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John Smith Legacy/Funeral
5 жыл бұрын
John Smith's Final Message
5 жыл бұрын
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John Smith 1 John 5, 1-8
6 жыл бұрын
John Smith remembers Billy Graham
John Smith @ St Martins 28/01/2018
John Smith on Les Misérables
7 жыл бұрын
What You Believe Makes a Difference
@lynnparent5565 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Pastor John , I believe I have possibly from Estes Park picture 1987 Christian Artist Seminar of you on your bike? Pm me
@beldengi 3 жыл бұрын
I honour the ministry of John. He has now passed on. The first 10 years were creative and exciting. The first 3 years were the years of my involvement. But John's account of his loss of the leadership, and the split, is not accurate. Someone should do a thesis on it to try to determine what really happened.
@JacquelineWachell 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting take but I think it's more about how one man got himself trapped ... he was naturally born then was birthed and then came back into being born again... I think it's our Salvation right out of this garbage if we actually look...the stories there. If they only birth us under citizenship and Senate members must have no citizenship but natural born subject status...there in lays the problem. No one has been taught to register natural born. So they only are half here....so to speak metaphorically... Or at least on paper.
@JacquelineWachell 3 жыл бұрын
Um. Real Pagans would be commercial-less! As the Bibliotheca; the word under God = Governing operating Doctrine states. There are two worlds nature and commerce...and Commerce is pretty much a lying gigolo who will do anything to make a buck!!
@Nasafalkas1 5 жыл бұрын
Beautifully said
@lindabartlett4517 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Glena for sharing this precious event, thinking of you and your family at this time xx
@patrickholt2270 5 жыл бұрын
That issue of rules for a Christian commune is quite an urgent concern, it seems to me, if we are to really set about transforming the world in earnest, because we do have to work out how to establish an alternative economy, rather than mere charity, that can promise people economic security on a new basis in exchange for surrendering wealth and savings and giving up conventional jobs and businesses, or else almost no-one will ever do it. And it ought to be something which the great historic denominations have on the books. The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches have Rules for monastic life, such as the Rule of St. Benedict, but they operate on the basis of clerical enrollment rather than lay, and include therefore the vow of celibacy as well as poverty, which rather defeats the object of being a model for transforming society, because anyone who wants to marry and have a family, and who doesn't feel a priestly calling, will stay away. You have the Hutterites and Moravians, which are whole denominations which practice communal living, but within a narrow doctrinal frame of reference which cannot easily be aopted by other denominations, and are dedicated to farming almost exclusvely, again limiting interest on the basis of calling and habitually shedding young people who are called to other kinds of professions, and not offering a model for the rest of society.
@patrickholt2270 5 жыл бұрын
Yes. "Prosperity gospel" based church growth is the growth of heresy. However successful it might be in the short term, operating like a pyramid scheme or a narcotics ring literally selling false hopes of personal enrichment to desperate people, in the long term it brings the faith into disrepute, and because the hope it sells is false, it's going to leave a trail of broken faith behind, as people realise. It is the opposite of the Biblical anthropology, in which God's people are the poor, and the rich are the wicked, those who spurn God in their arrogance, and it is the opposite of Jesus' s gospel, which was good news for the poor of their ownership of the kingdom of God and inheriting of the earth, per Leviticus 25 and Deuteronomy 15, begun in Acts 2 immediately after the first Christian Pentecost, and reiterated in Acts 4, of a new economy and a new community of equality in which poverty is banished by the redistribution of wealth from richer members, rather than redistributing from poor members of the congregation to the preacher and the leadership team, and hence bad news for the rich. Good news for the rich is the existing order, the way of the world before Christ was conceived and as if he had never lived, and his Gospel cannot be good news for the rich, because none such was ever lacking. Good news for the poor does not mean good news for the poor just like for everyone else because it's just internal spiritual grace not affecting your circumstances in any direct way, because then there would be no point even saying "good news for the poor". If it is to be good news for the poor, it must mean bad news for the rich because good news for the rich is always bad news for the poor, and indeed the very reason for their poverty. Again, if anything is good news for the rich as part of everyone, like a bumper harvest in the fields or peace after war, then you don't have to specify good news for the rich. The specification means relatively and at the expense of the other correlative side of the social equation. Evangelism is weak when the wrong gospel is preached, rather than the gospel which is good news for the poor, the gospel of the kingdom come and commencing the Jubilee. Or it put it much more briefly: if it ain't bad news for the rich, then it ain't good news for the poor, and if it ain't good news for the poor, then it ain't the gospel of Jesus.
@markwilton4412 5 жыл бұрын
Awesome man of Jesus!
@Nasafalkas1 5 жыл бұрын
A beautiful analysis. Very inspiring.
@spitfirered 5 жыл бұрын
You were remarkable Dr. John Smith. Be with Jesus and all that God can offer you, No Rest for You John Smith, much admiration
@spitfirered 5 жыл бұрын
God is with you delivering this message, that is very important for people today to understand!
@samuelhillmusic 5 жыл бұрын
That was truly a man filled with God's spirit... He's in the presence of the King right now - Praise be to God!!!!
@MarkHyde 5 жыл бұрын
Powerful gospel message preached with a heart and life lived for Jesus - condolences to John's family this side of glory - praise God John is now ultimately FREE :)
@tigerraven 5 жыл бұрын
his words are read the what god said and look at what he did you will change and find answers.
@biker_dale 5 жыл бұрын
Captivating, as truth always is. God Bless him.
@tonycostanzo4276 5 жыл бұрын
@spitfirered 5 жыл бұрын
Earth is God's Place Too, When It's our time to stop living we go. While Dr. John was on this earth he lived his life for God when he found him, Seek and you shall find the truth. God Bless you and may you always find new ways to find God for your Heart!
@markwilton4412 5 жыл бұрын
How cool is this bro. Loved your teaching. I never met you, but your books and cassette tape sermons have meant a huge amount for me. I will be thanking you heaps in heaven. I thank your wife and family for allowing you to minister to people like me through your writing and preaching. Your book "On The Side of the Angels" was pretty similar to the story of my struggle, but written by you. Your story gave me hope that I would find answers and would not be a cosmic orphan til I died. Your words helped me in my walk with Jesus. The impact your words and life had on me has allowed me to impact the Science students I have taught over the past 26 years. We will have some big chats together in heaven. Loved your realness and no crap message about the Lord's love, justice and family.
@gregbassace1 5 жыл бұрын
Australia has lost a great man and a great prophet. A man who passionately gave his all for the sake of the gospel. Who will now pick up the torch and carry the flame that John has left behind, to turn the hearts of Australians back to The Lord again? Ride easy, and good tailwinds, John Smith...........until we meet again. 😢💙
@spitfirered 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe You!
@Jon24dead 5 жыл бұрын
RIP my friend. Please pass word of his passing. He had a far reach and impact on so many.
@Jon24dead 5 жыл бұрын
RIP my friend. Please pass word of his passing. He had a far reach and impact on so many
@Jon24dead 5 жыл бұрын
RIP my friend. Please pass word of his passing. He had a far reach and impact on so many
@Jon24dead 5 жыл бұрын
RIP my friend. Please pass word of his passing. He had a far reach and impact on so many
@tonycostanzo4276 5 жыл бұрын
I will pray for you in JESUS NAME AMEN
@tonycostanzo4276 5 жыл бұрын
Muhammad was a pedophile ALLA is the devil
@stevenpengue3722 5 жыл бұрын
thank you for your teaching.. what a great man.
@tonycostanzo4276 5 жыл бұрын
its not the birthday of JESUS its the birthday of Tamuz ,it was not the other way round its sun worship
@tonycostanzo4276 5 жыл бұрын
@tonycostanzo4276 5 жыл бұрын
it is what it is , same sex marriage is when they have sex with each other, but if its not sexual its ok , if they cross that line its NOT ok , its that clear ,its sodomy
@kenwilliams3481 5 жыл бұрын
PLZ google St Francis of assisi with Animals. Biblical proof that Animals do go to Heaven by Steven H woodward is a great book too. Proverbs 12 : 10 & Revelation 5 : 13
@kenwilliams3481 5 жыл бұрын
To John Smith thx so much for Y message in protecting Sheep from. Y are applying the Mathew 25 : 31 - 40 principle to Sheep
@tonyhore1315 6 жыл бұрын
We need to Standard up God love as god people6
@tonyhore1315 6 жыл бұрын
We more speaking adout sex and manages and teii the shame sex man3 where to go and jumped
@rhyslittle9891 6 жыл бұрын
John, thank you for you insight, you are looking well.
@extremelyhardcore6238 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks mate for sharing here, I'm buzzing off now, the Aboriginal issues in Australia are in my view, based primarily on the fact that prior to the first boat arriving, they had nothing to worship but a serpent, there was for the very first time a bible on board too. The command to go into the whole world and give the good news, was irrefutable. They've been pretty angry ever since. There were both black and white and several other races on that first boat too mate.
@extremelyhardcore6238 7 жыл бұрын
I'm nearly 7/10ths through listening to you here, I wanted to point out Attenborough is no less a rampant evolutionist and the mention of the serpent wrapped around a sword/cross etc needs a more observant look, ...even the snake itself wrapped itself around it's healer instead. was it blasphemy? or an asking for rescue.
@extremelyhardcore6238 7 жыл бұрын
The thing that put the brakes on for me was reading, 'beware of the study of many books, for it's the weariness of flesh' etc, I too count it all dung now thankfully. The other good statement I heard was, be careful in this place, you can loose your brain around here by degrees. lol top stuff! I'd rather be a witness as led, than ever be a self volunteering theory-dearie. thanks mate, I love you too. :)
@extremelyhardcore6238 7 жыл бұрын
John, it's the only thing that makes sense, if the enlightened can only become so by grace, it therefore can only mean that the unaware are equally being kept in such a state too. His care is impartial no less.
@extremelyhardcore6238 7 жыл бұрын
I sense that the awareness factor is not naturally inbuilt, it's intringent and innately possible only if God himself ignites it. I don't like religion, I'd rather pursue by being pulled or called to understand the why. I still don't believe nor accept Jesus was merely a son at all, I think that was a lie to try to control the social masses only. still is in my view. to me, Jesus is God alone, unsent and purposeful in his own rescuing message unto humanity as only he alone deems the revelation of himself and of what and why he did it.
@extremelyhardcore6238 7 жыл бұрын
I'm sure about a deeper aspect being deliberately caused, I read years ago a comment that although very arresting, still only made me wonder even deeper and still does. It said, 'I believe that God has left some parts of scripture deliberately vague to test? whether people were prepared/willing to love one another more than their opinion of what they may have read regarding such'. ...it still doesn't make anything clearer for me personally, I happen to only believe in revelation being a given enlightenment no less, the question remains 'why" some and not all likewise.
@extremelyhardcore6238 7 жыл бұрын
This reply of mine to a fellow comment-maker below, is way to good to keep hidden under reams of fellow opinions. ' concepts are prone to mere presumption and thus are also the potential for further misinterpretation. -revelation is the key, not the lock.'
@extremelyhardcore6238 7 жыл бұрын
The greater natural pull is toward the Creator of all. gorgeous isn't He. :)
@extremelyhardcore6238 7 жыл бұрын
I've always strongly suspected that Christians were a sus lot. I'm correct about this.
@OgiBear59 7 жыл бұрын
well said
@janinasimons8533 7 жыл бұрын
Thank You +Rev John Smith, Good to see you so well.... Takes me back to the 80's and Gods Squad and all the love, compassion the support your fellowship gave me and a young lost and confused girl to find a new home and herself. God contue to bless you greatly..... Great to hear and see you again
@zoltron30 7 жыл бұрын
Jesus talks about this in the book of Mathew...
@thaman7723 7 жыл бұрын
Mr John Smith, extremely well said!!!
@useyourbrain5261 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for such a reasonable outline of your views John. I certainly hope you do not attract any hostility for simply stating your position. It is fantastic to see a NO voter create a video which is entirely honest and NOT based on poor reasoning, nor deception. Having listened, I still do not understand what you believe will be the negative consequences if the Marriage Act is changed. Are you planning another video to cover this?
@maradiaz2964 7 жыл бұрын
@hudstar2011 7 жыл бұрын
Marriage has also been redefined as mixed marriages have become common and marriage for most people signify a love between two people - I'm sure sexual feelings alone are not the reason people get married be them straight or gay. Marriage within the church has and will be protected under law and no church will be forced to perform marriages not in line with church teachings. I know in conversations with people about marriage over the years - the terms religious marriage or marriage without religion were used so there is already a definition in social opinions regarding marriage. Sadly this issue has torn our country apart and I feel this will take a very long time to repair. Although I am atheist I am voting yes with the knowledge protections for church will not be changed
@keithwilson6060 7 жыл бұрын
hudstar2011 You may think that no church will be forced to perform marriages against their teaching, but it will be by a circuitous route that the “yesers” will attack the church. Here in the U.S. the drumbeat to tax churches is getting increasingly louder, with more powerful forces taking up the chorus. You can sure believe that when this camp gets enough power, they will not only tax churches, but they will penalized them if they won’t perform perverted marriage.
@janinasimons8533 7 жыл бұрын
+hudstar2011 keep a copy of your statement and come back to defend it when things change..... There is plenty of evidence in other countries and in Australia to the contrary..... So I dont know what you read to listen to... you are free to vote as you wish, but to say you know the future when the evidence overseas has many cases of people being persecuted for simply refusing to bake a cake for a wedding..... DUH... Sadly it has torn our country apart, like many other activist actions, trying to change the foundations of this country and that is always a receipe for disaster..... proven by historical fact..... Guess you also believe this is not connected to the safe school lbgt agenda???? Guess you need to do some more unbiased research. Also try talking to some genuine gay people, who are not on TV or activists and see what they say??? you will be very surprised.