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2 ай бұрын
2 ай бұрын
Tout sur Vap Chef 2024 !
7 ай бұрын
Teaser Vapexpo Awards 2024
9 ай бұрын
10 ай бұрын
10 ай бұрын
@solarijp06 3 ай бұрын
Géniale cette compétition et vive la Vape et la gastronomie française
@VAPEXPOFranceOfficiel 3 ай бұрын
Merci beaucoup ☺
@solarijp06 4 ай бұрын
Deux vapes cohabitent on dirait la 10ml nicotinée tpd et les grands formats exclusifs plus créatifs mais moins rassurants, quelles garanties pour nous consommateurs ?
@solarijp06 4 ай бұрын
Génial le dispositif de mind Map pour suivre le cours des raisonnements de la discussion bravo
@curieuxe-liquides7858 5 ай бұрын
@VAPEXPOFranceOfficiel 5 ай бұрын
merci beaucoup :)
@-www.SamtumCOM 8 ай бұрын
VAPEXPO France est un grand salon professionnel de la cigarette électronique en France. En tant que l'un des trois premiers fabricants d'équipements de fabrication de l'industrie chinoise de la cigarette électronique, la société Samtum espère apporter davantage de produits exceptionnels à l'industrie de la cigarette électronique lors de cette exposition. VAPEXPO France is a large professional electronic cigarette exhibition in France. As one of the top 3 manufacturing equipment manufacturers in the Chinese electronic cigarette industry, Samtum Company looks forward to bringing more outstanding products to the electronic cigarette industry through this exhibition.
@-www.SamtumCOM 8 ай бұрын
VAPEXPO France is a large professional electronic cigarette exhibition in France. As one of the top 3 manufacturing equipment manufacturers in the Chinese electronic cigarette industry, Samtum Company looks forward to bringing more outstanding products to the electronic cigarette industry through this exhibition. VAPEXPO France est un grand salon professionnel de la cigarette électronique en France. En tant que l'un des trois premiers fabricants d'équipements de fabrication de l'industrie chinoise de la cigarette électronique, la société Samtum espère apporter davantage de produits exceptionnels à l'industrie de la cigarette électronique lors de cette exposition.
@cloudking8899 10 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure this video is a masterpiece but it's spoken in French meaning I have to follow along with subtitles🖕
@alinsirca6090 10 ай бұрын
This is marketing
@Fafa-ru6rm Жыл бұрын
très bon film , merci a vous
@johnjack5417 Жыл бұрын
J'ai set entendu un tas de fausses croyances et de non sens sur les pb du tabagisme mais là c'est un florilège. Pas un mot sur l'addiction... Tout pour la vape et ça va bien se passer pour votre petit commerce. Sauf que l'évolution est le vapofumage et ça ne résoudra rien . Et ensuite comment se débarrasser de la vape? Tu vas téter ta sucette toute ta vie? Allé, un bon rasage de près et une bonne coupe de cheveux et ça ira mieux😜
@SkywalkFPV Жыл бұрын
People holding on to there nicotine is the real problem, they had enough time to realize that vaping without nicotine is the best taste and its all about inhaling vape 'the physical addiction' of 'replicating smoking' just something for keeping there hands busy - that is what they are truly taking away now unfortunately!!! Stupid people inhaling there overdosed very dirty nicotine liquid is the real problem.. I got down to 0% within three weeks after smoking for 16 years it truly saved my life, I learned allot about vaping and see the true definition, where most people wont go that far and stick with there throw away liquid nicotine vape pods unfortunately!!!.. Learn to build yourself, makes it cheaper and better for environment and you could start to understand what you are doing and that it is just all about connoisseurship and understanding the beauty.. I have been vaping 'only colorless nicotine free flavor' ever since and feel better than ever!!.. I truly not only believe but know for a fact that vaping is the best invention for human healthcare on a way broader scale most people seem to realize!!.. (actually even for kids also, so you might wanna read on) Since there more benefits for vaping than only stopping cigarettes - Because It could also reduce obesities.. So do all you single minded trend following banning retards wake up now!?.. Obesities is the 2nd largest problem in human health care, the 'sugar' addiction besides smoking cigarettes is another problem on very big scale and deep inside you know damn well I am writing facts here!.. Instead of drinking a whole can of cola, or eating a whole bar of snicker or stuffing a bag of candy, we could just vape to resist that sugar crave with only a very very small % of vape sweetener that is also more cheap and way less complex and less harmful in ingredients, compared to most other consumables.. I know for a fact that vaping a whole 1 liter of my juice, is by miles way less toxic than taking just one sip of cola a bite of candy and way more healthy than one single cigaret that contains over 6000 chemicals!!.. so go pull some big clouds for gods sake!.. But nonetheless they are banning these cheap and way more healthy vape flavors - just imagine they are banning the flavor from your tongue o.0.. Government and Big Pharma have gone nuts, they were feeling ground loss quickly!.. So it is important to stay awake once again and keep the facts up front, and do not let them get away with this - this vape innovation is a true remedy for lot of problems and the one and only cure!!.. Just keep vaping and do not put that stupid nicotine or cbd inside it only causes problems, even coffee is more potent so common people.. Just see how they encourage and rather see you smoke and eat snicker while drinking cola, because they can earn more from you not only in taxes, but also in hospital care because making sure you have high probability of getting cancer, obesities and anxiety ect or what not, is one of the biggest earning models we should be afraid about, I may call it the invincible genocide - go figure the truth!! Vaping is really made by problem solvers for real problems and is not the problem itself!!.. Just stop the liquid nicotine and cbd vaping though, its disgusting and bad for you and not meant to be vaped at all.. And that is the only reason they use to ban this tool that could have been the most positive invention for mankind since a long time.. (And while they ban liquid nicotine vaping they are hiding it behind banning 'flavor itself' since nicotine is there actual trademark since they just continue with providing nicotine cancer sticks called cigarettes, pretending those are better regulated and kids have no access to them, what a transparent laugh ffs)
@Fafa-ru6rm Жыл бұрын
chouette on souhaitent y venir , car ça seras notre 1er Vapexpo,
@stvalue3 Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile, buying vape products has been completely banned in San Francisco, the home of Juul Headquarters.
@heidigood6267 Жыл бұрын
Vaping continues to save thousands of lives in 2023
@tooffx891 Жыл бұрын
La plupart de ces fumeurs qui n'ont pas franchi le pas de la VAPE c'est au moins 75 % de goût niveau liquide et les autres 25 % c'est matériel. Je rajouterai aussi que la plupart des fumeurs ne connaissent pas toutes les possibilités niveau matériel et jus dans la VAP. Il faudrait les guider.
@stephanelaumonier8298 Жыл бұрын
De la glycérine, colorant, arômes ect dans les poumons, ça devrait être interdit.
@zash2436 Жыл бұрын
On ta pas demander ton avis tdc
@lecossaislukwos5341 Жыл бұрын
Le Anikin qui ouvre sa gueule alors qu'il n'arrête pas de fumer depuis des années en faisant semblant de s'intéresser la vape!!!Ca suffit ce parasite qu'il la ferme une fois pour toute !
@karlbernz Жыл бұрын
ce boulet d'anakine, 170 ans de vape au compteur et qui continue de fumer comme 1 pompier, un véritable échec sur pattes mais qui peut pas s'empêcher de donner des leçons à tort et à travers
@t0m_v4p20 Жыл бұрын
Les puffs doivent être interdite, surtout quand on a aucune idée du liquide qui s'y trouve ! De plus c'est écologiquement débile... Les puffs c'est bien de la grosse M....
@sylvainbordes7615 Жыл бұрын
@romainaa1339 Жыл бұрын
@ginagayout8885 Жыл бұрын
@niziofrgaming6676 Жыл бұрын
Bonjour je me rends pour la première fois à la vape expo et j'aimerais savoir quelle est la différence entre le pass visitor à 10€ et le pass adhérent gratuit
@Robone54 Жыл бұрын
Adhérents c'est genre les professionnels qui sont la le dimanche pour négocier entre marque pour qu'ils vendent leurs produits dans leurs boutiques. Je suis pas sûre car ça va être aussi ma première vapexpo
@laurentfago5806 Жыл бұрын
Bonjour la meilleure boutique de cigarette électronique c’est vape station à Lyon
@solarijp06 2 жыл бұрын
Bon salon à tous les passionnés et les pros aussi bien sûr :-)
@fishinglurr6542 2 жыл бұрын
Sfhfsolsmgmdaheudek ksfjfkgjaooej ffkgjwhodogkf otgjd
@donovanlebosse8345 2 жыл бұрын
Tu fais ça comment je suis impressionner
@zen-Christ 2 жыл бұрын
Je suis vapoteur moi-même mais il n'empêche que je sais rester objectif, c'est à dire ni pro vape ni contre vape. Les pro vape ont tous ce discours sur la nicotine alors qu'elle est le réel ennemi à se débarrasser ! C'est elle qui fait l'addiction à la clope mais aussi à la vape ! Quelqu'un qui n'a jamais fumé de sa vie ne ressent aucun besoin de nicotine, cessez de faire croire aux autres que si ! Combien j'en vois qui même ayant décroché de la clope restent accros à la vape et ne peuvent pas l'arrêter ! Le vrai combat c'est le décrochage de la nicotine, point barre ! Sinon c'est juste un combat de profit entre Big-Tabacco et l'industrie de la vape. Vaper n'a jamais été un besoin vital !
@zen-Christ 2 жыл бұрын
Je suis KZbinur et Vapoteur, j'aimerais créer une chaîne KZbin pour la Vape pour aider les fumeurs mais c'est totalement interdit maintenant sur KZbin ! C'est dans leur règlement, interdit de faire des vidéos à propos de la Vape ! Les lobbys sont passés par là !
@lesrappeursenherbe 2 жыл бұрын
le chomage ?
@Legalthccartstore 2 жыл бұрын
Look up that handle 👆👆, he ships swiftly, and he got Shrooms, Dmt, Lsd, Mdma, Psilocybin, chocolate bars, and Vape Carts he's got a lot.. 🍄 💊🍄🍫💯🔌.....
@rekleif 2 жыл бұрын
But the WHO also said that the Wuhan cold was inconsequential, so the moral is never to trust the WHO......
@quint0sh 2 жыл бұрын
@louisecroccel8026 2 жыл бұрын
Quel artiste !!!
@yandilly9416 2 жыл бұрын
0% nicotine better for our health.Committed to improve smokers.Tell us,the original factory here.
@sekanyoshafique5643 2 жыл бұрын
Has anyone used vaping for more than 2 years?!
@ared4579 2 жыл бұрын
i am
@AlexBretonALondre 2 жыл бұрын
Nice production, I'm amazed people saying that they think it's worse than cigarette without any knowledge of e-cig. I've stopped smoking with e-cig, now vaping without nicotine. I'm happy that it does exist
@MBgav0 2 жыл бұрын
Wow he smocked how cool
@Bongwell420 2 жыл бұрын
@marlenecesarotti8468 2 жыл бұрын
I feel any foreign smoke breathing into your lungs cannot be a good thing but if people enjoy it do it.......
@vischo 2 жыл бұрын
From a-pack-a-day smoker for over 20 years and 5 failed attempts to quit, today I complete 2 weeks without lighting a cigarette thanks to the e-cig, and I can't say I suffered at all. The only sacrifice was to change a bit your routine. I completely traded the traditional cigarette for the e-cig; smoked my last one just outside of the vaping store, got my e-cig and a couple of e-liquid bottles. For 2 days I missed the bitter flavor in my mouth associated to smoking, and the act of lighting the cigarette too, then quickly at some point my brain learned than the relief came from the e-cig and its sweet flavor instead of the traditional cigarette. During those 2 days the changes in my body started to show. My tongue changed its color and its sensitivity drastically, flavors got way more intense and different, coffee and food tastes different now, better, I'm also way more sensitive to smells. Then you start seeing other things, like no more ashtrays, bad breath, smelly clothes and hair, the noise in my chest is gone, I stopped snoring while sleeping, I can fill my lungs with air quickly without coughing. And the ritual involving lighting a cigarette is replaced by the ritual of cleaning and filling your e-cig tank, which is way more satisfying and ceremonial. One super important aspect of this is that you can decide how much nicotine you put in you. When you need it, you can use a higher dose liquid, and for the rest of the time you can use 0 mg of it. You can plan and start lowering your nicotine consumption in time, you can be nicotine free within a few weeks, and when you get to that point you can stop vaping whenever you want. I decided to let myself vape as much as I want for one month, while I get used to this instead of smoking, then my nicotine reduction plan starts. I also calculated how much nicotine I had to start with so I don't miss the cigarette and I don't go back to smoking. Last night I had a meeting with ex classmates, half of them were smoking, while I was vaping. That should have been a rough test, and I can very, very happily say I didn't miss to smoke a cigarette at all. I was offered a fancy cigar and normal cigarettes a few times, I didn't feel the need or the temptation to accept any of them, cause I was more than fine with my tobacco, coffee and cream sweet flavored e-liquid. Besides, either smokers or non smokers were bothered by my vapours. Ok, I get it, 15 years of e-cigs is not enough so we can say we have long term studies, but all the people who moved completely from traditional cigarette to e-cigs will tell you they feel better, they breathe better and that their health improved, and you know what, that gotta mean something, right? We have no long term studies, but those experiences are also voluntary experiments that should be considered!
@mlifevape9895 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, we have the best Disposable vape, we are the best OEM/ODM e-cigarette factory in China #mlifevape
@lostmonkky950 2 жыл бұрын
Smoking e-cigarettes is still smoking! You are still smokers. What is wrong with people who comment here? How can you deceive yourself this much? The documentary is ironic.
@lostmonkky950 2 жыл бұрын
I can't believe some of the comments here. People this documentary is ironic. This is just showing how ridiculous is to think that smoking e-cigarettes is not smoking. This is ridiculous how people deceive themselves. E-cigarette people, please don't call yourself non-smokers, you are still smokers you just don't want to acknowledge the truth.
@Sctn187 2 жыл бұрын
@Sctn187 2 жыл бұрын
@stephanelaumonier8298 2 жыл бұрын
J'ai dû arrêter la vap, malade à crever, les poumons collés.
@ashadonoma5058 2 жыл бұрын
J'ai lu des conneries mais celle là elle est aussi grosse , les poumons collés n'importe quoi.
@ashadonoma5058 2 жыл бұрын
Toujours LILLE comme si les autres villes étaient inexistantes, vous connaissez BORDEAUX TOULOUSE ECT....... Pensez un peu aux autres coins du pays
@stefanluthi6399 2 жыл бұрын
@OscarVaughn 2 жыл бұрын
Vaping saved my life ..
@CallMeThrasher_ 2 жыл бұрын
Fire accent