The Journalist Who Took Down Lynching
Where did the weekend come from?
Did Karl Marx... save capitalism?
Did Mary Seacole deserve a statue?
@33Donner77 3 сағат бұрын
And today the woke governments are recommending euthanasia, especially in Europe and Canada, and woke castration and sterilization of children in transgender surgeries. Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, but he had little to do with it compared to others.
@kennyw907 6 сағат бұрын
Awesome video. What do we call the opposite of eugenics? Because that’s the hidden-in-plain-sight policy that is practiced in todays America
@Lingchow1 6 сағат бұрын
I fucking hate British Documentaries.
@jackgallo5616 6 сағат бұрын
If everyone agrees plant and animal species can and should be subjected to selective breeding, to “improve the stock” and for eradication of undesirable traits (what you call eugenics), then why not humans? Are humans not just another species of animals? But no! Of course not! We are the children of God, made in his own image! Did you ever visit the Sistine Chapel? That Michelangelo ceiling fresco of the moment when God reached down to Earth to create humanity, his outstretched index finger almost touching Adam's? That’s how He created humans in His image! (In fact, we created God in our image - but that’s another story for another time😂)
@none194 Күн бұрын
After noting the ommision of communists and socialists from the primary victims of the Holocaust, then the assertion that the Allies punished its perpetrators (most of whom found new homes in the US and Canada or just demobbed and returned to their old leading posts in industry and the state), I chose not to continue wasting my time listening to this historical revisisionism.
@Bobby-d1j Күн бұрын
The morality of eugenics and the science based facts in that regard are two different things. Facts remain facts no matter what.
@AndyJarman Күн бұрын
Yes, just look at all the women bricklayers, stevadoors, sewage plant workers today! Hurrah for the women who over the hundred years since winning the vote have remodelled society. No more do men make up 97% of war casualties, the life expectancy of men and women is now equal, and the investment a man makes in forming a supportive family unit has been lavishly lauded and rewarded by the family courts. The birth rate, and the divorce rate have soared. The age at which men marry women and become responsible fathers has plummeted. Schoolboys now dream of taking on the role of chattelled servant to a boss girl then having his house and car, his dog, taken from him when he no longer pleases the most important person in a family. Hurrah for the great social and economic progress suffrage has bought us all!
@kennethkleefeld6059 Күн бұрын
In my "elite" NYC high school bio class circa. 1959 eugenics was given a positive spin. Ironic, as there were teachers and parents who had fled the Nazis!
@sjam1159 2 күн бұрын
This argument is patently absurd. There may have been extremists in Eugenics but it cannot be blamed for Hitler’s fanatical psychopathy. The other thing one must compare is the bigger crimes throughout the world. For example, at the end of WWI and the fall of the Ottoman Empire there was the genocide of the Christian Armenians by The Young Turks and Turkey. The interesting thing is Germany took in the perpetrators with the agreement that they wouldn’t face war crimes. It wasn’t the first genocide of Armenians but the third and largest. That Armenian genocide was so similar to the Holocaust that it cannot be ignored. This information begs the question of who may have been commiserating about the loss of the war at the beer hall that Hitler frequented. Is the Western world tired of being scrutinized by outsiders yet? The focus should now be directed back at their history. The truth goes both ways!
@oskarvomhimmel6936 2 күн бұрын
The crazy thing is that Jews were to be the Zionists themselves!!! 😳😮‍💨
@hammertime9435 2 күн бұрын
Proud to be an American!!!
@sarafina6797 3 күн бұрын
Eugenics is why I don’t trust people who are hitler fanatics
@dasdasdatics420 3 күн бұрын
As an amateur historian I've already worked that out. However I find it deeply flawed to suggest that eugenics could possibly be better than the natural evolution because man, whether Hitler or Roosevelt or Churchill, are inherently fallible and because nature can only survive because of the massive variety of versions and variations. It's designed so that there will always be at least one survivor to restart the strain. People who think, that because they have fooled so many people, that they are anointed by God, find out that they are mistaken and sided with the devil and eventually get their cummupance. This is natures way of healing their mistakes and continuing the variety of humanity.
@somerandomvertebrate9262 4 күн бұрын
I don't see how eugenics is supposed to be a "pseudo-science"? Ethically undesirable, perhaps, but "pseudo"? Really?
@chriskappert1365 5 күн бұрын
Mother nature herself is racist ..... Disabled animals get thrown out of the nest ......😮
@nevillereimers6336 5 күн бұрын
The biggest criminals were those elites espousing this diabolical idea where do ideas like this end
@AylinAylin-tq3uw 2 күн бұрын
How absolutely right you are !!!!!!
@07712a 5 күн бұрын
They did not say anti semetic 😂😂😂
@cjmesq 5 күн бұрын
Correction: The Democrats supported eugenics. Not the Republicans. The Democrats were, and still are, the party of racism.
@neuropsychologist 6 күн бұрын
Well you certainly spun that narrative! Darwin and Mendels‘s theories of natural selection and hereditary laws were twisted into a narrative of unethical eugenics. The book by German PhD students „Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens“, Alfred Hoche and Karl Binding (1920) fell into Hitler‘s hands and he jumped on it. Translated the book title is: „Allowing the destruction of life unworthy of life. Its measure & form.“ That means: Hitler was interested in creating his perfect aryan race: remove the mentally ill, genetically deformed and anyone who did not fit into „perfection“. He felt the others didn’t deserve their life and were a drain on the state. Therefore: I totally disagree with your upload. Sorry, but facts are facts. Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland 🇩🇪
@FelixReulare 6 күн бұрын
ok now do "Germany Must Perish" written by the jew Theodore N. Kaufman, or are you a loxist hypocrite?
@AylinAylin-tq3uw 2 күн бұрын
These plans, are the Zionist world Elite, that run Jew.S.A & Jew.K & E.U etc. İn pursuit of Total Global Dictatorial Domination !!!!!!!!
@RALPH49100 6 күн бұрын
And to think that Israel is (and has since day one of the establishment of its state in 1948) doing the same to another peoples: kicking them out of their homeland, perpetrating acts of terrorism, corralling people in guetos with rebellious individuals being tagged as terrorists, invading territories and conducting brutal settlements - lebens raum. Very sad.
@Omarfonda 7 күн бұрын
The British are worse than Nazis !!!!!
@papi5377 7 күн бұрын
Adolf Bacharach Rotchild od zarania poszukiwał w wie sobie wyższą rasę. Poszukiwania dotarły nawet do Chin ,jeden z namiestników Rotchilda spotykał się z najwyższymi kapłanem Dalajlamom by zapytać czy spotkał sie z rasa aryjską Zabawne ale i prawdziwe.
@AylinAylin-tq3uw 2 күн бұрын
Not funny. Disturbing !!!!!!!!!!
@papi5377 7 күн бұрын
To Rotchildsa śmietnik. I był khazaremv[To Rotchild]
@sallthefirst 7 күн бұрын
There were no heroes in WWII , just criminals, when it comes to nations or political groups.
@AylinAylin-tq3uw 2 күн бұрын
Totally agree. Proxy wars'. İn pursuit of Total Global Dictatorial Domination, for the Elite' !!!!!!
@fortunatomartino8549 7 күн бұрын
Could you imagine all peoples were inyer married to black people
@octavioaraujo1674 8 күн бұрын
If course, read Edwin Black's book: " War against the Weak."
@sebastian_arroyave_author 8 күн бұрын
Who would have thought that those who were subject of eugenics genocidal, racist and inhumane practices would be now telling the world they're cleaning a country from its "human animal" inhabitants.
@adhamsalem9121 8 күн бұрын
three words " les enfants teribble"
@realitycheckreally8412 8 күн бұрын
How come no mention Soviet unions New Soviet man project ?..
@collaborisgaming2190 8 күн бұрын
Sad that the WEF and most Globalist Groups are full of Eugenicysts, the Infection and Calamity on the Morals of Progress. It's Ironic that the Free World Harbors them as Parasites against Liberty. They'll drop the Liberal Charade someday and show even the Ardent Liberals they were Support Fascism all Along.
@paulpizzuto4288 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for exposing the Truth. Unfortunately it is still going on.
@HeathenDance 8 күн бұрын
These extreme measures are always a bunch of hipocrisy. Ok, let's discuss the issue: If any community or regime really wants to go for this, then, one of the inevitable things to do is to abolish marriage and disencourage monogamy. Which is actually completely contrary to human nature already. A woman in her fertile and young years is literally biologically programmed to have several sexual partners at the same time. This way she knows that the sperm from the genetically stronger and healthier partner is the one that prevails. This is actually how it was, originally, before our species started to organize itself in more stable and complex communities. Which explains how our species was strong and viable enough to conquer the world against predators, harsh weather, while hunting and looking for other sources of food, shelter, etc. No Politician ever defended such measure, which, at least, would be truthful and coherent.
@habibikebabtheiii2037 9 күн бұрын
Lenin supported eugenics he wanted men to be more like machines
@AylinAylin-tq3uw 2 күн бұрын
They all do. Blindly subservient to their cause. N.W.O !!!!!!!! Hence A.I Tech !!!!!!!!!!!
@extantia 9 күн бұрын
Darwin was keen on eugenics as well, according to his follow up book "The Descent of Man". Margaret Sanger's "A Pivot of Civilization" also supported it.
@harryflash5202 9 күн бұрын
Eugenics actually makes good sense.
@HallieMatarea 10 күн бұрын
One could argue that giving kids puberty blockers is a form of eugenics sterilizing a huge amount of gay or confused western children.
@avibhagan 11 күн бұрын
The Economic Theory of Globalist capitalism and WEF are the new Eugenics !
@lucianofreire1848 11 күн бұрын
That's what you get from materialism and Darwinism.
@richalva6814 11 күн бұрын
Planned parenthood
@frankmorschner6803 11 күн бұрын
Many see Churchill still as a hero, not knowing that he and some others of the English aristocracy and oligarchy was one of the masterminds how to trick Germany into the First World War. The same “trick” used to trick Russia into the war. Churchill is therefore rather the driving force of the fall of the British Empire, without him wanting it of course. But he and his friends did not think of the consequences such a war with Germany and later in the Second World War against the Russians might have.
@miniaturejayhawk8702 11 күн бұрын
I dont believe in "never again". Its an empty promise full of naive idealism. Ironically some of its proponents have resorted to suggesting eugenics in case pacifist indoctrination doesnt work. If they cant raise people to be against violence they will just selectively breed people who are incapable of it. And the underlying message in the tone of this video is also pretty clear: eugenics was only bad because it was involuntary, unacademic and used by racists. The issue was never that it was used but rather by whom and it was used and to what end. It also doesnt help that the phrase is used mostly to protect powerful jewish individuals and communities instead of actually preventing genocides around the world, which ironically just feeds into the antisemitic sentiment of jews being a protected class.
@proudamerican7662 11 күн бұрын
There are plenty of undesirables in the British royalty: the Prince Andrew, King Charles, the current Prince Henry of Wales, and his idiot brother married to Merkel. You could say the sot😮 himself, Churchill, was an undesirable. The 2 daughters of Prince Andrew, what do these people contribute to the betterment of society?
@AylinAylin-tq3uw 2 күн бұрын
Mostly, Elitism.
@misspoliticallyincorrect2081 12 күн бұрын
The 0.1% controls our history, the flow of information and what we’re allowed to consume intellectually on a massive scale globally. So because of this, there’s just so much important, relevant information that so many of us don’t know which makes it impossible to make informed decisions and opinions on past and current issues. “I want a nation of workers, not a nation of thinkers” -J.D Rockefeller (funded the general education board of America)
@saves5650 12 күн бұрын
Science did that
@AylinAylin-tq3uw 2 күн бұрын
Science did that, inspired by Elitist individuals' !!!!!!!!!
@sansoosavage 12 күн бұрын
If you think the Uniparty/“elites” don’t still believe in(and are putting into practice) this dreck, you’re sorely mistaken.
@ScooterDoge 12 күн бұрын
I also agree with things.
@Thunderbird1968 12 күн бұрын
Woke culture still embraces evolution despite Darwin’s book saying in the full title that there are “favoured races”
@ultramarineblue-mq7fp 12 күн бұрын
I remember reading a KZbin comment under a video that was similar to this. Summarily, the comment said that the Holocaust was a result of European imperialism turned inwards onto itself. This comment really stuck with me because on reflection there are quite a few similarities in the rhetorics and practices of the historic institutionalisation of antisemitism and the imperial institutionalisation of racism à la colonialism and imperialism. For example, the ways in which Christian rhetoric was used to dehumanise the Jews and indigenous folk. Or the constant questioning of the effect of the presence of Jewish communities, and now immigrant communities, on the wellbeing/sanctity of the white community.
@DuneSurfer 12 күн бұрын
If the Nazis which incorrectly is called ‘right’ when they were closer to communists, did eugenics, then why is the left pushing eugenics with the Trans movement?