@Bushman1083 3 жыл бұрын
As you said conflict of interest so the government gets their cut and they turn a blind eye
@carlislec.9245 3 жыл бұрын
@Theholyspirit777. 3 жыл бұрын
What are we as a people going to do about this? It makes me sad no one seems to care
@jeffreydookwah7056 3 жыл бұрын
Good work on ecposing this recklessness allowed in our country. Nothing will be done about this. It's the norm in this country because someone on top is profiting from these actions. Our way of life in this country.
@elitegamer8351 3 жыл бұрын
along with hundreds more across the country
@debrayoung7040 3 жыл бұрын
These people don’t listen nor pay attention to their environment.
@JoseRodriguez-cq4xk 6 жыл бұрын
It continues today
@ashleynicocc 7 жыл бұрын
@hammerheadeagleithrustakag9289 7 жыл бұрын
This isn't an acid burn, its sunburn and necrosis of the upper epidermal layer
@JaS-ib1cq 7 жыл бұрын
this is not a quarry.. only stupid people does believe you. You need to stop harassing innocent people
@zarakisan11 8 жыл бұрын
such is the folly of man
@JaS-ib1cq 8 жыл бұрын
next time get your facts straight is what YOU CAN DO
@nigelboos 8 жыл бұрын
Gary, perhaps you might start an on-line petition and collect the responses from around the world, to present the results in Parliament.
@kaseybutternut 8 жыл бұрын
In the meantime - lets qualify what is meant by "Illegal". Firstly what is the approximate acreage of this you think for it to be a case? Anything >150 acres requires a Certificate and I dont know if this project is listed in the list of applicants www.ema.co.tt/natReg/index.php# - Secondly, if runoff is an issue the current Water Pollution Rules only specify for a few pollutants and which pollutants do you think would be applicable in this case? BOD, pH, TSS? Is there any precedence with studies to qualify and show the impact of similar runoff on Tropical fisheries? Thirdly, to what extent will a Board balance the current inabilities of the EMA and will the "Board" be able to take itself to Environmental Commission for it's own negligence of duty? I would like some of these facts to be included in the video description please so the matter can be better dealt with from within the "system" as well.
@vybz099 8 жыл бұрын
Who are these untouchables that neither governments of past and present can put a stop to them!!!
@sunshinealexj 8 жыл бұрын
@ffostt178 8 жыл бұрын
+J Alex the ministry of land and surveying that plainly shows it as state land, and being directly told by residents of the area. Where does your research say otherwise? we would of course look into the matter further.
@ffostt178 8 жыл бұрын
+J Alex the ministry of land and surveying that plainly shows it as state land, and being directly told by residents of the area. Where does your research say otherwise? we would of course look into the matter further.
@Trinilicia 8 жыл бұрын
Our environment is extremely sensitive. It is all we have to lead healthy lives. An ecosystem is connected in so many ways that you would not understand until it has collapsed why this careless behavior MUST stop. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful country with God given fruit, vegetable and ocean life . These are unaffordable for many people living in other countries. Please look out for our environment. If not for yourself, for your descendants. Before Trinidadians end up living hand to mouth like the middle class and underneath of other consumer driven countries. The things we take for granted are overpriced and hard to come by there.
@21348676jeff 8 жыл бұрын
If fish could talk they'd tell you it's BP that's chasing them out of the water.
@ffostt178 8 жыл бұрын
+Jefry Xavier Exactly , Please share and expose what BP is doing to our beloved country ..Thank You
@spaceboyorific 8 жыл бұрын
Good Job........
@winstonmaraj8029 8 жыл бұрын
daz why we gat to speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed on to solar power an clean energy ppl!tnk GOD the price of oil is goin down an ought to stay down an in the soil always.
@nikkoberlincabrera4568 8 жыл бұрын
@ffostt178 8 жыл бұрын
Govin Heeraram, We never mean any harm to those who don't know better, but sometimes we offend and this is purely accidental and we regret what seems like your obvious hurt. we are sorry to say that your comment betrays a sense of misinformation or bias that is difficult to address in a short response. For instance we accept that the fishery you refer to is a migratory fishery, and that what seems like thousands of pounds to you does not represent the cumulative catch rates that are recorded statistically. Two stroke engines use oil and yes, small amounts are released, but are you aware of the impact of corexit9500, or are you read in the published professorial studies on the impacts of seismic surveys? Have you read Linda S. Weilgart, Ph.D, or Prof Novacek or any of the other published studies? Nevertheless we welcome you and advise you to reread your comments for IQ checks so that you will uplift our page rather than betray a bias that leads us to think you are related to those families involved in the shameless BP lies or support political crooks who we have exposed on both sides of the pendulum.. Seismic surveys sir, are destroying our marine life and whether you choose to bury your head in ignorance and hate or not, we respectfully submit that scientific fact remains as fact. We are not spreading doom and gloom sir, and our relatives do not work for or benefit by the crumbs thrown in PR campaigns by oil companies in our beleaguered island.
@jungletoad2 8 жыл бұрын
Mr aboud i want u and the fishermen esp on the east coast to tell the public that they are experiencing a decline in fish atm...Over the past two weeks thousanda of lbs of moulette salmon kingfish ancho cavalli skip jack has been brought in by boats fron north manzan to guaya..Deny that fact...the doom and gloom u spread......everyday poor maintained boat engines are being run on the water throwing oil residue from cooling the engine back into the water causing permanent damage..fishermen still using transp...is fishermen dping their own damage..
@jungletoad2 8 жыл бұрын
They always say when arguing with the uneducated and they can no longer formulate an arguement they then try personal attacks....yes th chemical is harmful...but in our history how mny times did the oil companies had to use it vs how often are the fishing boats outside there polluting....mr aboud you and i both know tht reprted catch is bullshit...fishermn lie through there teeth...so u all wanma frce other ppl to do right...yet your followers lie about amts they catch so what impact on te environment are u speakin of?what data are u using?where is the inclusion of the fisherfolk assoc conduction eia to see what impact they are having?
@garyaboud3128 8 жыл бұрын
Govin, you appear to have a few bees buzzing about when it comes to our fishers. I am not sure whether its a bee or a Hive? We Lie? We pollute? An EIA has never been required for fishers, and yes we certainly have impacts that should be considered cumulatively. The issue is whether the marine bombing is destroying our fishery. I know we kill fish, and i think you eat some as well, but what is your issue? You are really sending us mixed and confusing comments? Are you related to the Gargee family? You are saying that toxic material that can kill humans is ok, because " how mny times did the oil companies had to use it" So its ok to poison your family once? .........Is that what you mean?..........Thats a really disgusting position Mr Heeraman and clearly we part company when it comes to the value and importance that we must embrace when it comes to the preservation of human life. It sounds like you embrace the unwritten philosophy of BP and the other oil giants, "profit centered, profit driven" Do you or any of your immediate family profit by association with BP or any oil company? There must be a reason why you appear to be drowning in hate and raising such disturbing and callous positions. Please be honest so we can get a clear profile of whats your axe to grind
@jungletoad2 8 жыл бұрын
I think it is u dare boy with unclear agenda...or hidden i dare say....as for my relation family or otherwise..am sure yur smart intellectual bunch of merrymen is capable of digging up all the info u require....it seems u have been out on the open seas for far to long being exposed to direct sunlight...since your ability to see another point of vrw as been destroyed...u complain about the chemical and i agree: ts dngerous...in th oil and gas history how many times hve our fisheries been in danger of it...u complain about drop in lbs of fish caught yet u cannot tell me which data u are citing to say such...u went from seismic survey to oil spills...u jump points as if yur brain has been scrambled....and if u read my responses correctly u will see the questions i am putting foward to u and my observations are true.....u did also forget to add that seismic suveys are done at a certain decibel...days leading up to such the ship pops at the lowest decibel first then build there way up to cause marine life to move away from the grounds....and as u rightfully said they are migratory...from my observation they do return...but u wouldnt say this...apparantly another person was chosen for a job amd now its fox and grapes...
@garyaboud3128 8 жыл бұрын
+Govin Heeraman dear Fox and Grapes, who knows what you mean when you utter confusing red herrings of fox and grapes.......the fact is u are exposed as a closet oil man, lapping up your wealth from others misfortune and its ok, i would ashamed too...................... the ramp up procedure you refer does not give microorganisms or the smaller lower food chain species time to flee and there is a marked death of the ecosystem after you pass with the explosive blasts.... which you evade, but every closet creature plays these hide and seek games ...your defense of the oil spills and the corexit9500 is incredible, in your thought it seems "its ok to kill and poison my children because we don't do it all the time" right?..disgraceful!!!!!! games my dear friend at a time when Gods creatures and our ecosystems are being destroyed so you can enjoy crumbs of the ill begotten gains. While corporations trample on our local people you defend them! Ten million men like you cannot stop the flood gates of truth and so resort to attacks on character. May God bring peace and love to your family and your community at the eve of another passage of blessings. Goodbye Govin
@Trinilicia 8 жыл бұрын
Our environment is extremely sensitive. It is all we have. An ecosystem is connected in so many ways that you would not understand until it has collapsed why this careless behavior MUST stop. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful country with God given fruit, vegetable and ocean life . These are unaffordable for many people living in other countries. Please look out for our environment. If not for yourself, for your descendants. Before Trinidadians end up living hand to mouth like the middle class and underneath of other consumer driven countries. The things we take for granted are overpriced and hard to come by there.
@ArielProcope 9 жыл бұрын
i live in trinidad , so it a good thing i don't eat fish
@justinpaul1205 10 жыл бұрын
this is serious and no comments and only 986 views.