A Rajab Reminder
3 жыл бұрын
Why talk about Blackness and Islam?
@FaEn786 10 күн бұрын
Thank you ❤
@alwialhamid4586 28 күн бұрын
@nazeerpasha2075 2 ай бұрын
Qasida Burdah. The poem referred to includes blatant and obvious kufr and heresy. The scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah have studied it and criticised it, pointing out its faults and the ways in which it is contrary to the beliefs of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah. Among the most prominent verses for which this poem has been criticized are the following: 1. O noblest of creation, I have no one but you to turn to except you when major calamity strikes. 2. If you do not take my hand out of kindness on the Day of Resurrection, then what great trouble I will be in. 3. This world and the Hereafter are part of what you control, and part of your knowledge is the knowledge of al-Lawh al-Mahfooz and the Pen 4. Stay away from the way of the Christians in praising their Prophet, then (after that) praise him in any way you want 5. If he were to perform miracles commensurate with his real status, his name would bring dead people back to life. 6. I have a connection to him because I am called Muhammad as he is, and he is the kindest of creation in taking care of this connection.
@mohammedashfaq3734 2 ай бұрын
Love Imam Ghazali Institute and their book on Shamail and Maghazi. Will be ordering the Khasis too shortly. Insha'Allah
@zr5028 4 ай бұрын
❤❤❤... Subhan Allah azzawajall... Beautiful
@suyitenno842 4 ай бұрын
@Ayesha-vh2uc 5 ай бұрын
Mawlid is a bidah!
@roseoris297 2 ай бұрын
Nope. Your face is bid'ah.!
@LifestyleIslamAM 6 ай бұрын
ﷺ جَزَى اللهُ عَنَّا سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدًا صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَا هُوَ أَهْلُهُ ﷺ
@omsarr02 7 ай бұрын
JazaakAllah khair
@SonetaFm 7 ай бұрын
Ya ALLAH..muliakanlah Abuya Sayyid Muhammad Al Maliki..& Kumpulkanlah Beliau Bersama RasuluLLAH & orang2 yg Engkau Ridhoi
@allisonmoore8056 8 ай бұрын
Aa you need to put the title of the book and the scholar so that when people are doing Google searches, they can find this video
@najmaansari5217 8 ай бұрын
The question that emanates from sarcasm and mockery is what is not acceptable in Islamic tradition (Timeline: 17.18)
@maryamqadri4828 8 ай бұрын
May Allah reward IGP and Shaykh Ahmed for these classes. 🤲🏼
@najmaansari5217 8 ай бұрын
Beautiful introduction. Foind it better listening to the recording to absorb more. جزاكم الله خيرا Absolutely priceless gems of knowledge.
@najmaansari5217 8 ай бұрын
Ibn Ajiba tafsir - First distilled a number of tafassir that dealt with the external meaning of the Qur'an, as a summary, his scholarly preferences on all that's been written before moving on to the internal meaning. The surface level of the ayat meaning given that then allows for the internal level. Ibn Ajiba provides an Isharah (a subtle remark, implication) This gets knows as tafsir Ishari. After explicit on to implicit: The astonishment, amazement over the Naba (great news, reference to Qur'an that is expressed in Ayah 1 has the connotation, similarly in Sufi tradition, when scholars came and gave deep spiritual meanings from our faith, believers from within, Muskims started haivng deliberation, discussions, some rejected altogether (the deeper meanings) what tje sufis are saying, some acceoted holistically in general, as they were astonished by all that was brought, introduced by the saints, heirs of Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم So they believed generally even if they didn't know the nuances and subtleties, but they believed in it, so Ibn Ajiba says, The internal meaning is what comes to the saints, when they are reciting the Qur'an and feel Allah is speaking to them personally (importance of pure heart) and gems come out from treasures of islamic spirituality and that still causes some disputation... (Timeline:1.05 deep) The scholars are the Heirs of the Prophets Naba il adheem is still present. Is continuous flow of momentous event Over which they disagree. ... Foundation is the external meaning without it no internal meaning
@najmaansari5217 8 ай бұрын
Cont. Tafsir Rayy Using, unpakcong the language based on incorporating narrations perspective, or giving preference to a theological perspective (confirmed by rational arguments and textual evidence) [Timeline 46:24 -significant] Language based interpretation came after narration based tafaasir. Time line48: beautifully explained 🎉 Deep detail there on Zamashkari, Razi, etc. Need this in a pdf form. Imam Alusi on footsteps of Imam ar Razi and iman ibn Ashur thereafter (timeline 51.00) Imam Qurtubi primary focus is on fiqh (timeline 52.48)
@LUQMAAN308 8 ай бұрын
Please remember edit your post as the time stamps aren't reflecting... Probably because you haven't left spaces on either side of the numbers and in some cases only put minute eg. 48 without adding seconds eg. 48:00
@najmaansari5217 8 ай бұрын
D. Traditionally 2 sorts of tafasirs. 1.through narration (eg imam at tabari - beautiful description given by shkh Ahmed upto timeline 39.00 and more examples given. Gems of info on) 2. Tafsir based in Raay = opinions. Acceptable (done through linguistic approach) or unaccepted (based on assumption and arbitrary opinion)
@najmaansari5217 8 ай бұрын
Notes cont.Time line:35.30: Comment on imam ibn Ashur ( The Light of Assurance (Tafsir al-Tahrir wa-l-Tanwir). This landmark work will straddle the line between the genres of Tafsir and Quran translation) and Imam Alusi (Ruh al-Mani fi Tafsir al-Quran. by: Maḥmud b. ʿAbdullāh al-Ālūsī.) as mufassirs: They are A. Much later scholars. Imam ibn Ashur in previous century and imam Alusi just before him B. Belong to a school that combines multiple approaches. C. Need to see where they come from
@najmaansari5217 8 ай бұрын
The Fragrant Scent, On the Knowledge of Motivating Thoughts and Other Such Gems By: Abd Al-Rahman Al-Aydarus
@najmaansari5217 8 ай бұрын
Time line: 28:30 Notes Conditions for Internal meaning: 1. Purity of heart. 2. Never claim that the internal meaning is the only meaning 3. Should not go against the Arabic grammar rules. (Therefore knowldege of Arabic Essential , balagha etc) 4. It should not confirm theological contradiction These key points are in book fragrance scent (didn't catch author's name). And Ibn Ajiba in his tafsir, fulfills all these requirements
@najmaansari5217 8 ай бұрын
External meaning to ayah bound by narrations of traditions. And arabic language, not based on one's own Opinion. Internal meaning: for Batn meaning caution must be taken not to presume the internal meaning is the ONLY Meaning. (10mins onwards into of audio) Interpretation = taweel. Gift of ibn Abbas, based in dua made by رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
@najmaansari5217 8 ай бұрын
In internal Water/Rain signifies knowledge Valley represents hearts. Clear example this is an acceptable manner of interpretation without denying the outward meaning.
@najmaansari5217 8 ай бұрын
We were recommended long ago to have a look at ibn Ajiba's tafsir, by our shaikh and it was only available in arabic. So JzkAllah khair for this work. The Fragrance scent - beautiful.
@Andre-fe4zh 10 ай бұрын
Ya Allah.Ya Habib....Uhibbu Habib y habib Allahuakbar
@user-ishke-rasool-313 Жыл бұрын
@umaribnkhalid4627 Жыл бұрын
Literally was just watching this whilst sat in my hotel then went out for salah tul isha and met Shaykh Aslam in front of the rawdah ❤️
@talibalhidaya Жыл бұрын
I would appreciate if you had a screenshot of the hadeeth shown in the video or at the side so we can follow along.
@omararizona Жыл бұрын
@kamielgerard3198 Жыл бұрын
@kamielgerard3198 Жыл бұрын
@kamielgerard3198 Жыл бұрын
@kamielgerard3198 Жыл бұрын
@kamielgerard3198 Жыл бұрын
@RB-bw4vh Жыл бұрын
The volume isn't very good on the videos, 😔
@amarariffin Жыл бұрын
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك وكرّم على سيدنا رسول الله ﷺ وعلى والديه وآله و أصحابه أجمعين
@mudhuthanudimmudkahagadulh4657 Жыл бұрын
I have this book it touched my soul that pale arabs are soooooo hateful and jealous
@EshqeMustafa Жыл бұрын
Assalam jazakallah for the wonderful session can you pls explain regarding the greeting which prophet received when entering each Heaven " May Allah grant him long life. A brother and Deputy, and want excellent brother and deputy"..?
@younisibrahim4196 Жыл бұрын
Jazaka Allah khayr
@khizersubhani1059 Жыл бұрын
Amazing ma sha Allah
@thevieledwoman Жыл бұрын
@matloobaslam2001 2 жыл бұрын
Jzk'Allah Khayr Shayk
@shabiryounas1581 2 жыл бұрын
Alhamdulillah. Jzk'Allah khayr Shaykh for this explanation