Loved it. Never reading it again.
What Happens Next?
3 ай бұрын
@comicKkrakK 2 сағат бұрын
Just on the superhero vs indie criticism point, one of the things I heard a lot from mainstream comics fans was, nevermind that the books were always called “weird” but that black and white comics weren’t even considered “real” comics from the superhero crowd. So from my perspective the harsh criticism of the superhero fans comes as a backlash to some degree. It’s a bigger conversation as to what I agree or disagree with in those kinds of takes but that’s my memory of that time period.
@ftloc Сағат бұрын
Makes perfect sense and I love getting that on-the-ground at-the-time insight! As a relative latecomer who discovered these works - and their reputations - later, I have the luxury of mainly hearing from the 'we knew they were great' gang! 😁
@sleepyreader666 3 сағат бұрын
Fun fun video! You did a great job tackling a giant octopus of a subject!! :)
@sleepyreader666 3 сағат бұрын
I stepped away for a bit and missed the poweroutage issue. I hope all is okay.
@ftloc 3 сағат бұрын
@@sleepyreader666 this feels like a direct comment by the city municipality on my rambling livestream...
@atheistsince1210 10 сағат бұрын
So I have an important question - I'm not debating the merits of Love and Rockets - my only question is are most of these stories centered around female vs male protagonists? At this juncture of my bruised up banged up life with battle scars I'm mitigating all stress and irritation potential in that I don't want any women as part of it . The pages and covers I saw appears there's a heavy influence with them with some stories being solely about thier lives which I don't care about. So please be so kind and let me know I truly don't wish to purchase any of your volumes you recommended only to be surprised and disappointed? Thanks !!!!
@ftloc 8 сағат бұрын
I can safely say that if you don't want to read about women, you wouldn't want to read Love and Rockets...😊
@atheistsince1210 8 сағат бұрын
@@ftloc thank you so much sir I really appreciate your expertise I kind of had a strong feeling it was the case after thumb browsing and anytime a love and rockets them title appeared - well I became disappointed I mean I wanted to purchase and read it so glad I did not .
@Madbmberwhatbmbsatmidnight 21 сағат бұрын
FTLOC: Concrete in DHP is first thing Dark Horse published. Boris the Bear: What am I, chopped liver? The rest of us: Yes, yes Boris, nobody cares about you.
@ftloc 17 сағат бұрын
@@Madbmberwhatbmbsatmidnight haha I confess Boris the Bear is an unknown to me, is it as good as Concrete 😁?
@Madbmberwhatbmbsatmidnight 10 сағат бұрын
@@ftloc No, not at all. It’s only distinction is that it came first.
@middenway Күн бұрын
I wouldn't call Saga science fiction, but rather space opera (which is really just another way of saying fantasy set in space). It was nice to see Sleepless get a shout out. That's a book I wish got more attention.
@ftloc 14 сағат бұрын
Ditto on the love for Sleepless! And I would mainly agree with you about 'space opera' but it's nebulous. The most famous movie to have that term applied to it may be Star Wars (1977) and while it definitely is fantasy, I think most people would also call it science fiction. I think that is an example of what I mean by genres, for me, being more like metadata/attributes than discrete and separate buckets.
@middenway 14 сағат бұрын
@@ftloc I can't call Star Wars science fiction, because the science fiction genre isn't a setting. Fantasy asks the question "what if...?" to create a world. Science fiction asks the question "what if...?" to explore the question or its ramifications. Star Wars has no interest whatsoever in the latter; it's just fantasy in a space setting. (For this reason, I'd also 100% call Mouse Guard fantasy. There may be no magic, but magic isn't the only fantasy. The question "What if mice had their own society?" is the fantasy in that series.) That aside, I am in complete agreement with you about the genre buckets. It's weird to me when people talk about stories as if they can only possibly be one genre.
@middenway Күн бұрын
I'm going to select Yoshitoki Oima's A Silent Voice. That series hit me hard.
@ftloc 14 сағат бұрын
I have not read that and I will be looking it up! Thank you!
@acmelka Күн бұрын
My grandparents had a book version that I loved as a kid. I am old and my grandparents were both born pre 1900. It connected me with the world in the 1900s. I love the aesthetic
@ftloc 8 сағат бұрын
It does the same for me; truly a lovely time capsule!
@shawnadams2252 2 күн бұрын
At around 6:30 the video highlights a few ligne claire creators: Peyo, Joost Swarte, Chris Ware, ???. What creator follows Chris Ware? Thanks.
@ftloc Күн бұрын
Sharp eyes! The two panels that follow Chris Ware's are by Rutu Modan (from The Property) and Ricardo Delgado (from Age of Reptiles)
@shawnadams2252 22 сағат бұрын
@@ftlocthanks for your help!
@Lavinia_Garcia 2 күн бұрын
Dude, your channel is underrated: the way you analyse the books you choose AND the books you choose are always sooooo good. Not only that but there is also so much variety in the graphic novels you pick! Love love your channel, you deserve the best!
@ftloc 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for those wonderful words - you've made my day! ❤️
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
I too can't think of a comic for this prompt, especially since rereading comics is such a joy for me. I can't really think of any media that falls into this category except Grave of the Fireflies, a film I loved when I first saw it in 2005, but I've never watched since... but then I recently bought the blu-ray because I've begun to feel like I'll change my mind at some point.
@ftloc 14 сағат бұрын
Grave of the Fireflies has been mentioned a couple of times in these very comments now! What a film...
@middenway 13 сағат бұрын
@@ftloc I had a headache from crying so hard when I saw that film. For a film that I only saw once, it lives in my head very often.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
Miss Truesdale and the Fall of Hyperborea by Mike Mignola and Jesse Lonergan. I'm not sure how I can talk about this one, because it's not a single plot twist. This story recontextualises the Hellboy Universe. It does so on a plot level, on a character level, on a thematic level. It makes stories that preceded it richer.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
There are many comics I could pick, but my heart lies with a short story, only eight pages long. "The Christmas Spirit" written by Mike Mignola and drawn by Guy Davis. It features my favourite portrayal of Father Christmas.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
I'm also going to push the category a little. I'm choosing to also read "old" as a comic that has had a long life, a comic with a long run. In fact, the longest run, from 1950 to 2000, by a single author. I'm selecting Charles Schultz's Peanuts. It probably also feels especially old to me because it was the first comic I ever read. It feels like it has always existed in the way that mountains feel like they've always existed.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
I'm going to select a scene that is beautiful to look at, and those visuals reflect a beautiful character moment. It's in Tyler Crook's The Lonesome Hunters, which at this point has been dominated by greys, reflecting the dullness felt by both Howard and Lupe in their lives, yellows, which is the colour of trauma in the story, with punctuations of austere blues for intrusive and hostile magical forces. The colour palette has been deliberately restrained up to this point. Howard and Lupe are in a car, driving along and talking, and they simply understand each other. And the sky above is full of colours as the sun sets. The outer world reflects an inner beauty as these two become friends. It is understated, but that's part of what makes it so beautiful.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
Sir Edward Grey: Acheron by Mike Mignola with colours by Dave Stewart. I mention Dave Stewart, because the colours of that particular comic were a key part of blowing my mind. Throughout the comic, he taps into 30 years of colour motifs across the Hellboy Universe, weaving them into each other. All this builds to a crescendo near the end of the comic. I've never seen any colour storytelling before or since as mind blowing as what Stewart did in that issue. It's little wonder he's won roughly a third of the Eisners ever awarded for best colouring. Dave Stewart is to comics colouring as John Williams is to film scores.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
I'm going to pick a comic I pursued precisely because it was gorgeous. I patiently awaited for it to be released in English for many years, then finally buckled and picked up a deluxe French volume. It is Alain Ayroles and Juanjo Guarnido's Les Indes Fourbes. It is a stunningly gorgeous book, and if it is ever eventually translated to English, I will undoubtedly buy it again.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
It's Giant Days. This comic feels like hanging out with my friends. I love it so much. It's the kind of book I can't help but physically hug. Also, I didn't really find my people till university, so I have strong nostalgia for that period of time. Calvin and Hobbes would be a very close second, but I already selected it for Day 2.
@ftloc 14 сағат бұрын
No arguments here, warm hugs all around, and I appreciate the dedication to the challenge rules of no repeats! 😁
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
I have to agree with you. Considering the way this prompt is worded, Understanding Comics just feels like the right choice. For someone that already reads comics, it's only going to enrich their experience of medium.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
The Adventures of Tintin. Of course, it's Tintin. How could it be anything else? I was given lunch money once a week, and I would pocket the money and skip lunch. After a few months of that, I could buy a new Tintin album. Not only was it the first comic series I pursued, it's also the comic I've pursued the hardest.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
I feel like this is a genre I've under-explored in comics (even though Pride and Prejudice is my favourite novel). I very much loved The Prince and the Dressmaker and Always Never, which have both been mentioned quite a bit in the comments. I think I have to go with Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy by Faith Erin Hicks though. Strangely, my favourite scene expressing love isn't even about the titular couple, but rather the love of a mother for a daughter.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
A few immediately jump to mind, but I think I have to go with Ryan North and Albert Monteys' adaptation of Slaughterhouse-Five, because it adapts the story in a way that only a comic can do. It unfolds time on the page to express ideas from the novel that prose simply can't do. We can turn a page and in an instant take in an illustration of Billy Pilgrim at various ages from infant to death, whereas the novel has to describe each one by one, slowly painting that picture. The comic allows us to see Pilgrim as the Tralfamadorians do. It really is a special book. EDIT: I should add, it doesn't meet your criteria of being better than the original work. That's less important to me. I think it works best in tandem with the original work. Reading both the comic and the original novel is a richer experience than reading either one alone.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
It has to be Calvin and Hobbes for me. The caveat "for anyone" really removes a lot of options, especially since I know so many people that refuse to ever read comics and I feel like the only way I could convince them otherwise is with an extremely targeted selection. So, accepting that some people are just going to refuse to read a comic, I chose a comic that I figured the remaining people would enjoy, and wouldn't be too difficult for people unfamiliar with the visual grammar of comics.
@middenway 2 күн бұрын
I approach my comics reading with the mindset that I am yet to read my favourite comic. However, if I must pick one out of all the comics I've read, I think I must Hellboy (though I feel that this judgement is likely affected too heavily by its associated universe of books).
@terreth123 3 күн бұрын
Wow. Very helpful. Thanks for all your hard work and the great introduction.
@paulocosta4744 4 күн бұрын
I think the only way you can read the entire Dungeon is in French. Between all the spin-offs, it's now going on 57 albums and counting. NBM seems to be doing double albums. Yes, bigger is the proper European format, although soft cover editions are rare in France nowadays.
@ftloc 3 күн бұрын
*sigh* Ah well, it'll never be every album with that kind of count, but I'm just happy to be able to continue for now. NBM's 2-in-1 strategy has been there from the start, and much appreciated by me! 😁I guess that makes the new, larger first volumes now 4-in-1, when compared to the French albums!
@delthorpe223 6 күн бұрын
I'm a Dugeon fan too, and had a similar reaction to the bigger size. But I haven't double-dipped... yet! You make a good case for it!
@ftloc 5 күн бұрын
Haha, why should I be the only one to suffer? 😁 It's wise to wait to double dip, but then there's the FOMO with books likely to go out of print and NBM's Dungeon doesn't have the best history! 😝
@analogcomics 6 күн бұрын
I conciously avoided Usagi for years. Starting to read it was your fault but since I like it I have forgiven. Made my friend read it and now he’s a fan too🕺I do like to hear you talk about the shrinking of books and the superior format size that album is. Sounds like an echo of my own voice. And that’s a healthy pile of Dungeon! I’ve read two of those big double albums and def want more. Some day I’ll be on time for the stream but until then I’ll watch them anyway only later.
@ftloc 5 күн бұрын
I'll take blame like that gladly! 😁 And yes, shrinking comics designed for a larger reading page doesn't yield good results most of the time; I don't know whey they keep doing it (I mean, I know why, but...) However, bigger is not always better, no format is automatically 'the best', and one day I plan to make a video about that, my most controversial video ever! 😊
@analogcomics 5 күн бұрын
@@ftloc "No format is automatically 'the best'"😱Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of comics snobbery. What if you'd limit the question so that "If in the whole world there was only one comic book format available from now on what would be the best choice - album or some inferior choice?" OK, you can modify the question but you get the idea.
@ftloc 3 күн бұрын
haha! OK, if we want to be scientific and literal about ONLY ONE, let's start by getting specific about trim size/ measurements, just so we don't take multiple 'well at least it's larger than the US floppy' formats as some sort of blanket to mean 'album'. Taking hardcover as a given common, then the balance of page count to trim perhaps? And finally we can get to panel count/density if you want...😁
@analogcomics 3 күн бұрын
@@ftloc 'Well at least it's larger than the US floppy' sounds like a very decent comment in any context😄 I am screen capturing everything you say and forwarding them to TOWIARAC(The One Who Is Always Right About Comics) acting as a prosecutor in the CoCS(Court of Comics Snobbery.) I admit: I brought this on myself. I asked for Top1 comic book format list but can't honestly be surprised if Angshuman Top1 has 15 items😅 Waiting eagerly for your Love&Rockets reading/collecting guide. With that long history behind the series and multiple formats I can imagine this might be chore even Sisyphus would skip.
@ajmore 6 күн бұрын
@ftloc 6 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@johnpedersen6611 6 күн бұрын
Hi😊 I am also a big fan of Usagi, and have followed you on youtube nearly from the start. I have checked on Amazon, and they write that the first new trade from Dark Horse, are first coming out around september 10. Greetings from Denmark.
@ftloc 6 күн бұрын
Indeed! I found out the volume I was talking about - Ice and Snow - has not yet come out. I must have seen a solicitation and assumed it was already out! So I am indeed all caught up (trade-wise) - yay!
@johnpedersen6611 6 күн бұрын
And I forgot, the price has gone up, 24,99,- 🙄
@ChaosandComics 6 күн бұрын
I'm definitely in read from the beginning trap now but my whole teen years was reading a handful of issues here and there of the vertigo series of the 90s. It certainly didn't sour me.
@ftloc 6 күн бұрын
What a great example! Vertigo was a little later for me, and therefore created/ catered to my trades-reading habits, I often picked up random trades based solely on the creator name and then work backward or seek out more volumes based on how engaged I was. I really think we are capable of more imagination than we give ourselves credit for, and we can enjoy tantalization as complete stories too.
@leehuuskes9838 6 күн бұрын
I love the passion and detail evident in this video. Thanks for doing this.
@ftloc 6 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the video!
@arindam_sen 6 күн бұрын
So glad you enjoyed Friday. I’ll recommend you check out ‘Where The Body Was’ That is a Coen Brothers like murder mystery with multiple perspectives including that of a teen girl, a neighbourhood vigilante.
@ftloc 6 күн бұрын
Based on how sterling a recommendation Friday turned out to be, and that enticing description, Where the Body Was is going on the list posthaste! 😁
@ComicSwag 6 күн бұрын
I actually really like Usagi in color . I wish they would have made HC in colors or at least reprint the omnibus in color
@ftloc 6 күн бұрын
I think there's a good chance of future omnibuses that contain the IDW stories reprinting them in colour, but as far as the Color Classics or further reprinting of originally-B&W stories in colour, I have no idea at all. There's always a chance, though!
@colinynwa 6 күн бұрын
Interesting. Even though my first exposure to Usagi was in colour, the colour classics I wasn't sure about - even not having read the B+W originals - which I accept is a bit weird. I knew they were originally in B+W so kept looking at the line work under the colour, in some instances a little obsured and wishing the colour wasn't there. Now have those in Black and White and plan to do a considered comparison at some point. But suspect its a none starter as I reckon my natural B+W tendancies will stop any fair appraisal. I grew up on British B+W comics and just have a real affinity for them.
@ComicSwag 5 күн бұрын
@@colinynwa I like black & white on savage sword of conan or horror books as i think it can add to the feel or environment but usagi art is kind of cartoony which I think fits well in color but we a have different taste .. I definitely would check out a comparison video
@colinynwa 7 күн бұрын
So just starting to catch up with the Livestream after a busy ol' day meant I was only able to get in briefly before . Not even finished watching yet, but wanted to confirm that even during the IDW run of Usagi Yojimbo anyone could just jump onboard, as that's when I finally starting reading the comics. Got on as late as issue 28 - after trying the Colour Classics as a taster. I got on absolutely fine with it, loved it in fact. Don't get me wrong I've caught up with the whole IDW run since and have started to work through the Saga volumes. But yeah I got on board very late and have loved doing so and am very much loving catching up!
@ftloc 6 күн бұрын
Great to know and to have my suspicions confirmed 😁! Mapping alternate courses through the stories is a worthwhile project for all of us, I think; it really speaks to the subjective dimension of reading while also commenting on the work's structure and texture themselves.
@arindam_sen 9 күн бұрын
Just the push I needed to start Heartbreak Soup and Human Diastrophism, the only L&R books I own and had bought randomly.
@ftloc 8 күн бұрын
I love hearing that and I am extremely curious to see what you think of Heartbreak Soup!
@AnindaDe 9 күн бұрын
Me is noob when it comes to Love and Rockets. I get daunted when thinking where to start, where to find everything, and how to read it. This video, sir, is an excellent guide map <3 Btw, I still have to send you the names of those UK comic books I mentioned, been a busy month
@ftloc 9 күн бұрын
Let me know what you thought of Lobe and Rockets if you do try it out; I'll reiterate my recommendation of Heartbreak Soup for you as a volume. And yes, please send me that list as soon as 'real life' will permit! 😁
@Sketchartbymarc1 9 күн бұрын
Compelling recap! I fully appreciate the difficulty of truly capturing the unique and ephemeral depth of such a fascinatingly broad yet incisively focused series. I very briefly explored an issue from the series back in the 80s, initially drawn in by the unique art and mood of the era, but for whatever reason never delved further. The slice of life vibe likely didn’t really resonate with me at the time. Thankfully times change and perspectives shift. Decided to reengage with the series, enjoying much and wondering to myself “why did I wait so long!” Not everyone’s cup of tea of course but well worth the exploration for those willing to venture in. As always many thanks for your review and take! 👍
@ftloc 9 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, and thank you for sharing! It is indeed a series that is textured enough that one may find it (or oneself) changed upon returning to it, and your story is a perfect example of how first impressions can change widely with works like Love and Rockets.
@ellesse3862 10 күн бұрын
What a collection, it's like a book store, an emporium of treasures. It's always fun to spot a book I own but don't see often in other collections .. ZOT!
@ftloc 9 күн бұрын
Thank you! And Zot! is terrific, and one of those "criminally underrated" works!
@DaddyRich71 10 күн бұрын
The first few minutes of your excellent description of Love & Rockets is almost word-for-word how I have tried describing Cerebus (excepting for the story/creatordecline near the end) when people see the books or comics in my library. This was a very enjoyable watch and I am now an eager subscriber, thank you for sharing your knowledge and the attention to detail.
@ftloc 9 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for those kind words, and a very warm welcome to the channel! I hope you find plenty here to enjoy! And I am still looking for an easy/ affordable way to read more than the few issues of Cerebus I have...
@criticalhit009 10 күн бұрын
I didn't really know about Love and Rockets - now I'm hyped to read some! ❤
@ftloc 9 күн бұрын
Yay! As I say, it definitely will not "be for everyone", but I'd love to know what you think if you do get to try it out!
@aks19880 10 күн бұрын
My absolute fav is The Calculus Affair. It was my first Tintin comic, which my great aunt gifted to me on my 7th bday. I immediately loved the art style. Although the story felt a bit complicated at the time given my age lol. But it helped me improve my vocabulary and learn English better. Calculus Affair, Black Island and Prisoners of the Sun are my top 3 fav Tintin comics.
@ftloc 9 күн бұрын
How wonderful! My early English vocabulary also owes a lot to the Tintin comics I read, perhaps more than I can imagine. If you're up for a long livestream, this recent "total ranking" may interest you 😁 kzbin.infoUuV3lFolv0o?feature=share Cheers!
@gangusx 10 күн бұрын
For me, the absolute best comics ever. Great breakdown so far. Looking forward to the next one!
@ftloc 9 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!
@peterlinfield 11 күн бұрын
My entry to these creators was Blubber and I LOVED it. So purile and lewd and explicit. Great fun.
@ftloc 9 күн бұрын
Haha I picked up the Blubber collection in a bookstore about a year ago and immediately, reflexively looked around to see who might be looking at me - such public alarm! 😁 I'd say Gilbert's Heartbreak Soup stories are nowhere near that level, and I guess you'll be fine with later developments (in the post-Palomar stories) as well, now that the boundaries have been tested, if that makes any sense 😁