and I love you too.. You told me to come and wait for you.. I wanted to know the answers why YOU wanted to break UP with me.. last night.. I just could not sleep at all.. I wanted answers.. and I wanted to know if it was me.. is it because I wasn't the One.. is it because YOU have met someone new.. before I can close and shut.. I had to know why you wanted to leave me.. so I remember messaging YOU back.. asking YOU to meet me at the spot.. the same table.. at the Library.. I even told YOU that I am going to write YOU a Letter.. a Letter that I haven't written in a long time.. I do remember when I first met YOU.. and we started to date each Other.. My Heart.. I just don't know what it was about YOU.. but My Heart.. I would be going into the House.. with a Smile that I just could Not.. looking in the Mirror.. going into the rest room.. and turning on the lights.. I would look at myself in the mirror.. wondering what is matter with my Heart.. that I just could Not stop smiling after seeing YOU.. after meeting YOU.. after leaving.. just being close to YOU.. My Heart just could not take it that I had to leave YOU.. I am sitting on the table.. with the Book you gave me.. I am sitting by the table where we met for the first time.. as I open the front cover of the Book.. there is Your Picture.. and behind the Picture is the Letter I have written for YOU.. I am looking at the Picture.. thinking about going to the fair park.. YOU wanted me to get YOU a Big Bear.. a Brown Big Bear and I do remember winning the contest and able to get this Big Brown Bear.. I am looking at the Picture.. YOU were smiling and holding on the side of this Big brown Bear.. I just could not help it.. but tears.. why do you want to end this relationship.. why is it so Hard to let YOU go when we been through so much together.. I am sitting here quietly waiting for YOU.. I wanted to see YOU and meet eyes to eyes.. I want to hear from your voice.. I wanted the answers of why can't I be loving YOU any more.. why did you tell me that YOU wanted to break UP with me.. do you not know that it is Me who is hurting the most.. I am still wondering.. what have I done to deserve this Kind of pains in my Heart.. please tell me what have I done so that I know that if it is right.. I can truly walk away and Not to bother YOU.. Not to love you anymore.. I have written YOU a Letter.. if YOU open the folded Letter which is in Half.. I wrote last Night.. I was looking at Your Picture.. the One you would tell me.. after I took this picture of YOU holding the side of this Big Brown Bear.. YOU told me with a Big Smile.. that YOU loved me.. I just could Not believe the Words I heard.. from your own lips.. from your Own words YOU have expressed and confessed the Love.. I did not hear it before.. it would be me who be telling YOU.. many times I would send.. write letters to tell YOU.. that I love YOU.. that I miss YOU.. that I wanted to be with YOU for the rest of my life.. that can it be YOU.. can it be Me who can love you forever and tell YOU that I do love YOU.. and to confess and express.. being thankful for the chance that I get to say and to share that I love YOU.. but Now.. YOU are telling me that YOU wanted to leave.. to break UP this relationship.. I am still waiting.. sitting by the table.. and I asked you if we can meet.. I been waiting for more than two hours Now.. and still I don't see you.. as I am looking at the people.. they are walking into the Library.. some holding books.. while others are going into other tables.. I see some people sitting on chairs by the tables.. some by the computers.. I am waiting for YOU.. and I am wondering.. should I call YOU.. am I suppose to call you and ask YOU when will you come.. are you even coming at all.. and I look down.. looking at the Book.. Looking at the Picture of YOU.. and when I lift UP my head to look.. I see you have finally come.. but who is that.. as I see you holding hands with another Man.. and YOU are smiling.. WHY are you going to do this to Me.. why are you bringing another Man into the picture.. and I see you stop by the table.. and I stand UP.. I see you pull the chair and YOU sit.. the Man next to YOU.. He smiles and pulls the chair and He sits next to you.. I am wondering.. DO I needs to hear this because Now I know.. I get the picture.. I know your answers now.. It is because of Someone else.. do YOU even love Him.. if YOU love him.. then why are you hurting Me.. did YOU ever loved Me.. why did YOU show up like this.. is it because YOU wanted to hurt Me.. to destroy my Heart.. YOU know that I also have a Heart.. and I learned how to love YOU with my Heart.. it took me a long time to learn but Now I know that I love YOU.. but what YOU are doing is so wrong.. because I did not want to come here if YOU came to show me what It means to not love Me and come to just Break my Heart.. as I am standing UP.. two lines of tears will flow out of my eyes.. I just don't get It.. How.. why would you do this to Me.. YOU are making me to cry.. YOU are hurting me because I have never hurt YOU before.. as I sat down on the chair.. the Man who came with YOU.. seems like he does Not know what to do with this situation.. and I would look at you across the table and tell YOU.. Do you know that YOU are hurting me.. I am already hurt about the Message I have received from YOU.. but why does it has to be like this.. Like you are telling me to my face that YOU never loved Me.. then can I ask YOU this.. why did YOU tell me that YOU loved Me.. why did you even mention about Love when YOU never loved me in the first Place.. as I grab the Picture which was laying on the page of the Book.. and I would show you the Picture.. the Big Brown Bear.. you were holding on the side.. and YOU smiled.. and I asked you that day.. can YOU please stand by the door.. and YOU would.. and I pulled back and I would say.. can I please take a picture of YOU.. do YOU know that YOU are so Beautiful.. YOU look so Beautiful.. lovely.. wonderful this very night.. and YOU told me that I can.. I pulled the camera.. and I would pull up to take a LOOK.. through the lens I would look and I would focus and zoom.. and as I see you smile holding the Big Brown Bear on the side.. I tell YOU.. I am going to take the picture Now and I clicked.. and it took picture of YOU.. and I would slide the Picture across the Table.. and I see you look down.. looking at that Picture.. and when I put the camera Down.. and YOU looked at me and say.. I love YOU.. that day I dropped the Camera and it fell on the floor.. but did not break.. when I heard those words from your lip.. from your mouth.. I thought this was it.. that One day.. some day soon I can make you the One.. that YOU may be the One who I can spend the rest of my life.. and that I can share and tell YOU.. how much I love YOU.. I put my Hand on my chest.. My Heart kept on hitting back.. telling me I am in love with YOU.. but are YOU IN love with me is what I wanted to hear back from YOU.. going home that Night.. the world was spinning around.. I couldn't stop smiling.. I remember that night.. I sat down by the desk.. pulling out pieces of Paper and with a Pencil.. I started to write YOU a Letter telling YOU how my Heart kept on feeling.. Just wanted to share and express to YOU.. LOOK at my Heart.. that I love YOU.. and I will never stop love YOU.. and I hope that I can keep on loving YOU.. so Please.. never to tell me that YOU want me to stop loving YOU.. I would look at the pencil as I am writing on the paper.. I started to ask YOU.. I got YOU a Letter which came from my Heart.. and as I am looking at YOU.. I looked at the man who is sitting next to YOU.. so it is because of this Man you want to end this relationship right.. the reason why YOU wanted to break UP with me because YOU have found someone better.. DOES he loves YOU like the way I love YOU.. can YOU please tell me.. if the answer is Yes.. I know that I can walk away from this.. because I am already feeling like I am dying inside.. can He loves YOU more than I can Love YOU.. I know that I can love YOU.. I can
@devinjo2318 13 күн бұрын
I can love you forever because I have never Stopped but kept on loving YOU.. and I would turn away and I would walk off.. I am wondering why did YOU want to break up with Me.. Did you not told me that YOU loved me.. One night.. when we were sitting Out by the park.. you were inside the front passenger of the car.. I was sitting on the driver side.. I saw you unlocking.. opening the door.. and YOU went Out.. telling me to come out side.. I have never heard the excitement of your Voice.. I do remember unlocking the driver side of the door and I went out side.. YOU are the One who told me that YOU loved the night.. of course I am truly Opposite because I love the new Day.. love watching the Sun in the middle of the day.. YOU are looking UP toward the sky.. finger Points and I turn to LOOK toward your finger pointing.. telling me that YOU love the Moon.. and looking around the sky are many stars shining across the sky and telling me.. if I have the camera.. please take the Picture of the Moon for YOU.. and I am wondering.. why do YOU love the Moon so much.. why are you telling me these things when I love the Sun.. in the day.. but.. I did not say a Word to you because I saw that big smile on your face.. YOU looked so lovely.. so Beautiful.. so wonderful this very night.. I just did Not want to say.. I brought the Camera which was in the back seat.. so Opening the Door behind the driver's door.. I would take the Camera Out.. when I look at the camera.. I think of you the Most.. because I am most happiest when I get to take a picture of YOU.. when YOU are smiling and when YOU are at the most happiest. just watching you smile.. makes me smile inside.. because I don't like to see you sad at all.. as I showed you the camera in my hand.. I see you turning.. Looking UP towards and finger Points at the MOON.. telling me to take the picture of that Moon.. but.. I want to take a picture of YOU instead.. because YOU are so much prettier.. much beautiful than that Moon I see up on the sky.. of course I did what YOU say.. I would look UP.. putting my eyes close and looking through the Lens.. and I press the button and it click to take a Picture.. and I would look at you after I taken the picture.. Can I take a Picture of YOU too.. I know that this camera is crying for me to see through the lens o this Camera because I love taking pictures of YOU.. when YOU smile.. the Picture comes out just too perfect.. and I see you telling me yes.. I would move back.. walking few steps back and I stop.. you are standing by the Door.. the passenger door.. my eye get closer and looks through the lens.. and I am Zooming in closer.. looking at YOU.. and I see you smile.. that is when My Finger presses and it clicks.. taking the Picture of YOU.. and that very Night.. I just found something More about YOU.. that YOU love staring at the Moon and loves the Night.. and I remember you be saying.. the reason why YOU love the Moon.. it brings true Peace in your Heart.. everything is silent.. everything is still and that is just the way YOU like to live.. of Course.. when YOU told me this.. I did not want to bring any problems to YOU.. but No one is perfect.. I am Not perfect.. and I am standing in the Room.. all by myself.. after I heard from YOU.. on the Phone telling me that YOU wanted to break UP with me.. I would stay still.. walking into my room.. looking at the desk.. there is two pictures on the top of the desk.. and the first picture is the MOON.. and the second picture is YOU standing by the passenger door of the car.. with that Big Smile.. I just could not hold my emotions In.. so I started to cry.. tears kept on running down my eyes.. what did I do.. what did I say to YOU.. when was the last time we fought or argued.. as I am wiping the tears from my eyes.. next to the two pictures is this One Book.. and I know that I must return this Book back to the Library.. even though I want to read the Book.. I am feeling so much pain right Now.. I am feeling so much Hurt.. why does it hurt so Much to Love YOU.. why does it has to hurt so much.. did YOU ever loved Me.. that Night.. I remember after I took the two picture.. I went closer to YOU.. and I asked you.. can I hold you and wrap my arms around YOU.. would you please let me feel you close.. because YOU know that I love YOU.. as I would walk closer.. I see you walk closer to me and My arms fold and wrap around YOU.. and I just could Not breathe because My Heart kept on beating so fast.. I know that It must means that I really really love YOU.. I remember you be telling me in my arms.. YOU can feel and hear my Heart Beat.. and I would turn to your ear and I would whisper.. because I love you so much.. and from the words of YOUR lips I heard.. I love you.. and it just melted my Heart.. I wanted to fall down.. making my legs grow so weak.. because hearing this from YOU.. like my Heart always wanted to hear.. and Now.. I am in the room.. thinking about the Park.. and How you told me these things.. and even realized How much YOU loved the MOON.. many nights I would walk out side at Night now.. after knowing these things about YOU.. I would walk out side alone.. looking UP toward the Sky.. I would come across the Moon.. some days I will Not see it.. but from time to time when I do see It.. I would point my finger at the Moon.. just thinking about YOU when YOU did It.. My Heart.. OH My Heart.. and just going back when My arms.. Holding YOU close.. my Heart kept on racing and Beating.. and I just wanted to be still and stay still for a Long time.. it was not even too long ago when this happened to Me.. But Now.. I am starting to like the Moon.. and it became loving the MOON and I realize.. it does bring Peace because of the stillness of the Night.. quiet and silent.. and I would be staring at the MOON.. and whenever I see that Moon.. I think of YOU.. I think of YOUR smile.. I think of the camera.. and taking the picture of YOU with your Smile.. and Now.. it is heart breaking.. It hurts me so bad because I still love YOU.. why did you tell me that night that YOU loved me.. I heard from the words of your lips that YOU too love me.. when I held you and wrapped my arms around YOU.. I meant those words that I have spoken to YOUR ear because it came from my Heart.. I felt it that Night because it was the Night when you shared something that YOU told me you never told before.. and knowing that I loved to take pictures of YOU.. even what you loved the Most.. you have expressed your Heart to me.. I felt your words when YOU told me holding you still.. underneath the Stars and the Moon.. but.. why are you telling me now that YOU want to break up.. why don't you tell me the reason for the breaking UP.. is it because of Me or is it because of someone else.. or you never loved me in the first place but just wanted to say it to make me feel good at that moment.. my hand grabs the Picture of YOU.. smiling.. standing by the passenger car door.. and I am looking at YOU through the picture.. I am aching so Much right Now.. I feel like YOU have torn my Heart into pieces.. why is it hurting me so bad.. why are you hurting me like this.. and I would starts to close both of my eyes.. My Heart.. WHY does it feel like my Heart is tearing from the Inside.. Like I want to grab this BOOK.. and tear the pages into pieces.. why does it hurt me so Hard.. and I open both eyes and tears runs down from both eyes.. It hurts.. It hurts me so Bad.. these tears.. is it turning to red.. it burns my Heart as my tears just running down.. and I would pull out the chair and sit.. putting the picture on the top of the Desk.. why does it has to hurt me so Much.. I know that Night.. I told YOU because I really do love YOU.. my Heart hurts.. and I feel these tears from out of my eyes.. this pain that is killing me and eating me from the inside because I love YOU.. and I wanted to call YOU on the Phone to explain.. but I am Not going to make myself look so dumb.. maybe I do deserve this Pain.. maybe there is something I have been holding back.. I am still wondering why do you have to tell me those two words.. Break Up.. and Now it hurts me deeply.. so trying to get YOU off my Mind.. I would grab the Book.. and I would open the front.. the first page and I would look at the first chapter of the Book.. and I start to read the sentences of the first Page.. but I just keep on thinking of YOU.. My Heart just can't read.. my eyes just don't want to read right Now.. only thing is that tomorrow I must go to the Library.. I know that YOU will be there.. a project with friends.. so I know that if I go there tomorrow.. I may find you working on a project.. but I am thinking.. I am not invited.. so I would get UP on the Chair.. and I would go to the Bed.. and just sit on the top of the Bed.. I know that I won't be sleeping through the Night.. I am thinking of YOU just too much.. so I would get Out of the Bed.. and I would walk out of the front Door.. and I would be walking Out side in the Night.. and as I would turn to Look UP.. I see the Moon.. I don't want to see the Moon this very Night.. because I know that I be thinking of YOU.. I am already thinking of How much I am hurting inside.. now.. Knowing How much YOU love looking UP at the MOON.. at this Very Night.. I just can't deal with this Pain More.. it is hurting More and More as I am looking UP at it.. I have the Picture.. the first Picture.. the One I took of the Moon in my hand.. and I would start to cry looking at It.. When we went back into the Car.. and we both are sitting.
@devinjo2318 13 күн бұрын
Love YOU and that YOU know in your Heart that YOU love me too.. I am looking at the window.. as I am in the room.. I just keep on thinking of YOU.. I know that I am missing YOU.. will I ever see YOU.. and I would walk closer to the window.. and I would kneel and looking Out the window.. I am wondering.. do you think as much as I am thinking of YOU.. I can see that the Moon is come Up.. I am wondering what YOU are doing.. who are you thinking of.. is it snowing over there.. is it raining.. How cold is it there.. and I would look UP and I see the Moon.. it is staring at Me.. and I put my hands together.. I wonder if some one can hear me.. Hear the Heart inside crying.. because I miss YOU.. I want to be with YOU.. but why can't I be with YOU.. when will the time be when I can hold Your Hand.. and Pull you closer to tell your ear.. how much I been missing YOU.. how much I been loving YOU.. even though I want to say it this time.. why is it so hard.. why is it so difficult to tell you.. this distance.. it feels like from in the room.. I am looking Out the window.. Looking UP toward the Moon.. that kind of distance that leaves me puzzled.. and will you tell me Yes.. will you let me love YOU.. I feel like YOU don't want me to love YOU because LOOK how much I needed to wait for YOUR yes to come to me.. or is it No in your Heart.. I am over here tonight.. Looking for an Angel.. WILL the Angel hear me this very night.. can the Angel hear my voice.. or the Angel is Not there.. and I am looking UP.. looking around.. I can't see the Angel.. I don't see any Angel over here.. But I wish that the Angel can hear me.. I wanted to ask.. can I borrow two Wings.. can I have two wings.. I know that staying here in my room.. looking through the window.. and just looking UP to the Moon.. this distance is not going to take me any where.. I be missing YOU.. I want to tell YOU something.. I need to say something.. Let my words say something.. kneeling here and just looking UP at the Moon.. it is going to take me No where.. I want to be with YOU.. I want to Hold YOU.. if it is cold there.. If it is snowing.. or raining.. I want to Hold YOU.. let my hands touch your hands.. let me pull you closer.. so that I can hear your Heart Beating against Mine.. will you let me stay by your side please.. I am looking for the Angel.. I been praying and wishing for an Angel.. I would enter the room.. and I would look at the window.. and I would walk closer to the window in the room and kneel.. looking through the window.. asking.. Are you there.. I am speaking to the Angel.. I know that YOU can hear Me.. because every Night.. I come to the same spot.. asking for the Angel.. I know that YOU be tired of hearing me asking for the same thing.. so why Not just show UP and tell me that YOU are there.. can I have your two wings.. I need two wings.. If you can't give me two wings.. at least let me borrow two wings from YOU.. can YOU Please say something.. I need two wings.. and if the angel would finally show UP and tell me.. I am going to look UP.. Angel.. I want to have your two wings.. and can I borrow it just for one Night.. I want to spend my time Just being by YOUR side.. if the Angel Allows me to borrow two Wings.. I would place the wings on the right and left of the shoulder blade.. and I know that just for that One Night.. I want to be Your Angel.. and I be asking You.. can I fly over the Moon.. and if YOU believe in an Angel.. at least YOU know that I love YOU.. this Angel will Not let YOU GO.. this Angel will stay by your side.. just to tell YOU that I love YOU.. YOU know how much I missed YOU.. How much I been loving YOU and still been loving YOU.. I want be sitting on the top of the tree branch.. just watching you from the distance.. and having YOUR picture in my Hand.. to show YOU NOT to be afraid of me.. Look.. I will tell you.. LOOK at the Picture.. I am not a stranger.. and I would be with a Letter.. LOOK.. I am the One who has been typing YOU.. sharing to YOU how much I love YOU.. so that YOU would not step back or scream.. the Prove that On the Other side.. for a Long Long time.. I been asking for Your Heart.. for YOU TO Love me too.. even though I am not asking you right Now.. but I am asking you.. will you please love me some day.. I do not know How long it is going to take but until YOU can tell me that YOU love me.. but I would show UP as your angel.. and I would flap the two wings and I would lower to look at YOU.. and I would say.. I did not come here to hurt YOU.. I did not come here to scare you either.. I came here to say.. I have been missing YOU for such a Long time.. I had to ask.. I had to beg.. I had to pray.. I had to wish.. and Many Many Many Nights.. I would enter the room.. and go to the window in the room.. and kneel.. I would LOOK UP to see the Moon.. and I open the window and I would be asking for an Angel.. if the Angel is real or true.. and I would be asking for the Angel to answer me.. I would keep on going to the same spot.. until One night the Angel came down to the Window I was kneeling.. I just could not believe my eyes.. I started to cry when I saw the Angel and the Angel asked me why I kept on calling for Him and I asked the Angel.. two wings to Borrow.. just for one Night.. and I would show the Angel the Picture of YOU.. and I been telling the angel My Heart.. How much I been missing YOU.. How many nights I had to come out.. asking for you.. I would start just standing Out side by the House.. and Looking at the Moon.. I would pour out my Heart to the Moon about YOU.. and I knew that NO matter How much I would tell that Moon.. the Moon is Not going to tell me any thing.. it hurts because I wanted YOU to know.. so I went to the room and I believed in the Angel.. Maybe the Angel can Help me instead.. so that is when I started to call for the Angel.. which the angel came.. I asked to borrow the two wings.. which the Angel gave to me for just one Night.. I showed the angel the Letter I been writing to YOU and also the Picture of YOU and I had to be the one to go to see YOU.. I been missing YOU so much lately.. I just had to come.. Now.. I been sitting on the tree branch.. I saw YOU in a distance in a shop.. so I waited.. Of course I did not mean to scare YOU.. but the Angel gave me the permission to be an Angel for this one Night.. Now I am looking at YOU.. I don't want to leave.. I want to stay by your side.. and be there with YOU.. I want tell you how much I love YOU and if I do go.. I know that I am going to be missing YOU.. I hate missing YOU when I love YOU.. why can't YOU come with Me.. or why can't I stay with you.. I brought the Letter to show YOU.. it is Me who been telling YOU and sharing you my Heart.. so that YOU would not think I am crazy.. Do you see this letter.. Do you see the Picture.. it is YOU.. I been having this picture for a Long time.. and Only this Picture.. when I feel down.. I would take a LOOK at your picture.. I can't stop crying.. Because YOU Look so much prettier.. Because YOU look so much Beautiful.. Why do you have to be this Pretty.. WHY do you have to be this Beautiful.. When YOU Love some one.. YOU look much more Beautiful in my eyes then ever.. I don't know what it is.. maybe it is because My Heart sees so much More.. I see Love that Only I can bring and tell and give to YOU.. I just want to hold YOU.. to tell YOU that I have never stopped loving YOU.. I came all down way.. flying over the Moon.. Just to see YOU for this One Night.. Now.. I don't want to leave.. I can't go because I know that I be missing YOU again.. I want to see YOU again.. I want to tell YOU how beautiful YOU are.. How much I want to be with YOU.. that when YOU leave.. when I go.. I know that I am going to ask the Angel again for the two wings.. if I can have the two wings so that I can every Night.. flying over the Moon.. waiting for YOU.. sitting on that Same Tree on that branch.. Just to tell YOU how much I miss YOU and how much I love YOU.. but Now.. since I saw YOU.. and I gave you the letter.. I know that I have to go.. YOU are the Only One who I love.. that is why I just can't go.. I just wanted to say.. I been on the Other side.. just waiting for YOU.. I even stoop by the House.. when the Moon came UP at Night.. I would stare at the MOON as it stare at me.. and I would hold Your Picture.. asking if the Moon can speak.. I first tried by asking the MOON to be the Voice I really needed to tell the One.. I been showing the Picture.. to that MOON.. to take a closer LOOK.. and LOOK at the Picture.. to Please Come Closer.. if the MOON has an ear.. can the MOON hear my words.. I first came for few months.. I stood in the same spot out side of the House.. with your Picture.. but I just grew tired because the MOON never seems to care.. did not come closer.. did Not speak.. it just stood there staring at Me.. so I had to try another way.. Now.. Look at these two wings.. I do thank the Angel who responded to my request because Now I get to see YOU.. I get to give you this Letter.. when YOU took this Letter.. My Heart stopped.. and I felt the beating of my Heart goes faster because YOU are the Only One who I love.. My Heart keeps on beating faster as I am looking at YOU.. But.. I just don't want to leave.. WHY do I have to leave YOU.. I just can't leave.. But I know that I must because I made the Promise to return.. to give back the two wings that I borrowed.. But I came here to see YOU.. I kept on missing YOU.. just looking at your Picture was not Enough
@michaelb9112 15 күн бұрын
Hello, I've been listening to your videos since urmoms house.., and seeing that you also journal, one more bonus of admisration. keep up the good work and continue being original and true to yourself. thank you for the proviledge you offer us to listen to you. I like your free spirit and your "joie de vivre"
@annemariechase 14 күн бұрын
Ah after not posting a while and getting the occasional comment about it... this one was so nice. I appreciate it so, so much. I've been journaling 4-7 times a week for almost the last 7 years. It's probably the only thing I consistently do without fail. Trying to incorporate more writing into my videos now! My next one that will be up soon is experimenting with that. Thank you again :)
@Not_cee 29 күн бұрын
Inv me ova lets fuck
@marcusocampo5384 Ай бұрын
i just miss this era T.T
@MichaellaLouelleAgcaoili Ай бұрын
I was just watching ur moms house and felt nostalgia love ya Annemarie
@annemariechase Ай бұрын
Awww thank you for this <3 I'm coming back in September!! I hope you'll stick around :))
@ahMed_4794 2 ай бұрын
"Sometimes it is easier to live your life through the lens." That felt hard.
@FlaviadaRocha-c5m 2 ай бұрын
Pretty minor incident, to which you have surely overreacted.
@billeh60 2 ай бұрын
Stay away from little girls u creep
@ronniewashington692 2 ай бұрын
you are so beautiful and you are tell the truth about it and you are so adorable
@MsRoZLife 2 ай бұрын
Wait....where is the whole video!!
@annemariechase 2 ай бұрын
Woooah I have no idea what happened to it?! It's a 25 minute video and it only shows 26 seconds! I'm trying to figure it out, thanks for the comment!
@AlexisAdrian621 2 ай бұрын
Where is she now??
@koi-z8s Ай бұрын
@AlexisAdrian621 2 ай бұрын
8 months😮
@fatimagracem- 2 ай бұрын
i usually just skip ads/sponsorships lol... i just think that most people are insincere about their opinions and they just want money - like how come before they (the influencer) were sponsored i've never seen them rep or use the product - like i just feel like it's a front and it turns me off of content. like for better help, how come the influencer talking about has never talked about using it before they were paid to? i feel like a child being fed misinformation when that happens
@brianna7081 2 ай бұрын
Finally I love conversations like this!! No more day in the life. This is so thought provoking. It really encapsulates the conversations our generation is having
@annemariechase 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this!! Definitely the conversations I'm having, so I wanted to Capture. Thank you for seeing it! :)
@Trevo7777b 3 ай бұрын
@Trevo7777b 3 ай бұрын
@Trevo7777b 3 ай бұрын
@Trevo7777b 3 ай бұрын
@Trevo7777b 3 ай бұрын
@Trevo7777b 3 ай бұрын
Hi! 😊
@Trevo7777b 3 ай бұрын
@Trevo7777b 3 ай бұрын
@Trevo7777b 3 ай бұрын
@uv6180 3 ай бұрын
omg i feel you i feel the same 😔
@sophiaisabellemandani6476 4 ай бұрын
Miss your content, Anne! Hoping to see more
@annemariechase 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!! Coming back real soon :)
@ree56790 4 ай бұрын
10:29 omg i keep seeing 69 even your subs are 269k and i have seen enough times 69 today already i am just not able to understand the significance of it
@BronwynAlexandriaa 4 ай бұрын
I love this kind of content - interviewing controversial and polarizing people is something I just enjoy watching lol
@Subkhalif 4 ай бұрын
Cute vlog I love new york city I always wanted to go there and I also love the lion king its my favorite movie, cool vid it's so dope I enjoyed watching its refreshing and enjoyable.
@Laukik2022 4 ай бұрын
we cant have freinds reunion but can u guys do a ur moms house reunion
@GoodVibes-ev4lc 4 ай бұрын
@aurabelle2890 4 ай бұрын
manifestation baby manifestation
@leightonivy 4 ай бұрын
Regained respect for sneako after this
@urfriend.millieana 5 ай бұрын
god bless you. i’m so sorry. this world is absolutely disgusting
@America-The-Great 5 ай бұрын
I wonder why she got laid off? She is focusing on making KZbin videos instead of refining and upgrading her skills at the office so she can provide more and greater service to the company. She is focusing on building relationships with KZbin subscribers instead of building relations with upper management. She is lazy. look at her. She probably told people at work that she has outside projects. Which is unwise!! Don't bring personal life to your career! Who wants a worker like her??? Of Course she would never admit it and will blame everyone but herself..... I have worked in the corporate world over 25 years and have never been laid off! Company bosses appreciate " Perceived" loyalty and if they think you have outside projects going on they feel as though you are distracted and not fully vested in the company!! ... Just look at her talking about the last job she failed at!... she doesn't even admit the role she played in causing the company/firm to be less interested in her... look forward to more layoffs buddy!!!
@ItsJustNeill 5 ай бұрын
I just got into the whole “your mom’s house” crew and content. And you’re my favorite (since you’re the only millennial). I’m tired of the day job life. I’m starting a content creation life. That’s because of you and the your mom’s crew. Thank you for the inspiration.
@ktwhy7045 5 ай бұрын
How do you make money when you upload so infrequently? Do you work outside of youtube now?
@ft_ph 5 ай бұрын
Annemarie seems to be not a girl’s girl. Unless Kelly is lying, supporting Elliott and unfollowing Ashley on Ig is supporting Elliot not wanting to give equity to Ashley in urmoms house. Perhaps thats why Annemarie’s success on youtube remains elusive up to this day.
@DoctorRickSanchez 5 ай бұрын
_You look friendly to be around lol_
@kennanok9089 6 ай бұрын
Where are you Annmarie?
@sebastianblackandwhitewatc2722 6 ай бұрын
I'm happy that you look fine now, i don't know how hard could that be, but i understand that you shoud feel horrible, but please, mever give up, you can be stronger, you demonstrate it with this video, never give up and continue girl!
@JacobGMoore08 6 ай бұрын
ur such an amazing influencer keep it up u got this
@annemariechase 6 ай бұрын
thank u for these words. means a lot to me!
@WoogPoolan 6 ай бұрын
Hey cute
@FundingState 6 ай бұрын
I ❤ this video - thank you 🦋
@annemariechase 6 ай бұрын
Aw thank you so much for this and for watching! Means a lot 🥹
@maddy8855 6 ай бұрын
What happened to that whale? We don't even see that out here in California... Why does everybody go fishing? They eat that much fish? 😮 Or is there nothing else to do there...?