BRG Round 2: Fighting to Win
On Mysticism: Ego, Suffering, & Love
Guerrilla History's 2023 In Review
@purpleblastoise 6 сағат бұрын
Dengism is the highest form of Trotskyism!
@lukeee117 17 сағат бұрын
very informative episode so far, half hour in. Thank you 🙏
@yukiaditya7352 19 сағат бұрын
wow, is the song played early in this podcast called "Bubuy Bulan"? A song from Indonesia. By the way, amazing podcast, thank you and greetings from Indonesia.
@emilianatanase2103 Күн бұрын
Principle of "democratic centralism"!!!!! why don't you say it Stanilism? wtf?
@jopeco2538 7 сағат бұрын
Democratic centralism is not stalinism. It is form of party organisation that is defended before Stalin gets on power. And trotsky defended it too ;)
@wes5614 Күн бұрын
The Nietzsche hugging a horse thing most likely never happened. The myth borrows from a dream in the book crime and punishment, a book that he never read as it wasn't translated at the time.
@69niceGoatboy Күн бұрын
Alway love revleft. Another excellent episode.
@purpleblastoise 2 күн бұрын
Had Nazi Germany been slightly more liberal, all our respectable friends who are oh so outraged at the violence in Palestine would've in the same exact way condemned the Warsaw ghetto uprising Liberals are no friends of ours, and no friend to revolutionary/decolonial movements.
@redlion45 2 күн бұрын
Igra rok en rol cela Jugoslavijaaaaaaaaaaa
@AudioPervert1 2 күн бұрын
1959 to1962 the mass famine could also be discussed. As it caused a significant drop in the rural population of China, leading a mass exodus, of Chinese towards the west, Australia, Indonesia etc. The revolution, like every revolution, necessitates sacrifice. They got it right?
@lukeee117 17 сағат бұрын
bout 22 minutes in
@AudioPervert1 2 күн бұрын
At 1:09:32 the speaker says "drops Atomic bombs on Japan...but it does bring the war to an end." Fact is Japanese military had already surrendered, to the allies, excepting the declaration of the Japanese emperor. However America, being what it was, still dropped the two Atom bombs, on innocent people, in spite of having won the war clearly.
@jamontiqueq8763 2 күн бұрын
This isn't true. The second Sino Japanese war not only started, but escalated into a global war, because the Japanese imperialist military was uncontrollable by civilian rule. The reason the bombs didn't end the war was because the imperialist fascist appetite of Japan's army was insatiable, thus they were uncontrollable. Yes the bombs were used by usa to just scare the soviets, but the Japanese were still spread out all over south east Asia.
@AudioPervert1 Күн бұрын
@@jamontiqueq8763 to just scare the soviets .... that sounds as bogus and strange. However, given the record of violence carried on by the US around the around, explains well why drop two Atom bombs on innocent people, even when the nation had fallen and surrendered.
@frankmerriwell8339 17 сағат бұрын
Firstly Japan's leader did not surrender before the bombing which made any of the army's surrender invalid. Secondly those were not innocent people. The two cities were chosen by Americans because they were the main bases of Japan's heavy industries during the war and all factories produced weapons used to slaughter innocent civilians in China and SE Asia. All men worked day and night to serve the war machine, and women were willing to sell their bodies so that their husband would join Japanese army. An old saying in China ''There's not a single innocent soul under the atomic bomb.'' When you invade countries and kill 30million+ people this is nothing but justice. Yes the US is an imperialist country I have 99 problems with that but the two bombs ain't one.
@Rossion64 2 күн бұрын
Fantastic work. Love listening to Ken Hammond
@Eye_Exist 3 күн бұрын
Is that what we call mass slavery now? "great leap forward"?
@magnificent9784 3 күн бұрын
Nothing wrong with getting the masses getting involve in making the nation better.
@Eye_Exist 3 күн бұрын
@@magnificent9784 are you seriously saying those words? slavery is right if it helps the nation?
@magnificent9784 3 күн бұрын
@@Eye_Exist Where do you come to that conclusion? Is it not good to want to have citizen engage in politic and work to make the nation better for themselves and everyone around them? Secondly if my understanding is correct then the "great leap forward" was an attempt to catch up with the rest of developed world in term of development.
@Eye_Exist 3 күн бұрын
@@magnificent9784 from everything you're just saying. stop avoiding the question. do these excuses excuse mass slavery to you?
@Eye_Exist 3 күн бұрын
@@magnificent9784 look literally every non-grocery packet you in any store in our world to see the scale of it. where is it made?
@purpleblastoise 3 күн бұрын
Dengism is the highest form of Trotskyism.
@gwynbleidd1917 3 күн бұрын
What a bullshit cop-out. Dengist revisionism is objectively bad from a Marxist perspective.
@PennisDrager 3 күн бұрын
Such an incredible series. Glad to see this on KZbin so I can share with more people
@Chicano.Marxist 3 күн бұрын
@Rossion64 3 күн бұрын
They pushed anti-vax and anti-scientific climate change skepticism crp. That's a much more significant error than their larpy contrarian behaviour. I have nothing positive to say about them anymore.
@AB-tg5mx 4 күн бұрын
Communism and socialism have a proven track record of failing so bad that millions of people have died. 1. **Soviet Union**: Under Joseph Stalin, the Great Purge, forced collectivization, and the Holodomor famine in Ukraine led to millions of deaths. Estimates range from around 6 to 20 million deaths. 2. **China**: Mao Zedong's policies, such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, are associated with high death tolls. The Great Leap Forward alone caused an estimated 15 to 45 million deaths due to famine and repression. 3. **Cambodia**: The Khmer Rouge regime under Pol Pot resulted in the deaths of approximately 1.5 to 2 million people through genocide, forced labor, and starvation. 4. **North Korea**: While precise numbers are difficult to obtain, it's estimated that hundreds of thousands to millions have died due to famines, political purges, and labor camps. 5. **Other Countries**: Other communist regimes, such as those in Vietnam, Eastern Europe, Africa, and Latin America, have also been associated with significant death tolls due to civil wars, purges, and repressive policies. Overall, estimates of the total number of deaths caused by communist regimes in the 20th century often range from 60 to 100 million. Some of the key sources for these estimates include: - **"The Black Book of Communism"**: This book estimates around 94 million deaths. - **"Death by Government"** by R.J. Rummel: Rummel's research estimates around 110 million deaths.
@wappu_ 4 күн бұрын
What's the background music at the first part of the video? Kinda sounds like a remix of a traditional music from my country
@Rossion64 4 күн бұрын
Very interesting. If nothing else, it shows how depressingly unoriginal these figures are
@ArtJacob 4 күн бұрын
Great episode guys but I had a couple things I wanted to mention. Alyson mentioned a couple times not seeing any usefulness for LLMs if it was owned by the proletariat. I find that odd because Alyson also mentioned a couple times using LLMs to help code. Breht mentioned a couple times of religion being human nature and that without religion humans are missing something from their lives. You say that without religion you will worship your ego and worship technology. You go over a couple times how bad dichotomies are, yet by saying this statement you yourself are creating a new dichotomy.
@marc-1661 4 күн бұрын
Really wanted to hear the guest more but the interviewer just kept expousing and narrating as opposed to asking and listening.
@CaptPeon 5 күн бұрын
Great discussion! I shared this link with my comrades; sounds like a great resource for addressing capitalist rhetoric! People before profits! ✊🏼
@idonnow2 5 күн бұрын
The point about the scientific revolution is crucial. premodern capitalist structures predate the scientific revolution by actual millenia, there has been private property, commodity production for profit, commerce, financial services, and capitalist competition (even more intense than today since capitalists could employ mercenaries!) in Sumeria, Greece, Rome, ancient India and China, medieval Europe, the Islamic world, etc. so we have literal millenia worth of data of capitalism not being particularly tied to a dramatic rise in material welll being. Only the major paradigmatic shift in epistemological approaches to knowledge generation, known as the scientific revolution, could eventually bring about the sustained capacity of humans to iteratively improve and innovate on productive processes and to generate new categories of commodities. This is a necessary prerequisite to modern dynamic industrial capitalism, and clearly, the scientific enterprise was not born out of capitalism as a system of social relations, it was born out of the religious-intellectual establishment and its own distinct system of social relations that had nothing to do with commodity production for markets (though could be claimed to be VERY loosely connected through the practical interest in better astronomical models for better navigational tools which is tied to capitalist imperialist conquest and exploitation). Of course after the capitalist system took hold it coopted scientific development for its own purposes, which is why sometimes this deep interrelation can be misconstrued as a causal relation; undeniably a portion of the several scientific and technological innovations of the modern day came about in the interest of profits, but another larger portion wasn't, as the publicly funded modern educational intellectual establishment has been the primary motor of such developments, the military industry in particular is well known for having a keen interest historically in scientific and technological innovations that eventually seep into the capitalist consumer market. If anything, the current state of academia at several levels has been thoroughly compromised by profit incentives by drastically reducing quality standards, increasing costs of education, funneling areas of research towards only profitable ventures, and straight up becoming a marketing tool for commodities "approved by experts"
@CaptPeon 5 күн бұрын
Yowza, that's a long rant! 😆 I agree. Nearly every technological advance was made by publicly funded, not-for-profit research agencies (nearly all government funded). That's one of the many ways that capitalism hinders innovation; research is not profitable because it's a risky investment and even successful research projects don't yield products for years). Corporations are content to simply be the first to MARKET products once the government allows it. And THAT is another way that capitalists STEAL the profits from the workers, the researchers never get a portion of the profits from their labor! It's especially heinous because all of that research money came from the PEOPLE’S tax dollars yet they are promptly funneled into the hands of the corporations. Workers of the world UNITE!! ✊🏼
@idonnow2 4 күн бұрын
@@CaptPeon haha well i like ranting Capitalism has actually a particular form of relationship with technological investment, related to the price of labor. If wages are too high this encourages investment in innovations to replace skilled workers with a cheaper unskilled workforce, while low wages disincentivize innovation. It is argued for instance that one of the factors that aided in US industrialization was the easy availability of land making labor expensive (since obviously people would prefer to own land than be exploited in someone else's) encouraing mechanization. Similarly, western countries currently have a low level of productivity growth since neoliberal gutting of the welfare state and offshoring have greatly reduced the bargaining power of labor. Beyond this particular niche indeed capitalism has no incentive for long term innovation which might not yield profits for long periods of time if at all
@CaptPeon 4 күн бұрын
@@idonnow2 no worries, I tend to rant too. 😄 You touched on a main point of contention, so I'll elaborate. Mechanization reduces necessary labor time; productivity, for instance, has increased exponentially while wages have stagnated. If profits were not horded by the bourgeoisie then EVERYONE could work less without any loss in standard of life. Capitalism literally steals food from the mouths of babes and time/life from every potential worker. We could all work part time which would 1) reduce work time of current employees and 2) employ additional workers and STILL make a profit. Capitalism sucks!
@alexdoerofthings 5 күн бұрын
@Oirausu321 5 күн бұрын
@Booer 5 күн бұрын
22:00 genes arnt real, you mauthusian dolt. Lysenko was right! This person is an unqualified person as we say in the trades! 1:30:00 also the Big Bang is a crock of shit
@TheViktorofgilead 5 күн бұрын
The philosopher says IF a system is more egalitarian and satisfies human needs better than another system without violating people’s rights, we should do that. And then you just moved on. It would have been very interesting to investigate the potential counter arguments to that. The one that immediately comes to mind is the claim that private property rights are human rights. There is a reason we had to fight a civil war to end slavery even though it was clearly the morally superior position. When people have built their life, wealth, and power on an immoral system they will fight to preserve that system. It’s worse than that actually, foreign actors all over the world who have invested in that system also have an incentive to protect the current paradigm with force. Remember domino theory? We were the country playing that card, it will immediately be played against us by every other nation state we helped capitalism capture.
@CaptPeon 5 күн бұрын
Ehh, kinda weak argument. If America relaxed it's grip on the empire in pretty certain that those countries would mostly flourish. They'd simply gain power over the infrastructure that the US empire already built to exploit local workers. It would probably trigger worker organization globally if we set the example; remember the Domino theory?
@user-rg4lc5ib6p 5 күн бұрын
thankyou thankyou thankyou!
@mathew9851 5 күн бұрын
Music is unnecessary after at least 5 seconds of introduction
@alexdoerofthings 7 күн бұрын
@KP-uc1ez 7 күн бұрын
Successes, failures, The next university movements will learn from this and perform ever more effectively
@shabbirahmeddar7765 8 күн бұрын
Only program which regularly hear.
@shabbirahmeddar7765 8 күн бұрын
Long live Marxism and leninism.
@purpleblastoise 8 күн бұрын
Glory to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! 🚩☭
@AudioPervert1 8 күн бұрын
Hey Hey Lenin fans, one hundred years late, but check out a book called the Gulag Archipelago. That should be a good starting point to stop being Leninized.
@stephendaley266 7 күн бұрын
Definitely. Check out this fictional work of anti-communist propaganda... The CIA plant has entered the chat. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@BalkanSpectre 8 күн бұрын
I find the "good will" necessary to show a podcast quest evidently sends the discourse back
@NoPrivateProperty 9 күн бұрын
capitalism is incompatible with sustainable life. private property is illegitimate
@edlong00 9 күн бұрын
hey Breht, love the show and been bingeing your long back catalog of podcast/ videos for a while now. I truly can't put into words how much this resource has helped me parse thru the more "in the weeds" topics, that most content I've found just skips entirely. If it's not to much of a pain, do you think you could put all the "Dialectics Deep Dive" videos on a playlist to make them easier to follow?
@kevinoneill2942 9 күн бұрын
What's the song at the end? I dont see it in the show notes
@jameslitman2383 8 күн бұрын
"Easy Answer" by Dope Knife and Maker
@YANHAP1 9 күн бұрын
1:48:34 "We are lived by powers we pretend to understand" - W.H.Auden.
@presterjohn1697 10 күн бұрын
Black Alliance for Peace refuses to acknowledge the role of Russia and China in the genocides of Sudan and Congo.
@gwynbleidd1917 10 күн бұрын
Who was the person speaking in the clip around 50:00 ? That was a great.
@BalkanSpectre 8 күн бұрын
sounds like TuPac
@ipusengmathope 8 күн бұрын
Yeah sounds like Pac 😊
@Lenin_enjoyer 5 күн бұрын
Tupac was a Marxist after all
@gwynbleidd1917 10 күн бұрын
For someone who wrote a whole book on socialism, Scott doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on socialist history especially concerning the Soviet Union. He clearly believes a lot of american capitalist propaganda and even regurgitates "strong man" theory in regards to the Soviet Union.
@Summalogicae 10 күн бұрын
Excellent interview. Thank you for having a philosopher’s take as opposed to an economist, whose views I find are often less rigorous particularly about the ethical aspects of the consequences of policy. Prof. has published in the traditional topics of philosophy and his current publication here, a more general audience book, can actually make difference to people who don’t read about traditional philosophical topics. Thank you.
@gwynbleidd1917 10 күн бұрын
Yeah but it's not great if the author clearly still buys into a lot of anticommunist liberal propaganda.
@Kitsun3-da-0 10 күн бұрын
"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist." - Hélder Pessoa Câmara (1909-1999), Archbishop of Olinda and Recife -
@CaptPeon 5 күн бұрын
One of my favorite quotes!! Keep up the good fight! ✊🏼
@waynecoe1 10 күн бұрын
This is the finest true crime graphic novel I’ve read. Many non-fiction, war-based graphic novels by Spiegelman, Sacco, Backderf, all of which I’ve loved, the true state crime graphic novel - are elevated here by superb writing and sequential imagery with CLR James the primary credit. Check it out! I’m an artist, perhaps obsessed a bit obsessive with polish and this book looks like pencils, rough, sketchy, a bit adolescent - yet the very abbreviated style allows for the illustrators to take big graphic, sometimes experimental swings and break on through to the other side. The sweeping story, vast cast, and multi-country intrigues whips by at a breathless pace toward thrills, revelations, treachery, bravery, victory & transcendence as I’m sure the estimable authors hoped. Highly recommend this superb novel. In a similar vein, Freedom Fighter, by Wayne Coe, a graphic novel on the secretive US military battle against the black church based on the 1999 Martin Luther King Assassination Conspiracy trial.
@DuniyaAndHum 10 күн бұрын
@DS-tz4lk 10 күн бұрын
Rock Hill on liberalism and fascism and their symbiosis and the theory industry completely hated by the CIA to traffic theory void of class struggle
@KP-uc1ez 10 күн бұрын
[pause] Alan Watts singlehandedly saved me from the throes of Reaction when I was still in university. Thanks, Unc.
@shabbirahmeddar7765 10 күн бұрын
Very informative programe.