@TheElfotenOne 10 сағат бұрын
First (not impression)
@melonzzzzz 13 сағат бұрын
Do you have to spare her or run till she passes out
@ShawnSetGO 9 сағат бұрын
as far as I know it's spare/run or kill
@melonzzzzz 9 сағат бұрын
@@ShawnSetGO I originally just spared her but turns out I had to run as well lol
@japan100100 Күн бұрын
As f2p, idk how people get so many copies of heroes to even go up to mythic. For a game where I can barely pull, asking for 10 copies is mind numbing to me. People talk about mythic like its easy to get. I'm still kinda new, and my best is my legendary Cecia. It's rough.
@ShawnSetGO Күн бұрын
I'm about 50 logins in and I Just got Odie to Mythic+ through numerous 10 pulls, spending diamonds any chance I get, and dream realm tokens. I'm baffled as well.
@hilfizharfan9659 18 сағат бұрын
@@ShawnSetGO I'm F2P, about 70 something login days, day 1 player, and I already at resonance level 351 this season, with 6+ Supreme/Supreme+ units. What's wrong with your account?
@ShawnSetGO 18 сағат бұрын
@@hilfizharfan9659 for starters, you have 30 more days than I do. I also dont think it's too much to ask for 2 or 3 guaranteed mythical when we get some of the worst pulls in gacha with Afk journey. Lastly, this is your experience, but not the majority. If you have end game in mind from the moment you start, sure. But expecting that of every player is beyond delusional
@ShawnSetGO 18 сағат бұрын
@@hilfizharfan9659 also 6 supreme/supreme+, you're either not f2p or lying somewhere about being in top guild and grinding like a piss bottle madman
@hilfizharfan9659 17 сағат бұрын
@@ShawnSetGO Firstly, no, I'm not lying, I do not spend any money at all, zero. Second, no, I'm not in a top guild, most of the members even already retired at this point. Lastly, I don't grind like a madman, I'm not young anymore, I have a business to run, and usually I skip a day or two without playing/doing dailies at all. But you're right, I have a month headstart, so maybe that's why.
@bumbar9776 Күн бұрын
i dont have oil more to buy what me to do? pls help
@ShawnSetGO Күн бұрын
@@bumbar9776 I'm not sure but it should be a daily or weekly reset
@SeanWashPhoto Күн бұрын
Also, just to add, while I don't disagree that seasonal Dream Realm rewards aren't super exciting. You are also getting district rewards on top of server rewards. Generally speaking if you get Top 20 in your Server, you're likely to get top 100 or so in your district (though this can vary) So you get a little more resources than the pre-season.
@ShawnSetGO Күн бұрын
@@SeanWashPhoto yes, I shouldve clarified that it's ranking plus damage dealt rewards, sorry for the lack of clarity
@ShawnSetGO Күн бұрын
@@SeanWashPhoto I will say for rankings though I still stand to say that despite being in a higher level guild, I have yet to clear a top 100, but that may also be because im.a newer server
@SeanWashPhoto Күн бұрын
@@ShawnSetGOIt could also be that you started the season a little slow. That was a major problem for this season. If you got a head start on the new season by completing a bunch of AFK stages and blowing through a ton of content, you were just so much further ahead competitively, it's basically impossible for anyone who is EVEN 1 day late to catch up. It was such a huge problem the devs are looking to fix it next season by limiting MAX AFK gains based on the number of days in the season. That means a player can only get so far ahead of other players and should even things out. So ideally, you should be able to compete a little more next season since it limits how far someone can get ahead of you.
@SeanWashPhoto Күн бұрын
Add Kruger to all your Dream Realm teams because even at 1 copy, he will reduce Boss Physical Defense by a massive 40%. Remove Reiner. Unless he's a mythic plus, he doesn't contribute much. Use two carries and at least 1 support, whatever your highest ascension is try and use those. Based on your account, I would use Thoran(tank/flex), Koko/Smokee(Support) Marilee(Main Carry), Kruger(Debuff), and/or Korin/Cecia/Odie (Second carry) for most battles. (Odie doesn't get the 40% debuff benefit because he's magic, but he is still worth it as long as you use Marilee.) Thoran can be exchanged for more damage or another support like Smokey. But always keep Kruger. He's tanky enough to be on the front line if you need more damage or support. Lastly, use the "Starshard Spell" for the increased haste as well as damage for ever 4th Ult.
@huyngo3086 Күн бұрын
In this specific boss, reiner doesn't need to be M+ to be helpful
@ShawnSetGO Күн бұрын
@@SeanWashPhotosolid advice, I honestly hadn't contributed much to kreuger and had opted for koko for more utility, but once I pull oide up to mythic+ I'll be swapping that out for sure. The limitation is I showed one round, but yeah Reinier I usually swap for kreuger or thoran if I'm looking for some sustain.
@ShawnSetGO Күн бұрын
@@huyngo3086 yeah I usually alternate him, Kreuger, or Thoran depending but usually get very nominal differences since it's usually a tradeoff
@ShawnSetGO Күн бұрын
@@SeanWashPhoto for starshard I usually opt for quick blade for RNG but yeah I think pre-season brain has me still try out the older artifacts. I'll alternate starshard until I get evocation spell
@SeanWashPhoto Күн бұрын
@@ShawnSetGO I had my Kruger stuck at Legendary and Legendary + even into this season and he still gave great value in these boss fights. He's only Mythic now on my account and I still use him quite a bit for bossing. So I wouldn't worry too much about an under-invested Kruger and slot him in if you can. He's total dog shit in every other game mode though haha!
@mannysfit 2 күн бұрын
bro is f2p AND using sub-optimal comps and complaining about dmg
@ShawnSetGO Күн бұрын
Dude it was one attempt and sub optimal is what f2p gets to use you imbred. I could say I try all the alternate metas but they're different ascensions obviously so even I use them as Meta they dont have the same output.
@jeremyquan9201 2 күн бұрын
First impressions: So cool! Hyped for a new hero! Second Impression: Oh Ill never be able to attain her at a useable unit (M+) This game needs to do better
@ShawnSetGO 2 күн бұрын
@@jeremyquan9201 I hear you. I've heard a few people mentioning using diamonds, but I worry that will only make it harder to get pulls for your A/S-level heroes. Truly, we need hero events that give singular free copies so we can test drive these celestial/hypogean characters more.
@jeremyquan9201 Күн бұрын
@@ShawnSetGO big agree
@rooler2510 2 күн бұрын
You are using no frontline, you are using no supports, no shit your characters will die.
@ShawnSetGO 2 күн бұрын
He freezes the top dps and attacks the CLOSEST CHARACTER. So what happens when a tank or support gets frozen, no problem right? What happens when the top dps is frozen and I have a a fuggin support to clear it. You have no idea what you're talking about, especially from one round. Get educated.
@huyngo3086 Күн бұрын
​@@ShawnSetGOtop 49% in a damn new server and you are talking big. You need a damn support like koko in this shit. A tank is not needed but thoran is just a great buffer and sub dps so people will try to bring him in. In my server there are a bunch of f2p that can reach at least top 100 in server ranking and top 500 in district ranking.
@ShawnSetGO Күн бұрын
@@huyngo3086 yes, koko and thoran are alternates for reinier but the issue I was discovering was though I could sustain, I wasnt getting the damage output before I got lasered. So I opted for damage over debuff. But you're right a koko or kreuger would be great, and I usually do sub them in, not for sustain, but for debuff. Just understand this was a small picture into my attempts and not the entire picture
@TheMytsuko 2 күн бұрын
cassadi needs to be in the last spot her ulti needs to hit ur full team so they get buffed also u are using 2 phy(true damg) champs and using cassadi that buffs magic damg / champs that have minions are also insane in that fight (florabell/cesia) ai of the boss will focus the minions with the big snowballs so they tank for u and they will always focus the snowman
@ShawnSetGO 2 күн бұрын
Her blessing doesn't increase an ally's damage, her blessing gives her additional magic damage while the ally is alive and it's proc'd by the ally's normal attacks so it stands to benefit most by a hero with a quick atttack speed. I've tried the fight with summoner types and true damage wins out in almost all scenarios .
@benshotyou 2 күн бұрын
youre level 90 complaining about your damage man. i'm f2p and have no issues. you've barely scratched the surface of the game. you dont have the optimal team. and youre afk stage 100???
@ShawnSetGO 2 күн бұрын
My server just started the new season this month, so yes. I also have completed the pre-season so I think my grasp on the game is just fine
@karsonkammerzell6955 4 күн бұрын
I think the biggest problem is that this is a game where the topic of whether or not you've screwed up your account is even a thing.
@ShawnSetGO 4 күн бұрын
I.e. dont buy from the forges, EVER
@vaidasalonderis5117 4 күн бұрын
Thoran, smokie, koko, merilie, odie. Thars the team lol
@ShawnSetGO 4 күн бұрын
What a variety lol
@ShawnSetGO 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, but at what level? Cause I've rocked all of those and they have the clearing ability of a table napki, save for maybe support. Koko is too fragile, odie can't clear mobs that have too much health or healing, and thoran drops aggro like a tactical nuke.
@vaidasalonderis5117 3 күн бұрын
@ShawnSetGO for afk stages and pvp : Thoran 2 stars, Arden 3stars, carolina 3 stars, Damian 2 stars, eiron 3 stars. Typical meta team
@vaidasalonderis5117 4 күн бұрын
I getting 6 a day. F2p you did something wrong.
@ShawnSetGO 4 күн бұрын
@nyur325 4 күн бұрын
How old is this account? I'm sorry, but I feel like you did something "wrong" with this account, because when I was around day 35 I had like 7 m+ characters as F2P. Yes I did play a lot every day, but I think that is the "price" you have to pay as f2p if you want to be "competitive" (you won't be in top 20 DR and top 5 arena, but top 100/50 DR is doable and top 20 in arena). Ofc it's different / valid question if the game should work that way. You can't save resources early on, you just spend everything to boost your rankings in the different game modes and to get into good guild -> you use dream fragments to buy Odie/Marilee to boost you DR rankings = dream fragment income. Now that my account is 60 days old, I'm starting to save diamonds, but I have 16 m+/s+ characters to work with.
@karsonkammerzell6955 4 күн бұрын
I mean I would argue that the game's mechanics are terrible if you even have to ask if someone screwed up their account or not. That shouldn't be a topic at all.
@nyur325 4 күн бұрын
@@karsonkammerzell6955 I kind of agree with you on that, but it's a bit difficult topic to gage without knowing more about the account and what you want out of the game. First of all, it's a gacha game at it's core and that means, that you wont be top without paying (yes that sucks, but that's how these games work). If you play it here and there for the story and progress, not sure what there is to really complain about. IF you wanna be competetive as a f2p player you have to play daily and do most of the available content -> You can argue that this is bad design, but yeh that's about it. Ofc I can just say "I don't have enough anything to be competitive" and skip most of the content / save my resources, but is that then a valid argument?
@ShawnSetGO 4 күн бұрын
It's a solid question, but I do have 42 days currently. I use my dream realm fragments just as you do, filling the costs of ascension which has gotten about 5 characters to mythic, but I havent been as lucky with pulls, aside from a casadee which did help for pre season dream realm. What I ask you to think about is how is anyone without all this foresight to think about direct end game supposed to play this game and know all of this right at the beginning? Cause I'll admit you're not the first to say that you have a semi STACKED account and go "why account bad?"
@ShawnSetGO 4 күн бұрын
It's not that I want to be competitive, I just dont want to struggle every day to get minuscule rewards and barely any story progress
@nyur325 3 күн бұрын
@@ShawnSetGO Yeh I understand your point about not having the foresight of endgame and it's a valid point. It's clear that they want people to spend money on the game and that's why they give you limited resources, so if you don't spend them "optimally" as f2p that will hurt your account. I'm fairly competitive person in general, so how I approach games like this is that I look up information on KZbin and I even made a second account after playing a while with my first one to do things better. I understand that is not for everyone. In general I think they made the S1 fights more difficult and your progress slower, because they don't have as much content, so they are trying to slow players down. For a while now I have completed all of the story (as I said I'm around day 60), so mostly what there is to do now is the Dream realm,Arena, some events and battle drills - that's not great, but I like the arena etc, so that's why I keep playing (rank 9 in arena currently). They are definitely running out of content for active players and as you said, the amount of rewards you can get after the story is limited. I guess to somewhat counter argue the resources point, like I said I have 16 m+ characters (with 5x +10 weapon and 2x +5 weapon) -> Yes ofc I would want more options and rest of my weapons upgraded more, but It's ok roster to try things
@ce551029 4 күн бұрын
No matter how much investment you put in this game, you are always gated, either date or purple powder or experience or pull tickets. This is how this game is designed to do so you always feel like there’s a goal you have to achieve. My problem is actually they are trying to limit the gap between f2p and p2w players. I just wanna be brutally honest that whales or hard core players put money and time into the game or push as hard as they could is to make them feel superior in terms of progress. I don’t see the reason why the dev wants to destroy this. For example, I deficit pushing, in order to get more experience or resources just to have that 10 level advantage over people who don’t. But no, now i only have 2 level advantage over people who don’t push now. (After we reach level 500, every 10 level only shows 2 in dream realm). Then what’s the point I push so hard XD.
@ShawnSetGO 4 күн бұрын
It's not even subtle, such an obvious power creep that it snuffs out f2p players
@sol_eternum_3472 4 күн бұрын
Ulmus isn’t that great BUT if you got him at legendary+ or higher he lowkey clutches the yeti dream realm boss. Still weak but kinda funny
@ShawnSetGO 4 күн бұрын
@@sol_eternum_3472 once he gets roots I'm all down for it, but I'll maybe just wishlist at best for a copy
@sol_eternum_3472 4 күн бұрын
@@ShawnSetGO oh absolutely, I saw that he was new and with no info I blew some tickets on him
@sol_eternum_3472 4 күн бұрын
I did get lucky and pull twice within 15 tickets so I have him a shot, what I’ve learned is his best synergy is with Lucius and Rowan I cuz his energy guage to ult is low so he can throw lotta rocks but overall 3/10 user friendly
@ShawnSetGO 4 күн бұрын
@@sol_eternum_3472 I hadn't heard of Lucius but that sounds interesting. I'm curious if I can build a budget team for him
@sol_eternum_3472 4 күн бұрын
Full transparency Im like 2 weeks into the game so all is still new to me but from experimenting with the heroes I have which most are in legendary. I use him as fodder until he retreats and since Lucius I have is mythic plus with level 2 talent the damage reduction, self shield and Rowan ult and ulmus shield helped a lot for those tough one shot stages, starshard helps maintain dps then that leaves 2 slots for more support or damage dealers, i still dont think he’s worth the investment but for those who got the banner thinking he’d be good the comp is worth a shot
@remnants9974 4 күн бұрын
hm well as f2p it might be a good idea to save some of your essence for when you're able to get another character to m+, you seem at least close with some of them.
@ShawnSetGO 4 күн бұрын
@@remnants9974 thankfully I have one or two so I would say maybe a week of dream realm fragments should have me there for one more, but the way it's been splitting is been unfortunately quite even across 10 or so characters so it's ben slowww
@scyllastar7202 5 күн бұрын
Not Pulling early will brick ur account
@ShawnSetGO 5 күн бұрын
@@scyllastar7202 in hindsight, 100% true
@herrknabe2973 5 күн бұрын
Hey I always do my dailys and I play since 1 week after release and the only things in my opinion worth buying are the battle passes and the growth bundles when you push afk stages. But as you stated in your Video the main problem is that the game is focused on Whales (people who spend alot of money in gacha games).
@ShawnSetGO 5 күн бұрын
@@herrknabe2973 I've never done a growth bundle myself but I admit it's probably the most tempting when I consider breaking f2p 😅
@jonathangimenez3061 8 күн бұрын
Hey, great video Shawn, very useful info 🙌 I wonder something totally not related to the video but, what's the Mic you're using? Your vid has a very good quality sound, so I was wondering what's the Mic your using 😅
@ShawnSetGO 8 күн бұрын
Rode podcaster condenser microphone, it's been solid for years now
@DustinLittlefield 11 күн бұрын
Being a level higher or even the same level it shouldn’t have taken that long to kill that elite!
@P2Sq 12 күн бұрын
Calcharo solo
@johndumaguing5978 15 күн бұрын
@tai897 17 күн бұрын
Its weak because of overpower. Such an aweful mechanic. U cant get it to proc enough normally and the 2 or 3 buffs u get to overpower are not nearly enough. Buffs monday tho. The problem will still be boss damage. They can buff pulv by 500 percent and the boss damage will still be ass. Simply not enough overpowers.
@thethinker4207 21 күн бұрын
Hp% dude how?
@ShawnSetGO 21 күн бұрын
Best I could get believe it or not lol
@Hanna-qt6vs 26 күн бұрын
This game is trash.
@guemestheginger1849 27 күн бұрын
Dear Shawn, you can't wear shirts like that and not show the whole thing. Thank you, a nerd.
@ShawnSetGO 27 күн бұрын
Lol my bad "Drink like dwarves, smoke like wizards, sing like elves, party like hobbits"
@OGBoomerHands Ай бұрын
Showing some love. I plan on doing this myself but still planning.
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
appreciate it! Let me know how it goes or if you have questions
@Teneabre Ай бұрын
Great explanation, great experiments but I still think a mixture of the costs is influencing the outcome of extras.
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
For sure, I think having at least a couple of three costs made a difference in the first round draft. Strange that experiments with all high turned out worse, whereas first round it made sense (3 stars give guaranteed 4 star and bonus 5 star and 4 stars giving guaranteed 5 star with a bonus 4 star)
@arsalanAslan-lr4yp Ай бұрын
so.. echoes = artifacts ?
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
I'm not 100% since this is onmy my second gacha ive played but perhaps someone knows lol
@flowerlamps Ай бұрын
Copypasted from my google doc I use to help remember info lol - After defeating monsters, you have the ability to Absorb them and equip *one of them* as a skill. - But not only that, absorbed monsters (Echoes) also function as your artifacts / relics. You have a total of 5 slots, with one of them reserved as the aforementioned skill. There are 2-piece bonuses and 5-piece bonuses for each set of Echoes. - In Genshin Impact you have different types of artifacts such as your feather, flower, circlet, ETC. Wuthering Wave’s equivalent is having Echoes of different “Costs.” For example; 4-Cost Echoes can have a Healing Bonus or CRIT% main stat, and 3-Cost Echoes can have an ER% or DMG% Bonus main stat. Whereas 1-Cost Echoes are limited to lesser main stats such as DEF% HP% & ATK%
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
@@flowerlamps that google doc must look insane, love it
@BakaBoyDan Ай бұрын
You might want to edit your video or leave a comment (3:50). Each rank is additional experience not total. So a jump from rarity 1 to 3 gives you 20xp not 10 (10 for rank 2 and then another 10 for rank 3).
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
You're totally right thats what I meant. Pinning this and I'll address it in another video
@slayqueenmapit Ай бұрын
what i need is an update on the graphic setting :(((
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
Oh dear lol
@TheWipal Ай бұрын
Yea, the style could use some work and the voice acting is bottom barrel garbage sometimes some are good and other are omg
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
riverside games 10/10 Intro - wtf is this?/10
@taiiy0_o Ай бұрын
the artsyle comment is subjective but a very valid point. personally, I don't mind but it'd be nice if Kuro improve it going forward
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
For sure, and I know a lot of people don't mind it (like if gameplay is good I dont care as much). So it's not a nail in the coffin by any means
@lichmourne00 Ай бұрын
Was trying to think of why your game looked far worse than mine and then I remembered I turned my brightness all the way down and for some reason it made the game look way more vibrant beautiful. Edit: Yeah did you have your graphics set to low?
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
I'll have to try that lol
@jamesreese4170 Ай бұрын
You should try Genshin based on the things you said you liked or didnt like. The combat systen is different involving elements more so than technical type combat.
@harlengreen8981 Ай бұрын
the story is what i’ll give to genshin barring chapter 6 but combat wipes the floor with genshin it’s not even a comparison lmao, it’s an arpg the story is a sidenote i want to have fun actually playing the game
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
Not against the dea if they have a new player event for sure might try
@Teneabre Ай бұрын
Great video all around, covered the basics.
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
Now I gotta grasp the not so basics and well be good lol
@kardelenkoc9746 Ай бұрын
it's GREAT
@pablodebella7695 Ай бұрын
Compared to Genshin the voice acting is way better, more soothing adult voices instead of squealy kids and best of all NO PAIMON lol
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
I will say the Male voice actors are unmistakably INSANE. Scar especially. Shai did a great job
@Deymetrey Ай бұрын
this is literally wuwa' s problem rn with they gigamid voice acting but go on
@jamesreese4170 Ай бұрын
The voice acting, especially the NPCs is mid at best. Some of it even sounds like it's AI done. I've heard the Japanese and Chinese is better but the English is not great.
@pablodebella7695 Ай бұрын
@@Deymetrey lol Im not calling it the best voice acting ever, just better than genshin with its never ending pointless dialogues mostly done with annoying voices and of course Paymon interrupting with stupid sh$% every 2 minutes. Its just better because it doesnt make me want to kill myself lol
@BLAKE_omg Ай бұрын
They should improve the overall graphics
@pablodebella7695 Ай бұрын
They are trying to do a lot at launch, remember what Genshin was when it first came out, but the combat and animations are miles better than Genshin even if the optimization is not there yet, there are some awkward transitions into Ultis and also changing party members feels unfinished, but they´ll get there, the base they are building on seems to be pretty good.
@BLAKE_omg Ай бұрын
@@pablodebella7695 yes they are doing extremely well and as well as hearing to their players so ya i am pretty impressed
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
I think once major bugs get patched we could see a fidelity upgrade. Or at least I would hope
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
@@pablodebella7695 this exactly. It has the foundations for a lot
@dr4gon166 Ай бұрын
Given your first tip was totally bunk & disagreed with by pretty much the entire community i skipped the rest. No need to sub here guys this dude is a nub!
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
Edit: I started with a harsh comment but let me say that I want to learn and grow so if you want to come on my stream any time and discuss this I would hear you out and try to display my point effectively. While I do not mind those who disagree, I dont think it's fair to say "you're wrong, noob" without any explanation.
@NeoN-PeoN Ай бұрын
I don't really understand. As a f2p player, you don't get to "invest in" or otherwise "pick" most any of these characters. And the low amount of Dream Realm gems means you can pick ONE guy and max him over like, 2 months.
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
well, sort've you do. You can wishlist chracters which narrows the pool sginificantly after 30 pulls I believe. additionally, while there are a lot of S-level heroes, not all are worth investing tokens into or necessary to put on a list because the content you complete with them requires them to be much higher (M+ Marilee or Korin for example) for them to reach that potential.)
@b4g4b3l Ай бұрын
when i started i rerolled for like 3 days for Thoran from first 30 pulls, then when i started playing i never used him in story, only in dream realm :)) brutus and antandra were more useful because of faction bonus with smokie and coco Cecia its op, just stall for her ulti, and "mr Cena" will clean house
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
Antandra with the right team comp is 🔥
@thedanath Ай бұрын
Antandra is great, I use her as my main tank and iv had very little issues with her.
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
For sure, as long as she is able to get her ultimate, she has so much utility.
@iLawfGaming Ай бұрын
Are these whales legitimately spending? Marvel snap had streamers spending like $5-7k before the game leveled off, and they were able to get all new cards without spending. Just saw a video claiming $40k spent on an acc. I just can't believe there are spenders of that magnitude. Same thing when I would see my team 2k streamers. I swear these "spenders" get free spending to entice non spenders to spend or followers to spend. Pretty much advertising what you could get if you spent. Idk, these micro transaction games are nuts if this is all legit.
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
I would say afk journey has dolphins as apposed to whales, so very small spenders for the most part. I think if you take it from the perspective of "you dont have to spend if you dont want to (for Casuals who log in just to play a little)" but got competitive you can spend so you dont have to grind as much. So you have some go overboard yes, but it's not necessary by any means.
@sonicXassasinXa Ай бұрын
You talk way too slow brother. I've had you on x2 speed and I felt like it was normal speed
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
I'll speedrun the next one lol
@sonicXassasinXa Ай бұрын
@@ShawnSetGO Haha all good just try and summarize things and get to the point great videos overall but this shouldn't have been a almost 20 min video
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
@@sonicXassasinXa yeah I had to cut out 10 minutes of yapping it's a problem of mine I'm working on it though haha
@Omar_Al_Seddik Ай бұрын
Reminds me of Zeebo's videos. I watch them at x2 speed and still struggle getting through it lol.
@sonicXassasinXa Ай бұрын
​@@Omar_Al_Seddik Haha at least zeebo has very little bloating / unnecessary stuff in his video he just cuts to the chase so I let him off with a x2 speed watch loool
@perderlaprisa Ай бұрын
you truly avoid Marilee and Korin 'cause of the true damage nerf but in reality they're still the best dps options in most bosses -- my Odie is my most invested unit and carried me thought all afk stages but once you reach endless mode on bosses, Marilee and Korin are still the way to go doing almost twice as much damage as Odie in some
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
Way off base. I'm aware of the nerfs but this is a guide for new players who are free to play. I may he wrong but these are benefits characters receive from their mythic+ exclusive weapon right? How is a brand new player supposed to access that?
@perderlaprisa Ай бұрын
@@ShawnSetGO yeah better put Lucius in their wishlist up to L+
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
@perderlaprisa yeah, for advanced battles he might as well wear pool floaties without being L+
@MyHotaOneShotsYo Ай бұрын
im f2p and my first S+ is thoran 🤣🤣 the game just kept giving me him.
@ShawnSetGO Ай бұрын
Yes officer? Yeah he's the one who stole all my.good pulls
@guemestheginger1849 Ай бұрын
Loving this series