@crystalthompson4314 6 күн бұрын
This is a pretty normal day for me... I mean I am Autistic, but I thought this was what most people experienced... a sensory overload is wayyy worse than this for me
@redfox0099 11 күн бұрын
This didn’t bother me at all, it’s just like my normal day being on the Autism Spectrum with an Auditory Processing Disorder.
@Niko_lai-78 13 күн бұрын
What I wanna see is a video like this but for neurotypicals and how they experience the world, that'd be incredible. Like are small sounds around you not unnecessarily loud? Are you able to filter through each individual conversation that's going on in that crowd of people talking at the same time? Do you feel like you are actually present and what you're seeing doesn't feel like some fuzzy disorienting dream? Do you remember what you did today?
@theoriginaleb9616 15 күн бұрын
Hard to convey without the heart racing, stress inducing, tremor-like physical feelings. And the kid kicking your chair. I despise it when people make noise for no reason. Like, STOP!!
@chapachuu 18 күн бұрын
You forgot the kid cracking his knuckles and neck every then minutes.
@haileyrain2390 29 күн бұрын
As an educator to autistic children , add all the voices cheerfully saying “ HI HOW ARE YOU !! “ and expecting g you to respond to everyone and your aid saying “ say hi , say good morning!” Every 5 seconds . And all the other info getting thrown at you . Most of the time I say to my student “ say hello to Mrs. Whoever” then I just say hello to the rest without pestering him to acknowledge EVERYBODY . The staff often rolls their eyes when they are not acknowledged, but I’m more concerned about the well being of my young student than their feelings . Or sometimes I’ll pick a different person for him to acknowledge that morning … I get it , his special ed teacher gets it … and I explain to some of the well meaning people at a later date that it’s just too much . Just to say hi , but don’t be insulted when you don’t get a reply .. his mind is on 50 other things as we walk to that classroom first thing in the morning . He’s thinking he wants to go home , he’s thinking where he moves his name tag for lunch , he’s thinking the morning annoynments are bothering g him, he’s thinking about raised voices he’s hearing g that cause him alarm , the. We walk into the room and 20 kids are yelling hello to him lol… I get it , that’s one of the reasons he’s bonded so tight to me . We’lll both be so sad when he moves on next year to the next school without me .
@Kur404 Ай бұрын
this is normal for me lololol
@Bernardt_Art Ай бұрын
Exhausting. They need to show how loud news and cars and honks and laughs and people talking on their phone and typing keyboards and shukling bones and babies crying and neighbours sound. I wish a world of silence.
@ashraenshina3257 Ай бұрын
iii don,t understand seems normal to me?
@zimthonysymphony Ай бұрын
I watch this as an autistic and it astonishes me that most people don't experience the world like this...
@CanonicallyAGuy Ай бұрын
I have adhd, and I get overstimulated a lot especially from crowds and constant loud noises. I swear, once the overstimulation starts suddenly EVERYTHING becomes hell and a lot more noticeable. Things that you don't hear before become obvious and unbearable, lights become too bright and hard to look at, textures feel wrong and feel like a threat. Everything becomes so wrong you just want to put your hands over your ears and scream and cry. But no sound comes out of your throat. You are quiet. You are nothing. Everything is so much, you physically can't add to the noise. So you just sit there and die inside.
@batimbug124 Ай бұрын
love how there’s horror music in the intro lol. describes what living like this is.
@lexib671 Ай бұрын
As with many of these representations, sounds in the same area seem to start and stop: theyre introduced and fade in/out. Whereas when overloaded, youre hearing ALL sounds layered, for minutes at a time. Not one screeching alarm sound for a few seconds and then someone coughing afterwards. So while this is more of a 'carousel' taster to provide many examples, consider lived experience can be this intense for many minutes, hours or days. The level of discomfort and distress is waaaaay more intense over a longer period. Plus this isn't able to capture the nuances of brain fog or executive dysfunction you'd experience simultaneously
@Elizabeth-lj2vv Ай бұрын
Ok- It can’t show the feelings or smells, but it gives an idea of the visual and noise distractions. Also clutter is visually overstimulating. Like, I think when you were walking down the hall with the blue water bottle on the floor that should have been zoomed in on.
@TruffleSeeker54 Ай бұрын
This is why I do all my grocery shopping 1 hour before the store closes, when it's late it's so quiet and there's no lines.
@musician17 2 ай бұрын
this rahter feels like a video simulating domeone with psychosis
@kandgray 2 ай бұрын
Im just hypersensitive to noises.
@SkelitonWren 2 ай бұрын
As somebody with autism yeah its pretty accurate. My sensory issues are milder than most people on the spectrum but they’re still there and still cause problems
@wintersprite 2 ай бұрын
I’ve never been diagnosed with ADHD or Autism, however lately I have been wondering if I might have at least one of them (possibly ADHD). I have anxiety and depression. I hate the alarm and tea kettle sounds (I have an alarm like that too that I wake to most work mornings and it’s awful when my hands end up numb and I can’t shut the alarm off quick enough. I’m a hypocrite as the sound of people coughing, sniffling, and blowing their noises disgust me, yet doing it myself isn’t as bad (I do sometimes get anxiety blowing my nose around others and used to get embarrassed about my dry cough as a kid though). I also got annoyed by the conversations of the people in front at the door leaving the class… Just wanted to tell them to shut up and move, lol. The birds were comforting to me (at times I can get annoyed by bird chirps however usually I find them more on the comforting/calming side. Not sure if that’s how I was supposed to react to this video simulation? Not sure if my reactions were normal or not? I did get overwhelmed by all the noise at work Friday and today as I was more aware of it, I think, and already on edge. It was multi-directional for me, bouncing around back and forth. I think I had a small meltdown Friday because I rand out back when I could and cried.
@SiahJ316 3 ай бұрын
I made it up until 2:23.. I had to stop 😭🤦🏻‍♀️
@stefyguereschi 3 ай бұрын
@heathertoomey7068 3 ай бұрын
If you want to show this to your friend whom you suspect is sensory sensitive, without them knowing that's why until afterward, I suggest starting at 0:38
@heathertoomey7068 3 ай бұрын
Yeah basically. - AuDHD girl Perfectly what it's like on bluetooth Bose headphones after pressing the volume bottom up 3x on the phone, starting at 0. Can you please do one next of what it's like NOT to have that? Thanks!
@akapasokopo 4 ай бұрын
*establish a new republic because!*
@daniellewilliams1527 4 ай бұрын
When I’m feeling overloaded I start sweating and become hyper aware of EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE!!! I start thinking that everyone is looking at me and having secret conversations behind my back!!! ITS VERY STRESSFUL… I always experience this when I first walk into my job first thing in the morning!!! So what works best for me and my over stimulated nerves/feelings… is to just put my things down in my job… And then I literally just leave!!! 🤷🏾‍♀️… I DONT really leave from work obviously lol… but I go and have some “mini ME time”… I say affirmations and go outside to get fresh air!!! I try to remind myself that other ppl have their own lives to pay so much attention to!!! And if that doesn’t work… I just find a more secluded quiet space to do my work for the day!!! BUT TRUST ME ITS A HORRIBLE FEELING TO BE OVERLY STIMULATED ESP WHEN IN VERY CROWDED PUBLIC PLACES like the dreadful/EVIL place most HUMANS call “THE AIRPORT”!!! EEEEK!!! 🥴🤢🤮😬😵 🥹😢😩😖🫣😓😵‍💫🥴
@pernilladomander7648 5 ай бұрын
I wish that was it. Aspergers is so much worse than this.
@XXXAidenXX 5 ай бұрын
I keep seeing video like this saying this is what people with autism hear and it's a lot of adhd people that experience this everyday as well
@LesVarioufs 5 ай бұрын
Are there any that show what it's like being neurotypical? I can't imagine NOT seeing things like the video above and am curious.
@AymeHylka 6 ай бұрын
For normal people no autistic person daily
@AymeHylka 6 ай бұрын
What autistic feels like
@ThegreatfishfromMars 6 ай бұрын
I don't get this as bad bit I am extremely sensitive to loud sounds and bright lights. I have been called a coward multiple times for covering my ears when balloons pop and with fireworks. Also, fun park rides are extremely overwhelming.
@DezPre 6 ай бұрын
Hey there
@autismwithnyaharty 6 ай бұрын
I have autism spectrum disorder but I am an high functioning autistic person and I suffer from anxiety tho.
@hollyleafwell2118 6 ай бұрын
Sometimes there's just so much noise that the lights get very bright and I need to sit down. Does that count as overstimulation?
@olican101 6 ай бұрын
The lights need to be a LOT brighter, with areas not in dark light being completely black.
@ZahraLowzley 7 ай бұрын
It blows my mind that this isnt normal and yet most people can hear their thoughts, which is odd to me. I have the tinnitus cherry on top which makes it extra fun.
@-Ray_Moon- 7 ай бұрын
I get extremely overstimulated due to noise- for example today I had to go round my house turning off all the non-essential electrical appliances because I could hear the electricity in them and it was pretty much physically painful for me to hear. I haven’t watched this video yet due to being overstimulated currently but I’m definitely going to later :)
@TotallyNotLamePianist 7 ай бұрын
I didn't even get two minutes in because I don't want to start my day with sensory overload. (But I don't like a three year old so I can't possibly be autistic, so says my mom)
@alex-3457 7 ай бұрын
add to this the hell of people wearing pungent perfume or some other strong smells that can’t even be mitigated with covering ears or closing eyes :’)
@DaroTheDragon 7 ай бұрын
So i always thought it was supposed to be painful with light. I hate those summer days where i try to go outside but cant because its void white and it takes like so long to jist try to adjust. I have been thinking im autistic for the past few years and im waiting to get an assessment. Im not going to try to convince anyone in here but I relate to a lot of the sensory experience although mine changes through time and right now its really bad to almost getting meltdowns or panic attacks. I feel like my brain and body hates me.
@ASentientBlockofSwissCheese 7 ай бұрын
This is how my brain always sounds
@A-oy9yf 8 ай бұрын
When I have sensory overload it’s like as if suddenly everyone’s talking in loud volume and it gets unbearable sometimes. Normal light settings can also be blinding. Or, when I’m talking to a person one-on-one, even if they’re in front of me, I get so attuned by the sound around me it’s like they were speaking on lower volume incoherent speech.
@spiceupyourafterlife 8 ай бұрын
I'm stressed out just listening to this!
@legohunter1020 8 ай бұрын
I tend to get sensory overload due to my aspergers syndrome. For the most part, I learned how to control it. But during the times it becomes too much, I either block everyone out and continue my normal work without assistance (And I get upset if people do. I do apologize afterwards.) , or I'd just shut down and do nothing. No in between.
@angadsinghkalsi 8 ай бұрын
Is there any cure for this?
@ascari16 9 ай бұрын
I call that a pretty average day
@imthatmama 9 ай бұрын
Okay why did I insist on touching myself before bed
@Urrrm255 9 ай бұрын
Usually my eyes roll back when I’m having an overload.
@inakandler7086 10 ай бұрын
Me watching this video: "isnt this just normal hearing?" Realising holy shit i have auditory sensory :-)))
@leonzac5240 10 ай бұрын
Woah, i thought everyone experienced all these sounds to that intensity? I guess i suffer with sensory overload way more than i originally thought. I am quite baffled by this. Is this really not what neurotypical people hear all the time?! 🤯