It was really nice to see so many Toast Master members that have so much talent. It brightened up my day. Thank You!
@oliangoliang93667 жыл бұрын
@tsengyen59687 жыл бұрын
@terrie0017 жыл бұрын
Wow. I watch this a year after this happened. Super impressive Toastmasters from Taiwan!!! To get people to speak is one thing, speak in front of large group is one thing, to be on video and online is one thing, and all of that plus singing and dancing in the public? And the turnout is huge! Truly inspiring and an impossible task accomplished!
Lovely. I was made in Taiwan but have lived in London for 51 years. And I've been a Toastmaster for 10 years. The train station seems to have got bigger. I haven't been there for around 10 years!
閃後感言 (筆者為參加者) 台北,金融業快閃是我一直期待能參加的一個活動。 心想事成,到現在我還不敢相信我的夢想實現了 ^.^。我非常享受整個學習過程,從一開始的「拉拉拉拉拉」然後分部到練唱,靜慧老師及李老師用心從頭教起,讓我覺得好像重返高中時的練唱比賽,收穫滿滿。 表演日期一天一天的近了,深覺自己進度落後,每天在家聽二聲部的歌及跳小蘋果,現在表演已經結束了,無時無刻我腦子都還是you raise me up & 小蘋果的歌聲,久久不能忘。台上3分鐘台下3年功,真的感謝幕後的所有工作人員及指導老師,才有這次永生難忘的非專業人士的快閃經歷。再次感謝大家!!
@BrendaAvadian8 жыл бұрын
WAOW! I am proud of my fellow Toastmasters in Taiwan. Loved the 30-second mash-up at the 7:20 mark. And look at the choreography at 7:51! And at 10:15, people's comments about the Flash Mob and the District Director's words at the end. Again, WAOW! We in District 33 need to do something like this here in the Los Angeles area--home of world-famous icons. YESSSS!
@carolinekiang45558 жыл бұрын
This is Caroline, the district director 2015-2016, love to have your nice words, it takes me 4 months to do it. Please help to promote it in your district 33. By the way did you see the international magazine reported this event on our October issue?
@BrendaAvadian8 жыл бұрын
Caroline K, no, I have not yet read the issue. I'll look for it now that you mentioned it.
This year our team Toastmasters D67 did a few things which considered impossible including this flash mob, this is not easy if you thought it is only a 10 minutes performance. First, our members are from Pingtung to Taipei, we do not have the budget to practice together, we divided into three sections (Kaohsiung, Taichung, Taipei) and sending them the DVD and sheet music to practice themselves. We got together is in the morning of the "day". next, none of us is a professional singer, but we had a great music director Mr. Kao chang Lee, with his enthusiastic and patience, we made it!
@markma42488 жыл бұрын
剎那即是永恆---2016 年4月29, 我們寫下了歷史...-----柏拉圖說 :音樂是一種道德律,它使宇宙有靈魂,使心靈有翅膀,使想像得以飛翔,使一切有生命..-----為何要辦民歌快閃?對我來說.. 民歌代表舊時代(oldies but goodies), 快閃代表新思維.. 在這新舊時代交替的時候, 我想很多在台灣這片土地上的人都覺得這社會變了 年長一點的人懷念過去,年輕人渴望新舞台, 所以我覺得這不只是一個音樂饗宴... 是一個可以藉由音樂喚起時代意義跟精神的活動.. 就是要找回那一份人與人之間的互信跟感動...半年前Caroline 跟Trini 跟我提這個構想的時候 ,我壓根就想:"你們是鬧著玩的吧?" 所謂台上三分鐘 台下十年功 你們不知道辦一場快閃要動用多少資源, 會有多累.. (以前我弄過 ,結果蠻令人沮喪的,充其量只算是自high吧) 我在此期間也跟一些Toastmaster 會友組過一個小小的音樂同好團.. 但我沒說穿, 這回就衝著Toastmaster club 的精神試試看吧.. 於是我加入了, 原來只是想唱唱歌,沒想到陣仗越弄越大, 竟然還要跳小蘋果(老骨頭看都要拆了吧..) 最後得老師賞識當了木吉他主奏(雖然老師勸我彈電吉他,因為感覺很陶醉)從一個毫無組織的一群人變成一個有分部的合唱團體.. 其中的過程是高潮迭起令人驚訝的..我也有幸被選為錄音團體的一員, 真的很開心. 其實老師最令我最讚賞的是他的好脾氣, 他每次都很委婉的指出我們需要改進的地方 (以前我們合唱團老師.. 遇到我們唱不好 ..根本就懶得理你.. 叫你到一邊罰站) 還有一個值得一提的是,在這段時間我們培養的感情與默契是彌足珍貴的 那可以讓我們在關鍵時刻激發潛能...最後驗收的時候來了... 星期五早上先去火車站走位,可能是我彈著吉他太顯眼吧,警察先生找上了我..並要我留下電話. 說也奇怪,我沒有緊張,而是很驕傲的告訴他們我們的"偉大志業", 並邀他們一起參與.. 3點到了.. 所有的演練終將檢驗,所有的能量即將爆發.. 我們果然沒有讓大家失望.. 四首樂曲加上舞蹈,從抒情到輕快到搖滾.. 我沉浸在音樂聲中自在的彈唱著樂曲.. 身體的細胞也自然地跟著律動.. 我還特別找觀眾的鏡頭時而往上看時而轉身.. 哇, 這就是Flash mob..I finally did it! 所謂的感動我想就是這樣吧... 一群人"無私的"團結在一起共同完成一件事.. 要感謝的人太多了..除了感謝還是感謝...表演結束後,竟還有觀眾問我是不是校園民歌手哩, 哈, 我只好不承認也不否認囉.. 彷彿又讓我回到那段青澀天真的歲月..我們終於做到了... 真的會在歷史上留下痕跡.. 將我們的努力讓世界都看見..Toastmasters, you raise me up to more than I can be
@tinal39088 жыл бұрын
Well done and awesome!!
@angelaweng29568 жыл бұрын
難忘且美好的回憶 Unforgettable and wonderful memory。將不可能變成永恆,很開心並感謝來自全國各地的會友們共同成就人生中又一幅的美景。
@sunnylin35538 жыл бұрын
Wow, it's wonderful. Congratulations are in order for those who participated. You guys are great..
@emilyhuang61528 жыл бұрын
Awesome! 最高!
@carolinechia24818 жыл бұрын
@dalelin53108 жыл бұрын
Well done, Toastmasters Taiwan. A great selection of songs I remember as a teenager in Taiwan and showcasing some interesting new songs (including 小蘋果). This is a positive reflection of the society in Taiwan these days: modern, multicultural and multilingual. So proud to see you dancing in the video, my big sister Wendy Lin 林宛瑩!
@markma42488 жыл бұрын
What a masterpiece! wonderful songs and arrangement