Life after AI takes all jobs
7 сағат бұрын
3 Ways to Stop Procrastination
21 сағат бұрын
The importance of saying No
Күн бұрын
Why did I start this youtube channel?
@A_bastard 6 сағат бұрын
As Yuval noah harari said "keep them happy with drugs and computer games"
@orhanmekic9292 7 сағат бұрын
You mention "purpose". A lot of jobs, or even most of todays jobs will disappear, but if we ever want to travel to other solar systems, cure all diseases and even aging, inventing flying cars and new energy sources, we need to think out of the box and big, because AI will enable all of this. AI will make everyone hyperproduktiv. Once you have the best legal team, the best doctor, the best scientist, the best educator in the palm of your hands 24/7 and for free your potential becomes unlimited, not to mentions once we introduce robots in to the society. Education will also become free and it will be many times better than it is now. What you are doing in this talk is mirroring current society and current social structures in to the future of AI and of course that would not work. AI will break down current social structures and free us from all that, future generation will be laughing at our narrowminded views, as all new generations do and as we do to previous generations trying to predict the future we today live in, though with all new technologies prediction becomes even harder. So "purpose" will change, and become much bigger as possibilities open up and become much bigger.
@photofusionart 7 сағат бұрын
Great subject…..but you can’t say No to a spouse!!!…….
@tomasviane3844 7 сағат бұрын
"The devil knows what to do with idle hands"...
@itami2049 8 сағат бұрын
A year ago I tried the method you just described, the issue? It was all cluttered and way too long, I'd have 5 different habits, 8 different tasks and next to them, would write down the time I'd start working on these tasks. But I overcomplicated something so simple, that I never even managed to complete a single task on my list. I'll try the method again with the same exact steps you described!
@lyromata 8 сағат бұрын
When I was working - the company I worked for had a rule that all tasks went in the persons calendar - you could only accept a new task if you had space in your calendar or if your boss agreed to cancelling a task if the calendar was full. It reinforced that tasks take time and not to over commit. Since I have retired I use something similar system to the list you shared in the video except I list one task for each area of my life that I hold as important: Health, Love, Family, Friends, Hobby, Home. This makes sure I maintain balance and don't over commit in one area. I like the prioritization process you shared and will incorporate that. Thanks 👍
@MusingsFromTheJohn00 16 сағат бұрын
There will come a period of time, a temporary period of time, where AI driven robotics bodies will be able to perform any mental or physical task a human can do, only more likely for less cost, more efficiently, and with higher quality than a human can do, well humans as we are now. Humans must then merge with technology to become able to compete with AI driven robots or Humans will eventually become extinct. As humans fully merge with technology, the leading edge AI and enhanced humans will become the same future cybernetic race.
@deepseadarew6012 17 сағат бұрын
There's nothing special about humans ability to come up with new ideas, that would prevent AI from being able to do the same thing. The most recent varaint of Open AI can reason and solve puzzles it's never seen before, which is already the beginning of a new frontier of AI.
@msc8382 12 сағат бұрын
"Open AI can reason and solve puzzles it's never seen before" you mean like most 3 year olds? AI was already at that level 2 iterations ago. Thep roblem isn't reasoning or solving problems it hasn't seen before.. Its the delusion it uses to get there. Just like a child who doesn't understand the world.. but learns.
@lindenstromberg6859 20 сағат бұрын
AI can have my job, so long as I get to control the means of production and reap all the pay.
@devbites77 23 сағат бұрын
People are delusional if they think an AI system could not create new art and ideas in the future. How do you think humans do it? In a vacuum? No. We read, look at and watch things around us. Everything is derivative. Well, I guess people try to comfort themselves. Good luck with that.
@joaodecarvalho7012 Күн бұрын
Work, even unpleasant work, is a source of meaning and structure in people's lives. If work no longer exists, it presents an entirely new situation. Perhaps we can get an idea of what it would be like by looking at the lives of today's elites and those of previous centuries. But at least those elites gained satisfaction from knowing they were above others. If people no longer have even a sense of superiority, I don't believe they will dedicate themselves to art or meditation. They will probably live in virtual worlds where they will be aristocrats, and take sophisticated drugs.
@TheLillid Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. That's the bitter truth behind AI. If we all have only have a UBI payment, who will afford to buy all consumer goods. We will have money for food and clothes and maybe we will live in small houses. And another bitter truth is that our politician are not ready or even capable to talk and think about this topic in a serious way. I see this in my country (Germany) they can not accept the facts about climate change and have not the will to prepare and think of solutions - only stupid propaganda talks.
@usernamemykel Күн бұрын
Also carry two Chinese stress-relieving balls.
@gnuemacs1166 2 күн бұрын
Ai all Indian
@LuarVik-x1l 2 күн бұрын
What life?
@macheteishrecords8419 2 күн бұрын
Mr. Beast the PDF file or PDF file adjacent
@macheteishrecords8419 2 күн бұрын
UBI is nonsensical. You sound like a candlemaker grumbling about lightbulbs
@juliusvalentinas 2 күн бұрын
Cloude 3.5 cant properly write Arduino code with 2 buttons and dome leds, this is scam same as crypto currency
@beau9297 2 күн бұрын
AI is a fraud. An updated search engine.
@szebike 2 күн бұрын
First of all while it may seem impressive what "A.I." can do. "Under the hood" many big A.I. systems loose money and its very expensive to maintain, train and making them secure. That paired with them being still not fully reliable and that "more accurate" models are pretty expensive ( just look at GPT o1 s cost ) and the fact that you will still need human oversight to backcheck we are not there to automate and take all the jobs. The best case scenario is that an entity arises which creates a new paradigm and way of life with a positive spin, in the worst case scenario we could end up with powerfull warlord drone controlling companies waging conflict and using desperate people for their gain. In my opinion it may seem fast but it will take several generations untill a full shift and until then the population already declined to a level where automation is needed. Also having a job as an indicator for your purpose is a slippery slope , we should focus as a society to look at things a bit more relaxed and have fun living and connect to each other without strictly adhering to purpose and "100% effectivity" goals.
@bocckoka 2 күн бұрын
what a garbage video. you have a very rudimentary view on societal organization.
@YOLOCX 2 күн бұрын
The purpose will be to survive until the next UBI payment
@jackwyatt9312 Күн бұрын
Ha ha! Probably quite right
@gotonethatcansee 2 күн бұрын
how do you pay that low fee if you cannot hire anybody or anybody cannot hire you because npcs allowed new world order to take over the world..
@MarkoKraguljac 2 күн бұрын
Equating purpose with most modern jobs is silly.
@yoooyoyooo 2 күн бұрын
It's not about the job. The purpose is about earning money to provide for your family.
@MarkoKraguljac 2 күн бұрын
@@yoooyoyooo Do (sane) rich people and their kids who collect rent have that problem? I prefer comparing to them instead of "hard workers" who pretend there is some special dignity in it while still expecting good pay. Its a farce like almost anything else regarding "work for pay".
@avijit849 2 күн бұрын
​​@@yoooyoyooothat would mean rich people who can choose not to work are suffering from the crisis of not being able to provide for the family.
@avijit849 2 күн бұрын
finally someone said it. it's not just about modern jobs it has been the nature of jobs and survival since the beginning of humanity. in the modern era when after a long time in human history people have the luxury of being able to choose their job still loads of people are stuck in jobs that they hate. on top of that there are large scale layoffs, unemployment etc. and the struggle of running for another job. for most people a job is a misery they bear for the sake of survival as there is no alternative. saying that work gives purpose to people's lives is mostly a joke. most people hate what they have and are bearing with it just for the money and survival. they are just cogs in larger corporate machinery with no purpose from their work. but don't get me wrong. work can be a great source of purpose when people 1. get to choose what they do 2. free from the shackles of doing whatever is available because the alternatives are being homeless.
@jedics1 2 күн бұрын
We will have a pretty dystopic future? I'd say we have a pretty dystopian present, we have homeless who are actually employed, we have many with good jobs who will never own a home and increasingly just work to pay rent/bills and eat. Some jobs are already being automated away which could easily double the unemployed within a decade. America is at 600,000 homeless now and given how most governments count employed if they are only doing a few hours a week who know what the true state is globally.
@malindrome9055 2 күн бұрын
This is why we dont really have a better choice. Can AI go wrong? Yes, absolutely. But there is really no other way out of this. Just getting a single chance where we can turn things around is a lot better.
@jedics1 Күн бұрын
@@malindrome9055 My point is that even if Ai doesn't go wrong it will be miss used by bad actors to continue the money and increasingly resource train with no regard for those not within the Ai boys club.
@kennguyen1066 2 күн бұрын
Good job with the imagination.
@MicahPotts 2 күн бұрын
Spot on video! Nice job.
@geoffreymak000 2 күн бұрын
Really can't talk about mass unemployment and UBI without talking about automation tax. If income tax is decimated, where does the UBI money come from?
@MicahPotts 2 күн бұрын
he did talk about it though
@ickebins6948 3 күн бұрын
Using AI in programming is not that easy. You have to know your way around quite well to recognize and improve the minor (and major) mistakes AI makes. It is neither a miracle cure nor does it really threaten specialized areas. AI could replace certain jobs that perhaps shouldn't even exist... But AI won't fix your roof or solve your electrical problems. It's overhyped as always and people are impressed by it.
@micael_on_life 3 күн бұрын
It will soon fix your roof and solve your electrical problems. And replace programmers.
@ickebins6948 2 күн бұрын
@@micael_on_life Remember all the hype about "quantum computing" and how it will change our lifes forever? Or how "the blockchain" will do all "that" stuff and everything will change? Where is it now? Don't get stressed out over things that will not happen.
@ShaneMcGrath. 2 күн бұрын
@@ickebins6948 Bad examples, Those were always BS. This is already replacing jobs!
@ickebins6948 2 күн бұрын
@@ShaneMcGrath. They were "always BS" ?!? In hindsight you might see it that way, but at the time it was the hottest shit. Every new technology replaces jobs... Smartphones, the internet, cars did... Machine learning might be useful in some fields but don't call it AI...
@Rick-rl9qq 2 күн бұрын
​@@ickebins6948 quantum computing has made little progress. Meanwhile AI is already at an under grad student intelligence with the release of strawberry. There wouldn't be such a huge amount of investment if this whole AI thing was just hype. You're looking at things linearly. Back when the first car was released to the public, you wouldn't even have dreamt of having what we have nowadays.
@dvdragon 3 күн бұрын
@dailyrepsofficial 8 күн бұрын
Learning to say 'no' is a powerful act of self-respect. As Epictetus said, 'It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.' Setting boundaries preserves your energy and focuses your path to true fulfillment
@davidipema7898 9 күн бұрын
i first hat to find out what the meaning of the word is in my languish 😅
@ickebins6948 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for the tipps and the video. One problem with the third method is: It is very easy to burn out on something you're obsessed with, if you don't limit yourself somehow.
@drewsdabblings7747 11 күн бұрын
Well said, an important life skill.
@margaretstapper6907 21 күн бұрын
All the best. I look forward to seeing more.
@newtuber4freedom43 22 күн бұрын
☮️💟 subscribed
@BK-0010 23 күн бұрын
i use this Pony Jorgensen 60P
@BK-0010 23 күн бұрын
you can put the light on from any side in a limited space
@BK-0010 23 күн бұрын
Good news, I hope legendary works will be created there
@stillinthestream 23 күн бұрын
Hi Michael, i’ve always appreciated your personal documentaries, the stories of your life and family and places of importance. Your style of thoughtful reflection on these personal things resonate a lot with me. All the best of luck, as you proceeded on the grand experiment!
@apex_life 23 күн бұрын
Good luck with your new journey you chose to follow. You asked if you'll succeed with your takes on life° you'll definitely will! Your article "who will remember you in 100 years" changed some important views i've had on life. So, if you helped one person, then why not thousands! You also said that you maybe run out of material° nope! Greek philosophy is still teached and discussed around the world for centuries! So, take it easy and don't worry about success, you've succeed already!
@donamccullagh937 24 күн бұрын
Your ability to be fully committed to exploring a course of action while at the same time holding lightly to the possible outcomes is rare, and a joy to see. I wish you the very best on your journey!
@ThiagoVasBellizia Ай бұрын
Thankyou your videos are very refershing
@schoolneverteach Ай бұрын
A fun fact is that the UK artist Tracey Emin married a rock🎉❤
@schoolneverteach Ай бұрын
Your hand-drawn graphs are so therapeutic! 🎉❤
@orlandojam8 Ай бұрын
i have 2 rocks, i touch them and feel greatful and envision my goals, i do this consistently while youtubing 🎉
@doomommy Ай бұрын
Remember…happiness is overrated. Contentment is enough
@DixonLu Ай бұрын
Not sure that sadness and happiness are opposites. One can feel both at the same time (e.g. you 20 y.o. dog died in its sleep).