My Murder Drones Hotakes!
21 күн бұрын
Did we get the Bad Ending?
Hey guys it's me Uzi Doorman
Low Tier God Meme But J
3 ай бұрын
500 Subs Q&A
3 ай бұрын
"Ooh A Fanart Contest?"
3 ай бұрын
How Episode 7 Should've Ended
"Uzi are you asleep?"
3 ай бұрын
Untitled Video.mp3
3 ай бұрын
N in spaaacee! (MD Blender)
3 ай бұрын
N Can't Cook
3 ай бұрын
Bro thinks he's Walter White
@ItsMeShiny_OwO Күн бұрын
Ain't no way, she's so talented💀💀💀 but I don't like that j hates n
@NimbleBread357 Күн бұрын
What if the end of Khan's arc was that in ep8 he died saving Uzi, redeeming himself while adding a bit of murder to the final episode of the show MURDER drones that is surprisingly lacking in kill count
@gleove1 Күн бұрын
We need a season 2 now!!!!!!
@chilliicecream5456 2 күн бұрын
Not a lot of people catch onto this, but Uzi’s character is all about uncertainty and fear. She’s at a point in her life where she’s uncertain about everything; her purpose, her place in her father’s life, at her school. The fact that there are angels of death lurking outside her home waiting to kill her doesn’t help. So she overcompensates by leaning into her edgy facade, pretending it doesn’t affect her when in reality it *all* does. Then it’s all capped off with the realisation that there is a very real possibility that she’s losing control of her body and mind to something no one can understand. It’s no wonder she’s so defensive. But it’s that fear that allows Cyn to take control of her, so naturally her arc resolves with her fully embracing herself and her fear, and using it against the Solver. She doesn’t become fearless, but she does become courageous.
@MurderdronesFanRainny 3 күн бұрын
This does need a lot of fixing
@GentleMu 5 күн бұрын
I think it's worth noting that when V says she feels nothing, her eye twitches twice. Seems like a fair indication to me that, befitting her whole relationship with N at this point, it's just another of her attempts at pushing him away with a disaffected mask. Hell, maybe enjoying the killing is a mask too, and just a way to cope-buuuut I can't say that for certain, heh. In any case, V is one of my favorite characters without a doubt, so I want to thank you for this quality analysis of her character. The N and Uzi ones are just as meaningful, but... thank you. 😄
@Excavator32 5 күн бұрын
@@GentleMu no worries mate, glad you enjoyed it
@Smoltonk 7 күн бұрын
NAH BRO💀💀💀💀💀
@Bellaforever1122 7 күн бұрын
i hate that most md fans hate khan and dont try to understand that khan had his share of trauma too and being a single parent while having a daughter and a job to protect the whole colony,his obsession for doors is probably a coping mechanism to the fact he ende his wifes life with his own hands which actually made sense i mean who wouldnt turn to a coping mechanism like doors if they killed their loved ones life with our own hands 👍
@nickpixel1483 7 күн бұрын
They forgot Alice!
@mariaproelpro1406 10 күн бұрын
loved the video, loved khan, loved md
@TheRealSuperKirby 11 күн бұрын
My face when the character who was made to be hated, is hated: 😱
@GhostWasHere0 11 күн бұрын
In full honesty, I like Khan as a character, and his arch as a character. Also, he's a meme with doors 😂😂😂
@user-hp9gp6ct7q 12 күн бұрын
It's also interesting how Khan's door obsession derives from Nori ( not blaming her or anything ) : on ep 4 , while he shows Uzi the closet , he says nori was always like " build doors against the sky demons " . Imagine your wife always rambles about defending against sky demons which actually appear, inject acid into her and leave you no choice but to mercy kill her with a wrench . Oh , you are gonna build some doors .
@Fatal_Erorr_Sans 12 күн бұрын
He loves doors to much but he is over looked by the pilot i do feel bad for the man who is the most hated character in the show
@corvid_pest 12 күн бұрын
This man had to kill his wife he loved dearly to put her out of misery and built safety measures against the "sky demons" his wife told him about before her death and people are like "ugh why does this man have a three dimensional personality and makes decisions that we as watchers might not like worst character ever". Like give this man some rest he got more character development than some other characters. Khan is the best example of breaking out of your coding, confronting trauma and overcoming obstacles that hold back your potential to save his daughter. Khan in episode 1 was so afraid of N that he left Uzi to die by closing a door and in episode 8 he saved N by... closing a door. Without Dad #1 N wouldve most likely died and Uzi most likely wouldnt be brave enough to stand up to Cyn. Character Redemption and Development 10/10. Was he a neglectful parent? Yes. But he doesnt seem like he was neglectful intentionally to make Uzi suffer. He reminds me of my mother who was heavily depressed after breaking up with my dad. Not feeling worthy enough to care for your child that looks so much like your partner you lost in one way or another. But he tries and he's able to use his strenghts. He isnt a fighter and he knows that.
@Baseddarthplagueis 12 күн бұрын
Khan is the GOAT 🗣🗣❗️❗️.
@SmallSpacesScareMe 13 күн бұрын
Also, right before the first clip, Thad’s arm clips through the arm rests of the chair he’s sitting next to.
@LokiFreestyle 13 күн бұрын
Ok two things ah yes let's defend a man leaving his daughter to die (slightly joking) but two I think its because there was no payoff to his character arc due to the fact that there is only 8 episodes. He had ONE cool moment in the finale, and I think if it was more shown than implied there would be more love for him. Your argument is good but it falls flat when we overall have to ignore the fact that the obvious main issue of him isnt able to be properly fixed in the show we have to make some assumptions about his thoughts and intentions not that I am saying I disagree im saying that the show had shown this poorly bc it didnt have time to write it properly
@funky199 13 күн бұрын
khan the goatman 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥
@CROSSFIRE758-makorov87 13 күн бұрын
i saw the title and went, no way all the people i know likes this guy. including me.
@godlyhax4172 13 күн бұрын
Its like. Redemption is invisible if its not a main character
@Excavator32 13 күн бұрын
@@godlyhax4172 pretty much yeah
@Jellytarts1 13 күн бұрын
6:52 why is there a British Union Jack there?
@Excavator32 13 күн бұрын
@@Jellytarts1 every time I heard myself go British in editing, I added a union jack over it
@melissacervantes7805 13 күн бұрын
He was wasted in ep 8. But I understand the hate ( since I hated him before, not anymore) I think everyone is aware he kinda did make the right choice , but not the right choice as a father. More like this being logical, it hit personal for ALL OF US. The betrayal ( bc I’m pretty sure we all had a rocky relationship with our parents at one point) and then seeing your parent just leaving you to die? That hits HARD. ( just watch the woman who is a Therapist Video who reacts to Md, she explains much better. )
@Epikyoutubeviewer2097 13 күн бұрын
Khan is the best character.
@Epikyoutubeviewer2097 13 күн бұрын
Also, I didn't realize Khan closed the door
@fantastic0990 13 күн бұрын
Well if khan maneged to kill N (he can't but let's think that he can), if he died then J and V would overwhelm everyone and uzi so khan actually did a good thing for the entire colony and everyone else
@swag_trapp8937 13 күн бұрын
@gustavobretasrosa2017 12 күн бұрын
Khan's a goat by killing his own wife and leaving his own daughter to rot?
@solthedragoness 13 күн бұрын
In short, Khan started off as a pretty pathetic parent- who did things that, though wrong and unjustifiable, you can see the reasoning behind. BUT he then genuinely tried to improve, which he deserves a lot more respecc for.
@Damian-03x3 13 күн бұрын
Yup. He clearly had severe PTSD, and his decision would be cold but logical. Correct decistion that would've saved others if there were no ventilation shafts. At least Khan stayed there for Uzi, unlike Nori. Personally I'm fine with E8, him doing something at all was nice, especialyl considerign the very limited runtime. I wish he killed J of course, but I'm satisfied with what we've got. Let's take all the illogical hate Khan gets and put it on the most underhated character; J.
@Otohina_ 13 күн бұрын
I've never seen any hate for him, but if that really is the case, MY MAN DESERVES BETTER! The fandom should actually start thinking for once ffs
@casualscrollron3923 13 күн бұрын
Khan's hate probably comes from the fact that a how a character is percieved, stems from their introduction, so unless there was a good reason for how said character was being introduced as, or that it is ACTIVELY shown that they have changed, our perceptions on said character wouldn't really change that muach (and that some viewers these days (not all) have completly biased perceptions on said characters, and can't look, think or empathize deeper beyond what is happening onscreen) it just so happens that our introduction to Khan, was him being a "coward" and leaving Uzi behind, (the context clues on Khan caring about safety behind doors, and having to mercykill his wife were there, its just not shown on screen as much as him leaving Uzi). Moreover, look at Nori, while you could argue that she's worse than Khan, cause she left them both and didn't even do anything at the finale (in contrast to Khan), we don't see her do anything that's comparable to Khan "abandoning" Uzi, didn't help that Nori, with her solver and origin, is objectively a much more interesting character to us than Khan, the worker drone that's obsessed with doors, having only 8 episodes as a whole also didn't give Khan enough screentime for us to see him actually become better as a parent and character.
@Gnomelotte 13 күн бұрын
I always find it quite different to rank characters, especially in a show like this. Some I can kinda place.... Uzi is either A or S, and so is Nori. V moves into S. Rebecca and Lizzy are just funny characters, I like them for what they are, most likely B. Cyn and Doll are absolute S tier. N I think I put in A, where Tessa will join him (But as Cynessa she's at least hugging that S tier). J is probably B, Alice also B. Teacher high C. Emily is adorable, most likely C. Yeva is in a special tier called 'The drone I wanna hang with IRL.' Damn, I ended up fitting more characters than I thought I would. Oh and Solver as its own entity can go in S.
@hyperneutronstar428 13 күн бұрын
Not to mention that if Khan did successfully shoot N then they would have been completely screwed since J and V were going to break very soon after, N would be knocked out and Uzi's railgun would be on cooldown so they would have no way to defend against them, also side-tangent but honestly staying behind the doors really is just the smartest idea, V said she was trying to get in for months yet the door doesn't really seem to have any damage on the outside so clearly it's disassembly drone proof, I mean it would still be better if they built weapons just in case they ever broke in but nonetheless staying behind the doors is smarter than Uzi's plan of blindly rushing out with a one-time use railgun even if by pure coincidence it just so happened that cyn was gonna come and destroy the planet soon.
@user-or2nk5no3k 13 күн бұрын
I did a vote and I honestly picked Khan, And it was like the lowest one. I don't choose the slice, I choose the pizza. AND HE'S FUNNY!
@MurderDragons-q5w 13 күн бұрын
Finally someone said it! In my eyes, Khan was never that terrible of a character, it’s just that people hate anything that is flawed. His biggest mistake was probably leaving Uzi left with N to die, but you have to consider the trauma he experienced when he bludgeoned his own wife to give her mercy after one of the murder drones (i think it was N, which proves my point further) left her to die. He looked shocked and horrified at what was happening in front of him in Episode 1, and even incredibly guilty as he avoids looking at her eyes. You are right, he is a coward and people hate him for it, but realistically many of us would probably have done the same thing in that scenario. After that you see in putting in the effort and trying his best to become a better dad. He tried to find Uzi friends, tried to protect her by storing away her “crazed ramblings”, and even straight up went against the Absolute Solver, completely going against his normally cowardly approach! On the other hand…you have Nori. WHO ABSOLUTELY NEVER GETS ANY HATE AT ALL?? She literally abandoned Khan and Uzi with the excuse that she was trying to fight against the Absolute Solver, but we never actually see anything she did to slow the solver? Even after revealing herself to Uzi she never does anything useful after that. She’s just…there. Honestly, the Nori twist was awesome, don’t get me wrong, but I believe Khan is definitely the better half by a LONG SHOT! Always loved his character cause it is so developed and flawed and is actually the most “human” of all the robots (ironically) who just have their whole personality based on like one specific trait.
@LukeduPlessis-bl3dm 13 күн бұрын
Maybe people are hating on him because they know they would have done the same thing deep down, but are trying to hide it from themselves and everyone else
@Sirbattlecats-xu7pz 13 күн бұрын
Khan is my favorite character
@gustavobretasrosa2017 12 күн бұрын
@@Sirbattlecats-xu7pz oh please. Khan only cares about his damn doors than his own daughter!
@baileypressman7650 13 күн бұрын
FR- Unlike Most Bad Parents In Fiction, Khan Actively Tries To FIX His Mistakes. And Hey, I Can Respect That!
@gustavobretasrosa2017 12 күн бұрын
Since when he actually tried to fix his mistakes?!
@baileypressman7650 12 күн бұрын
@@gustavobretasrosa2017 He Started Trying To Be A Better Parent In The Show After EP1-
@gustavobretasrosa2017 12 күн бұрын
@@baileypressman7650 Nah dude. Khan is a coward for letting Uzi to die for N. Once a coward always a coward.
@baileypressman7650 12 күн бұрын
@@gustavobretasrosa2017 *Did You Even Watch The Video...? HELL. DID YOU EVEN WATCH EP7 AND 8-??*
@gustavobretasrosa2017 12 күн бұрын
@@baileypressman7650 Yes. And I saw that “development” that you guys wanna believe that Khan had!
@roborex6 14 күн бұрын
Union Jack jumpscare is spooky indeed
@userdata9511 14 күн бұрын
Yeah, I absolutely agree. I don’t think Khan was ever justified as a parent but I just can’t help but roll my eyes when someone hates a character out of their hate for their character flaws or when a character has behaviors, ideologies, beliefs directly goes against theirs. It doesn’t make them any less compelling from a technical writing standpoint, so it’s frustrating to see someone who can’t put aside their own perspective and actually look at the thematic framework at play. 4:09 Khan is actually somewhat decent socially, he is very colony/society driven because there’s safety in numbers and safety is kind of his whole thing and whatnot, his issue here is that he fails to understand his fundamentally different daughter. Very parallel to Rick Mictchell if you’ve seen *‘The Mitchell’s and the Machines’* I think your characterization is actually pretty accurate in this video. A lot of people will say Khan is a Type 9 cause he’s conflict avoidant but I actually don’t agree with that as he seems to struggle with a fundamental fear and anxiety rather than gut/bodily instincts, Khan being 6 coded makes a lot more sense for him, his main concern is safety and security via hiding behind the doors, and his arc seems to support this as well sense it’s all about him overcoming his anxiety and allat.
@PilotHat 14 күн бұрын
D O O R S! 🚪🚪🚪
@theamazinggamer111 14 күн бұрын
The TLDR answer to this question: *The community is one-sided and every character’s first impression is their one defining trait forever (this way of thinking is better known as ‘the common dummy’)*
@Gattobabbo06 14 күн бұрын
Khan 🔛🔝🔥🔥🗣️🗣️‼️‼️
@mvk_751 14 күн бұрын
Khan watching the Video: 👁👄👁
@TotallyNot0020 14 күн бұрын
It's almost like the finale failing to give him proper payoff to his arc makes the fandom ignore everything he does because the story fails to give him a major moment where everything he's done to that point has led up to that moment, and instead what we get is his entire character being treated as a joke in the last two episodes.
@Faiths123 12 күн бұрын
I mean khan literally saved N’s life so I feel like that’s a pretty good payoff.
@TotallyNot0020 12 күн бұрын
@@Faiths123 "Bad crowd those Murder Drones!" - Khan, Mass Destruction Khan hates Disassembly Drones, why would he suddenly be happy he saved N? It's a payoff, but not an earned one. Khan and N haven't even had an interaction between eachother (closest we got we N saying "Nice to meet you Mister Doorman!" but that was more one sided)
@LucaMations 20 сағат бұрын
He literally saved N's life and distracted Cyn for a second. And he was cheering for Uzi and playing cards with her and N in the ending.
@Alex-qy7xc 14 күн бұрын
Khan deserves better.
@IceMasterFilms 13 күн бұрын
You can say that again
@Trueseer-i7s 14 күн бұрын
Nuzi Shippers looks like Naz- Never mind...
@Excavator32 14 күн бұрын
@@Trueseer-i7s mods, push back his hairline
@Trueseer-i7s 13 күн бұрын
@@Excavator32 true tho💀
@AminnaMcBride 14 күн бұрын
Aww man
@userdata9511 15 күн бұрын
0:06 they can have offspring and angsty emotions. Why can’t they have testosterone? 0:20 I’ve always thought this was a much longer held grudge that Doll had way before the disassembly drones got into the colony, this is supported by the fact that in Doll’s induced flashback, though it’s very hard to make out, Doll seems to be witnessing the murder from some kind of vehicle implying they’re outside of the colony. 5:05 It isn’t surprising that Khan knows Uzi listens to night core, considering he raised Uzi at least at a bare minimum.
@jessicaruizcollazo2372 16 күн бұрын
1. Ok fair 2. Ok bro 🙄 3. That would of been sick (Him killing J that is) 4. I agree 5. K 6. Agreed that honor goes to episode 7 7. Ok now im pissed 😤 8. Fucking thank you 9. Ehhhh ok fair 10. FUCKING THANK YOU 11. To be fair Episode 8 is the finale and you can't fully end a story in 20 minutes so.... ya
@syweb2 16 күн бұрын
3:30 We don't actually know if that's its main purpose, since it is clearly self-aware and probably capable of deception. J was a convenient host, but it definitely had _more_ than enough material to repair her after even a couple kills given the main missing component was the head, so her death was probably used as an excuse for it to manifest and wreak havoc on the otherwise-protected Worker Drone population in Outpost 3.
@Gnomelotte 16 күн бұрын
I wouldn't have minded a few more horror elements, though I feel they were balanced fairly well. I also would've liked a few more calmer moments.