@Алла-г6щ7х Минут бұрын
Мне никогда не нравился этот человек Хасан, неприятный тип.
@SilviaNegrere 8 минут бұрын
Y a hora qué se le ocurrió aser a señorito . Hassan va a ser otro castillos que esta edificado
@pacemakerspain9561 8 минут бұрын
El coronel M es Hassan con un nick falso para entrar en los comentarios para blanquear el canal.
@СветланаДворецкая-щ6к 8 минут бұрын
Одевайте мальчику носочки в сапоги.
@JD-pv5ix 14 минут бұрын
Omg now I know where Ahora gets the evil energy from his dad!! You’re so mean when you’re son fall every single person was there for you and here you don’t even do anything about it!! You start to laugh like a idiot
@Wilmaleuty-ij9qi 3 минут бұрын
And when Ahura supposed to fell, we never seen him at the doctors office, or emergencie, and he only got a cream to put on him.
@chriszahterian8901 18 минут бұрын
Zulikha and Ahura have no business being there. Very dangerous for Ahura. Why is Ahura shirtless?
@cassiagoncalves6118 26 минут бұрын
Porquê tantas pessoas curiosas envolta só grtaria demoram a socorrem uma pessoa quando sofrem um acidente aí na Aldeia, ficam discutindo os uns os outros o quê aconteceu ? O quê aconteceu ? Saim coelhos dás tocas até umas horas curiosidade enquanto isso está agravando o estado demoram a socorrer o acidentado 🤕 aff !! Meu DEUS, MISERICORDIOSO. Ahmed, você precisa ir ao medico fazer uns exames de raio-x para ver se afetou alguns órgãos internos também ver a sua perna qual o grau da lesão tenha afetado o osso 🦴 a coluna .
@floramartins5195 27 минут бұрын
So teatro
@LylouLoulou-xe5ez 37 минут бұрын
لو انكم والدين محبين لاطفالكم حقا وغير مستهترين هاته لا علاقة لها بثقافة البلد او عاداته كيف يسمح لطفل ذو عامين أهورا في موقع بناء كبار ومحترفين ويتعرضون لحوادث خطيرة تودي بحياتهم او تسبب لهم اعاقة وهم فمواقع البناء فالعالم. كيف لطفل صغير تحت جرف ويوجود احجار وخلاط رجل قوي وسقط تخيلو لقدر الله سقط عليه او الجرف يسقط عليه آحياته غير مهمة بالنسبة لكم. ؟🤔😡 جاوبونا نرى عبر العالم غجر وبدو ...فيديوهات لهم ولا نرى مثل استهتاركم أليس لديكم عقل حتى البهائم والحيوانات تتجنب وبغريزتها تتحسس أماكن الخطر فتبعد نفسها وصغارها عليها إلا انتم الطفل دائما متسخ حافي القدمين حتى لما وضعتو له حذاء حذاء للبنات وأمه المفترض زوليخة بدل ماتأخده بعيدا تاركته هناك وهي تعمل عمل الرجال أنت حسن رجل خزي وعار وتشوه صورة الايرانيين صراحة تقال خذ بنصائح المشاهدين الذين يريدون فقط الخير لك ولعائلتك ولكن انت مايهمك المال .على فكرة حتى لو وصلت المشاهدة والتعاليق الملايين ودون ان تكسب احترام الناس لك لا قيمة لتلك المداخيل القيمة والاحترام لا يباع ولا يشترى اعطو صورة جميلة على بلدكم وثقافتكم كل الاجناس تتفرج فيكم اهاته ايران الحضارة. تعطون نظرة انكم متسخون مهملون وبدون وعي رغم ايران تعرف بالمثقفين والعلماء .....الخ نعرف حياة البدو مختلفة عن المدن ولكن النظافة من الايمان. ومن شخصية الانسان نعرف الاطفال يلعبون وهناك اتربة في كل مكان ولكن عندما يدخلون المنزل تغير ملابسهم المتسخة ويغسلون ارجلهم وايديهم ووجوههم اما اطفالكم نفس اللباس كل يوم حتى يصبح اسود من الاوساخ اما ايديهم وارجلهم متسخين ويصعدون فوق الاريكة وفوق البطانيات .اسفة هاته لا تعبر عن عادات وانما شخصيتكم تحب الاوساخ ولكن فنفس الوقت تشوه صورة الايرانيين امام العالم
@JD-pv5ix 31 минут бұрын
@Wilmaleuty-ij9qi 18 минут бұрын
I keep on saying that it’s a disgrace for the I ran Ian people, having those kids dirty daily, and not given Asena a spoon to eat, raise her like a wild animal, and the try to make Ahura a grownup, and try to make him smart, doing grownup work, you only confuse that child. Than he stands on the ruff , like yesterday standing on the edge of the mountains, the putting children in danger, those videos should be cut.
@madalenaalves5265 46 минут бұрын
Eu não sabia que Hamed é irmão de Zullyka...pq os homens não levaram o coitado erguido, pra dentro de casa? Sobrou pro coitado do Mirza, sozinho. Hassan parece não se comover.
@normamollo8005 47 минут бұрын
De lo que se salvó Ahura! Siempre está en peligro y nadie se da cuenta!!
@Wilmaleuty-ij9qi 13 минут бұрын
And the last time the blamed a 4 year old girl, now you all see who let that child, the parents tight there, run on a ruff, yesterday standing on the edge on the mountain. The like is to see a 2 year old in dangerous situation, for comments, those videos should be not allowed.
@delainekpeniata5 54 минут бұрын
I really don’t like fake. Genuine is better. I like the Community. God bless you all.
@MartilMartil-j3o 55 минут бұрын
الصراحة حسن حقير يحب نفسه فقط
@MartilMartil-j3o 58 минут бұрын
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته لماذا حسن يضحك عندما وقع احمد في الأرض ولم يتبعه إلى المنزل
@floramartins5195 Сағат бұрын
Porque nao compra uma cama para a bebe .
@ImeldaVazquez-s5t Сағат бұрын
Todo está bien pero peina esa niña se ve horrible Feina esa niña
@ImeldaVazquez-s5t Сағат бұрын
Todo está bien pero peina esa niña se ve horrible
@pacemakerspain9561 Сағат бұрын
Muy buena la interpretacion de Zulikha. Hoy ha demostrado que es una gran actriz. Y Hassan que es un descerebrado y mal tipo. No tiene entrañas nada mas que para ganar dinero.
@angrybear4644 Сағат бұрын
Zalikha..53:00 we see the Discourages in your face…It could have been Heartbreaking 💔 If Ahmad fall was Shifted just inches 😔
@umhagr7160 Сағат бұрын
يعني ماعدكم غير هاي الاكلتين دجاج وبطاطه ودجاج شوي وين الخضار وين الباذنجان الفاصوليا الاسواق اشكال والوان بيها وايران مشهوره بلزارعه واكلتهم المفضله الشبزي يعني السبانغ طبخو خطيه لهاي الاطفال
@bonnie2klydech Сағат бұрын
Wow this could have been so bad little ahura could have gotten hurt aswell and hassan standing there laughing not helping him he only care about him self hassan is a lazy piece of shit he doesn’t help with his own kids mr ahmad helps everyone he doesn’t deserve this i don’t like hassan at all his wife is a slave smfh i pray for her and the kids i pray mr ahmad is okay smfh🙏🏾🙏🏾
@Wilmaleuty-ij9qi 7 минут бұрын
That Slave sitting the whole day watching men, than she flirts with Mirza.
@gladysmarquez7340 Сағат бұрын
Hassán es un buen BRUTO solo le importa el NO Fue CAPAZ de AYUDARLO ,es un bueno para NADA
@mattiebiddix9613 Сағат бұрын
Why just why do they let the kids Ahura in the work site….I don’t care how much he cry’s. Rather cry than deceased!!!!! That guy hit him as he was falling!!!! Another thing why is everyone laughing? This man is obviously in a lot of pain and looks like he can pass out again!!!! This program is an accident waiting to happen!!!!! Lord help them!!!!
@Wilmaleuty-ij9qi 6 минут бұрын
Zulikha sends Ahura to him, always. That there favored only child is on camera.😮
@pacemakerspain9561 Сағат бұрын
La caida es tan falsa como todo lo que nos quieren hacer ver. Y los aldeanos son todos unos cabronazos, riendose del cuentista de Ahmad. Y otros filmandolo para otros canales. Es un pueblo de indigentes mentales. Cuanto daño ha hecho la endogamia en este pais.
@angrybear4644 Сағат бұрын
Almost Crushed” Ahura”…and early in the video 17:37…Ahura would have been on his way Over,For a Second time…These incidents are Not Scripted…Just actual occurrences,Captured on Video…Hassan Says…He is a “Actor “….But as these videos continue…It seems to me He has just been someone,Who has been “Caught In The Act”…With their “Candid Camera”Footages…And some footages Don’t lie….😔
@MariaJose-lh9ki Сағат бұрын
Hassan idiota. Fica rindo e não socorre o homem que caiu😡
@JD-pv5ix 26 минут бұрын
He doesn’t even care about the baby been hurt all the time for the boy you think he’s going to care for somebody else
@ReynaPeralta-l9j Сағат бұрын
Pobre hombre y lo dejan caminar es bes de llevarlo al médico
@MariaJose-lh9ki Сағат бұрын
Hassan é ruim.
@joannanightingale4466 Сағат бұрын
Even animals know to feed their young first????
@Foxfire505 Сағат бұрын
Живут в каком -то непонятном доме цилиндрической формы. Вроде бы они строили другой дом. Непонятный спектакль.
@paymanothman4220 2 сағат бұрын
كيف تترك اطفال ينامون من غير ملابس تاخذهم برد ويمرضون وكيف تحطون ماء على مدفئ لا سمح الله أي حركة صغيرة ينقلب ماء حار ويحرقهم
@ErikaGonzalez-mw1io 2 сағат бұрын
Ahura cuánto te quiero eres tan valiente 🧍💙❤️
@JD-pv5ix 25 минут бұрын
Llévatelo a tu casa haber si lo aguantas un día
@GerceliaSantos 2 сағат бұрын
Hassan, ele é seu cunhado seja gentil com quem te ajudar . Não seja negligente na hora que alguém tiver em perigo, amanhã pode ser você ou alguém de sua família. Você nem se mexeu pra socorrer seu cunhado,sua esposa foi mais amorosa do que você.
@karinrochelmeyer994 2 сағат бұрын
Alles gefälschte Vidios hört auf sowss gefälschtes zu zeigen ihr seit nur blöd 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
@tatjana-bozicbozic7121 2 сағат бұрын
To pa ni bilo zaigrano..padel je kot kamen
@perveenkhan7223 2 сағат бұрын
Hussan your not care in the children
@Corinneb-ru5tc 2 сағат бұрын
Zuleikha fait un de ces cinéma. Son comportement interroge quand même.😅 Ok il a fait une grosse chute, mais de là à réagir comme s'il s'agissait de son enfant ou son mari .... Elle en fait un peu trop je trouve... Mais bon, c'est Zuleikha quoi 😂
@GerceliaSantos 2 сағат бұрын
Tem que levar ele pra o hospital,ele bateu com a cabeça na pedra isso é perigoso. Pode acontecer ao grave com ele depois. Deus tenha misericórdia desse senhor! Meu Deus que susto!😮😮😮😮😮
@MGonzalez-rt27 2 сағат бұрын
Zuleikha got very scared!
@MGonzalez-rt27 2 сағат бұрын
He really does look like he is in pain. Seek medical help for him, please.
@עועועונונ 2 сағат бұрын
אשה מיוחדת במינה ומקסימה ומדהימה שאת כל המשפחה 🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@bazababa7292 2 сағат бұрын
@tokyomalekytb5918 3 сағат бұрын
Get up, you lying liar, she pretended to be affected and unable to speak, then suddenly her voice rose, her husband laughed, her son's pants were wet, he was barefoot and his face was dirty. Get up and take care of your children and find out where they are at this time. You had time to clean your house and children instead of lying, deceiving and pretending.
@tokyomalekytb5918 3 сағат бұрын
I pity this little girl, she is breastfeeding and her mother is a mass of mold and filth, she does not change her clothes or bathe, it is clear that this dress has been on her skin for a long time, the little girl is breastfeeding microbes and germs, her laugh is malicious, the little girl's feet are a black layer of severe dirt, her hair is also dirty, I do not rule out that it is foul-smelling, the little girl's face is very dirty, instead of entering and sitting and following the men, she should have taken care of the cleanliness of her house, the stove is in a miserable state of mold, I expect aluminum foil stuck to it completely from the mold, the pots and the kettle for heating water are a black mass, even cooking in it is unhealthy, clothes and blankets are scattered everywhere, and she sits with the men like beggars, then talks about the failed drama, cries over her brother on the basis that she is good, and has been boycotting her brother for seven years and has not cared about his children, ask about her, she is a failed actress after her lies were exposed in the cases of false fainting and her admission to the hospital
@Wilmaleuty-ij9qi 3 сағат бұрын
She should be not allowed, to be shown on a video, having those kids, so dirty, and neclected, that video should be banned with her in it, that sneaky smile, is so malicious you right.
@truthseeker2024-j1e 2 сағат бұрын
They don't even wash their hands but find it necessary to play with the baby's lips.
@Wilmaleuty-ij9qi 3 сағат бұрын
Why Hasan don’t help Mirza, to get him in the car at least. what a cold men. As same as Zulikha, the donkey s creams the whole time no one cares about animal, I had it.
@AliAli-td8bt 3 сағат бұрын
اولادكم يتمرضون 😢
@Wilmaleuty-ij9qi 3 сағат бұрын
Stop shoveling cement, telling Armand to take care of Ahura.Tired only get pushed Ahura to the audience.
@Toya-n1h 3 сағат бұрын
No sé qué le hace tanta gracia a Hassan, incapaz de recogerle y riéndose no tiene sentido. No me gusta este hombre.😡
@tatjana-bozicbozic7121 2 сағат бұрын
Meni tudi ne
@Toya-n1h 2 сағат бұрын
@tatjana-bozicbozic7121 no entiendo tu idioma, por lo tanto no entiendo tu comentario.
@JD-pv5ix 20 минут бұрын
@@Toya-n1h ella dijo que tampoco a ella le cae bien el chimuelo ósea Hassan
@احمدالشاعر-ر5ص 3 сағат бұрын
@Wilmaleuty-ij9qi 3 сағат бұрын
The most video is about Adriana mostly Ahura, and Hasan and Zulikha, So the content is the having two children.
@truthseeker2024-j1e 3 сағат бұрын
Exactly -- they ignore the other children especially Asena!!!
@Wilmaleuty-ij9qi 3 сағат бұрын
@@truthseeker2024-j1e Have you seen Asena how dirty she is, her feet are crusty and black,and colonel M better shut up and say kids get dirty, that dirt is weeks on her feet, the need a brush, to get it off her feet, she should not be allowed making money with a video, with that severely neclect on this girl.
@truthseeker2024-j1e 2 сағат бұрын
@@Wilmaleuty-ij9qi Ignore the colonel -- they are just harassing negative commentors either because they are Hassan or working for him.