@crazydayzgames9660 15 күн бұрын
Vast minority deal with bullying - schools dont want more paper work
@robarans4866 3 ай бұрын
your entire world view is upside down and you have no idea what you're talking about. you need to stop trying to force weakling Shtetl mentality on the rest of us.
@drewtraver2947 3 ай бұрын
As a Catholic Christian I realize the disgusting deceit in a time of suffering and persecution that Israel and Jews are going thru while others capitalize on the propaganda. Fear not and may God bless and guide you to him.
@drewtraver2947 3 ай бұрын
Wikipedia is saying that Islamic tradition actually places Amalek as a tribe in Mecca and Medina. I wonder what you would think if you were to check and see if they do have sources saying that in Islamic texts.
@izzykalman4165 3 ай бұрын
If Wikipedia says that about Amalek, doesn't it also provide the source for it?
@drewtraver2947 3 ай бұрын
@@izzykalman4165 They should be under references towards the bottom of the page. Just Google Amalek Islam and you'll see it. Personally I've read enough Islamic texts such as the Quran, different Hadiths, Tafsir and Islamic scholars texts that I would not even have to question them on this. Muhammad took a Jew for a wife after having her husband, Uncle and family killed. Not sure how you feel about that but I'd consider that rape and she poisoned him too saying it was because her husband and family were killed.
@nurulhudavijapurwala4936 4 ай бұрын
I am sufi Muslim , there's so much important of Judaism in sufism , our so many sufis were jews in central Asia. But i am totally against today's Zionism , because earlier Zionism use for the existence of jews , and now's use for extinction of pelestinians.
@nurulhudavijapurwala4936 4 ай бұрын
Please sir tell me , today's pelestinians were jews before thousand years? They are belongs to race of Israel? And native Israelis jews looking like pelestinian unlike Ethiopian Moroccan yemenilites or European mix jews
@nurulhudavijapurwala4936 4 ай бұрын
We find land. Jews : someone tell holy land?
@Ahmed-iam 5 ай бұрын
May God help good people wherever you are
@aqeelaansari921 5 ай бұрын
U did a genocide robbed others land others resourceses create al qaeda and isis to do your proxy war and want sympathy
@MrJack556 6 ай бұрын
Israel is a rogue corrupt evil state
@blusheep2 6 ай бұрын
Then so is every state on the planet.
@MrJack556 6 ай бұрын
@@blusheep2 ok jew
@user-ru5qh8xn4v 6 ай бұрын
Judaism is both nation and religion. both the secular and the religious have a connection to the land. and genetic tests show that the jews have roots in the land of Israel. there are completely religious, there are traditionalist, and there are olso those who do not believe. that there is no other country for oll of them, even for the secular.
@jackdaniels2127 6 ай бұрын
Palestinians claim to be Arabs so they belong in Yemen or SA.
@philipkozely3768 6 ай бұрын
From 1900 to 1948 600,000 jewish migrants came to palestine : how many got a visa or consent from palestinians. ? Did any jew ask for the consent of palestine before creating israel ?
@MusicLover-01 6 ай бұрын
There was no Sovereign Palestine for anyone to give consent. There never has been in history. Jews have lived in Israel for thousands of years, did the Islamic occupiers ask them for consent to come to their land?
@user-B_8 6 ай бұрын
​@@MusicLover-01*After Herodutus, the term 'Palestine' came to be used for the entire region which was formerly known as Canaan.* The region is part of the so called fertile crescent and human habitation there can be traced back to before 10, 000 BCE. According to Genesis 10: 1-20 "The Arabs, Hamites, *Canaanites* and Jebusites were the original inhabitants of the land of Palestine, including the area of Jerusalem." *Canaanites and Jebusites were there long before (at least 2,000 years before) the Jews, and even long before Judaism was revealed!* *So where did the Palestinians get their DNA from?* *One study done by Nebel found substantial genetic overlap between Israeli/Palestinian Arabs and Jews. Nebel proposed that "part or perhaps the majority of Muslim Palestinians descend from "local inhabitants, mainly Christian and Jews, who had converted after the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD."* *And according to scientific research archaeological and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian people in ancient times.* Thus, Palestinian -Jewish rivalry is based in cultural and religious, not in genetic differences. *Researchers also determined that the Canaanites* - who frequently appear in ancient sources, including the Bible - *descended from a mixture of an early Levantine population and migrants coming from the Caucasus region of modern-day Iran.* *And in recent years genetic studies have demonstrated that, at least paternally, Jewish ethnic divisions and the Palestinians are related to eachother. Genetic studies on Jews and Palestinians are closer to each other than the Jews are to their host countries. At the haplogroup level, defined by the binary polymorphisms only, the Y chromosome distribution in Arabs and Jews were similar but not identical.* *A 2020 study on remains from Canaanite (Bronze Age southern Levantine) populations suggests a significant degree of genetic continuity in Arabic-speaking Levantine populations (such as Palestinians, Druze, Lebanese, Jordanians, Bedouins and Syrians), as well as in several Jewish groups (such as Ashkenazi, Iranian, and Moroccan Jews), suggesting that the aforementioned groups derive over half of their entire atDNA ancestry from Canaanite/Bronze Age Levantine populations, albeit with varying sources and degrees of admixture from differing host or invading populations depending on each group.* According to a study published in June 2017 in Frontiers in Genetics, *the ancient Levantines (from the Natufian and Neolithic period) clustered predominantly with modern-day Palestinians and Bedouins.* And according to a study published in August 2016 by Marc Haber, he concluded that *"The overlap between the Bronze Age and present-day Levantines suggest a degree of genetic continuity in the region!*
@philipkozely3768 6 ай бұрын
Palestinians had no money , no army : they were the easiest to invade, occupy and steal from
@newsnetworkz 6 ай бұрын
Lol😂 whose propaganda is this?
@izzykalman4165 6 ай бұрын
@giorgiojrgensen9685 6 ай бұрын
antarctica nobody lives there beside the penguins
@izzykalman4165 6 ай бұрын
And many of us Jews dress kind of like penguins! Thanks for the suggestion!
@giorgiojrgensen9685 6 ай бұрын
@@izzykalman4165 you orthodox? if yes I have few questions....
@CandiceGoddard 6 ай бұрын
The only issue is the Islamic rewriting of the history of the Jews and the Islamic ideology about keeping what you conquer whilst subjugating and humiliating the natives. That's clearly why ZIonism would be an issue. Everyone knows that the Jews were there first. You have history and archaeology to prove it. Yet because in Islam they believe that they have to conquer the world and force everyone into their religion, that's why there is no solution to this issue.
@alisharif4466 6 ай бұрын
All the above three lands are suitable for palestinians
@izzykalman4165 6 ай бұрын
Yes, they are! And so is the Holy Land. If you listen to our latest podcast with Tzvi Misinai, you will discover that most Palestinians are actually descendants of Jews. Not everyone was expelled by the Romans two thousand years ago, only the wealthy and powerful. But at different times in history, there was pressure on the Jews who remained to convert. So we're really the same people.
@MusicLover-01 6 ай бұрын
​@@izzykalman4165there is zero evidence for this claim. Most Arabs in Judea and Samaria ethnically are Syrian/Lebanese/Jordanian. Many are economic migrants or refugees left behind after wars started by Arabs especially after 1967. Please don't spread misinformation which is baseless in fact.
@rolandbalogh6339 6 ай бұрын
Yes they are! But are the askenazi jews desendants of the semitic jews? You know, the white ones from ukraine whom picked up judaism around 800 out of nowhere? like bibi and the whole governing elite? Just asking... @@izzykalman4165
@blusheep2 6 ай бұрын
And all of the above named lands have people groups that inhabit the land and they are all three lands that Israel has no roots in. If your suggestion is that the Jews shouldn't have founded a state in the Levant because it would be stealing land from the arabs then that would be very inconsistent since your answer would be to have them steal land from Tasmanians, Madagascarians, or Ugandans.
@scinatit 6 ай бұрын
Tasmania would have been a perfect Jewish state. The island is mostly Australians of Anglo descent - No Muslim minorities. But the only problem is that the natives there (who aren't really much) would cry and claim land rights. Uganda would've been very dangerous as native tribes and ethnic groups can be militant towards them. Madagascar, I'm not sure about. But it has endangered peoples there, so I'm not sure how that one would work.
@cottageindustry3040 6 ай бұрын
What the f*ck are you talking about??? Tasmania should NEVER have become a "Jewish State" The Jewish people have absolutely no historical, cultural, religious or spiritual ties to Tasmania. Tasmanian rightfully belong to the indigenous Tasmanian population just like Judea (the area now known as Israel/ Palestine) rightfully should belong to its indigenous population, the Jewish people.
@shirelsloomi8452 6 ай бұрын
As a Jew girl living in Israel, I think our historical land where our ancestors had independence, kings and leaders is the only option where we are not colonizers. I mean the current situation is bad, very bad, but still we have returned to a land in which we have a history in, not just biblical history by the way.
@johnmacdonald-bb2zj 6 ай бұрын
Israel is the land for Jews .... long long before Islam appeared Jews were there. Palestinian Hamas are not fighting for land .... they are led and funded by Iran and are hell bent on murdering and cleansing the Middle East and the entire World of Jews .... where do Palestinians or any other people's get the right to determine who is allowed to live or not in their righteous land??
@CandiceGoddard 6 ай бұрын
Your comment sounds as racist as it does ignorant. 1)The area where Israel is now is their "native" homeland from more than 3000 years ago and some Jews have always lived there, so no other area was a legitimate option. When Zionism started in the 1800s, Jews were going there to join populations that already lived in the region. The major issue only started after the fall of the Ottoman empire in the aftermath of WWI. 2)European Australians in Tasmania are immigrants and pretty recent ones at that. How are they any different to the Arabs in the Levant and North Africa? Do you even know any history at all? The native people of the Levant were darker than me with tightly coiled hair, even you, if you look like the people in the videos on your page are an immigrant whose ancestors got there AFTER the Jews took over Canaan from the original people who lived there as recorded in their historical record, the Bible. 3)The reason why Uganda would not have been a safe long term option for Jews (or anyone) is because of Idi Amin, not the native Ugandans, because Uganda was part of the British empire until 1962 and it became dangerous thanks to Amin. 4)Madagascar was where the Nazis wanted to sent the Jews as an alternative to the Holocaust but it is said that the climate there was supposed to kill them instead much like how many Europeans died trying to colonise the West Indies before they started buying enslaved Africans from the invaders, Muslim Arabs.
@CandiceGoddard 6 ай бұрын
@@shirelsloomi8452 Your biblical history is the basis of Biblical archaeology and in fact most archaeology in the Levant uses the Bible as the basis, in fact the reason why people hate Jews is because of the excellence of the Bible and how it is the basis for everything that came after Jesus, by which I mean the year 0. When the first Christians who were Jews spread throughout the Roman empire, they look the kind of attention to details and precision in copying seen in the Hebrew Bible and spread it around. I think the way history is maintained in Europe comes from this because if you read European histories from before this, they are much more vague or non existent because it was only after the spread of Judeo-Christianity that many of these people became literate. The Vikings for example did not even have their oldest known language until 100 years AFTER Jesus and their myths weren't written down until 1300 which was the high medieval period. Think about it. There's no proof of any of the other Holy Books from ongoing major religions BEFORE the archaeologically established date of the Hebrew Bible (a la the Dead Sea Scrolls), for example the oldest surviving copy of the Bhagavad Gita which is a central part of the Mahabharata, a Hindu scriptural text, is only about 630 years old and it's not even in India, it was discovered and remains in the UK. So when we hear claims that Hinduism is older than Judaism (and remember Abraham is said to have lived 3800 years ago using the bible, which is used for archaeological research as proof) where is the scientific scrutiny of these claims like the extensive scrutiny that the Judeo-Christian claims have come under? I mean do you realise that in the bible it talks about giants being in the land and that was part of why the Israelites ended up wandering the desert for 40 years after coming out of Egypt. People consider this as part of why the biblical is not historical but mythical right? But so called secular histories written AFTER the bible, by Greeks and Romans, contain stories of giants too and are accepted as secular history. Maybe you meant that Jewish history in the region continued after the biblical period, and it did, but the biblical history and importance is something that can not be overlooked in my opinion.
@dalehoole7557 6 ай бұрын
So ridiculous. They were going to Palestine from day one. They have always been crying about going there and to suggest they would of accepted anywhere else having the Zionists involved and Roth Childs is nonsense.
@blusheep2 6 ай бұрын
I don't believe he suggested what you are saying. He said that Jews have been looking to reestablish Israel for 2000 years.
@eksbocks9438 6 ай бұрын
"How do you create happiness? Punish those who are unhappy." -Joseph Stalin
@alexazriel 7 ай бұрын
@AidanSuperStudios 8 ай бұрын
it’s obvious that victims are the key to end bullying the more a bully bullies people the more people that hate the bully then when all the victims stand up the bully will be doomed.
@999timepass 8 ай бұрын
Worse in workplaces.
@ginamonique3357 8 ай бұрын
Trump bullys people who bullys every day tax payers. He's not a good example.
@SO-rn1sl 11 ай бұрын
Well the end result of doing nothing about bad behavior was done without a good result. Calling bullies out for the weaknesses that they display towards another is still training up a child ..loving a child’s actions of wrong doing is wrong but rewarding for good behavior is the training up of a child in the right way acceptable by good people..
@abcdeeeeff 11 ай бұрын
This is a video of victim blaming. Bullies need to be realised of thier sins. This idiot is just normalising bully behaviour
@jacksong8131 Жыл бұрын
1:58 probably cuz no one did anything about it snd no one helped and had yo take things in their own hands.
@izzykalman4165 Жыл бұрын
I suggest you read The "School Did Nothing to Stop the Bullying" Lie: www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/resilience-bullying/201608/the-school-did-nothing-stop-the-bullying-lie
@lizzi437 Жыл бұрын
01:58 "The worst acts of violence are committed by people who feel like victims." Very interesting that you didn't say " . . . by people who are victims."
@izzykalman4165 Жыл бұрын
Glad you noticed!
@performxl Жыл бұрын
Audio is super low
@mariannebritz1425 Жыл бұрын
Did TIR Amazing!
@amandaa898 Жыл бұрын
I was doing TIR in 2012!! Such an amazing therapy <3 Worked wonders
@aldofigueroa1868 2 жыл бұрын
Seriously? Pleeeeeease 🙄
@receltahinsogan3054 2 жыл бұрын
I am from Turkey people be like be careful or watch out considering me terrorist just because I am from a country that majority is muslim even tho I am atheist and calling me idiot Turko or kebab, kebab isn't even my favourite food as well how can I respond without ending up in police station???
@izzykalman4165 2 жыл бұрын
Several years ago I wrote an article about this. It is geared for children, but is just as applicable to adults. Please let me know if you find this helpful. "All Muslims Are Terrorists!" "All Muslims Are Terrorists!" www.psychologytoday.com/intl/node/1088671/
@ericabarrera7982 3 жыл бұрын
But it doesn’t
@ericabarrera7982 3 жыл бұрын
Wish it was to really go this way
@izzykalman4165 3 жыл бұрын
If you do it right, you have a good chance of getting it to go this way. But you need to stay in the right frame of mind the whole time. If you lose it by getting upset or angry, the situation will go downhill and it will be harder to get back on the right track.
@melodysafo5437 3 жыл бұрын
Have you never considered the mental health issues that bullying causes? Anxiety, suicidal tendencies? Need I say more.
@izzykalman4165 3 жыл бұрын
Why in the world would you think I haven't?
@melodysafo5437 3 жыл бұрын
@@izzykalman4165 Sorry to mention, but bullying has many disastrous consequences. Because of this, they may have insecurities about themselves, eating disorder, or worse, nasty scars that may not ever heal. In short, bullying causes self hatred.
@izzykalman4165 3 жыл бұрын
@@melodysafo5437 Bullying is a very serious problem. That's why it's so important to teach people how to stop being bullied. It is easy once you learn how.
@melodysafo5437 3 жыл бұрын
@@izzykalman4165 I agree. But I also want the bullies to be held accountable.
@izzykalman4165 3 жыл бұрын
@@melodysafo5437 Everybody wants that. It rarely does any good, though. If someone committed a crime against you, get the police involved.
@hankszlenkier8519 3 жыл бұрын
I love Izzy. Ever since I attended his seminar on bullying so many years ago, I have been a devout follower. He is a man of great intelligence, profound empathy and a visionary grounded in history. Growing up in Detroit, I too was victimized being in the white minority but hold no malice toward my tormentors. I understand their plight. Forgive and forget. And yes, way before the Holocaust, Jewish people flourished in Poland and lived peacefully side by side with Poles. May God Protect and Keep the Jewish People.
@izzykalman4165 3 жыл бұрын
Hank, thanks so much for all the compliments, but I don't deserve them all. I am not all that smart. I just have a gift for seeing simple things that most people miss. And I didn't give the gift to myself.
@YTsss726 3 жыл бұрын
🤣😂🤣😂 victims
@simonheywood1286 3 жыл бұрын
@thehighpriestess8431 3 жыл бұрын
How do I find this doctor ?
@thehighpriestess8431 3 жыл бұрын
Preach boy !!!
@deutscherfischer55 3 жыл бұрын
@warmrollsforthetable 3 жыл бұрын
jerry lewis' long lost brother
@BrentBear1 3 жыл бұрын
I've always been a huge fan of your work and the concepts you promote. When a parent comes in hurting & angry and wanting us (the school) to take every step to ensure their children feel safe at school, it's a tremendous challenge to work with their perspectives about what needs to happen. Mama bears don't want to hear "We're going to help your child build the skills to deal with difficult people." Instead they want to hear, "We're going to expel the evil bully from this campus and community." Of course that can't happen because the "evil bully" is also one of our valued students that we owe the duty of providing an education for. Just like in politics, both sides have their perspectives. I'm not sure why it seems to be so difficult to meet in the middle.
@izzykalman4165 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Brent, for the comment. I am glad there are people out there who can see the issue clearly!
@zoranrabljenovic4443 Жыл бұрын
Usually the victim is moved to another class - a child with destroyed self confidence is taken from the class where he/she already knows some kids and is good with, put in a new class - already well established system - it is not easy to fit in, especially when you have low self esteem/confidence. Victim is a victim because he/she is weaker or outnumbered, or just diffeesnt. Bully is a bully because he/she has personality disorder - enyojin hurting other peoble!?! Bully should be transfered on another class, especially if bullies are grouped (separate the gang), and also he/she is the one that needs medical help. Narcis doesn't think it needs the help, but in case it generates other people demage for life, it should be forced. By changing attitude of a victim, he/she wont get 20 kg of muscule mass over the night, not every victim has capacity to be turned into Mike Tyson. Focus should be on the sick person (medical, transfer), and victim should gey terapy to recover.
@AnthonyManzio 7 ай бұрын
@@izzykalman4165All Bullies are lazy coward bums who should fired but all managers and HR are scared of the bullies. All you can do is don't react and defend yourself. Over 12 years being bullied nothing but jealousy for being the top worker thinking i win quit. Never been there 38 years. Very poor management.
@AnthonyManzio 7 ай бұрын
@@izzykalman4165 I'm from Canada. What is your advice? Same here being bullied, mobbed, gaslighting, harassed at the hospital for over 12 years. I've happened to be the top worker for 38 years and have never been suspended. These bullies are jealous and miserable people. Union, manager, HR and the police are all totally useless. Bullies are lazy bums and stupid managers are scared of the bullies. They say about me I'm crazy, I drink, I'm a stalker all bs defamation of character. The biggest mistake since they removed disciplinary measures. They should arrest the bullies and fire the manager. Action speaks louder than nasty words. It destroyed my reputation. I will never quit to make these lazy bums ever win. If I decide to transfer to another hospital and may start gaslighting, smearing and bullying me once again, I don't know all the new managers etc. like in every department like now. So best to not change hospitals. I will never let bullies try to control me from quitting. Just don't react and not try to defend yourself which will only go back and forth making me look even more guilty. Action always speaks louder than words. Just best ignore them and find another easier target. Never let these low life lazy coward bums ever win.
@Computer-User 3 жыл бұрын
Danse Macabre Great talk. Thank you.
@factzjoneslisten8403 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@izzykalman4165 4 жыл бұрын
You're welcome! And I love your name!
@RobertF- 4 жыл бұрын
Simple yet powerful.