@nike_333 12 секунд бұрын
Я бы хотел увидеть игру, где летающие существа действительно летающие, как, например, в Magic: The Gathering или "Демиургах". Чтобы их можно было атаковать только другими летающими существами или специальными юнитами. Это внесло бы разнообразие в битвы и позволило бы формировать армии более интересно. Кроме того и разведка стала бы более значимой.
@daneo1952 5 сағат бұрын
It is so nice to see that the devs are passionate about the project talk to actual high lvl players and take their input seriously.
@o_chenash Күн бұрын
Як же це іронічно - Пол Ромеро приїзжає до Києва, дає концерт на підтримку України, висловлює осуд террористичній агрессії з боку рф. В той час юбісофт наймають росіян для "продовження серії Героїв". Юбісофт давав офіційну відповідь що Olden Era буде не доступна ні для продажу ні для гри в рф, дуже сподіваюсь що так і буде.
@vladimironoprienko7177 Күн бұрын
@@o_chenash Потеря крупного российского рынка может и не фатальна, но жизнь разработчикам усложнит. Ты не хочешь, чтобы игра получилась?
@danandr25 Күн бұрын
​@@vladimironoprienko7177компания родом из России, но сейчас зарегистрирована и располагается на Кипре, поэтому не платит ни копейки убийце украинских детей. Или у вас, как у Тварыны, позиция, что любой русский - это недостойный жизни человек?
@vladimironoprienko7177 Күн бұрын
​@@danandr25Я так понимаю, ваш вопрос адресован топикстартеру, а не мне. Тварына точно прям такое говорил?
@danandr25 Күн бұрын
​@@vladimironoprienko7177ну, не дословно, но он точно не рад любому русскоязычному на своих стримах (даже если это казах или кыргыз), и говорил очень-очень много крайне агрессивных вещей в сторону как России (которую он хочет, чтобы не стало), так и россиян вне зависимости от их взглядов. Что точно, так то, что любой россиянин для него равен: как провоенный, так и антивоенный. Что, конечно, печально
@o_chenash 4 сағат бұрын
@@vladimironoprienko7177 ринок, на якому 90% гравців піратять ігри з торрентів? пффффф)
@Chyrosran22 Күн бұрын
I'll say it again, the art style looks too anime for me but everything else has me very excited and the devs really seem to have the very best intentions for the game and hugely passionate about the project :D . I think replays are a must. This will allow you to see what a good, competitive opening is, and would help content creators show you how to play the game better as well. This can greatly lower the threshold to playing multiplayet. I can think of few things more frustrating than having to negotiate how much who gets what to offset bad balance though.
@DrunkenerWitcher Күн бұрын
Если после стольких стараний и интервью игра обосрется будет обидно.
@invoid4565 Күн бұрын
Of course, another video about streamers, balance. It was online that made heroes a legendary game
@korana6308 Күн бұрын
Чем больше смотрю, тем больше мне нравится эта команда, которая создаёт новых героев.
@FilmGamerHUN Күн бұрын
Hi great interview ! I talked about these balance issues for a long time ago! (And even more ones like Mass hase-mass slow, or blind, the bad speed system, the luckful of luck and morale system, the useless tons of units and spells or spell branches, less skills for heroes and units (and many on some maps are useless also) than in H4-5-6-7, the 30% chance for unit skills trigger sometimes weird separated 6 stacks of Thunderbird can lightning you with each stacks in one turn, random maps at start sometimes you know you cant win, for one player the block before the desert on Jebus is so weak and the other one had dragons there, Factions sometimes are too OP as well, for example Necreomancy or the Dungeon portal if you have a Dragon lair on the starter territory , or Behemoth built on 4. day, every prof. gamer play only with angel wyverns etc because of their speed and tiers and too much creature banks with them...... etc, i talked about these on many videos. ) For me Heroes 5, 5.5 mod is way more balanced in our tournaments its proved that also in practice. Also H7 were more balanced just that is a mess with the online system (lagging, freezing out of synch) technically still sadly. Also now this new Scifi like Heroes games Silence of the Siren even in EA mode it seems quite good in balance and in AI on hot seat though just we tried it. Its just 3 faction now 2 more come next year in final. Because of these unbalanced issue we had only short 3-4-5 minutes long final battles many times in our H3 or HOTA camps or tournaments but with H5-6-7 and now SIlence we had so longer final 1v1 battles sometimes 40 minutes long ones with our friends! So more tactical possibilities there and less balance issues. Exciting battles. In one battle my friend Gabor had only 1 Cyclops remained in H6 i think :D and he won over me. It was frustrating 45 minute long battle :D Stronghold against Sanctuary
@MutantBray Күн бұрын
Check out my HOMM content and can’t wait to play this game too!!
@True38 Күн бұрын
It's really great you guys are trying to make another Heroes 3 classic and I wish you the best of luck. A hybrid between Heroes 3 and 5 would be just perfect. Also, you might want to consider changing the name from "Olden Era" to "Golden Era" instead. If you are trying to make another Heroes 3 classic, then that name is much more fitting and I've already received massive positive feedback on Reddit on that matter.
@Danny-zw7sw Күн бұрын
Ok I will say this, the random maps add a lot of replay-ability and not so much the art style, but it was on how easy the map was to understand by just looking, simplistic but easy on the eye was a big appeal. I was maybe 10 years old or so when I first played and could easily play and understand even if I wasn't the best player back then. Like I played HOMM6/7? can't remember and it was just too much on screen, tried to make it too graphical and it backfired hard imo. You can make the game look nice yes, but keep the map easy to understand just by looking and don't overflood it. Imo balance is good for online and competitive, but Era and maybe HOTA has it, just have options, like sometimes I mod to play with original OP skeletons Necro for fun and Conflux and other times I check boxes to balance the game and have fun. I feel like this argument around balance can simply be fixed by adding options like current mods do and split rules for competitive and casual.
@yuyudovg 2 күн бұрын
Музыка класс
@snakefan1495 2 күн бұрын
How likeable is Alexandra? I feel my mood improves when she's on screen.
@ZabolotnyAS 2 күн бұрын
Русская с поляком общаются на английском. Это какая-то клоунада?
@SyberianLynx Күн бұрын
Согласен, они должны были общаться на украинском)
@vivaldi3367 Күн бұрын
Болотный, они общаются на международном языке, подавая таким способом информацию для мирового комьюнити. Или ты хотел услышать интервью на польском языке?
@E5tarh Күн бұрын
Маленький сюр :) Но "такая сейчас экологическая обстановка". Им на себя нагнетать ни к чему.
@danandr25 Күн бұрын
А на каком языке по-вашему они должны общаться?
@E5tarh Күн бұрын
​@@danandr25 На русском, который они оба наверняка лучше знают. Александра то уж точно на 100% :) А сабы пусть будут на английском, а не наоборот. Но печальная ситуация диктует свои условия, как я уже сказал выше.
@Phoenixzs1012 2 күн бұрын
I wasn’t going to comment on every video you guys put out but townportal and dimension door are mentioned :). Please talk to the “experts” more about balance. The secret sauce what keeps people coming back to the series is the ability of the player to adapt to random or changing situations. A master player should be able to adapt to different kind of situations. Random map is a gem. A game balance should not aim to please exploitators. Simultaneous turns made the rebirth of H3. It’s vital, it stays. People deviating from mono castle builds should get serious morale penalties (At least don’t mix opposite alignment factions castle with tower is okay but castle with inferno is a sin). People doing this should be ready to improve their morale. Competitive A.I. is a must. It gives each game that random kick. There should be toggled options where it gets A) More Resources per mine captures B) More creature recruited per money spent (even if there is no available) C) More exp for enemy heroes combating. Neutral army combat could be a bit more spicy.These combats should take a bit toll but the level should depend on the skill. I recommend building creature pairs (Lich+Zombies+Skeletons) (Mages+Golems) (Archers+Cavaleries).Usually one melle and one ranged so that solo stack combos don’t work that well. Town portal should be acquired after a hero reaches a level (like 10th level) Town portal should be universal 4th level spell.At basic level it should give you the option to chose the castle to travel but use up your all movement points.At advanced level it should use up only half of your movement points and at expert it should use up 1/3 of your movement points. This will be also countering high logistics heroes. Either travel normally or travel by magic not both at the same time. Dimension door at basic level should allow you to teleport 5 squares with half of your spell points spent. At advanced it should allow 7 squares with 1/3 of your spell points spent and at expert level it should allow 8 squares with ¼ of your total spell points spent. This way it would also give incentive to mages who travel a lot to try to replenish mana and stay at some place not hopping around like crazy grasshoppers. Number of stacks of creatures in an army should affect the movement speed of the hero.Bigger armies should move slower. Hero chaining should go as well or nerfed at least. Dying heroes should give a lot of exp no matter what(5000 exp at base).Having cumulative increase in hero prices after the second one was a nice touch as well.No more one imp heroes walking around. Skill,spell,creature, hero balance. If I click on the all random icon and find myself in randomly generated map I shouldn’t be feeling sorry from week 1 day 1 :) They should have some map clearing ability and some comparable late game strategy and creatures. Although ghost dragons are weak , dread knights+vampire lords make up for it to some degree which is important.
@unowen6411 Күн бұрын
Ah, you`re such an expert😂
@alucard4974 Күн бұрын
after he called himself an expert I knew at first that I would read nonsense, but I thought that I still would find something other than the obvious things and complete idiocies
@Phoenixzs1012 Күн бұрын
@@alucard4974 he is an expert all right but he has been adapting so long to the imbalances he forgot some of them are exploits. He says in the interview that "with everyone rushing to the adventure map treasuries all the armies look the same cycplos/angles/wyerns" =>Yeah thats the problem. This exploit has overtaken the multiplayer scene,it's not a feature it'a unbalance.He should have thrown more ideas to improve.Imbalances such as mass spell spell durations, unusefull skills such as eagle eye and learning. etc etc. Could have used the air time better.
@vladimironoprienko7177 Күн бұрын
​@@Phoenixzs1012I think he's an expert at playing the game, not designing it. He is supposed to complain on something that disturbs him while playing. Generating ideas on how-to-fix it may be beyond his capabilities, that's ok.
@Phoenixzs1012 Күн бұрын
@@vladimironoprienko7177 you are totally right but we need some experts in the balance corner as well :). This dude learned to live with the shortcomings of the game but in the end new game should be more balanced.
@RinhardPlays 2 күн бұрын
I agree with kesZu - the mini game around picking castles can be fun and can be used as option. But the base game should strive for factions to be good enough for multiple scenarios (they may be good in different ways and strats ofc).
@pumpkinpie8235 2 күн бұрын
Regarding tutorials for multiplayer, for inspiration you might want to take a look at how Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition does it with its The Art of War scenarios. They more or less found the solution for multiplayer tutorials with that.
@tankegame1849 2 күн бұрын
I am 3 человек написавший комментарий
@plamenveselinov6023 2 күн бұрын
nice video, your microphone is very bad, just compare it aginst the guys. Not sure if a setting can fix it.
@alucard4974 2 күн бұрын
zajebiście, będzie oglądane jak wrócę!
@AlekseiGanzha 2 күн бұрын
Привет, гуд ывнинг) Сделайте плииииз поддержку MacOs)
@Demalochis 4 күн бұрын
So glad this game is in the works, but why does it look like a mobile game? The art is uninspired, it should be more unique
@alex_adbm5286 5 күн бұрын
Art style looks amazing 🔥
@korana6308 5 күн бұрын
Great interview.
@bcm-n7244 7 күн бұрын
I wish you guys the best .. and bring the true spirit of HEROES 3 back ... with proper upgrades and not gimmicks, for instance SONGS OF CONQUEST which is made by the talented people at LAVA POTION, managed with small resources to innovate properly with elevations on the battlefield, new castle structure, the essence system (although they need more spells) & the most important thing i like about the game is because the unit slots have limits and the HEROES"wielders" ... can invest points on either skills or unit slots is a good solution to make all the heroes you recruit viable, when in heroes 3 and all the rest you always the main here which if you loose you can forfeit the game. That being said the game you are making looks awesome and visually appeals to my nostalgia & i only wish you the best to get the rest in order and i'm your buyer in the 1st month after a few reviews. CHEERS - BREAK A LEG & GOOD LUCK !
@bcm-n7244 7 күн бұрын
I wish you guys the best .. and bring the true spirit of HEROES 3 back ... with proper upgrades and not gimmicks, for instance SONGS OF CONQUEST which is made by the talented people at LAVA POTION, managed with small resources to innovate properly with elevations on the battlefield, new castle structure, the essence system (although they need more spells) & the most important thing i like about the game is because the unit slots have limits and the HEROES"wielders" ... can invest points on either skills or unit slots is a good solution to make all the heroes you recruit viable, when in heroes 3 and all the rest you always the main here which if you loose you can forfeit the game. That being said the game you are making looks awesome and visually appeals to my nostalgia & i only wish you the best to get the rest in order and i'm your buyer in the 1st month after a few reviews. CHEERS - BREAK A LEG & GOOD LUCK !
@gaaabeee2094 7 күн бұрын
i love that there will be solo mode. i dont realy like to have 20+ heroes and menage them all :)
@Carebear_Pooh 7 күн бұрын
Absolutely want to underline the importance of game feel. Please make attacks and spells and castles feel impressive. This series especially drives on game feel very heavily
@BigFoot1993 7 күн бұрын
very excited for this game to release already wish listed on steam iv been HOMM fan since i was a kid in the 90s I'm most looking forward to a balanced ranking system with separate ranks for different modes so i can play short arena games after work on weekdays and long classic games on the weekend.
@Phoenixzs1012 9 күн бұрын
I have been playing this game for 20 years as well. There are some things to take from H5 and H7. H5 a lot of strategic skills were locked in advanced level creatures(such as no enemy retaliation) H5 spell and skill wheels were fantastic.There were stuff to do beside casting spells for might heroes. Town portal ,summoning etc global spells were nice (not locked in a spell tree). Caravans were nice as well since you could attack them. Speed and initative seperation was a very good step towards. Slow being level 1 and mass slow being level 4 spell was an interesting idea. Spell durations becoming reasonable and some spells not extendin in duration was nice(I personally think it should be inversely propotional to the spell level and should increase with knowledge). In H7 low level creature grouping (cavalary-shooter-melle) being the same power level was a nice idea. Getting experience even if you lost was a nice idea as well;gave incentive for the loosing side to continue fighting. Eagle eye although a terrible skill through out the series. Eagle eye should copy cast an enemy spell. Basic: Duplicate a 1st level spell cast by %30 chance Advanced: Duplicate a 1st level spell cast by %50 chance Duplicate a 2nd level spell cast by %30 chance Expert: Duplicate a 1st level spell cast by %70 chance Duplicate a 2nd level spell cast by %50 chance Duplicate a 3rd level spell cast by %30 chance Increase killing (not retreating) heroes a good amount of exp.It should be around 5000-7500exp in heroes 3 terms.So if you catch them and kill them it gives good advantage to the other side. Maybe a skill from barbarians could get some ransom for the hero captured. For logistics. Kill hero chaining. Heroes traveling light with lesser number of stacks should be able to move more ( every minus -1 stack from the maximum stack should increase your movement by +%10 up to %40). Too much mobility kills the game. It deincentivises multiple heroes. Fighting with monostack neutral monsters is usually boring and does not bring any challenge. Construct creature pair stacks that spawn with random monster templates. For example if you place a 4th level random creature on map it could be a couple of “Mages+golems” golems provide meat shield while mages attack range. Or “Liches+skeletons+zombies” “Cavalary+archers” “unicorns+ elves”. Bring back captains quarters from heroes II with a bit extended effect.I don’t like buying lvl1 heroes just to defend a town. Siege engines should depend on the number of smallest stacks that operate them (Such as goblins or gremlins) both in attack or defense of a castle. Castles defenses should deal more damage to the creatures with flying inside the castle walls in my opinion. I wish there was random treasury that spawned an area roaming neutral hero such as wolves den, or bandit camp.That hero could neutralize the nearby mines.It should keep on spawning heroes until it is defeated such as a dragon utopia. I know the creatures are designed but I wish there were handler kind of creatures. Like minator slave masters, or hellhound keepers or falcon tamers,golem scupltors. Which could “release” the main damage dealer creature forward but if the handler gets killed the number of lets say minatours diminish as well. At the end of the combat remaining creature number is equal to the handler number not the main creature.(So minatour slave driver not the minatour). It could have introduced an interesting mechanic where you have a bit chaf creature where you want to damage the weak handler.) No tome of magic used at the same time 😊. Small defensive structures such as warlords cage or lookout tower should either have very slight economic benefit (+100 gold as an example) or increase a low tier creature population very slightly (+3 gnolls for example). A lot of games I don't see them built since why would you need the look out tower in the 4th month where you have seen everything or would +2 defense from blood obelisk going to save you when 20 angles show up on your door step? T Super mixed race armies should have a huge morale penalty. Maybe the battle area should not be static same dimension all the time.Lets say one battle field is 30x15 but another battle terrain could be 33x 13.Slight variations in dimensioning would spice things up. Week of the plague is always fun . Whirlpools are not so much fun. Balance is very important but a bit less anime creatures is also important 😊.Like the town designs though.
@ProtonCannon 9 күн бұрын
Also I know I am being a broken record here and keep repeating this. PLEASE make the "speed" stat matter less overall. The Speed stat of just single units can often have ripple effects on the entire game. The fact that the low speed stat of just a single creature degrades hero movement on the map makes units obsolete and never used. Ideally all units should be at least viable used, obviously there will be top tier and bottom tier units like every game, but even bottom tier units shouldn't be so bad that they are literally damaging to the user if they are used.
@ProtonCannon 9 күн бұрын
How come Necropolis and Undead are not mentioned as a self synergy town? Necropolis are also the epitome of a monofaction. Considering they have effects that affect only themselves and all other factions differently like having no Morale while reducing morale for others, or dedicated spell effects like Animate dead or Death Ripple. They are also just flat out immune to some of the most powerful effects like Blindness or Berserk. Plus in their town you can transform all other living creatures into skeletons which play into their famous skeleton horde mechanic.
@Visanzo 10 күн бұрын
From my point of view if this end as a heroes III copy/paste it will not success. Since Heroes V each game has tried to go back to the heroes III formula and more or less failed. You have to find a sweet spot between heroes III and heroes V. There was a lot of cool ideas in heroes V like multiple troops upgrade path, initiative, "hero builds" and so on that will be golden if implemented right.
@4getboutme908 11 күн бұрын
@GlebShikhov 11 күн бұрын
Thank you, guys, fro you work! Keep on creating a magic game. I'm a huge fan of HoMM. I love the visual conception of the upcoming game by the way.
@karanshade488 11 күн бұрын
I second that cooperation is a must have for me and all the people I know that consider your game. We have fond memories of the game and nowadays we play homm3 with our kids and partner. The idea is to have strong bonding moments, not beating them at a game we played for 20+ years :)
@karanshade488 11 күн бұрын
For me a forge is just another set of fantasy. I have nothing against a specific technology based faction. As long as it is one faction ofc
@karanshade488 11 күн бұрын
This game is basically the game I play with my wife or my kid daughter, so as long as good 2-players alliance maps exists(or a good mapmaker with random map generation you can modify) and multi-player works (unlike homm7), I'll be happy.
@danpranno9261 11 күн бұрын
I love playing HoMM. I have owned them all and like most, settled on 3 as the best. That being said, I am very disheartened seeing interviews with competitive players or streaming. I see no value in a game that has a focus on gameplay targeting streamers. Sure, it increases in exposure, but that is a far cry from makes the game fun for all those that have played for 20 years. Please remember that most people enjoy the games outside of competitive and streaming.
@waylormercykillers5092 12 күн бұрын
Если играть за Инферно ( демонов , адских насекомых) книга заклинаний будет выглядеть у них просто смешной, яркой , развесёлой .Если нельзя переделать , можно ли хоть палитру (книги заклинаний) для злых рас поменять на более тусклую. Спасибо за ваш труд. Даже если ничего не измените , всё равно буду играть в вашу игру, она найдёт отклик в миллионах сердец , не смотря ни на что.
@samarashadow 12 күн бұрын
If the heroes will be active units like in Heroes 4 and the campaigns as interesting as the first Heroes 4 game I'm sold.
@aligulievr 13 күн бұрын
Спасибо за возвращение детства! Ждем :)
@MatteNcs 13 күн бұрын
I'm so happy to see a game that looks like my beloved heroes 3. Thank you for this. Please take care of it
@mehenra485 14 күн бұрын
I really would like them to lean more into the homm3/2 graphics. Otherwise it seems like a huge step in the right directiuon!
@Mikhail-c4u 14 күн бұрын
Спасибо за русские субтитры !!!
@gorxela8982 14 күн бұрын
Very insightful interview, it's clear to see how Kyraha and, I imagine, most competitive players would prefer longer more complex matches and intricate maps and at the same time are more interested in smaller, tighter maps and matches, because those are more likely to attract more viewers. And here, I think lies the crux of the issue - if you want to make a successful competitive game not only you have to make it interesting to play but also interesting to watch. In terms of HoMM, I think one of the ways how this could be achieved is making the heroes more distinct and important, enhancing the RPG aspect of the game while streamlining the strategic part a bit.
@grahamthiel7321 15 күн бұрын
The hardest part will be competitive vs leisure balance but this can be done by finding different match times by accelerating. multiplayer matches in ways. I have played heroes for 20+ years solo never looked at competitive play or wanted to go into that style. Always happy exploring the faction and using that to its potential harder difficulties in solo or campaigns would definitely be appreciated though
@grahamthiel7321 15 күн бұрын
I think to strike "balance" we should be able to set parameters around what your first town starts with like everyone has access to all units day 1 week 1 with capital as a quicker game mode or similar to tier 3, 4 or 5 with city hall if you want the end game battle accelerate the early to mid game some how
@grahamthiel7321 15 күн бұрын
Reducing resource costs to only wood and ore is another example so people don't have to balance themselves as much
@laszlototh4102 15 күн бұрын
hello I have a few observations regarding the units. 1. Please be a naga queen! This beautiful and deadly unit finally deserves a comeback. 2. I am very happy that the ability to develop units in several directions is finally back! I don't even understand why this was trashed that year. This is an element that allows for endless development later. However, it would be nice if each development matched the others in terms of style and colors. 3. Also thank you that all units finally get both active and passive abilities. It should have been done this way a long time ago. It will be one of the keys to diversity. It's a good balance option, so that you can counterbalance the statistics, and it adds color to the game, giving you the opportunity for more tactics. It also increases future development opportunities! 4. It would be worth combining two previously failed mechanics, which I think failed not because of bad foundations, but because they were introduced separately. One of these was when in the fourth part it was necessary to divide the units, and the other was when, if I remember correctly, in the sixth part there were not seven very distinct power levels, but a 3-3-1 distribution of the power levels of the units. In this way, it would be possible to preserve the fact that several weeks of units can be produced in one faction, but it would be possible in all major categories, thereby making the possibilities more diverse, making the game more colorful, and further promoting the appearance of novelties and classic, beloved units. It would raise the tactical part of the game to a new level by developing units in multiple directions.
@АлександрТихонович-д3м 15 күн бұрын
Оооуууееее, артефакты будут как в 7 Героях. ОТЛИЧНО