@AWolfe-ek5np Сағат бұрын
Why do wings even have a speed limit? And how can you get rid of the speed limit?
@KingX 52 минут бұрын
You could remove the wing speed limit by removing its wing physics with freecall but that would stop it essentially being a wing so it's pointless. There is a glitch (covered on the channel) to remove the speed limit which kicks you off the control stick but it won't make the wing go any faster. The best way to fly a wing is probably with an infinite rocket but that's a lot of faffing about to set up and you need to repeat multiple steps every session.
@AWolfe-ek5np 3 күн бұрын
Next time I’m getting the Infinite Wing, I am using the easiest 1.2.1 fuse entanglement method to save me more zonaite that I would use up with the horse method (both fast and slow versions).
@Echo81Rumple83 6 күн бұрын
I also noticed early on in my playthrough that, when you have Hina in your party, the normal drop rate increases a lot, even without the 4-leaf clover upgrades and happy ring. Could someone confirm on that?
@KingX 5 күн бұрын
I've not heard of that. Hina usually was in my party until I got a family.
@klomarvin 6 күн бұрын
Amazing I was long to look for a guide, I am near the final boss so that helps me later, thank you
@thekiddshow 8 күн бұрын
Is getting the Wao-os See-saw even possible to obtain on 1.0.0? I can only reliably get the other bigger one.
@KingX 8 күн бұрын
Yes but "the other one" is more popular anyway for most things because it's lighter.
@_elynas 9 күн бұрын
Nia has done irreparable damage to my neurons💔
@OptometristPrime11235 10 күн бұрын
I'm about to give up. I can press the cart fine. And the wheels will separate far enough to get a 3rd wheel in between, but they stop moving after that. I've tried every method I can find and I've been going at this for probably 6 hours over a few days just tryong to get two wheels to move a little bit. Nothing. Half the time I lose ground. I've read forums. Watched videos. I get some methods can't be done on 1.2.1 but something should work. I just don't get it. Anyway, you provided me some links a while back and your videos have been a wealth of knowledge. So just want to say thanks
@KingX 10 күн бұрын
I don't know what's going on there but version shouldn't be an issue except in regard to if you want to item cull.
@OptometristPrime11235 8 күн бұрын
I'm at a loss. I did finally get it far enough apart that I was able to squeeze in a wheel and cart. I had to put an egg on the corner of one side of the axles of the middle wheel so it would draw the other axle in from the other side. And through lots of trial and error I finally squeezed in the middle wheel because of that. I really don't know why I can't get those wheels to stretch any further. All it does is just create a gap in between the wheel and whatever i'm attaching it to. Idk. And It's not like building this thing is ncessary or super important or anything. I just hate feeling defeated. And it was actually one of your videos that gave me the idea to pull the axle in from the other side so thanks again for that.
@KingX 8 күн бұрын
@@OptometristPrime11235 I've done it without item culling so it's possible but it's hard to make STRAIGHT without item culling.
@andrewryan8369 11 күн бұрын
If you pay attention to the story with open heart, consider situations, put yourself in their shoes, its teally sad the story of Patty. Like Re:Zero anime, most of nowadays people wouldnt handle that amount of despair, tragedy, sorrow and pain.
@Kralamelo 11 күн бұрын
i love it
@SkoomaGodDovahkiin666 12 күн бұрын
Geeta saying she doesn't hold back makes her more of a fraud. She's basically female Megumi Fushiguro.
@KingX 12 күн бұрын
Below are some MAJOR SPOILER observations comparing the game with other media. This game is the source material so is the canon. ----- Isara Gunther dies (scene starting at) 21:20. In the game she's surrounded by Squad 7 and finds peace when Welkin assures her they'll fly together soon. The anime handled this scene very differently. Only Rosie was present and Isara died happy to have heard Rosie sing. She never got to hear Rosie sing in-game and Rosie sang posthumously at Isara's funeral. In the game no medic is shown to be called. In the anime a medic is "coming" but never arrives in time. I gather in the manga a medic does arrive but there's too much bleeding. I tried to find that but the sites I checked end at Chapter 10. Another dramatization in the anime is Welkin's grieving process seeing as in the game he doesn't really show any grieving, being too focused on the job. The anime adds a scene providing Welkin with a proper cry session with Alicia after they take back Bruhl. I consider this an addition for the better. In-game Rosie tells Isara she "already helped" but there's no further elaboration on the doll charm Isara gave her. In the anime Rosie leans to pick it up during a battle and that saves her from a headshot. She also protests to Isara that she didn't make a charm for herself and gives it to her to try and keep her alive (to no avail). A common question (and one I always had myself) is why Isara was targeted seeing as she was apparently the lowest threat simply being a tank engineer/inventor while Rosie standing by her is a hot-shot frontline shocktrooper. The anime showed the shooter in a bad state so it's unclear whether Isara was the intended target in that. The biggest tragedy probably isn't so much that Isara died instead of Rosie (which Rosie wished upon herself in the anime) but that it was entirely preventable. She died due to Squad 7 negligence post-battle. They relaxed too soon whilst still on an open battlefield. To end on a lighter note, Isara Gunther is a playable DLC unit in every sequel.
@donut-vy3ub 13 күн бұрын
dude why do the girls always have better options i always chose the dude option cause im a dude but the girls have so much more options dammit
@KingX 13 күн бұрын
Not meaning to defend the game as I find that annoying as well but it's like that in real life. In the department stores they have loads of floors for female clothes and maybe half a floor for male clothes which'll usually be out of the way on the top floor or basement.
@Yeeyeeazzhaircut 14 күн бұрын
That trick works well! I cant duplicate but basically the morale of the story is... Use the cute wizard femboy that you have been railing for hours and won't dissapear after you took your schizophrenia pills
@jamesbaxter3444 15 күн бұрын
You can break the railing off with one stabilizer, for those interested in lower cost.
@KingX 15 күн бұрын
2 are used for consistency. If I taught it with 1 I'd probably get "it's not working for me" comments.
@OgDj2024 17 күн бұрын
I don’t understand! I’m at this part, where I just got the bow, and I can’t shoot any arrows. I’m following the instructions that popped up but the screen keeps going to the settings menu when I try to get the arrows and draw the bow. What am I doing wrong
@CallieBlader 17 күн бұрын
the fact that they didn't even have anything open toed is insanely disappointing for me, hell, no heels, wedges, flats, no nothin.
@mattmanguy 18 күн бұрын
Recently beat TDF, been playing TLH. 😊 Adorable.
@iCandy212 19 күн бұрын
🤔 i tried this with a long stone slab found in tukarok shrine to save on of the cart pieces. But handling sucks do you have issues with the 2 carts set up turning left or right? I made a breakthrough with fesca and 2 quantum linked pieces to hold the engine. Needs more tweaking but it works and handles great.
@KingX 19 күн бұрын
Carts are lighter. A stone slab will climb worse. That particular slab weighs 1200 while 2 carts weigh 800 so it's not a critical difference but it will still be a bit worse. The extra length might not be helping either. No, mine handles fine, that's clear in the video. I was expecting problems because carts don't provide a corner to stop the axles slipping around. Quantum linked what pieces? Sounds interesting.
@iCandy212 15 күн бұрын
@@KingX thanks on the insight. Actually not Q linked, it is stake nudged or gravity nudged apart Korok pieces. The L shaped one works but a perfect piece might be a a tetris like korok pieces like this OOO O As a base. But haven’t found yet. If you know if there’s is one shaped like that and it’s location let me know. + shaped ones don’t work for fesca they wont fit. But ive tried other pieces and they work fine
@KingX 14 күн бұрын
@@iCandy212 Quantum linking is the general term for separating items while keeping their connection so stake nudging, gravity nudging, item culling etc are all q-linking.
@iCandy212 14 күн бұрын
@@KingX oh I see. I thought qlink only applied to stuff that you could fuse to weps and shields. Well as I said try the Korok pieces I mentioned as a chassis for the fesca I find them to be sturdier than the hooks and prettier to look at. I’ll eventually find a perfect one if not I got some pretty good candidates and made several working prototypes with a double fesca set up and they are fast I tell you.
@KingX 14 күн бұрын
@@iCandy212 BlazingAlchemist recently made a good one with gravity pressed X korok puzzle pieces. I don't like that it's metallic but it works well as the corners prevent the axles from shifting about.
@courierz9451 20 күн бұрын
Wait... how are you holding 6 faries (getting a 7th before needing to release one)
@KingX 20 күн бұрын
This is an old video, I since got more than that. You get one extra per adventure map story completion so that's a cap of 14.
@courierz9451 20 күн бұрын
@KingX OH! Thats rad! Also thanks very much for the response/answer
@jecks5754 21 күн бұрын
Are stats/skill random on gears? There’s a possibility of build character in game?
@KingX 21 күн бұрын
Only awakenings are random. "Damage" increases by level. Gender pick is the only character customization and armour doesn't alter appearance.
@mr.whatever3378 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for the overview! It was really helpful.
@KingX 21 күн бұрын
It looked needed as I was unable to find certain info myself and had to get on with the game for answers.
@mr.whatever3378 21 күн бұрын
Yeah, most of the (few) reviews on the game don’t go in-depth like you did… So I really appreciate your video!
@icewindz 22 күн бұрын
@eternalgracenote 22 күн бұрын
Its like that video of the guy shooting a spider with a gun.
@Not_Liquid 22 күн бұрын
@usha97 23 күн бұрын
Feel like link is the prince or something and they’re half siblings. They do look alike
@redras81 23 күн бұрын
Thanks. I save me
@RemnantShard 25 күн бұрын
With the hover trike put the two at the front, it controls much better that way
@yojon4905 25 күн бұрын
@murad9060mmk 25 күн бұрын
how use photo mod?
@AWolfe-ek5np 25 күн бұрын
Can you use this to take off from water or add a second fan to swim faster?
@Yuyu99000 27 күн бұрын
Omg you have no idea how much I love you right now 🖤 These mini games stress me tf out outffff😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
@808zhu 28 күн бұрын
@JMANTHEGREAT899 29 күн бұрын
How did you get your weapon level so high
@KingX 29 күн бұрын
@kathrynjones2383 29 күн бұрын
The see-saw is the most absurdly cool shrine-stolen part that you can't get in the current patch.
@KingX 29 күн бұрын
You can, just the fuse entangle/zuggle methods are harder. Still, more recent methods aren't as bad as the original.
@808zhu 29 күн бұрын
Hey King X! Been wondering where you been. How are you doing?
@KingX 29 күн бұрын
TotK news was quiet is all, and my new games don't start coming til late September so I got on with some violin practice. I knew of Freecall from the get go but didn't want to make a video until I could get a bit of info I was missing. As it turned out I didn't figure out my answer until just after posting the video.
@OblivionOtaku 29 күн бұрын
And here I was, building vanilla stuff like a quadruple helicopter hoverstone and wishing there was a way to toggle each device on or off for thrust...This game is amazing.
@KingX 29 күн бұрын
Yes, as freecall devices always behave normally I think the trick to isolating certain items to always be on (while you toggle the rest) is to create freecall devices of everything you want to stay on (such as fans in my case). I seem to be unable to do it in 1.1.1 but am quite confident that will work on newer patches and that's how dual-state was achieved in the original showcase. Currently awaiting confirmation.
@AWolfe-ek5np Ай бұрын
Is phantom clipping patched in 1.2.1?
@KingX Ай бұрын
There's generally not much point in ever asking me about 1.2.1 as I'm on 1.1.1. I have an idea about that but I'm not the one to confirm. What I can say is it doesn't seem to be bothering the engineers.
@weirdosnextdoor4039 Ай бұрын
The "power to halt time" is referring to the glitch's ability to freeze the timer on some objects while in freecall mode, specifically the water orbs or the gohma bombs. The water orbs are still restricted to low gravity areas, but you could keep an orb around much longer using this.
@KingX Ай бұрын
Ah so like the timebomb I show at 10:06. I'll add a note, thanks! I also have a version question: Are you able to freecall (as in FE/zuggle/recall-lock) additional items such as fans, and if so do the fans work? I can't on 1.1.1 but it would explain a way to achieve ad-lib dual states. When I tried it the fan wouldn't function though it was on, and the FE would despawn the previous freecall device.
@weirdosnextdoor4039 Ай бұрын
@@KingX I will test it out on 1.2.1. I am pretty sure that you can have more than one weapon recall-locked at the same time on the current patch, but I haven't tried with recall-locked devices yet.
@KingX Ай бұрын
I can't do it with weapons either so I suspect that's the answer. I'm going to try making a dual state 1 propeller device as fans are apparently no-go for me. Still I've not heard any other early version players bring this up... yet.
@KingX Ай бұрын
Original video: www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/1eoayvx/comment/lhs0n2b/ My follow-up showing how to create Dual-State builds: kzbin.info/www/bejne/sISze56Jdr-JbcU Some standout features of said video for those who'd rather not view that but want to know some additional things this tech offers: - Shenanigans with infinite rocket wings. - Flails made with hover stones and construct head stacks where the hover stones move hypnotically. - A more sophisticated build of the concept I show here at 7:20 where you can fly a hover stone flyer with & without huge weights added. - Easily flying a 2x2 large heavy panel stack with just a couple of fans with a hover stone for on-demand air parking. - Flying a large armed island boat with a couple of fans, with hover stone air parking. - Flying the same boat type but with infinite rockets. - Non-expiring water orb. (I could have shown that...) - Flying a dual see-saw sled flyer with 1 fan(?). - Some other hover stone... spinning thing. - Starting an airship airparked for jumping/ascending into. - A wooden wagon carrying a very heavy load no problem with just 4 big wheels. - A non-expiring water orb hover stone flyer. - Another hard to describe build with lots of stabilizers. ADDITIONAL NOTES: Time stopping I showed an example of at 10:06 with a time bomb. Frecalling can freeze items such as time bombs, water orbs and Gohma bombs. Freecall devices (items you did the initial recall-lock on) always behave normally so I believe the way to (for example) have fans which always work is to create additional freecall devices. In my example that would mean "doing what I did with the steering stick with the fan/s instead or as well." I'm unable to verify that as I seem to be unable to create extra freecall devices on version 1.1.1, creating a new one despawns the original and freecalled fans don't work right on my version. My suspicion is that you can do this on more recent patches. GLITCHES IN version 1.2.1: Fuse Entangle: kzbin.info/www/bejne/j2nWgKiQmbaYmbc Zuggle: kzbin.info/www/bejne/rKfJqKmqibaMpbc (There may or may not be easier methods since, they're methods I don't keep up with as I'm on 1.1.1.)
@riicky83 Ай бұрын
For me, Linkle with crossbow a boss killer if you have at least one special bar full. Send the other two to keep the other 2 bosses preoccupied and when you make the weak point appear, use Linkle's last charge combo and extend the attack as long as possible. Depending on the boss, it can deplete around half the gauge, maybe a little more or less depending on the boss. Then use the special attack to chunk the last part off, you might need another hit or two after the special on some bosses.
@riicky83 Ай бұрын
I know the vid is 6 years old but, how did the enemies get a yellow and red bar above their heads?
@KingX Ай бұрын
Settings > Game Settings > Health Gauge [On]
@RandomDBZfan287 Ай бұрын
this is probanly one of my favorite lines in the game
@marcofrassy9515 Ай бұрын
Made my life so much easier 💪
@svenseike4496 Ай бұрын
Second best Girl after Saphire! 😜
@GMKGoji01 Ай бұрын
Tonight on Lythos News: Local Berserker destroys an entire army of Young Links! With 1 HP!
@keishareginahoestiawan5834 Ай бұрын
Where are the champions of Hyrule in tears of the kingdom?
@hunscheeks8166 Ай бұрын
just q link it , so much faster . ( the stacked cart and wheel )
@KingX Ай бұрын
Item culling can be good but is version-specific in technique. I prefer to show a method which can be done the same on all versions. If I showed it with item culling it'd make no sense to people on a new version because the technique is different and more complex.
@sleepingkirby Ай бұрын
Do you think this can be used to improve uphill climbs on small wheels?
@KingX Ай бұрын
No, I already tried. Possibly you could squeeze some more out of phantom clipping some hydrants instead of just having 6 but I don't think it'd help seeing as the issue is how much water is going on how much tread. I tried phantom clipping in 1 space yesterday and the result was rubbish. I think if it were possible to use GHOST hydrants with no terrain detection that would work but aside from that there's little place to add a hydrant to hit treads in contact with the ground. What I then tried to do was make it work with a homing cart as that has treads as well. I didn't notice any difference but perhaps upside down small wheels could be used without the cart.
@sleepingkirby Ай бұрын
@@KingX Damn. Thank you for trying though. I need a break between job applications, maybe I'll see what happens if I gravity press the hydrant into the small wheel.
@KingX Ай бұрын
I just tried putting the upside down wheel (with hydrants) on a small wheel, copy that and made a speed snail segway with it. It didn't perform better. I've already tried gravity pressing, it doesn't get very far before wanting to snap off. You may find another position though as I only tried 2. On a more positive note it's possible to transfer the energy from small wheels into fans. Snail performance is relative to how much the treads are pressed against the case.
@sleepingkirby Ай бұрын
@@KingX "I've already tried gravity pressing, it doesn't get very far before wanting to snap off. You may find another position though as I only tried 2." I just tried it and got the same result. I've tried 4 different positions. The hardest thing is to press it level to the wheel. I have one more gravity press idea but I'm not holding my breath. The next step is trying fuse entanglement. But last time I tried that with putting a big wheel inside a big wheel, it just got destroyed. "On a more positive note it's possible to transfer the energy from small wheels into fans. Snail performance is relative to how much the treads are pressed against the case. " Hmm... Definitely interesting.
@KingX Ай бұрын
The wheel thrust gets added to the fan thrust or something. Here's the original post on that: www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/16ia5cx/speed_snail_air_bike/