#78 - Revenge, & The Morning After
#72 - War, & Sounds We Never Hear Again
#71 - Session One, & How Not To Do It
#67 - Robots, & Baby Robo's New Gig
#62 - Movement, & The Sick Shredder
#60.5 - Folk Horror ft. Cassi Mothwin!
Season 6's Exciting News!
21 күн бұрын
#57 - Why Session Zero is a MUST
@PatriciaWasTaken 14 күн бұрын
Why doesnt this get any views?
@YourRiversAreWrong 20 сағат бұрын
We just started uploading to KZbin recently! it might pick up someday c:
@calizu 14 күн бұрын
What is great about lancers too is that they always have to change in a way: they could be the main character but they are not, but they still need to adapt to the presence of the main character. It forces them, in a sense, to have some kind of growth, no matter if it's always positive or negative. I think that's also a reason why people love lancers, sometimes more than the main character: as much as in real life, we are not able to read in their minds, but we can still feel that the character is changing, and it makes them look more human, less possible to understand, but very much possible to relate to. For the ending prompt, my idea would be that the city is on an island. But it's a big island, with everything that is needed to live well, and the population that live there is living their best life. The main character is fond of technology, and have a thirst for knoweldge. As time passes and he talks with a lot of neighbors, he realises that the whole town he lives in exist because a long time ago his ancestors settled camp here, seemingly after running away from something. The ships they arrived from were mostly destroyed to make necessity for the city, but some remains, and one is actually possible to ride. The main character, by curiosity, decide that he wants to go explore the world, to knowmore about hi sown origins that nobody here can tell him about. So he takes the ship. And adventures ensues (positive or negative... This is an open story)
@calizu 14 күн бұрын
The ending prompt instantly made me think of Nausicäa and how the village she lives in work. Because the wind from the shore is not a negative thing, it is actually what keeps the land away from the toxic forest: the wind blow in the windmills, and the windmills block the spores of the toxic forest. I could say so much more about the relation between wind and the survival of Nausicäa's village, but it would make me spoil things wich I don't want to do, if someone that never watched this movie reads this one day and wants to give it a try
@calizu 15 күн бұрын
The prompt of "each night you are dreaming the day you just passed" is so interesting and inspiring The idea I got from it was someone randomly started dreaming exactly the day that just passed, and he would do exactly the same action, but as more time passes, as more in their dreams they realise they are dreaming. So they start to act a different way, minimal changes. But as the number of dreams grows, their confidence and curiosity grows too, and they start to change a lot more things, and realise the dreams are no longer exactly like reality: the changes they made influenced this sort of "second world" in their dream, and the two realities start to split from each other, wich makes the dreamer more and more tired and confused, as they slowly start to lose the grip of what is reality and what is not. For the end prompt, not needing sleep is kind of interesting, but I think it would lead to very big social problems. A lot of people need to have the peaceful and alone time that sleep offers to you, but if this time is erased and you start to get sollicited 24/7, I think a lot of person would just snap and go agressive and dangerous, or end up completely distancing themselves from the rest of the population. It's a thing that's already happening a little, our numerous access to internet, our phones, are putting us in a state where we are reechable at anytime, exept during our sleep. It's not a very good thing when you think about it, and the idea of just be by yourself, without others demanding your time is enviable; our parents had all those alone time. I think it's something I would like to have too. (and the most horrible consequence of no sleep would be that the french school system would have so much fun making new hellish 20/22 hours a day schedule for us. I'm sure they would LOVE to do that.)
@calizu 15 күн бұрын
I started doing roleplay very young, around 12, on Amino. I was very found of the Warriors book serie, so naturally my entire roleplay evolved around... Playing cats. That was very very fun, and I wish I could go back to those times again. I remember that on many servers, the way you would create an OC is, by order, someone else already existing OC became pregnant, and two, three other people would take the role of their childrens (or here... kittens) but sometimes the person that would play one of your siblings decided that they didn't want to play it anymore, so they would make it dissapear or kill it. That appened to me one time, but I guess the person didn't want to abandon it entirely (wich is... Pretty weird) so they decided (without checking if I was ok with it) that a part of the soul of my dead sister would go in MY soul and just... Talk sometimes??? I found that absolutely insane and wasn't okay with it, but they wouldn't give me a choice. It was that or nothing. So my way of rebelling was to start making my own cat grow gradually more anxious and insane as times passes and my sister voice talks to me, because obviously if this happened to me I wouldn't tell myself "Oh cool, my dead sister is talking to me!" but more "Oh my god, I am going insane, why the f- am I creating my sister voice in my head, please get out." I don't think it was to their liking, because at the end they banned me from the server and showered me in insults. I guess I was too much of a genius for my own good.
@calizu 15 күн бұрын
I also think that one of the other appeal of making a school environment is that it gives a justification as why the characters came to know each others. It can be pretty hard or long to link together characters from a story in a good way, even more when they come from different backgrounds. The only limit a school have is the one you want to. Even the range of how much the characters ages differs from each other can be ignored; to put them in the same class, it can be said that it's just an exclusive, very selective class and a young genius can join it as much as a person that already have kids and experience but is in search of knoweldge would join it too
@calizu 20 күн бұрын
The role of gamemaster always felt very intimidating for me, because the whole responsability of creating a fonctionning world where everything makes sense is pretty hard to think about. The moment they talked about the whole concept of ruins, old things that have barely enough clues to feel legitimate in the world building without detailed and precise explication of why it's here blew my mind. It made me think of our own world, and how there is things we can't explain fully. It's just relieving to know something that could have been put under an error, lack of imagination... Actually exist on earth with no problem, so it should exist in our worlds with no problem either For the prompt at the end, my own reflexion in pair with Dante, is what about the quantity of magic, and if, for example, triplets have the same pool of magic, can this pool be bigger? What if a very powerful individual, in mysterious way, is after discovered as only one of triplets, and he found a way to stop his two brothers/sisters of using magic, keeping it all for himself?
@YourRiversAreWrong 18 күн бұрын
Magic-less twins searching for their evil triplet sounds like an awesome adventure starter :D
@calizu 20 күн бұрын
One of my friend recently proposed to try playing D&D with our group, it's still just a floating thought, but we both think it would be really fun. None of us played D&D, so this potcast was a pleasant surprise in my recommandation, I really liked listening it, it helped me grasp better the concept of D&D, without being too complex too fast
@YourRiversAreWrong 18 күн бұрын
That's so great to hear! Tabletop RPGs should be experienced by everyone :D
@zigorously 3 ай бұрын
Coming to this a year late, but finally listened to this episode today and was VERY surprised to hear my name pop up! Thank you both for playing around with my silly sandwich magic idea (@ 17:29), I really enjoined seeing the direction you took it!
@fujin27 Жыл бұрын
Hey I got a shout out! Kinda lol. I’m glad my comment made you feel good tho! Now I’m off to listen to ep 58 lol
@YourRiversAreWrong Жыл бұрын
Yup! Totally couldn't remember your name in the moment, but it means a lot to us. :D Thanks for listening! - dante
@Poppa Жыл бұрын
Good listening material, subscribed
@lucasantoniodiasmaschio2490 Жыл бұрын
I just love this podcast
@YourRiversAreWrong Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for listening! :D
@fujin27 Жыл бұрын
Omg I finally got caught up! I can’t wait for 50!
@YourRiversAreWrong Жыл бұрын
The episodes are uploaded faster on Spotify, or any other podcasting platform :D
@storms1791 Жыл бұрын
i love hot hands and little frosty so much
@YourRiversAreWrong Жыл бұрын
We do too! :D
@nairocamilo Жыл бұрын
Nooo, don't choose mine first! 🙈 I tried to conjure a phrase out of the ether, but I did create my own take on the prompt after I studied it for a few minutes... And it was quite different from your majestic takes 😅 Edit: I listened to it first as a podcast first and missed the visuals. Watch this with the screen on!
@sindex Жыл бұрын
The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies ever made. I hope y'all enjoy.
@YourRiversAreWrong Жыл бұрын
We loved it! We'll talk all about it on episode 43~
@crackersalone5870 Жыл бұрын
The way I never knew winery’s name was Dante…
@3portiparty Жыл бұрын
You have never seen The Princess Bride? Inconceivable!
@YourRiversAreWrong Жыл бұрын
We have now! :D