Methoden - Simulation
2 ай бұрын
Datenanalyse - Regression I
2 ай бұрын
Methoden - Experimente
3 ай бұрын
Methoden - Fragenkonstruktion
Methoden - Umfragen
3 ай бұрын
Datenanalyse - Mittelwerttest I
Methoden - Stichproben und Selektion
Datenanalyse - Hypothesentests
Datenanalyse - Konfidenzintervall
Methoden - Spuren und Sekundärdaten
Datenanalyse - Schätzen
5 ай бұрын
Methoden - Interviews
5 ай бұрын
Datenanalyse - Grenzwertsatz
Methoden II - Einführung
5 ай бұрын
Datenanalyse II - Einführung
RWTH - Bachelor Soziologie
7 ай бұрын
Methoden - Klausurvorbereitung
Datenanalyse - Klausurvorbereitung
Methoden - Forschungsdesign
8 ай бұрын
Datenanalyse - Regression 2/2
Methoden - Messung
8 ай бұрын
Datenanalyse - Regression 1/2
@murators4732 2 ай бұрын
Danke für das Bereitstellen. War sehr hilfreich!
@professor_g 2 ай бұрын
Freut mich, dass die Vorlesung weiterhilft.
@professor_g 2 ай бұрын
Hinweis: Bei der Formel für die Prüfgröße des approximierten Binomialtest hat sich leider ein kleiner Fehler eingeschlichen. In der entsprechenden Formel muss es im Nenner pi_o und nicht p heissen. Also... Z = (p - pi_0) / sqrt( pi_o * (1 - pi_o) / n)
@hadiawa4816 3 ай бұрын
so schön erklärt!!!!! Vielen Dank 😊
@professor_g 2 ай бұрын
Freut mich, dass es hilfreich ist.
@DiamondGecko-hq6ty 4 ай бұрын
jez will ich den geburtstag wissen. xD kann ja nich zufällig der 29.03 sein?
@professor_g 4 ай бұрын
Die Einzelwahrscheinlichkeit ist wie gesagt sehr gering, aber jetzt kommt der Selektionseffekt ins Spiel (da gibt es übrigens auch eine Vorlesung dazu), dass Leute die nicht Ende März Geburtstag haben, diese Frage auch so wohl nicht stellen würden ;-). Von daher haben wir Glück und können in der Tat am selben Tag Geburtstag feiern!
@DiamondGecko-hq6ty 4 ай бұрын
@@professor_g 😳 Damit hätte ich ja jez tatsächlich nicht wirklich gerechnet. 😅😂
@paulpower324 4 ай бұрын
sehr anschauliche Art zu erklären. Danke für den Upload!
@visualisierte 4 ай бұрын
Echt guter Vortrag!
@SolracFS 6 ай бұрын
epische Musik am Ende.
@lautlos2121 7 ай бұрын
Bro denkt er könnte dieses Feuer veröffentlichen und keiner würde es merken 😶
@lautlos2121 7 ай бұрын
Eminem war sehr leise seit dieser Knüller veröffentlicht wurde ...
@Rasgul777 8 ай бұрын
@Highlights_fut 9 ай бұрын
Hallo Thomas Grund, ist alles in Ordnung? Ich bin Brasilianer und laufe einen Marathon mit Ihren Videos, weil ich nicht nur Datenanalyse lerne, sondern auch die deutsche Sprache lerne. Ich möchte eines Tages in meinem Leben in Brasilien für ein deutsches Unternehmen arbeiten. Gott segnet
@professor_g 9 ай бұрын
Das is super und freut mich. Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg!
@SepulchralMonument_Nito 9 ай бұрын
Ok, die fachmännische Einblendung des Weihnachtsmanns aus Düsseldorf (3:31) hat seine Wirkung nicht verfehlt, ahahaha Beste Grüße, Niko (Analytical Sociology Seminar)
@professor_g 9 ай бұрын
Aw, schön war's!
@succulentqueen7737 9 ай бұрын
Fascinating. We are in a bad neighborhood. We always have to sweep up trash off the street in front of the house on trash day. It's worth it. Last time when I was sweeping the street after the trash truck came, the neighbor swept the street in front of her house too. I thought that was awesome.
@gunterstruck6838 10 ай бұрын
@Eashrat 10 ай бұрын
So nen Professor hätte ich auch gerne :D
@thrushenmari8601 11 ай бұрын
Prof Thomas, thank you for sharing some of the work being done in Sociology. It is improving my understanding.
@rw5674 11 ай бұрын
Ich finde es prima, dass die Vorlesungen hochgeladen werden 🎉 Danke
@rw5674 11 ай бұрын
Sehr interessant 👍 Danke
@jj..- Жыл бұрын
This is like wearing masks
@hatsunemiku09jp41 Жыл бұрын
Ich finde die Vorlesung zu "Methoden I - Empirische Sozialforschung" gut, ich studiere es nicht, aber mache ein selbststudium
@aibai1265 Жыл бұрын
Ich finde es ist sehr gut erklärt. Danke! Ich studierte Soziologie Bachelor an der JKU in Linz Österreich und wir haben auch Datenanalyse I und II. Bei uns ist alles so schwer, weil wir auch selbstständig mit SPSS arbeiten und insgesamt 7 Berichte mit jede 20 Seiten als HÜ schreiben. Wir arbeiten mit z.B SSÖ 2016 Daten. Es kostet sehr viel Zeit und viel Geduld. Und das Programm SSPS müssen wir auch selbst besorgen (35 Euro). Klausur Datenanalyse I war sehr schwer und Viele sind durchgefallen. Ich lerne jetzt für die Klausur Datenanalyse II. Regression, Faktoranalyse. Clusteranalyse sind Hauptthemen. Ich finde, dass ihr es alles einfacher habt… Wünsche viel Erfolg und Glück!
@professor_g Жыл бұрын
Freut mich, dass dir das Video hilft. Hört sich nach viel an was ihr da machen müsst :-( Kleiner Tipp: Immer einen Schritt nach dem anderen gehen.
@serotragtmantel3982 Жыл бұрын
Echt gute Vorlesung !
@SheliaThompsonChaparralHS Жыл бұрын
Maturity levels are huge factors in educational success...
@xarv368 Жыл бұрын
I have a base with the variable: city, north_coordinate, south_coordinate. How could I make a network?
@huanghuang3806 Жыл бұрын
Due to no detailed information, I guess the city should be nodes with geographic information. But you did not identify what the links are, for instance, whether the airline connection exists between two cities? If you have identified the links, you can generate the adjacency network or edge lists as excel file and import it into stata as network.
@nilsxy424 Жыл бұрын
Brrrrrpppp turn up Party .....
@cmartin6109 Жыл бұрын
This great . Hip hop has truly changed and shaped the world. It's poetry, humor, edutainment in rhythm. Thank you for your contribution to higher learning, and educating in a way that is fun and easy to all human brains and hearts. Keep going
@justanotherguy469 Жыл бұрын
It does not really matter if something is true or not, as long as you believe in it? Really?! Good grief!
@professor_g Жыл бұрын
The original quote from William I. Thomas is "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." The whole thing is known in the literature as Thomas-theorem and was formulated in 1928. Of course, some things objectively do exist or not, no doubt. If you are poor, you are poor and you cannot define it away. I think William I. Thomas wanted to highlight that perception is subjective and that the definition of the situation matters nevertheless. Thoughts?
@justanotherguy469 Жыл бұрын
​@@professor_g Thank you for replying in a thought provoking and intellectual way. I understand what he was trying to say, and what you are saying. It can be very difficult to have a discussion on a simple subject, much less one as esoteric as this one. Why? Because the language that we use, is fundamentally flawed, and have been done so deliberately. Men do not define situations. It is fundamentals which define words through representation, and words in turn, spoken by men, is what defines situations. All objective things are real, with or without man. Furthermore, I can not be "poor"; however, I can be living poorly. I can not be poor as "poor" is an adjective. You can not be a description. You are, and will ever only be a human being. The problem is that nouns are being used as verbs and adjectives are being used as nouns. By his reasoning, if you define lies to be real, then the consequences are real and negative. However, if you define truth to be real, then the reverberations are real and positive. His dictum is logical, but based on a false premise that "real" is most likely negative; therefore his usage of the term "consequences", which has a negative connotation... Eloquence with dire consequences. Man is not the decider of truth, he is the creator of falsehood! And one of the best way to commit acts of malfeasance, undetected, is by perverting the fundamental construct of grammar and language, through the agency of "meaning" and its dissimulation, graphically, through the imperceptible construct of the simulacrum. Truth is eternal and henceforth, fundamental. It is man with his semantic prestidigitation that turns lies into truth.
@SamBrickell Жыл бұрын
This thread followed a well established pattern. *1.* initial "quippy" derogatory comment from a nobody (literally "justanotherguy" in this case) *2.* paragraph response from video creator *3.* multiple paragraphs, overuse of the word "furthermore" in a desperate attempt to not be judged solely for the initial random comment
@SamBrickell Жыл бұрын
And *4.* comment from a guy who should be asleep, but instead likes to argue on the internet
@justanotherguy469 Жыл бұрын
@@SamBrickell 1. That was a direct quote from the video. You do realize that a persons self ascribed sobriquet is not who they are, it is whom that they would like to be. Quick, run to Google and look up that word because I know that you do not know what it represents. 2. Please learn how to capitalize and punctuate. 3. Learn how to write and speak without usage of the word "literally", and also learn how to use paragraphs. Come with an intellectual response as to why my comment is invalid. I am sure that you can not understand a word that I have said, which is why you did not. I am here to have an exchange of knowledge, I could not care any less about being judged by you. Thank you, and be well.
@yolandaanna-mariex9024 2 жыл бұрын
This is such a good breakdown of the theory with accompanying experimental research to further explain. Thank you! :)
@kalliope5728 2 жыл бұрын
die Soundeffekte sind sehr irritierend und zu laut
@professor_g 2 жыл бұрын
Hier ist ein link zu einer Version ohne Soundeffekte:
@gehtnixan6678 2 жыл бұрын
"This is Fake news" ist ein sehr passender Einwurf, wenn über Fehleinschätzungen geht. :D
@nazimyacoub7825 2 жыл бұрын
the second example is not eco fallacy. It is due to confounder. No leveling here .
@manojtamang2688 2 жыл бұрын
Great video and effort
@professor_g 2 жыл бұрын
Kurze Korrektur: Auf der Folie bei Minute 28:00 steht Dienstag 21.07.2022 als Termin für die Klausur. Das ist natürlich der nächste Donnerstag und nicht der nächste Dienstag.
@professor_g 2 жыл бұрын
Hinweis: In den Formeln zur Berechnung der Standardabweichung und der Varianz habe ich ein Summenzeichen im Zähler vergessen!
@professor_g 2 жыл бұрын
Min 1:31:30 Natürlich Freiburg und nicht Frankfurt!
@Artana2012 2 жыл бұрын
:)) I laugh through the video. But all these framwork is still too simple to explain many macro-micro links. Macro institutions are always multiple, they interact themselves and affect micro levels. That they are affected back by micro levels OR NOT need conditions. Eastern worlds are also very different, basically in they way micro individuals think about themselves, their existence in their own macro (not-necessary) "so-called society".
@richardgeddes630 2 жыл бұрын
It would be interesting to see if the type of disorder makes a difference. In other words instead of random graffiti, put up something similar to a Banksy, also considered graffiti, but carrying a message. Is it the randomness or the "you are not supposed to do something" issue that promotes increased bad behavior. When people listen to a foreign language, a type of perceived randomness, some people react with bad behavior.
@professor_g 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting point, I am not aware of any research that goes deeper into this. Mostly, the treatment is on "breaking a rule", but special ways of how a rule is broken have not been studied. Probably, in the case of a Banksy, folks would see it as something different than what the rule had tried to prohibit, and then maybe don't break other norms. But that is just a thought and speculation.
@emmareyes7459 Жыл бұрын
@@professor_g i have some insight on this, nothing proven BUT it IS proven in aesthetics, its long but very simple to understand: Whenever an object has irregular shapes, such as those found in the wrinkles of jeans we see wrinkles in different directions, different lengths, depths, curves, lines, etc. All of these are variations, which make the object look INFORMAL. To make the object look more FORMAL, we iron the jeans to remove those random wrinkles and give it a regular or uniform appearance. This may also be why we are required to wear uniforms at school, to achieve this regularity and uniformity (in color, shape, length, etc) We can apply this in many different scenarios: hair that has RANDOM strands in different (directions, lengths, or colors) is almost alway seen as informal. Just think of frizzy, or afro hair, which can be amazing but usually not in formal settings. Speech which has irregular enunciation such as (random spacing of time between words spoken = ehmm...but...., random volume changes = for example, from whispering to almost shouting, random acceleration or deceleration of pacing of words, presents the same informality. The opposite, regularity in enunciation (volume, rhythm, spacing between words) makes it seem more elegant and formal. The same applies to graffity and broken glasses, they are not uniform and are irregular. Graffity is definitely irregular and messy, the spray paint naturally sprays more paint on some letters and less on others, usually they are also sprayed with shaky hands = squiggly i's, t's d's, words going upwards or downwards irregularly. This is all informal, just imagine going to 5th grade class and handing out a paper like that. Same thing applies to broken windows, the shards are a complete mess, some smaller, some bigger, in different directions, some on the floor, some on the window. This mess shows the absence of an authority figure to impose rules or regularity in society. The opposite, elegance and formality, which is shown through REGULARITY, indicate the influence of some authority figure who imposes rules and structure in society. This applies in schools, government and religious institutions, which are almost ALWAYS formal.
@RickDesotell 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who was born in July I can tell you that this is definitely true. Even six months is a huge advantage when we are young. Some kids would grow 3- 4 inches during summer break alone.
@jeffb5785 2 жыл бұрын
I am slightly ashamed to say I heard of the broken windows theory being used in New York City many years ago and never questioned what it was and I had no idea what it was until I watched this video. I think it is genius.
@zwelthureinmyo3747 2 жыл бұрын
Great af!
@HuyNguyen-rv9ge 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Thomas Grund a lot. Can we use social network analysis for doing genetic network analysis?
@neeloor2004able 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting and informative video thanks a lot
@professor_g 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it!
@raizenperez5295 3 жыл бұрын
Kaway kaway first year. ng plp
@user-uz2gb9ci7u 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the great tutorial! straightforward and easy to follow along!
@ericrooker6148 3 жыл бұрын
Has anyone done research on Broken Window theory in the workplace? I wonder about the implications on motivation or even practical drift.
@colinkaepernick6049 3 жыл бұрын
Very exciting! Best greetings from Bern, Switzerland :-)
@chrislumi176 3 жыл бұрын
I M a PHD focus on SNA and corporate finance
@chrislumi176 3 жыл бұрын
hello dear professor Thomas,can you share some experience about how to transmit 2-mode network into 1-mode network using nwcommands? THANKS
@bigbrotheriswatching1190 3 жыл бұрын
"Okay class, go discuss about why the protesters were angry at the G20 summit." KZbin Auto-captions: [Music]
@salmazeidat9048 3 жыл бұрын
are you watching this for sociology at UH? LMFAOO
@bigbrotheriswatching1190 3 жыл бұрын
@@salmazeidat9048 AAAAAYYYYY
@salmazeidat9048 3 жыл бұрын
@@bigbrotheriswatching1190 LMAOOOO IM SO DEAD