@1UP_JAC Ай бұрын
I need to know where you got that horse drawn carriage video trac for this traveling. I love that!
@CritsAndCoffee Ай бұрын
@1UP_JAC I believe I got it from some of the foundry packs but I'll definitely check 😁
@TruexNORSEMAN 2 ай бұрын
Dude you just reminded me.. I gotta do an honor mode run
@CritsAndCoffee 2 ай бұрын
Patch 7 is going to make it even more difficult so we're gonna wait until then and use this time to learn more of the other character backstories
@TruexNORSEMAN 2 ай бұрын
Love the new starting soon screen
@CritsAndCoffee 2 ай бұрын
Thanks 😁 I didn't make it but I would love to make my own sometime...maybe I'll look into that
@mangamanx3490 2 ай бұрын
Actual title of this episode: _The paranoia is real._ Don't know if that was a sound alert 11 minutes in but wow was that loud! That was a surprisingly blood-light interrogation for this party. The _real_ crime was putting the campaign mascot in a bag 😱 but I mean, I guess he did technically live so.... Also. *Dragons.* Enjoyed the game, cheers!
@CritsAndCoffee 2 ай бұрын
That was the fault of the DJ (Me)! I suppose thats one of the issues of also trying to run music live during the session rather than editing it in later....sorry about that! Thanks for watching!
@mangamanx3490 2 ай бұрын
That was touch and go for a while... especially when the bugbears showed up, they always give low levels trouble. Aaaaand lucky Glassstaff didn't use the _other_ scroll he had. 😱 But now, the _real_ MVP has appeared. The campaign is saved!! _...if he is allowed to live._ 😬 Enjoyed the game, cheers!
@CritsAndCoffee 3 ай бұрын
My mic audio gets better I promise! I've been having some technical difficulties but it should be fixed next episode! Thanks for your patience! 😁
@mangamanx3490 3 ай бұрын
3 minutes in, what are suprise attack dice? Did he mean sneak attack dice? You're allowing sneak attack dice on an unarmed strike? 🤔 "I have hitpoints now"? After that 1d4 hours of unconcious, Sorcerer would wake up at 1hp as you don't benifit from a short rest if unconcious... 😱 awful brave of you to go back into the manor you nearly died in _thrice_ with only 1hp ...but I don't know what variant of the rest rules you're using so maybe they're all healed up? If so, this next room will be _interesting._ 👀 "We figured out who the doppleganger was without hitting each other" did they?? Or do the players only _think_ they did?? Still confused on this. 🤔 I guess we'll find out if they meet another doppelganger, that's going to be _weird._ Thanks for the game, cheers!
@CritsAndCoffee 3 ай бұрын
It is surprise attack but I can't say more than that 🤫 Short rest - I believe the party said that they would want to short rest after amaris was up, The last doppleganger did reveal itself without any of them hitting each other 🤷‍♂️ may not be the case next time. To clarify the last combat...short summary anyway. Mal attacked Nothic first The doppleganger revealed itself to assist the nothic Thanks for watching 😁
@mangamanx3490 3 ай бұрын
Can't tell if the doppelganger reveal was anticlimactic or not... did they figure it out? Or did it just give up being concealed? Maybe I missed something. A lot more people going down in these lately, getting more dangerous 😱 thanks for the game, cheers!
@CritsAndCoffee 3 ай бұрын
If it was anticlimactic, what would you have proposed? I am of course a newer dm so I'm always looking for feedback!
@mangamanx3490 3 ай бұрын
Literally can't tell if it's anticlimactic or not. Watched it several times. The logic process goes like this: Druid was a rat... so must be druid... but dopplegangers can shape shift, so why not into rat? So rat proves nothing... Monk tries to telepathy, Sorcerer uses message so no one hears them... but dopplegangers can _Read Thoughts_ so it proves nothing... but the players wouldn't _know_ dopplegangers can read minds and shapeshift right? So they wouldn't _know_ if it proved anything or not. They didn't even test Ranger so... how did they figure it out? Or did they figure it out? Looks like they _thought_ they did and just attacked. What was the plan if they were wrong? Was there a plan? but, instead of confirming or failing to confirm, they simply attack aaand you switch to the cell, revealing who was doppleganger... as if they figured it out? It's just not clear. That was my point, I can't tell. Feel like I missed somthing. But. That aside. if you want my DM advice... well, I would have had the Nothic, use it's telepathy and weird insight to speak in their heads one by one- just before attacked. "Ah ah ah, you're wrong! Heheheh!" Even if Nothics can't read minds, players don't know that, so it should keep lying to sew discord. I mean, it was already lying about them not ending it because someone was not who they say so... I mean, if they weren't who they say... so? How does that save the Nothic? It should have offered a bargain, "I tell you who is who, buy only if you give me X." Type thing, try to convince players NOBODY is who they think they are by revealing dopplegangers can read minds and change shape just to put doubt on everyone. It already threw the doppleganger under the bus by revealing there even _was_ one, so it shouldn't mind revealing Dopplegangers secrets. I would have it telepathy to the players one by one, "dopplegangers shape shift, even onto rat~ ratty rat, ratty rat!" Then to another, "Dopplegangers read minds, it knows the answer- heheheh" all whilst giggling. Also, wouldn't let the party get too close because, what is the back up plan if surrounded? Instead it should caper just out of range, while using players secrets against each other. But I don't know player secrets so can't elaborate on how I'd do that further here. Complex, and not nessicary, but it _is_ just what I would have done. In this specific situation anyway. Cheers!
@CritsAndCoffee 3 ай бұрын
@mangamanx3490 I think maybe something was missed but I am going a little based off memory here. Ill challenge you to think a little differently 😉. They rolled against the nothics mind-reading last session and then initiative to manage the chaos. Upon revealing that one of them is a doppelganger, Mal chose to attack (probably in hopes to fish out the doppleganger?). In my mind, the doppelganger is not a pivotal point in the story, but they are all working in cahoots with each other so he goes to assist the Nothic. At that point, this encounter could turn lethal. Could I have played into the doppelganger more? Sure - but with the information that there are more doppelgangers I have created the tension and paranoia that I was looking for. And who knows - maybe there will be more dopplegangers in the future 🤷‍♂️
@mangamanx3490 4 ай бұрын
Made it smaller this time eh? Wonder how that will play out. 🤔 Hmm. Now I can't remember anymore, did they go after the goblin trail? I don't think so... but Sildar is with them... hmm. Well, was suprised they didn't seem eager to finish Tressendar Manor, I mean sure it's dangerous- but Gundren, treasure, adventure! Pretty reluctant group this go, makes you wonder if they'll make it. 😱 Cheers!
@CritsAndCoffee 4 ай бұрын
Yup this one was a tad shorter...think one of us had a meeting early next morning. I believe the next couple will be larger and I'm hoping to get a few longer sessions these next recorded sessions. Thanks for watching 😁
@mangamanx3490 4 ай бұрын
Quick session this go. Audio killed a bit, rip headphone users 💀, but was bearable enough halfway in. Luckily it was mostly combat... not a fan of rushing cuz of time issues, but scheduling conflicts what can you do? Hope you guys don't gotta rush in future. Cheers!
@CritsAndCoffee 4 ай бұрын
The audio was too loud? I personally didn't hear a problem with it 🤷‍♂️ About the same length as every other session 🤔 1:16:00 is about the average. Unfortunately daylight savings is a thing that happened after we had already started and I think we'd prefer to continue playing rather than drop it completely 😉 hope you understand
@mangamanx3490 4 ай бұрын
Would have been truly dire if - as children, everyone played with commoner stats (plus racial abilities). But then, a snake swarm would have been lethal. 🤔 Speaking of... Uh... not to be too delicate but, *did the other kids get eaten by the giant snake?* We kind of just left them mid combat. I expected the trent to give powers that would help save the others or somthing but... kinda ended abruptly there. Maybe give players time to say goodbyes to, comment on session end? Just a thought. Cheers!
@CritsAndCoffee 4 ай бұрын
I guess you'll have to find out the next time we have a faenya backstory episode 🤷‍♂️ I always have my reasons for ending the ways that I do, but one big thing we face with this group specifically is time constraints. Sometimes we just simply don't have more time to get into some detail 🤷‍♂️ As Gundren Rockseeker once said...."it is what it is". Thanks for watching 😁
@mangamanx3490 5 ай бұрын
Mouthing the words while using telepathy, funny quirk. 😂 "In stone she weeps an angel's sorrow, guarding realms beyond the morrow, with wings that whisper, eyes that grieve, Unlock this passage the riddle conceive, In cryptic echoes the answer hides, where the past and future gently collides, speak the secret the angel shall sway, make her cry to reveal the way." Oh man vague riddles are the _worst...._ well let's see the first three lines are more poetry than they are riddle because the answer obviously would not have anything to do with what's being self-described. "unlock this passage the riddle conceive" _could_ be the most important context clue, or a trap for over thinking. On one hand, it could simple be descriptive like the first three lines: "answer the riddle to unlock the door" *but* the redundancy in last two lines, "speak the secret- reveal the way" which are also descriptive of "answer the riddle to unlock the door" _could_ point to the first instance being the crux, especially with the language utilizing emphasis to denote importance. That is to say the nature of using more poetic language would put more importance on this line than the other. Therefore, "unlock this passage of the riddle conceive" could point to the answer of the riddle is the concept of the riddle itself, which would lead one to interpret the answer to be "what this riddle is about" and as much of the riddle is blatantly descriptive of the angel - you might be forgiven if your most basal thought is: *"angel"* - however, as the word angel is repeated in the riddle itself, you would not be amiss to think that too easy. We therefore have to look at the context of the situation, this is guarding a crypt, thus it is something that wanted to keep grave robbers away and therefore it is not some very simple riddle for any to pass. Such as if this was a barrier to some children's portal of enjoyment- no, this is not a child's resturant crayon play mat- but a tomb, possibly with treasure but most certainly with loved ones that the creators of this riddle and trap did not want to be disturbed. As such the only further use we have of this line is to consider it a choice in concept, "unlock this passage of the riddle conceive" that is to say, the importance could be in the concept of the riddle itself. A weeping angel, beyond the morrow, past and future colide, cryptic echoes, grieve, cry, all would point to a proper "riddle answer like answer" to that which the riddle itself is about yet makes no mention directly in the riddle itself. Thus, the most likely answer, with only the naked riddle and context of the situation, would be: *Death* However, "In cryptic echoes the answer hides" may give some pause, as if the answer is plainly laid out but one must be familiar with not simply the body of the riddle itself and the context of the situation but the intention behind it. After all it is not enough to remember this is a crypt that is protecting loved ones and possibly treasure but also a place of remembrance and therefore wants people to access it. *but* only those people who have the _right_ to access it. That would indicate that this is not some challenge by a dungeon master towards heroes, not a trial to overcome by testing intelligence to then reveal treasure but rather something a family has laid down so that their loved ones will be protected but also so that other loved ones can visit. The intimacy involved in this would suggest then that the answer to the riddle is something that is a "known quantity" but only by those the builders intended to know. Leading us to the lore... Why does the angel weep? Because of the loss within this crypt. What secret would make her sway or cry? Well speaking the existence of her itself "angel" does nothing but recognize the nature of the riddle; speaking "death" only recognizes the context and the concept, therefore in conclusion to speak a passcode that is known to those who want to know (or it be known) one must look at *family.* This is a crypt after all, in which the answer echoes, leading us to the only contextual clues given about those who built, those within, and those who want in. Thus, the third level of thinking brings us to, "whose." Why is the Angel crying? For those Within. Who built it? Those who care. Who is resting there? The beloved deceased of a family. What then _is_ that family name all who would care and dare to enter? The same family of those within who _know._ THEREFORE. My final conclusion and the answer I would speak to save my life: *Tresendar.* Now since I paused to ponder and answer, let's see if I would live! . . . *I WOULD HAVE FUCKING DIED.* You didn't have to speak anything, you had to physically do somthing, YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY SHIT, you had to DO a thing! Unless this is one of those multiple solutions to a riddle things, in which case the crayon mat answer fixated on 'past and future colide' in that one line would make the door open hence sway- YER BOY WOULD STILL BE A DEAD MAN 💀 💀 💀 woooooo!! _aaaaauuuuggghh vague riddles are the woooooorst...._ You wrote this yourself, didn't you?
@CritsAndCoffee 5 ай бұрын
I had a little help - but I'm sad that Dr. Phage figured it out immediately 😂 he's too smart for me. Buuuut I guess this means I can use that advanced trap another time. Thanks for watching! 😁
@bakazombie 5 ай бұрын
Baby Faenya!
@CritsAndCoffee 5 ай бұрын
Definitely a top tier character 😊
@drakobloodwing540 5 ай бұрын
I hope to see more of this
@CritsAndCoffee 5 ай бұрын
We've definitely got more on the way 🐻‍❄☕️😉 thanks for watching!
@mangamanx3490 6 ай бұрын
How was that an hour!? 😭 Alright, you might have to make these *three hours* long, I know, I know, it's a lot, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. 😂 Good to see the team able to hold their own, for now. Still I wonder if they'll ever get to the cave, doesn't Gundren still need saving? 🤔 or will the party have to save themselves first? Thanks for the game, cheers!
@CritsAndCoffee 6 ай бұрын
Guess you'll have to find out next time if they get any info about Gundren 🤷‍♂️🙉🙈
@bakazombie 6 ай бұрын
We have no info on where Gundren is right now. He was led down the path that we took to get to Phandalin and we haven't seen him yet. Right now the Red Brands are being very suspicious and we have a two day time clock to find the orc woman.
@mangamanx3490 6 ай бұрын
Going off the rails on this one! 😱 There is so much happening it's hard to keep straight but, did we forget about Gundren? 🤔 With Sildar poisoned, I know it was a 'get to phandalin' thing, but didn't even talk about going back and looking for him, even though they knew about the path northward. Then again Ruffians and Orcs kind of throws a wrench in everything doesn't it? And is this still level 1? The pace may have been slow (but I'm here for the cozy anyway) but you really don't know what's gunna happen next! Thanks for the game, cheers!
@CritsAndCoffee 6 ай бұрын
I think with our sessions needing to be shorter sometimes they have things on their mind that we just haven't found answers for yet (like where is Gundren?). So much happening but also slow? 🧐 Feedback is definitely appreciated on what you found to be slow - but I also don't want it to feel like a sprint either. That being said, I am still learning about how/what to juggle in our limited time as well. It's a tough balance 😱 As far as the orcs are concerned...not all battles are meant to be fought 😉 but do keep in mind that they are not your average level 1 party as they have level 1 feats as mentioned in session 1.
@mangamanx3490 6 ай бұрын
Welcome back, going through the Obelisk version eh? AND modified? Well, first off, issues with audio. DM & BG fine, but ALL the players were a little quiet. Some low enough they struggled against the BGM, especially if they whispered. It seems your camera insert was slightly off too, you have a black bar above you of dead space- unintentionally, I think. ***Glad you noticed, but just in case.*** -- Also, just a tip: call the players by their *character name,* helps audience memorize and helps with immersion if that's important. Now for the fun stuf... Bugbear Fighter, Teifling Monk, Teifling Sorcerer, Centaur Druid eh? Eclectic. Wonder how having a large character will affect things? 🤔 Make yer bets, who will ride the centaur first? My money's on the sorcerer, but it'll definitely be a teifling. Going the Isekai method of food description eh? You don't even pull the arrow out of her leg before you set up cooking camp- "An injured centaur fell in front of us? Better eat!" 😂 Did all that venison lying there helpless and bleeding make you all hungry? 🤣🤣 Real swerve with the first encounter too, clever to witness the _event_ rather than just aftermath. Better than a goblin ambush? 🤔 Fighter mvp this go- zaaaaaam, save some for the rest of them! Looking forward to more! Starting a new campaign is always exciting, but I will miss the misses. Nothing beats the cozy couple vibe. Gotta say, was real hard avoiding temptation with all the BG3 streams... but gotta avoid spoilers! 😭 Cheers!
@CritsAndCoffee 6 ай бұрын
Yeah I had a few wiggles to get out this first episode but I think just about everything's fixed for the second episode 😁. I'm still just a Newby DM - nerves were definitely there 🤣. I have mostly fixed the overlay for episode 2, I just have one more thing to fix for it. The missus will still be around for other channel content. But she wanted to take a backseat for this campaign as we introduce some new friends to the café 😁 Thanks for watching!!
@bakazombie 6 ай бұрын
So technically centaurs as pcs are considered medium and the monster centaurs are large. So no one can mechanically ride Faenya, also being more deer based I think he back isn't strong enough anyway. As far as waiting to pull the arrow out, I believe the line of thought is without proper healing be available immediately, pulling an arrow out will actually make the wound worse. Allows blood to escape from the wound and the shape of an arrow head makes it do more damage going out then going in.
@AllThingsFascinate 7 ай бұрын
I love love love this content style. Lots of channels doing mechanical builds, and that's tons of fun! But I would really enjoy seeing more of sharing backstory ideas with the community to keep the creative juices flowing!
@CritsAndCoffee 7 ай бұрын
We're glad you like them 😁 we have some more brewing up as well so keep an eye out 👀
@CritsAndCoffee 7 ай бұрын
Audio problems as well as camera options will be fixed for episode 2 😉 I appreciate your support as I traverse these issues!
@ultimateicedragon8630 Жыл бұрын
Hope you enjoy the game a lot it’s my first play through and I’m 250 hours in because I have tried a lot of things and reloaded a lot. The completion habits kicking in even though it’s impossible to do everything in one play through. Have fun and a great day. 😊
@CritsAndCoffee Жыл бұрын
Hey thanks for stopping by! We're trying to do a play-by-character playthrough and we'll be doing a second campaign where Boba primarily makes the decisions with a different character type. It is a very easy game to love :) glad to see you're enjoying Baldurs Gate 3!
@jamolotl Жыл бұрын
Do you have HDR on? It looks like maybe you have it calibrated wrong or something because the game looks very washed out and a bit too bright. Just trying to be helpful so obviously disregard if you like it that way or don't care!
@CritsAndCoffee Жыл бұрын
I use the eye shield on my pc to avoid migraines but now that I'm looking at it on my phone I see what you mean. I will look into it 😁
@DalaiRibeiro Жыл бұрын
Im starting with dnd and found that really nice!
@CritsAndCoffee Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed it 😁 let me know if you playing Krusk and what you changed. We have some other short videos here if you need more ideas. Let us know which one is your favorite 😁☕️ -Bearly kzbin.info/aero/PLqGniQwsGvg3hj-qMYHowwaWCUZw6QQZ-
@Ragnarok6664 Жыл бұрын
Crits & coffee huh 🤔 solid combo
@CritsAndCoffee Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the café 😁☕️ we do D&D playthroughs and backstory ideas for characters
@13Wildlord Жыл бұрын
A super fun concept! I always enjoy the concept of a person trying to escape from a criminal past. Also fun as it can lead to some conflict where he might not want to do some stereotypical rogue things for the party. Really fun idea and great video, I might use some of it for my next character!
@bobabear2067 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you liked my character. The goal for myself was to come up with a story where he wasn't a stereotypical rogue who is just after the money haha
@bearlycaffeinated2129 Жыл бұрын
Realize I made some editing errors in here but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!