@6AxisSage Сағат бұрын
2:55 Interesting, didn't know this about plasma.
@ArchonOne 2 сағат бұрын
Great presentation, I highly recommend you go check out project thunderbolts to find out just how amazing plasma really is. The electric force is pretty well all we need for a theory of everything.
@ArchonOne 2 сағат бұрын
Another fun fact is that electrical affects scale infinitely from the quantum to the galactic. At Galactic centers, there is a plasmid, not theoretical, nonsensical math based black holes. Black holes are nothing more than a patch to make gravity do what it clearly cannot. But with the electric force, you don’t need any patches, mysterious particles and forces or any of that crap. Plasmids can do everything we observe happening in space and we can test them in labor laboratories. Space is electric.
@ArchonOne 3 сағат бұрын
Space is Electric. All that plasma is carrying current. The standard model is a ridiculous CIA backed funding scam designed to throw us off the scent of what reality actually is.
@Formscapes 3 сағат бұрын
Ive been perusing your content a bit and I certainly like the direction you're going in. Plasma is an absolutely fascinating phenomenon and I devoured this article when I initially came across it. Let me give my two cents here: The bottom line is that Plasma simply cannot be properly understood within the current paradigm of physics. We are told that plasmas are somehow a "soup" of electrons and naked protons, but this explanation is so pathetically inadequate that is borderline nonsensical. Truly understanding plasma is going to necessarily ential the realization that basically everything that our textbooks tell us about the nature of light and matter consists of little more than semi-useful mathematical models which are ontologically groundless - i.e., the equations "work" (sometimes) but the "explanations" which are slapped onto them are nothing more than a thin veneer used to hide the open secret that science has had no clue what it has actually been dealing with since the late 19th century (and thats being rather generous). Someone else here mentioned Morphic Resonance, which is assuring: the relationship between morphic fields, bioelectricity and the self organization of plasma points us towards a crucial underlying unity. Reality does not consist of "atoms", any moreso than vases are composed of triangular shards, even though that might be what vases decompose into when smashed. Reality is made of "fields", but that's a word we have to be very careful with. There is nothing more intellectually dangerous than repeating a word so frequently that you convince yourself its meaning is obvious, when in reality it is an oscified placeholder for s void in our understanding. Keep up the good work. Cheers 🥂
@Actualhumanlive 4 сағат бұрын
Cannot do the super loud music. Just explain the ideas without the "la dee da" stuff.
@impossiblevisits 5 сағат бұрын
Plasma forms the cosmic web? Is it working in concert with dark matter?
@impossiblevisits 5 сағат бұрын
It's Hameroff, not Hamerhoff.
@Little-Red-Big-Smile 7 сағат бұрын
@witchcandy3671 8 сағат бұрын
2 days ago I theorized the orbs of light being recorded on KZbin in large abundance as being Plasma captured by the Earth's Electro-magnetic field from the sun's current solar flare activity of late. Theorizing further that the drone sightings were a private organization studying the phenomenon. Then I came across your videos and I was like YES!!! I was only trying to consider what natural phenomenon might explain these orbs of light but now feel like I stumbled on to an entire area of study very few people seem to have any knowledge of, that of the electric universe. Thank you for taking the time to put this video on KZbin, I'm sharing it and hope to expose other's to this area of knowledge.
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 8 сағат бұрын
Thank you, I appreciate it. I also had the same feeling when I stumbled upon this connection. Here's to understanding more of the world around us or at least have fun trying.
@witchcandy3671 4 сағат бұрын
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne New favorite saying, "You know what it's like to be human." LOL, perfect for ppl who take things too seriously. Also, aside from Jupiter and Saturn I believe Venus would also be a candidate to consider.
@fifthfreedom7 9 сағат бұрын
compelling concept about plasma connection
@gracefullyyours6508 13 сағат бұрын
Sometimes I don’t think any amount of physics can make sense of my brainwaves. Nice video 😊
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 13 сағат бұрын
So true lol
@milogonzalez1334 13 сағат бұрын
i am reminded of the saying 'what is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly'. just cuz something is unknown or even unknowable to you, doesnt make it any more random than the weather
@gracefullyyours6508 13 сағат бұрын
Excellent point 😊
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 13 сағат бұрын
So true. I have never heard that saying but really like it.
@Othertwoback 13 сағат бұрын
Plasma lightning in the brain possibly where they got the term brain storm from.
@SacredMatrix888 16 сағат бұрын
Of course !!!
@milogonzalez1334 18 сағат бұрын
firstly i think we need to remember every lightning bolt is a plasma. from the sparks in your brain, to the sparks between your finger and doorknob after walking over a shag carpet, to the sparks in the sky during a lightning storm to the sparks from the sun, all the way up and all the way down, plasma turtles. electricity is fractal in nature, it takes the same forms and behaves similarly regardless of the scale. thusly electrical phenomena are virtually infinitely scale-able in either direction, macro or micro, tho not always linearly scale-able. secondly, the ferranti effect is also non linear and points to a universality of emergent behavior in electrical systems. the ferranti effect is a voltage rise observed at the end of a transmission line typically 15%-20% higher than the input voltage at the beginning of the transmission line. this voltage rise occurs as a result of stray capacitances and inductances adding up over the length of the transmission line and can become incredibly dangerous if not mitigated as they can result in arcing between conductors which you definitely dont want in your high power transmission line. thirdly this is a wide open easily accessible path towards reunifying quantum and classical electrodynamics. in quantum electro dynamics, the schwinger limit refers to the maximum possible charge density any given point in spacetime can experience before whats called 'vacuum polarization' and eventually 'vacuum breakdown' are thought to occur. just like in DIelectric breakdown, the dielectric of the local background wherever these strong pulses occur explosively breaks down. atoms and subatoms are violently ripped apart into baser point particles. in intense electromagnetic plasmas this leads to high energy collisions, matter-antimatter particle pair production/subsequent annihilation, fusion reactions, fission reactions and all manner of emissions in the em spectrum. the fusion and fission reactions release a great deal of energy even more than the annihilation reactions and specific chemistries can lead to surprising results. i can imagine the sparks in our brain chemistry can similarly result in surprising emergent phenomena. and finally in closing i think more specifically in regards to consciousness its also incredibly relevant that magnetic fields always occur in closed loops, outside of the conductor according to steinmetz. thusly, the secondary magnetic fields produced by our synapses firing do not exist physically in our brain tissue i.e, complex information in our brain is being stored outside of our brain. i am fascinated by the conscious electromagnetic field information theory, or cemi for short and fascinated by consciousness and electricity, great talk, fascinating information, thank you for introducing me to the term, plasma brain dynamics. i'm thinking of my neurons as the transmission lines, my thoughts as the input, creative potential at the beginning of the neuron resulting in the macro scale effect of, say, a brand new song now existing that didnt exist before i thought of it and sang it or a temple that was built because i thought of a design that was made reality. like a consciousness ferranti effect. think of the feeling of being in the flow state, its almost like being over-voltage, people literally describe excitement as feeling electric. or the thought of being in a meditative state is almost lkke your brain 'cooling down'. consciously trying to 'cool' your brain like this through acts like meditation can then lead to spooky action mirroring things like jedi in star wars?
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 18 сағат бұрын
Thank you for your thoughtful detailed response. You have given me a lot to consider and things to look into, which is what I love to do. Take care.
@milogonzalez1334 18 сағат бұрын
@@BioLuminationwithAdrianne sorry that i edited it like a bajillion times but i think i'm finally done lol thanks for taking the time to reply
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 14 сағат бұрын
@@milogonzalez1334 Complex thoughts are hard to get across and I think you did great. My pleasure thanks for taking the time to share.
@Rokas.Misingevicius 20 сағат бұрын
if consciousness was plasma like then reality can be literally anything? could it even be not infinite in size but in ever-morphing quantum thorus shape plasma field with an eye and heart and all other "senses" in the center from which you have your POV. Going to sleep is just relaxing your mind to be more fluid from the "daily reality"? Sort of creation of solid, coherent matter in an infinite and dynamic now. just for the sake of being able to?.. God knows...?
@mattslade1633 20 сағат бұрын
That is very interesting, I heard an idea the other day that I’ve been mulling over, when we sleep our brains/consciousness are in a wave like state, when we wake it collapses to a point in time and space becoming material in a physical state, or something like that.
@binra3788 21 сағат бұрын
I understand plasma refers to ionic self-organising fields or domains within a nested 'Field' - that has no location and of which all 'charge' differential are modifications (of what can be called a zero or unity point). At nanoscale, domain conditions may fluctuate at billions of times per second within the motive structures or rather patterning of energy and information exchange. The complexity is of a coherence within an apparent chaos can also be summarised by 'moving over the face of the waters' or 'let there be light'. The mental imaging of models for predictive definition and control is itself a self-reinforcing loop of segregative structuring ie a self-imaged separateness as distinct from psychic participance.. For we are of the whole and not of the structure-based self-conditioned adaptive model of Self, life, and Universe. Running on false predicates can be said to run off in a false inheritance (The prodigal of depleting returns). Field physics (+felt psychic) underlie the core definitions and agreements that organise perception of a world -but the technologising or tooling of consciousness becomes its own projection or model as a limiting of ruled and filtered 'dictates' - similar to the idea of an Overton Window of officially allowed reality. All that does not align is thus masked over or masked out as the sacrifice necessary for the system (control) to run. Thus not only depleting consciousness (of it whole sense) but cannibalising it as a gain of function - in its own terms. The Coherence of a unified consciousness corresponds with 'remembering the Father' rather than aligning to symbolic derivatives that reference back to a mythical origin. True Inherence is a Self-revealing quality of both giving and receiving of integral function - not added onto a fragmented dysfunction as if to impose order over perceived chaos. That operates the humpty dumpty principle of a drive to regain lost peace, love and power by organising under the 'king' or law giver. Willingness 'to be even as a servant in my father's house' represents a yielding of ego-control to the guidance of the Field of a felt integral being whose will emerges through a true-felt listening or receptive. Rather than the filtered rules of conditioned programming that runs as internalised reflex of perception and response as energy stored in the 'body' or field of relational embodiment. (We are always in nested contextual embodiment - so the body cant be separated from its unique moment - except in a dead model for the uses of modelling). Bringing our image or models back into a relational field is of course our alignment in honouring and acknowledging relationship- rather than running on what we can use it for or get from it as a 'driven getter' of external solutions to inner conflicts - that cannot and will not unfold fulfilment as the fruits of a truly shared endeavour. Our concept of a mind as in and of a body became the inhibiting habit of pain and pleasure as ends in themselves - ergo the body as an end in itself. The vehicle of embodiment serves the expression of a deeper or more integral desire to experience, as unfolding of meaning or value-fulfilment. If we were not free to align in' noise' we would not know and be the freedom of receiving and giving truly. Let science aspire to the revealing of reality that was always or already the case - as an appreciation for being. The wish to 'explain' away kills curiosity and wonder in an active ignorance posing as 'knowledge'.
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 18 сағат бұрын
Thank you for sharing your reflections! It’s always fascinating to see how different frameworks can inspire new ways of thinking about consciousness.
@heliosthesungod888 22 сағат бұрын
great vid thanks for sharing!
@mikelicious33 Күн бұрын
‘Nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena’ Wtffff
@mikelicious33 Күн бұрын
This is awesome
@cliffinhokisero3747 Күн бұрын
What recent studies have shown promising evidence in regards to EMFs and DNA repair?
@MattBaker789 Күн бұрын
No, it’s quantum effects in microtubules. No plasma
@seabud6408 Күн бұрын
Plasma was the first “thing” if Big Bang 💥 theory is correct. The Universe grew Einstein from plasma with some clumping and cooling and relating .. and waiting around for 14 billion years. ♾️ 🥚 💥 guided by the 4 forces ,transcendent geometry, information etc 🥶 💥 repeat ♾️ The WHOLE shebang is a living growth/unfolding process .. obviously. Materialism posing as science isn’t “allowed” to see that fact. The Universe is likely cyclical and has never been dead or devoid of consciousness .. ever. Hence there is no HARD PROBLEM OF the origin of life and consciousness. Consciousness is likely a primary quality of the unified quantum field .. The Universe. If that isn’t the case science will have to jettison logic causality and systems theory. The Universe is a nested system of holons and is continuous with the holonic cellular organ body system which we are. We are the Universe. That isn’t hippie nonsense. Materialism is 300 year old nonsense. Science is great.. its guiding dogma isn’t.
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 18 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the response and I could not agree with a better statement. Science is great...its guiding dogma isn't. Thanks for giving me a lot to think about.
@6AxisSage Күн бұрын
Ive been simulating the wavefronts but I havent been using plasma dynamics.
@simoneverodimarrow Күн бұрын
Thank you!
@georgekontoudakis6144 Күн бұрын
Plasma is sentient like NOT consciousness like.
@rogerfranz1152 Күн бұрын
One i saw had hundred blue fairy wwings in it
@trace89music Күн бұрын
I don't remember where I read that there has been done experiments with dying people on a scale: at the exact moment of death they weighed a few grams less. So now I think that it could be possible that this are the Plasmoids leaving the brain - and maybe searching for a new one in the exact monent of a new insemination. That could make sense.
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 18 сағат бұрын
Yes I heard that as well. Something worth looking into. Thanks for sharing.
@timh.2137 Күн бұрын
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 18 сағат бұрын
@joemartin3271 2 күн бұрын
I've seen balls of fire that I swore were plasma. Like 50 of these things over 25 years. Some have split into multiple, then chasing after each other. I've witnessed them dropping liquid fire with my family and squad. I was like damn it looks like it's terraforming. I've watched some swimming through the sky like a happy tadpole. All around cloudy skies and thunderstorms.
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 18 сағат бұрын
What an amazing set of experiences. I believe all of it. Truly fascinating stuff.
@Dan0rioN 2 күн бұрын
Perhaps plasmoids are the origins of conciousness.. perhaps they consume what gives life to lightening.. Many possibilities..
@georgekontoudakis6144 2 күн бұрын
Absolutely, I think they are a bridge between the 3rd dimension and the 2nd dimensional intelligence and has appeared as 4th state matter. Not only that, but they also mimic the human Merkabah and behave as if they are a primal sentience. In one of the footage of drones and orbs in New Jersey, they entire cloud combusted due to the plamsoids interacting with the cloud, it was a colossal combustion, a sight to be seen. When we see these sentences appearing due to certain magnetic conditions in the ionosphere and solar activity, then these entities are most likely entering our 3rd dimensional time space via a portal either high up in the ionospheres or below the ocean, I most likely think high up in the atmosphere, although they have been seen entering and leaving the oceans.
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 18 сағат бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I'm listening to A New Science of Heaven by Robert Temple and it may be up your ally and a lot of your comment shows up there. I will have to look more into it.
@expectamiracle.406 2 күн бұрын
Most excellent.
@OkeClips 2 күн бұрын
Just for context, do with this what you will. In Islam god created humans from clay and water. Prior to worldly life however he also created Jinn which are a life form much older than ours and that are made from ‘Smokeless Fire’ They live among us but inhabit a completely different dimension although have the ability to manifest in ours at times. After doing some research into the mentions of Jinn and what they’re supposedly composed of I came across studies which suggested that due to the way they’re described in the book it’s most likely describing a plasma based life form as opposed to carbon. Fascinating stuff to dig into.
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 2 күн бұрын
Great points and I agree. I think taking a look back at a lot of religious texts would be interesting because in this light it shines an interesting possibility. Thanks for sharing.
@DavidOwen-g6j 2 күн бұрын
My profile image is an electrograph of a person thinking the word "LOVF". The person put his finger pads on Polaroid film, in the dark, with high voltage electricity as the source of illumination. The image between the pad I call a thought plasma form. '
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 2 күн бұрын
Awesome image thanks for pointing that out.
@DavidOwen-g6j 2 күн бұрын
I have other examples of my research on KZbin
@JohannTheBotha 2 күн бұрын
Plasma interacts with the quantum world. If it's plasma consciousness, it's quantum consciousness. Check out Bob Greenyer for more info!
@RonnieGifford 2 күн бұрын
They are demonic egg sacks
@JamesHart-h6j 2 күн бұрын
Ps thanks for your work😮
@JamesHart-h6j 2 күн бұрын
Blown away by plasmoids the possibilities have got my mind reeling My immediate thought was crop circles that might explain crop circles
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 2 күн бұрын
Totally with you there, but then I was wondering what messages are they sending?
@pantherstealth1645 2 күн бұрын
The blue plasma orb that appeared in my room to assist my sick cat was conscious. Not to mention my one time out of body meditation experience.
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 2 күн бұрын
Yes, I think that is where I'm heading as well. I do not have an amazing experience like yourself, that's truly special, to have that firsthand knowledge so I am getting there on a different path. Thanks for sharing.
@pantherstealth1645 2 күн бұрын
@georgekontoudakis6144 2 күн бұрын
Yes i do think they are responsible in seeding life. The form of life would be in its primordial form from DNA template existing also in the higher dimensions. Some of these orbs exhibit characteristics of a human Merkabah light body. So, yes, i definitely think they would have played a role.
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 2 күн бұрын
I agree. Plasmoids seeding life makes more sense than then Miller-Urey experiments in my opinion. If you have not read or listened to A New Science of Heaven by Robert Temple I think you would like it. Thanks for sharing.
@georgekontoudakis6144 2 күн бұрын
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne thanks i will look into that one
@martinhastingsis 3 күн бұрын
The Universe is an Electrical Entity. Yes I do believe that plasma is Conscious, Alive and Spiritual. Blessings, Love and Light to all; from New Zealand.
@haadidave 3 күн бұрын
McKenna's "geometric transforming machines" could reflect altered brain states tuning into higher-dimensional electromagnetic fields, fractal patterns, or cosmic information encoded in the universe’s energy. Psychedelics may reveal hidden layers of reality within the electromagnetic spectrum.
@mybachhertzbaud3074 3 күн бұрын
The closest I have experienced the idea of being an antenna is in the countless times I have had a song hit my brain right before I hear it on the radio without any mention of what is to come on.🤔
@dsharpness 3 күн бұрын
Once saw pic of cell insides-little antennaes...came to mind whole body like the internet...this was decades ago, under optical bio physics...later, came to mind, scents-moth antennae...sperm smell their way to egg...now, of late, everthing is quantum fields, so said...aaand, just today, readsaid how bird feathers aquire their patterns-wave like...some feature of dna does that-makes waves!...feather waves...🍿
@MarthaMedel-cm3li 3 күн бұрын
Green orb...
@davidspringer6777 3 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@JoJo-vz5uy 3 күн бұрын
Hi Adrian! Good to see you. I’m like your biggest fan! I know you’ll be super successful - please keep going!
@BioLuminationwithAdrianne 3 күн бұрын
Thanks, I will take all the encouragement. Take care, Adrianne