Star Trek - Dirty Little Secret
13 жыл бұрын
James Bond - Poker Face
13 жыл бұрын
Death Note L - Prelude 12/21
13 жыл бұрын
Light Doesn't Wanna Be in Love
13 жыл бұрын
Chemical Rush Doctor Who/Torchwood
Bad Romance - Doctor/Rose/Master
@dieuthunguyen1920 7 ай бұрын
❤ I love you too much for the time you guys have fun 🤩 we are still on your way home 🏠 hope your day
@ruthalber4658 8 ай бұрын
Call David Tennant that would be a d all of the above not to mention confusing as hell no I'm not really into that hole shapes of stuff but you're as bad as confusing as Shakespeare if not more not saying that Shakespeare's boring just confusing
@spaceballs44 Жыл бұрын
If I had my choice between Joey or Ross, Joey would be my pick.
@tamrazirbela6272 2 жыл бұрын
@ruthalber6169 2 жыл бұрын
Does every video I see have to buffer annoying quite annoying at that answer the character the doctor yes it does need saying you big space doofus big alien Dunst the doctor needs a big turn sign on his head
@ruthalber6169 2 жыл бұрын
I would not want Billy Piper's Rose anywhere near John Simms the master when hell freezes over
@sharoncato9395 2 жыл бұрын
Do not know what friends would be like without Rachel every scene I have watched from begining I have seen sparkling between the two. They both were good friends Joey was always by her side no matter what was wrong100 🙂
@anoushkamishra6497 2 жыл бұрын
This is the scene that made me love them....
@sharoncato9395 3 жыл бұрын
Honest people make a show joey and rachel are the best for sure if rachel wasnt on this show it would be different.
@ruthalber6169 3 жыл бұрын
Talk to you me not want to go but I just want you to shut up yes love does need sing the hell doesn't need Saint is a full of shet
@ruthalber6236 3 жыл бұрын
Love this 🎶
@ruthalber6236 3 жыл бұрын
Three of those answers so are you funny are you sarcastic are you sexy all of the above good morning you didn't ask is are you ignoring are you frustrating can you confuse a person I don't mean confused I mean countries did you ever make me want to punch you in the face answer to all that question is yes absolutely every single one of them no do you have hot sexy buns and a woman wants to grab volturno lady thought so we're not sure as hell thought you were hot Galactic pinball in the universe in history
@tobytheshih-tzu6329 3 жыл бұрын
"Awe Honey well you've been in love before" "well, just once...with you" ❤😭😭
@ruthalber6236 4 жыл бұрын
Brother the doctor is a timelord doctor from a planet called Gallifrey constellation service I'm getting sick and tired of hearing that planets name yeah you are as work housing you are a tad bit annoying at times funny no question about that one made me laugh so damn hard sexy Doctor Who and whose bones I literally want you to jump into the TV puts Rose aside and the doctors damn bones well I would show him exactly how is Sonic Screwdriver works and I don't mean the one on his hand I need the other one
@ruthalber6169 4 жыл бұрын
Okay Doctor Who human doctor really you're going to cry like a 10 year old little girl in a skirt with a training bra and pigtails really doctor pathetic I really truly pathetic
@nannasallynelson3990 5 жыл бұрын
rewatching my favourite Avon videos following Paul's death this week Thanks
@lightworker5456 5 жыл бұрын
Rest in peace Paul Darrow.
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
There's a difference between being stubborn and growing a damn spine Rose you need to grow a spine and not be ashamed of that the doctor needs to tell Rose how he feels before he loses her permanently in any universe jerk jackass loser
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
If the doctor thinks this is Harsh well too damn bad what's harsh is leaving a woman on the beach and telling her after she says I love you and she asking him husky him everything what was the end of that sentence and him saying so it doesn't need to be said is the biggest claptrap garbage I overheard Dodge Stealth indulge bulshit self indulged horseshit horse droppings horse poo
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
And if you're wondering where I got the word self indulged horseshit David Tennant well I got it from watching a TV show called Broadchurch that you were in which by the way I happen to really love that show well like Steve remember the man's name well the cop who's Scottish I believe you what was his name Detective Dee I heart and that's what that's what I'm looking for said to the guy in the Tara gation room. Self-indulgence horseshit well he's right well the biggest dolphin thoughts horseshit I ever heard and as he said Casanova but I did watch that too that is rubbish garbage and I'm going to add horse poop the biggest Fick horse in horse sale $10 horseshit the kind of cow droppings you would find on a farm that's manure cow manure horse manure garbage litter that you find on a beach which makes the doctor a bich which makes the doctor a bich a Nancy boy
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
In any Universe Rose takes the doctor's crap of anyone is stubborn and this relationship or lack thereof it's the doctor he still can't say it no matter what Universe he's in he doesn't have the balls I'm telling someone wants to marry her and then he's got the balls what kind of a guy decides to wait until someone else wants her
@rebecca8525 5 жыл бұрын
Great video! I ship Rachel/Joey.
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
David Tenant, finally got the ginger hair he always wanted except for now he plays DIY Harding so actually he has the ginger hair he always wanted to have which is good at least it's not Brown cuz he didn't want Brown so he got his wish good for him
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
You're the one that wanted to be alone so knock off the crying it's not be coming and I'm not amused I'm not laughing and don't find it a bit funny
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
Here we go whether I could do so much more routine oh boy here comes the whiny baby would you like a bottle of milk there Doctor Who is right now you don't sound like a 300 year old time Lord you sound like a three year old needing a sippy cup
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
Froze where do I begin to Sweet Rose where do I begin girl in the fireplace since you home before he even generate for that whole regeneration crab tells you the time Lords regenerate in human beings I'm surprised you couldn't hit him upside the head and to top it off he passes you onto your his twin not nice doctor not nice and then you go and forget him but at least this one I happen to like I like this one a lot better because he can actually see the I love you more by the way to a woman is very important to a guy well brother you're going to another planet or on earth been just don't get it well not all men some men just don't get it sometimes I think men are just toilet parts in the toilet end up with a prince or did she end up with a frog Hibachi onion Rose
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
, doctor yes you are sarcastic yes you are funny yes you are sexy I bet if any woman in the entire universe ever were to find out that you were getting married or are married they be weeping their eyes out to answer your question you're all of the above including a royal pain in the ass there's no debating how attractive you are no debating how funny you are no debating how sarcastic you are emailing and your question is sarcastic
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
😭😭😭😭😭👽⏰👱🏻‍♀️👨‍🔬💩 really getting depressing seriously acting like a little baby throwing a temper tantrum not sexy
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
Crows where do I begin with that statement you just made everything cheated on you
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
Doctor who you say mouthful and yes yes yes and yes to all of it
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
Bob David 10 AKA X Doctor Who you don't need to make people feel insignificant small or unimportant I watched Doctor Who I'm not a moron Christopher Eccleston who played the Ninth Doctor regenerated into the tenth doctor which is David Tennant so I'm not a moron do not do that do not make me feel small insignificant unimportant or stupid roses and stupid either and neither am I I don't like it when people do that it makes me feel very small insignificant not smart you sir 10th Doctor are full of crap that hoe curse of the time Lords routine bull crap only thing that's a purse or a timelord is loneliness and you can break that purse real easy call get a girlfriend or a wife stop being so lonely and stop being afraid of commitment jackass and yes I am calling you out on your crap I'm not afraid to call the doctor out on his crap or knock him down a peg or more that's why I in a way I like the master cuz he knocks him down off his high horse that's a good thing not saying I love you I'm not saying I look back guys I'm just saying I love the fact that the master knocks the doctor off his high horse and deflates him to the point where he can be reachable and not up on a pedestal so high that you can't reach him
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
Oh and does he whining like a whiny baby meeting a sippy cup of milk yes yes he does is that annoying and unattractive oh hell yeah does get on my nerves I want to pull them over my knee and spank his bare bottom yes absolutely do you have a sister I really don't know but every other alternate reality I've seen one anyway yes he does can I see that when there was a doctor who Canon yes and Doctor Who episode no does he even have a father I don't know probably but I doubt it
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
Girls Rose my dear sweet Rose where do I begin with that statement you just made what did he do what did he ever do right is the better question let's see if you cheat Victorian girl Ronettes he lied to you about abandoning you that's obvious and when the time Vortex came so yeah so where do I begin to that statement you just made the question rosedust is almost as silly as the statement the doctor made or past he asked if he is sexy sarcastic funny yeah I say all the above what you didn't ask to talk 90 miles an hour if you asked that I would have said yes does cheat on his girlfriend so he's annoying he's a liar and a traitor so yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes all of the above and likewise
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
There are some parts of this video I liked and some parts of it I did not like scratch that I hated it some I love some I hate it Doctor Who TV show bits and pieces of Doctor Who love that bits and pieces of Blackpool love that not so much the secret smile in fact I hate it like Doctor Who hates pears the idea that is Seal still seared into my brain still got the stupid relationships are interface crap in my brain thanks DTE thank you very much not if he had notice and it's called sarcasm and yes he does very well he's quite good at being sarcastic now if it was Rose and pieces of Casanova played with by DT then I wouldn't mind it so much cuz that was a good movie it made me laugh and yes he can be funny sexy funny sarcastic scary cool all a matter of how you look at it I did see Harry Potter so I know he was in that that's the scary part I'm just glad I didn't do that with this video that would really be too much plus they also did they also done a few bits and pieces of Broadchurch videos so I can catch my breath time Loop and the doctor can be quite annoying at times and yes that's quite all right he is quite annoying and yes he is very Charming nothing more dangerous than an alien with charm
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
That crap from my memory bank and if you don't know what I mean I mean secret smile I would like to delete from my memory bank and the whole relationships are interfaced and the whole he's not he's not yeah just because someone may not be tall or is short or is overweight does not give Brandon block the right to make fun of someone you Brandon jerk where do you get off this is your stop hope you don't fall into a big pile of crap you rude condescending sarcastic jerk
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
, there was one song from black people that I really did enjoy. Should I stay or should I go he can actually sing pretty well I guess that's another thing he excelled at thank goodness or that's what he's good at at least I think that's what the word excels means I don't know I have to look it up he can pull. There's also one other thing he's very good at confusing a person that's another thing he excels at confusing someone you're like Steve attends character Doctor Who would say what and may I add what the hell speak English dude I did see a comedy act with him and Catherine Tate which I'm very glad she said this cuz I was thinking it and he said that he could teach English and she's like my friend said she couldn't understand what he was saying I'm like Hallelujah I'm glad someone finally said something thank you Catherine Tate thank you thank you my best advice to DTS just stand there and look gorgeous just stand there and look hot that's what you're good at that's what you excel at and no I'm not trying to be sexist I'm just trying to say that he's some things he's good at in some things he's not and one of those things is no one can understand a word he's saying sorry dude truth is truth lies are lies truth is truth lies are lies and don't start singing any lullabies
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
The only thing not sexy about a man is when he acts like a whiny little baby that needs a glass of milk grow up life isn't fair whoever said it was was feeding you alone of cosmic Bowl crap
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
To answer your questions as best as I can yes I would love to see a human Doctor and Rose spinoff is the doctor funny funny mom he is sexy Fox I'm not flying obviously he is and come on he's played in several movies where every woman has either kissed him been in his bed or grab his butt then maybe other things I rather not mention because Pastor saw that one did he play a wizard yeah saw that one did he play Casanova a sex Hound yeah definitely abso-freakin'-lutely tcomplex and Confused people in other words make them on pull their hair out definitely you sexy attractive funny sarcastic you never know what the man is going to do next is he mysterious yes don't ask a dumb question David Tennant please don't ask a dumb question
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
All the 12th doctor said don't make me take off my shoe and hit you with it number nine said fantastic number 10 said ions equals I have still have no idea what the hell he said and I'm saying don't make me bark on your shoe to all the doctors in the galaxy do not make me throw up on your shoe 9 10 11 and 12 possible 13 don't make me throw up on your shoes
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
I also still have that same the 10th doctor said to Rose about how timelord regenerate in human beings 2K with her and die thank you Doctor Who can I please find K9 yeah thanks for nothing that was just downright rude that's not what she wanted to hear that all Rose ever wants to want to hear from him was that he loves her seriously that's almost as bad as smoking that's almost as bad as he's not good enough because he's not cold tall enough who came up with that focus online that's truly pathetic and quoting James Arthur are truly pathetic it's pathetic it's beneath you is the lowest form of pandering whatever I will find out
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
, maybe Rose wouldn't be in a bad romance with the master at the doctor hasn't said time Lords regenerate and human beings 2K weathering. Leaving her wide open for a wolf to take her the master is the true the master is the true bad wolf in the master is not going to care if her feelings are hurt he's just going to exploit her to get back at the doctor that's obvious to anyone who's ever watched any soap opera at all and if anyone who's ever watched any Shakespeare play which I haven't but again I have have watch soap operas and TV shows like Lewis and Clark these are all feelings I know some TV and film the guy from the decoy bride they gave me such the Wiggins that made me think he's the villain it has little smirky attitude off the charts
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
Not to mention he also whines like a baby when he doesn't get his way wow so time or like so sarcastic I'm being sarcastic if you hadn't noticed
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
Where do I begin with that statement Rose just made does she want the short list or the long list he cheated on her with renette but women in the fireplace the Victorian horror tell her about Sarah J lied to her about it so we got so far he's a liar he's a cheater how are you traveling around the tires and she still loves you
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
Janitor your question yes you are sarcastic yes you are funny yes you are sexy yes you are all of the above but you're awful exasperatingly frustrating annoying and deserves a good slap in the head every now and then
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
However I do not want her with John James Sims the master that would make anyone want to throw up just the idea of it makes my stomach cringe that idea is a nightmare self I would much rather see her with Doctor even though he is an idiot at times other times he's not so bad or or Captain Jack might be better between you and me I'm not sure what I think at this point in time this fixed point in time considering that fix point in time was done and over with that's another thing about men I don't understand they want to fix things but they don't want to listen but men they like to fix things but sometimes the simplest ways to fix something his to listen has Doctor Who ever thought about that if he would stop babbling on for 90 miles an hour and just shut up for once and actually listen to someone he might be able to fix the problem but you can't fix a problem if you don't have good communication skills he's very good at talking he's just lousy at listening yep that's a man for you doesn't matter what plan differ from there still that I need to fix things and the best way to fix it is to listen not saying all men are like this just the ones that want to do things without in the basic what Matt is to actually listen to a woman there wouldn't be that hard if you just pay attention and just listen to a person not just some cockamamie bulshit speech boring you're boring me now please stop
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
Thursday's when I do love Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor and then there are days when I just want to hit him as hard as I possibly can I guess in a way we have a very unique love-hate relationship when he does something good I love him something bad like doesn't tell Rosie was I just want to doesn't matter what planet is from he's still from play dumb dumb we don't know what to think with this guy are all men this dumb or is it just him
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
What I find attractive in a guy when they throw a hissy fit and why aren't like little children that's unattractive that's not sexy that's annoying 900 year old Time Lord Having a temper tantrum much that's an attractive not sexy not funny not witty not brilliant or not fantastic
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
You want the short list or the long list where do I even begin to even start that long list Etsy are you guy from Gallifrey that would be a yes are you sarcastic absolutely no real? In my mind none are you funny no? There are you sexy again no? There do you say things that are way over my head absolutely Are you a coward where do I begin dear God where do I even start didn't tell Rose about Sarah Jane Smith yeah you can't even tell a woman that you are involved with someone else that's pretty cowardly you dumped her on the beach if I had a hot dog bun your weiner would be in it do you figure out what I mean by that time I ain't helping you no sorry do you cry like a little girl oh yeah and you told Nikki that he cries like a 10 year old little girl take a look in the mirror Gallifrey you're the one that cries like a little sissy pants with Mickey saw you soon it's not fair and tossing papers around like you were three how old are you please are you a nervous wreck I know the fans are the nervous wreck we have to listen to your own crap other we could change the channel which is not a bad idea do we feel bad for Rose absolutely she had to put up with you dump this aliens ass he's a dick he's a tool in an idiot where do I even begin to count how many ways he's screwed her over and not in the sexual way he's cheated on her he's like he's abandoned her he's lied about abandoning her so to answer your question you're all of the above do you quote The Lion King yeah you did that was the funny part did you kill a Christmas tree if your Sonic Screwdriver yeah are you dramatic at times are you allowed yes did you tell Jackie that shut up thank you she was getting on my nerves but thank you did you surrender when you chin enough yes I was kind of cowardly yes so again all of the above coward coward coward coward coward the only time you were not a coward when you were fighting mesogog with a sword in your pajamas again funny but I still think you should have got back in the Tardis to put some damn clothes on you might as well have been fighting naked yes you're attractive every woman has either wanted to put their tongue down your throat including Rose why are they pat you on the butt they only did impregnable my ass you have a doctor was so pregnant but we might as well I'm pregnant please give me a break yeah I'm sorry David tell him what your characters was so pregnant but it might as well been pregnant sorry David Tenant not by watch you sale
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
I saw the human Doctor and Rose in crisis and I will be honest as honest as I can without making someone feel bad very smart move Roses Part II want to jump off of a building because Doctor Who left her on the beach and gave it to someone else any one should be feeling anyone should be feeling guilty it should be him not her and Rose sweet sweet rose a rose by any other name would smell as sweet not when she's thinking about will touring herself onto the floor like a broken flower no no absolutely no no man is worth that human or alien by the way Rose I think the human doctor was the timelord doctor which makes him a coward any Universe he's still acts like a jerk human doctor my ass seriously he can't be man enough to tell the truth seriously not buying it
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
For once I agree with Captain Jack on that one bro up I add on adding to something he didn't say grow up and grow a pair and you know where you can grow a pair I'm by the way don't take a banana to a party I hate lame lines are so pathetic
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
You're asking if you are sarcastic hell f*** yes you are funny do you kill a Christmas tree with a sonic screwdriver that was funny actually enjoyable episode mean and every man at one point and time can you be sensitive I don't know I'm kind of are you kidding is that a joke it sure is nice to know I don't have a gun in my mouth because I would Chop on that joke do you quote a lot of things or are you obviously yes are you being sarcastic by asking if you're sarcastic look in the mirror yes you're hot roses mother ran her tongue down your throat and net brunette the French bimbo the bamboo ran her tongue down your throat when you were Casanova every woman wanted to be in your bed hello Earth to Doctor Who yes to all of that can you also bring like a little boy yes by the way if you're asking if I'm telling you off the answer is absolutely do you need a cosmic spanking up your behind oh yeah even an old lady grabs your ass if that's is not hot but no it's not that I enjoy Rose's mother ramming her tongue down Doctor Who's throat oh hell no I wanted to take the Doctor's sonic screwdriver burn my eye retina is out that was disgusting so please stop asking obvious questions because it's really good done that and really stupid and it's not making you clever at all and by the way just say let's go and stop this is a pretend made up world that you're in and mine is a real world really Universe my real universe is watching your pretend universe your animate believe so asking me are you make believe question is pretty silly and it makes you look really made you look ridiculous and made you look like a total buffoon you in those pajamas you can take the Casanova out of Italy but you definitely brought it to this Intergalactic space world I feel bad for poor Rose I feel bad for real she has to put up with your inner girl acting s*** someone needs to knock Doctor Who down a peg a little bit I'm actually glad Martha. I did that Martha did that he might as well that she couldn't get to be honest with you he wasn't all that mean sure if it was hot good-looking sexy and you a lot of different things but the one thing he was not good at he was not good at listening sorry truth and the truth hurts but you'll get over it you always do and by the way he lied to her yeah you're a liar and you hurt people not saying your monster I'm just saying you're a jerk
@ruthalber6169 6 жыл бұрын
Also the biggest whiner I've ever met come on grow up. You and Rose are getting on my nerves either get married have kids or shut up shut the up up up my ass yes Davidson AKA Doctor Who there is a God and making fun of them is not funny and no he's not a wimpy God he's not a real God not someone you should make fun of I really offended by that one episode and it really really and it really cheese me off and that was it pissed me off can the doctor make people angry oh yeah especially when he broke his heart and dumped her on the beach and then have the nerve to say it doesn't need to be said no it's not sexy Doctor Who when men lead women on and then tell them it doesn't need it that's like saying oh whatever so I don't really care just pretended so it's time for you to move on and deal with it that is not a man that is a ass which means a donkey do you want to be alone good be alone hope you enjoy it I wouldn't want to be alone Not only is it the very sad way to live it's only way to live to not have someone in your life who actually cares if you live or die that's pathetic and sad and depressing that's the way.
@ruthalber1745 6 жыл бұрын
They have been saying that for months and I haven't seen a new one since this one really come on already just get on with it but there's going to be a new one then just do it already quit yapping about it and do it and by the way yes the doctor is funny yes he's sarcastic yes yes he is sexy funny sarcastic all of the above and sometimes a tad bit annoying he can be quite rude at times like any other human being except for he's an alien with all the characteristics of a person that he's protrain as a person so yes yes yes yes and yes if an old lady is grabbing your ass then yes you are sexy if a woman is rubbing her tongue down your throat and no I'm not being sarcastic and if I don't know what that word means does the doctor use words I don't understand yes absolutely
@CleoPenelope111 6 жыл бұрын
Well the video was perfect until you showed my beautiful Ten regenerate and then showed fucking ugly Matt Smith!
@adarlene4075 7 жыл бұрын
Joey/Monica Mike/Phoebe Ross/Emily Chandler/Rachel
@mondler107 5 жыл бұрын
A Darlene NO. Lol
@Alexa-js2mu 5 жыл бұрын
I don't ship any of these but oh well ☺
@kieralerner2048 8 жыл бұрын
Joey and Rachel > Ross and Rachel
@katiepunkiewicz672 5 жыл бұрын
I’m Katie? Really likes joey and Rachel? They are my favorite couple to me Katie? I’m Katie? Likes to be a couple with someone or somebody like my baby cousin Michael? And his wife Jessica? To me Katie? And monika? And Danny? And carol and daddy Pete? To me Katie? And Carlee? And my cousin Brian? To and my cousin Brandon? And his wife Kaise? To me Katie? Who I’m Katie? Loves so very very much inside of my life to me katie? And everything like that so by the way? And I’m Katie? Likes to have a nice guy friend to me Katie? And I’m Katie? Likes to be a couple with just me Katie? To joe Pota? And Andy Bickel? To me Katie? Who I’m Katie? Loves so very very much inside of my life to me katie? And everything like that so by the way? I’m Katie? Really likes Andy Bickel? To joe Pota? If you like to know that about someone or somebody like you to me Katie? And everything like that so by the way? Love you always your friend Katie?
@dorakalbfell5156 10 жыл бұрын
My life would suck if I didn t have Avon, Blake s 7 or Paul Darrow in it. Great song and vid