Tesla Model Y Christmas light Show
Perfect/Ava Maria
3 жыл бұрын
Halloween Scavenger Hunt 2020
3 жыл бұрын
Grayson reading to me ❤️
5 жыл бұрын
Toddler office space
5 жыл бұрын
Caleb's first Magic show!
5 жыл бұрын
2 year old counting to 10
5 жыл бұрын
Snake Wrangler 🐍
5 жыл бұрын
Frog mating dance
5 жыл бұрын
Toddler rock ( uncensored ) 😂😂
Monkey see, monkey do.
6 жыл бұрын
Pre-K prayer service
6 жыл бұрын
They've got moves!
6 жыл бұрын
@SaturnYippee 3 күн бұрын
Poor cat.I feel so bad for him:( He will always be remembered,RIP 🫡🫡❤️
@tyswizzel 11 күн бұрын
Poor darling
@CloriEdenx 12 күн бұрын
Poor thing, I'm so sorry for you loss. He is so beautiful. 💛 My brother and I's oldest cat Ariel passed away last year from congestive heart failure and it was completely out of the blue for us... we had no idea she was suffering with this condition until she had an attack like this and was panting uncontrollably. That was the first and sadly the last day we'd see her after her episode. She was only 9 years old. 😔
@deerheart87 12 күн бұрын
Poor angel
@exentr 14 күн бұрын
Poor little soul. RIP
@rexrexeus1985 22 күн бұрын
All of you that put rude comments. I hope that you been given the highest hell karma there is to give. I suffered to see this video, awfuln to see someone you love that deep, and stand helpless. I fear this too with out lovely angel. R.I.P to (name here). This is really something that you will never heal from. Sorry for the loss.
@304Biden 24 күн бұрын
Poor baby
@standforchrist1153 Ай бұрын
If anyone has ever watched an animal having a seizure. You know this is not a seizure.
@tyrannyblackthorn5023 Ай бұрын
Sometimes there are symptoms and you get the chance to understand whats happening and then there are times when it just happens suddenly without these signs. I lost my Handsome Hanson, i didnt kniw what to think, i thought he got into something ir hurt, i had just seen him less than 5 minutes before. I was so emotional i tried to give him CPR and checked to see if he had git something caught in his throat. I called my vet to set up cremation and told them how he seemed perfectly fine and then he was gone. Right away tgey said heart attack but i still felt guilty, my mom jad let him outside even though he wasnt supposed to be outside. I am an adult i just want to make that clear my mom is 70 and gave into him because he winked at her ❤. I knew it hurt my mom just as much and that she too was blaming herself. We had nearly lost him 9 months prior to crystals, he was special, he had served nit only the crystals but a bullet that was lodged in his spine, i jad brought him home as a feral that i jad fed and gained his trust for two years and then he decided i was his friend, not just his friend but his best friend and when i brough him home he picked my mom too, he was 14 pounds and every bit of it was packed with love and snuggles. Even after the vet said heart attack i blamed myself, it wasnt until my neighbor froced me to watch his passing on her servalance video that i could have peice. It was quick. There was no yellowing, no drool, no convulsions. Oddly I like to think there was something like an angel that came to him as there was a change in brightness, he looked up at the sky, he was in our neighbors driveway, we live rather close together, he turned toward him, stopped, sat down and licked his ribs twice then again stood up, took a few steps, turned his head to the sky again as it seemrd to brighten once more and then his back sagged, his bottom slimped as if he sat down with exhortation, he tried to make it home, then his front legs gave way, it was something a kin to a old dramatic movie scene where the woman slowly slimps to the floor, he just kind of slowly layed to his side then his head lowered and he was gone. 💔 just a moment after the neighbors pulled up and saw him and rushed to get us and then you see me come and scoop him up. It happened so fast, its been a year now and the pain if his loss is still in my heart where his pawprint was left but seeing him go without suffering after being on the streets for so long, knowing we gave him absolt love and affection, food and a good home, medical treatment and he knew love and had no fear before he went and did nit suffer in his passing was a weight lifted from me. I will always love him and i will never forget our amazing Handsome Hanson who the vet called a super kitty and we knew he was a super special kitty. ❤️ 🐾 I am sorry for your loss, i know how hard it is to see a loved one suffer and to fight to heal them. Hansome Handsone has not been my only cat but hearing your story i wanted to share mine as well. Heart disease in cats can be a silent killer. I hope that in your babies memory you found ot in your heart to give another kitty a loving home.❤
@sevenofnine3880 2 ай бұрын
My cat just passed away from a sudden heart attack 💔 sorry for ur loss
@dotknopp 2 ай бұрын
I’m sorry for your loss❤️🙏
@sevenofnine3880 2 ай бұрын
@@dotknopp thank you. She was only 9 years and 1 month
@evies1050 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this video. Our cat is getting up in years and if she acts like this we will have an idea of what is going on. So sorry for your loss.
@adrischaffer6850 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing. This kinda leads me innthe right direction. We were outside and heard deep meows coming from my cat, i ran inside and he was panting just like this a little disorriented after the panting spells. I thought maybe he had a seizure because we also heard thumping. But after seeing this video i think.maybe a heart attack. He is 11 years old
@diedasderchaos4882 2 ай бұрын
One of my girls had some kind of ear problem and in the end it got so bad she needed surgery. The vet wasn't sure if it maby was a tumor, ot was impossible to tell, but he said there was a chance it would grow back. Exactly two weeks later she suddenly jumpt down my bed and ran off (typical for her so far), walking in circles on insteady legs a room over, head tilted to the side and salivating the same way. My youngest cat came running allerting us. Our vet came into his office in the middle of the night to check on her. She had a stroke, was blind now, probably halfway unable to properly move her right side and she seemed severely confused. It was probably either bleeding of the wound in her skull or whatever was there already finally messing her up. We decided to have her put down, as she may have recovered, but she would have been absolutely miserable for the short time she may have had left. I still miss her like crazy.
@CrepuscularChaot 2 ай бұрын
Thankyou. We need as much education on pet health as possible. ❤
@Gunvald85 2 ай бұрын
Poor baby 😢❤
@CostlyChris 2 ай бұрын
The fact that I have a grey a white large cat like that makes it even scarier. Can’t imagine anything happening to her since she is like the queen of house and our first pet. She made 2 more kittens but never lost her spot in my heart. Just sucks because I realize she is getting up there in Cat years
@SuuSdelicious 3 ай бұрын
My heart cries for you. This must have been so hard to go through 😢
@rvrrb 3 ай бұрын
cat heartworm. animals eat anything. Animals die from infectious diseases
@jewelweed6880 3 ай бұрын
Omg. I just had to say goodbye to mine, she had either a seisure or a stroke last night right next to me. At the emergency vet she mentioned fluid around the heart. Given her age I chose to take her home and try to keep her comfy. She was perking up a little, and seemed stable. I was going to take her home to rest and go to the regular vet asap to make a plan when i could think clearly. But over the next 6 hours she behaved very abnormally and I was pressed to make the hard choice. Had a mobile vet come. She was pretty out of it. The mobile vet concurred with the decision given her age, current condition, and the stroke/seizure last night. She went gently and fast. I guess YT algorithm suggested this video based on my search about feline strokes. But I now remember she also did this a year or two ago. By the time we got to the first attempt at a vet she came out of it. Made a couple other calls and they were also full, and left a message that was never returned. We went home and I watched her, but she seemed normal and it never happened again. Poor kitty! She would have been 20 years old in 4 weeks. I'm a mess, but writing about it helps. I already miss hearing her paws tap tap tap the linoleum and wood floors. I had quite a menagerie at one point. She was the last of that group. I am glad I was there, paying attention at 11:50pmq, and I was able to stay up with her all night and hold her during the last hours. I don't know what is worse, seeing her things around the house, or the idea of the empty space when I bring myself to put them away. Early last night she was plugging away and less than 12 hours later she is gone.
@Kathy_Bennett 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. My cat has a very mild heart condition. It has not gotten any worse over the last 5 years, but now I have had something, a clue, of something to look for.
@argentorangeok6224 3 ай бұрын
Poor fella. Glad he had a good home and a family that loved him. My gosh, but I love cats.
@highwayxj9397 3 ай бұрын
How long after this did he pass?
@dotknopp 3 ай бұрын
A few months later
@Kathy_Bennett 3 ай бұрын
​@@dotknopp I'm sorry for your loss.
@bandarasumedha 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this 🙏🏼
@74blondegirl 4 ай бұрын
Bless you 💔💔😭 Glad you got video to help vet diagnose.
@sonidoexperiencia2800 4 ай бұрын
I had no idea that cats could have heart attacks. Thank you for sharing and my condolences for your lost
@colleenbrown92 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this, it's so sad but our cat recently passed and we had no idea why. He did exactly this hours before he passed. This brings a lot of closure to us xxx
@theredbaron8280 4 ай бұрын
So sorry for your loss. My fluffy tragically got nailed by an owl, I miss her dearly even years later.
@sam5381 4 ай бұрын
Did he used to cough while crouching down with his tongue out that seemed like a hairball or asthma attack?
@dotknopp 4 ай бұрын
No, he would just do what’s in the video otherwise he acted totally normal.
@sam5381 4 ай бұрын
@@dotknopp sorry because my cat does it very rarely .
@sam5381 4 ай бұрын
What to do for diagnosis? Like what tests? I am so sorry
@unify777 4 ай бұрын
@jennyl1863 4 ай бұрын
My cat has had 5 of these episodes in the last 2 years. he goes limp and lays on his side. He pants, and drools just like this. He will vocalize in the beginning. It’s been so random when he has these episodes. At first I was told it was asthma but after the 3rd one, I took him to a different hospital and changed his vet. Found out he does have issues with his heart. He wore a 48 hour holter monitor and his cardiologist believes his episodes are caused by periods of tachycardia. She was the first to tell me he has a fast heart rate. He had an echocardiogram too. His vet told me to record his next episode and he had 2 within a month. What kind of tests did they do on your cat to help diagnose him? I want to do everything I can to help my cat.
@Rhiorrha 4 ай бұрын
My cat had a fatal heart attack that was NOTHING like this. She was grooming one second, stopped and stared at nothing for a couple seconds, then screamed and fell over, dead and staring. CPR didn't work.
@storm_drex492 5 ай бұрын
I'm like crying my eyes out because I just watched my cat die from a heart attack I walked over to her because she was lying down and her back puffed up and she coughed so I walked over to her and she wasn't moving and im just so dead inside right now
@sophie_timea6834 5 ай бұрын
This is exactly what I was looking for, because my cat has the same symptoms. Thank you so much!
@Annonimous3by3 5 ай бұрын
N:B: some vets medicine are too powerful that some cats may get heart attack..my two cat fell victim to this and what not...:(
@margaritagutierrezromero7728 5 ай бұрын
So is there anything that can be done while they are going through a heart attack? I mean… this is just sad… watching them suffer like that. My girly cat who is three was just diagnosed with HOCM… mild as of now, no treatment but this… watching this makes me so afraid for her. I don’t want her to suffer…
@GreyMetalHeart 5 ай бұрын
My cat has the same attacks. Please tell me, please, please, even though I know it was painful, did he show breathing issues (heavy breathing and asthma-like cough) during the days before passing away? I'm trying to get mine to the vet and it's so hard to get him in the carrier because he's panicking and enters shock rapidly..
@Bradytheawesomeman777 5 ай бұрын
This is quite hard to look at, that poor baby 😢
@JonDoe-zi3mh 5 ай бұрын
So distressing for the cat and yourselves. Glad he didn't die here and so sorry for your loss. Thankyou for giving him a furrever home where he was lovingly cared for until the end.
@dancingyuli 6 ай бұрын
😢 As I watch this so painful, I could imagine how you felt, I watch my cat also suffer of kidney disease also and what I learn learned too late to save her, so awareness is important, love always to you and beautiful baby, darling on the other side ❤❤❤❤❤
@izzy1793 6 ай бұрын
This is so sad I’m so sorry
@bubbajolee 6 ай бұрын
So sad 😢
@karimgourine6242 6 ай бұрын
courage à vous
@ronarprefect7709 6 ай бұрын
That poor baby. I'm so glad he is out of suffering now, as sad as this is.
@trustno1903 6 ай бұрын
I can't imagine the confusion for the cat. Poor sweet kitty. I'm glad you were there for comfort to kitty, and I'm so sorry for your loss.
@doe9de995 6 ай бұрын
This is unfortunately how my cat passed. He had heart disease and slowly let go over several hours, i felt so bad for him but there was nothing i could do.
@dotknopp 6 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏
@AndrewKidd14145 6 ай бұрын
Couldn’t be me with unresolved issues.
@Ranmaru95 7 ай бұрын
My cat was diagnosed with HCM. They were surprised he survived his castration because his heart is really big. He always breathed quickly but we thought it was because he was young. Now they said he has 3 to 6 months. We hope for the best but it's hard. We make as much memories as we can and make his live as happy as it could be. He's so young... that's unfair.
@dotknopp 7 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry to hear, they told me he wouldn’t live past 5 years and he made it to 10 years old. I wish the best for you.❤️🙏
@cindyrobertson3780 7 ай бұрын
Sorry for your loss. He is a beautiful cat
@veronicamarcano4220 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for showing us this video