@Gosurfdammit Күн бұрын
A lecture from the future?
@vistargh Күн бұрын
Till the very end I just wanted him to mention or even hint at the winner of the US presidential election.
@AgustinTorres03 Күн бұрын
Yes, the Cubans told the Venezuelans, and the Venezuelans told us. Without Milei, today Argentina would be embraced by Maduro's policies.
@johnkirkby4959 22 сағат бұрын
May 29 2024
@anasrehman8084 2 күн бұрын
"However dangerous science and technology are... it seems to me that totalitarianism is far more dangerous"💯
@morganp7238 20 күн бұрын
Pielke, my friend, you are voting for the thugs who have created this colossal mess.
@jeffmrn 21 күн бұрын
Im so happy to have stumbled upon this. How else could a layman have access to such an important discussion. Thanks to Stanford Classical Liberalism Initiative.
@DorianSAbbot 28 күн бұрын
Great talk, thank you for sharing!
@user-wd3gt9dw5z Ай бұрын
Another like for denying the bare reason, but adding trancendent . Nicshe said, that those who are carrying a chaos inside may bring a dancing star to a life
@Silvertestrun 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@ThePaulTM 2 ай бұрын
I agree with what you say. When academics reject for publishing important new discoveries of a Wonderful Order in 3D reality that are contra their 2 dimensional theories of Chaos they are dragging all Academics down to a level far below an equal and trustworthy society.
@abomanasnow 2 ай бұрын
God bless you Lawrence! All of humanity and the future advancement of science to enhance it thank you!
@eastafrika728 3 ай бұрын
The ability to create is born out of personal experiences,the reason the world is stuck in terms of new innovations is because we are all under European anxiety as experiences used to create by impulsive and autistic constructs. The European concept of humanity is based on politics, as the anxiety of boys who feel entitled to react to their anxiety with no regard for others
@efficky 3 ай бұрын
Still defending Epstein, Larry?
@mephistophelean 3 ай бұрын
"Thanks to your democratic laws, we will invade you! And thanks to our religious law, we will dominate you." (Giuseppe Bernardini. RC Archbishop. In a discussion with a Muslim leaders during an interfaith dialogue)
@Poshypaws 3 ай бұрын
@abigailslade3824 3 ай бұрын
The law of unintended consequences
@orvillebrown7235 3 ай бұрын
I don't fully understand the roots of the war on the West: (i) Is it an educated population dazzled by it's own conceit and wanting to remake the world, or is it (ii), a bunch of useful idiots being cleverly manipulated by the enemies of our civilisation or is it (iii), a mixture of both influences? Someone enlighten me please.
@inessaarmand7971 3 ай бұрын
There is nothing benign about this. Don't be foolish. Neil Postman warned of the foreboding of the massive dumbing down ahead, --with the internet. Here it is.
@jasonthewatchmansson8873 3 ай бұрын
The point of having a moderator is to moderate the conversation. Why did you let the activist continually interrupt and talk over Prof. Bailey?
@johnahooker 4 ай бұрын
"Nietzsche's Viewpoint on University Paradoxes and Peter Thiel's Critique: A Philosophical Exploration" 1.) How would Nietzsche interpret the notion that universities, traditionally centers of diverse thought, are now paradoxically becoming monolithic in their ideologies? Additionally, how would Nietzsche view the modern university's struggle with nihilism, relativism, and totalitarianism, and what might his perspective be on Peter Thiel's critiques? 1. The Paradox of the University as the Antonym of Diversity: Nietzsche might view the paradox of universities becoming monolithic despite their mission to foster diverse thought through the lens of his concept of the "will to power." He could argue that this paradox reflects a deeper struggle within the university system-a struggle for intellectual dominance and authority. Universities, in their quest to assert a definitive narrative or ideology, might suppress alternative viewpoints, leading to a homogenization of thought. Nietzsche might see this as a natural, albeit regrettable, outcome of the intrinsic human desire for power and control over the discourse. 2. The Challenges Faced by Universities in Modern Society: - Nihilism: Nietzsche, often misunderstood as a proponent of nihilism, actually diagnosed it as a disease of Western culture. He might view the nihilistic tendencies in modern universities as a symptom of the decay of absolute values and the loss of a unifying grand narrative. Nietzsche would likely advocate for a revaluation of values, urging universities to become breeding grounds for new, life-affirming values rather than succumbing to the abyss of meaninglessness. - Relativism: While Nietzsche critiqued the notion of objective, universal truths, he might view the extreme relativism in universities with skepticism. For Nietzsche, the creation of values and truths is an active, assertive process, not a passive acceptance of all perspectives as equally valid. He might challenge universities to not only acknowledge the multiplicity of perspectives but to engage in the vigorous intellectual confrontation and synthesis that fosters genuine growth and innovation. - Totalitarianism: Nietzsche's disdain for herd mentality and his advocacy for individualism would make him a staunch critic of totalitarian trends in academia. He would likely condemn any movement that suppresses individual thought and creativity in favor of a collective dogma, viewing it as antithetical to the development of what he termed the "Übermensch" or "overman" - the individual who transcends the conventional and creates new values. 3. Perspective on Peter Thiel: Nietzsche might find Peter Thiel's critique of the university system intriguing, especially given Thiel's emphasis on innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, and challenging the status quo-qualities that resonate with Nietzschean individualism and the revaluation of values. However, Nietzsche would also be critical and probing, questioning the underlying motives, values, and assumptions of Thiel's perspective, just as he scrutinized every philosophy and system of thought he encountered. In summary, Nietzsche might view the paradox of the university, the challenges it faces, and the critiques by figures like Peter Thiel as manifestations of the deeper existential and cultural struggles of modernity. He would likely advocate for a vigorous re-examination and revaluation of the values and purposes driving our educational institutions, encouraging a move away from nihilism, relativism, and authoritarianism towards the cultivation of a culture that fosters genuine creativity, critical thought, and the development of the individual. 2. In light of Nietzsche's philosophy, how might he perceive the contradiction of universities being antithetical to diversity, given their historical role as hubs of varied ideas and cultures? Furthermore, how would Nietzsche assess the contemporary challenges of nihilism, relativism, and authoritarian tendencies within universities, and what would his stance be regarding Peter Thiel's observations? Interpreting this scenario through Nietzsche's philosophy, he might view the contradiction of universities being antithetical to diversity as a manifestation of what he termed the "herd mentality." Nietzsche was critical of institutions and systems that suppress individualism and promote a collective conformity. Universities, in his time and arguably even today, were supposed to be the breeding ground for free thinkers and individuals challenging the status quo. The paradox, therefore, would likely be seen by Nietzsche as a deterioration of the university's fundamental purpose, a shift from being a platform for intellectual exploration to one of indoctrination or uniform thought. Regarding the contemporary challenges within universities-nihilism, relativism, and authoritarian tendencies-Nietzsche's insights would be particularly poignant. He might view the rise of nihilism as a consequence of the death of absolute truths and values, something he famously discussed. However, he would also likely criticize nihilism for its potential to lead to a state of despair and inaction. Relativism, on the other hand, might be seen as an offshoot of the inability to establish a universal moral code, a scenario Nietzsche anticipated given his proclamation that "God is dead." Yet, he would caution against the extreme form of relativism that denies any form of structure or meaning in life. Authoritarian tendencies within universities might be particularly abhorrent to Nietzsche. He championed the idea of the "Übermensch" or "Overman," an individual who creates their own values and lives beyond the common morality of the masses. Authoritarianism, with its imposition of rigid structures and suppression of individual thought, would be antithetical to Nietzsche's ideal of personal growth and self-overcoming. Regarding Peter Thiel's observations and critiques, Nietzsche might find some alignment, especially in the criticism of the herd mentality and the challenge against the status quo. However, he would likely probe deeper, questioning the underlying motives and the potential solutions proposed. Nietzsche's philosophy encourages a continual questioning of norms and an exploration beyond surface-level critiques, seeking a profound understanding and revaluation of all values. In essence, Nietzsche's perspective on the modern university's challenges and Peter Thiel's critiques would be complex, marked by a deep understanding of the underlying philosophical dilemmas and a call for a radical rethinking of values, purposes, and individual potential within academic institutions. 3. From a Nietzschean standpoint, how would the paradox of universities serving as adversaries to diversity resonate, considering their inherent mission to foster a multitude of perspectives? Also, how would Nietzsche confront the present-day dilemmas of nihilistic, relativistic, and totalitarian trends in academic institutions, and what would be his evaluation of Peter Thiel's critical viewpoints? From a Nietzschean standpoint, the paradox of universities serving as adversaries to diversity might be seen as a manifestation of a decaying cultural and intellectual vigor. Nietzsche, who valued the Übermensch - a figure striving beyond the conventional and mediocrity - would likely critique modern universities for failing to foster genuine individualism and groundbreaking thought. He might argue that they have succumbed to the "last man" mentality, a concept he used to describe the ultimate conformist and the antithesis of the Übermensch. This paradox, therefore, might be perceived as a betrayal of the very essence of education and intellectual pursuit, which should challenge, not conform. Regarding the present-day dilemmas faced by academic institutions, Nietzsche's perspective would be multifaceted. He might view the rise of nihilism within universities as both a crisis and an opportunity. For Nietzsche, nihilism, while representing a profound disenchantment with traditional values and meaning, also provides a fertile ground for the revaluation of all values and the creation of new ones. The presence of relativism could be seen in a similar vein - not just as a challenge, but as a space for reimagining and redefining truth and morality beyond dogmatic boundaries. The trends of totalitarianism or authoritarian tendencies within universities would likely be met with stern criticism from Nietzsche. He consistently opposed any form of thought or system that stifles individuality and the flourishing of the human spirit. Nietzsche might argue that the true purpose of education is to cultivate critical thinkers and creators, not to enforce a homogenized worldview. As for Peter Thiel's critical viewpoints, Nietzsche might appreciate the challenge to the status quo and the call for a reassessment of the university's role in society. However, he would likely push the conversation further, probing the foundational values and assumptions underpinning Thiel's critiques and the broader societal context in which they are made. Nietzsche's approach would not be to take sides but to delve deeper into the underlying philosophical dynamics at play, challenging all involved to transcend the ordinary and strive for the extraordinary. In conclusion, from a Nietzschean lens, the paradox of universities opposing diversity, along with the challenges of nihilism, relativism, and totalitarianism, would be seen as indicative of a broader cultural and philosophical malaise. Nietzsche would likely call for a radical rethinking and revaluation of values within the academic sphere, advocating for an environment that nurtures true individuality, critical thought, and the courage to forge new paths.
@strawwormcariama3280 4 ай бұрын
The _tabula rasa_ idea comes from John Locke.
@strawwormcariama3280 4 ай бұрын
Minority students should be physically forced to take stem classes.
@281992pdr 4 ай бұрын
Thankfully, at last someone else is saying that the body of a person with gender dysphoria can be changed into a facsimile of a body of the opposite sex. Correct. The trans ideology activists have really distorted language by e.g, saying a transman is a man. The fact is that a transman is like a man. There is a difference between simile and metaphor. The metaphor that "transwomen are women" is invalid, but the simile "transwomen are like women" is true. (Maybe simile and metaphor are no longer taught in English at school.) Another distortion of language is that people are "assigned" a sex at birth. In reality sex is determined at conception and recognised at birth. Always was, alway will be.
@phildurling7185 4 ай бұрын
All the major civilisations from around the world have died, not from murder by an outside source, but from suicide from the influences of an inner faction.
@Hollis_has_questions 4 ай бұрын
Excellent discussion. JP hardly interrupted DM's train of thought at all, and he was most attentive to the "rules" of polite conversation. I don't believe that I've ever heard DM and JP more in agreement than they were here. I was with them all the way. I'm not afraid of speaking up, but Idk what I'd do if confronted by a group of thuggish-looking men grabbing someone off the sidewalk, with the victim screaming. There's always the possibility/probability that the offenders are armed, and unless it's a verbal confrontation I'm a physical coward. All my power is in my speech. I might try to get others involved, but if there were no others around I'd probably just take pictures of all the people, the car, and the license plate, then leave the scene as surreptitiously as possible and call 9-1-1.
@SuperJourneyer 4 ай бұрын
Alex Karp is way more intelligent, lucid and principled than Thiel. No wonder he got kicked out of Palantir. Peter Thiel is just another greedy, abusive, asshole.
@patrickvernon4766 4 ай бұрын
Liberalism is slavery to an oligarchy
@ALavin-en1kr 4 ай бұрын
Once he said the humanities are ridiculous he lost me.
@Linkolite 4 ай бұрын
They really are. Just read and write on your own. That’s something people can intuit on their own, having classes about that shit is just an opportunity to indoctrinate people.
@newdawnrising8110 4 ай бұрын
The right wing will never be able to admit that it is the success of 40 years of neoliberal policies that we are suffering from and the cause of so many of our problems today. The pendulum is changing direction as the hypnotism is broken away from and the elites that have robbed us blind are now scared the public is going to figure out what has been done to them.
@newdawnrising8110 4 ай бұрын
The neoliberal project has failed the majority of the American ppl. It’s time to admit it and figure out how we move on now and correct the consequences of 40 years of lies and public manipulation.
@newdawnrising8110 4 ай бұрын
The stagnation was caused in part by the Reagan tax cuts. When businesses owners stoped being taxed at 70% and it was knocked down to 28% for the top marginal tax bracket, then all the investments in productivity and research into new technologies just died out. The owners pocketed all that hot cheap easy money their workers made for them and they got comfortable and soft. When CEO salaries went from 60x the average workers and jumped to 300 x those same wages that never managed to increase for 40 + years ruining the lives of the vast majority of Americans. The consolidation of wealth that was being produced by our society into the hands of a few ruined the awesome power of the US economy. Workers pay and with it America has stalled out and is now in a state of decay. Business leaders know all of this but they can not mention it bc that would ruin their gravy train. The oligarchs have screwed our system up in their greed. It’s as obvious as can be. You don’t need a totalitarian state. You need an economy that works for all. Not just a hand full of ppl. That speech was a load of BS. He can’t do better then that? It’s all the liberals fault right? Too much taxes and regulations. That lie is what has put us where we are at. Libertarians are self deluded in ideology that would never work. It’s the success of the right is what is the root of our problems today. It’s hard to argue with ppl who start from false assumptions.
@PrayTellGaming 4 ай бұрын
I try not to fall into this rabbit hole but shit.... shit's fucked.
@Arminius420 4 ай бұрын
How can you properly do science under this new religion? This literally goes against the very concept of what science is suppose to be.. And they think this is progress?
@AustinSimco-pc1qh 4 ай бұрын
There was a time when I would get frustrated by people who didn't trust the scientific community. Now days, I question the bias of many papers and studies I see. It's sad.
@jesuslovesaves2682 5 ай бұрын
University culture abandoned truth when it abandoned Jesus Christ who is the truth. Most of these schools were founded by Christians who had an understanding that pursuing truth is perusing Christ because he is the truth. Once pursuit of God is gone all you are left with for justice is social. The culture in schools as elsewhere is nothing more than the fruit of what was sown. The current culture is looking more like a resurrection of Pan and the behaviors that were common before it was said, "Pan is dead," by Plutarch. If you read how the Christians at the time understood the saying they meant the behaviors the "gods" (demons) were driving people to perform were dying out with the pagan beliefs. Now people are resurrecting them.
@smallscreentv1204 5 ай бұрын
Peter Theil - The Reptile
@mouthofpower8492 5 ай бұрын
Insane that Stanford has nothing to say vs some youtubers. Crazy.
@youtruckrek5121 5 ай бұрын
@deenzmartin6695 5 ай бұрын
When did "liberals" in the US become such big pharma, centralized medicine, and scientism-loving, sun, beauty, and health-hating, intelligence agency-worshipping, free speech-despising, war-loving, race and gender marxism-obsessed AUTHORITARIAN FREAKS AND COWARDS?
@ChucksExotics 5 ай бұрын
Come on guys, can we just get past the whole "classical liberalism" thing? We can't wait for you slow bois to figure everything out. Please look into critques of liberalism. Ask yourself, have I actually ever read critiques of liberalism from the right? Maybe they make good arguments. Aren't you curious? Are you really just going to do "look I'm not woke! Wokeness is illiberal!"?
@MrBallynally2 5 ай бұрын
It has now moved into the whole issue of climate change. Same process albeit to a lesser extend..
@MrBallynally2 5 ай бұрын
Matt's info is/will not be taken up by the msm because A: Elon Musk hired him for his new Twitter/X. And B: anything w even a hint of 'conspiracy theory' will be considered mis- and/or desinformation and therefor flagged. No new data enters the preprogrammed mindset. Ive seen this play out so many times in my personal life w family members and friends that im rather reluctant to talk about it. It is profoundly sad. I have never experienced such a narrow mindset from people i personally engage with.
@fredwhinery8016 5 ай бұрын
For John Cochran and his question about what the government might do if the internet companies refuse to comply to its demands. Just look at all the actions being taken against X and Musk’s other enterprises. He’ll pay a huge price for trying to preserve free speech. So sad.
@primrose6358 5 ай бұрын
Do not support gays and abortion. They would rather see you dead. This is just what happened in Nazi Germany. The Jews kept making allowances for the people who hated them, who eventually assisted their journey to the camps. People are not afraid of Jews as they are of Blacks. People think Jews are weak. Only ISRAEL FIGHTS! And people are afraid of them.
@Paul-talk 5 ай бұрын
The next level? ... read: "when I get to be in charge."
@dannysullivan3951 6 ай бұрын
Thiel’s another billionaire nitwit, who is now ‘disillusioned’ with politics because Trump’s presidency, which he helped fund, didn’t produce the magical outcome he expected. He’s a good representative of conservative ‘intellect.’
@Question-Research-wj5wr 6 ай бұрын
Love to as my mentor sir❤
@Apistevist 6 ай бұрын
To be fair sociology isn't a science, it's more opinion piece journalism that does rudimentary data collection.
@jiapark3569 6 ай бұрын
Best alliteration from Douglas Murray: "phonies, frauds and fakes"
@tshampoo7762 6 ай бұрын
The fact that Marilyn Monroe’s psychiatrist was one of the founding fathers of gender ideology is profound. Greenson’s professional behaviour with Monroe was highly questionable from what I have read and watched. Much has been made of Stoller’s work, very little on Ralph Greenspan’s.
@youneschebini5280 6 ай бұрын
A libertarian who’s developing surveillance technologies, let me be paranoid!
@PM-gt9mh 6 ай бұрын
As an academic philosopher, just to add to the question at the end, roughly: "I thought philosophers were the rational current, immune to social intolerance?". I'm not gonna say that your assumption about philosophers is correct (although I hope it is) for reasons of modesty...but it is definitely true that the vast majority of academic philosophers are quite extreme anti-social constructivists, and support Byrne's critical views of gender identity in some way or other. It also rings true, as Kathleen Stock has said in an interview when asked a similar question, that "the [feminist philosophy] literature on these issues is SO bad, that it would alsmost be beneath them [=analytic philosophers] to engage with it." This sounds about right, from what other philosophers tell me in private conversations. The branch of philosophy which engages in this stuff, feminist philosophy, is really extremely isolated from other philosophical fields, and many senior philosophers, and even students, regard them as metaphysically completely confused.