@eltonthomari 6 күн бұрын
@ΗλίαςΓκατζιουρας 10 күн бұрын
μπραβο τους.
@ΗλίαςΓκατζιουρας 10 күн бұрын
υποδομες γρηγορα για να παρει ανασα ο τοπος.αγαπαμε β ηπειρο.
@DoulosTis 11 күн бұрын
Το Αργυροκαστρο έχει την παράδοση των κατοίκων του όχι ελληνική… άντε πια μόνο το φεγγάρι γλύτωσε χωρίς Γκρεκοποιηση … Σκέτη προπαγάνδα Ως ξένοι υπονοούνται οι Αλβανοί… Όλοι να πεθάνουν να ζήσει το μεγάλη ελαντα άι σιχτιρ πια
@Κυνοκέφαλος 12 күн бұрын
Ξεχασμένοι από το Ελληνικό κράτος 😢
@ΜαρίναΞανθοπούλου-β3φ 13 күн бұрын
Πως σας καταλαβαίνω, αδέρφια απο την Ήπειρο και εμας τους ομογενείς απο την πρωιν ΕΣΣΔ,μας έλεγαν και ακομα αποκαλουν" Ρώσο Πόντιοι".Κριμα, αισθανόμαστε μια μεγάλη πίκρα,απο την στάση των αδερφων μας,τους Έλληνες
@engjellushegolemi7583 14 күн бұрын
Ku jeeee sot ti? Ke mar taftotita? Un 29 χρόνια άδεια παραμονιιιιιι είμαι γιαγιά αααααα τορααααα
@JohnnyDepp-n6y 15 күн бұрын
Ζήτω η τσαμουριά🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
@nikospapadopoulos4412 14 күн бұрын
Παντού Ελλάδα γη ελληνική βόρεια ήπειρος
@JohnnyDepp-n6y 14 күн бұрын
@ παντού Αλβανία γη αλβανική η τσαμουριά🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
@JohnnyDepp-n6y 15 күн бұрын
Γιατί δε κάνετε και μια εκπομπή για τη τσαμουριά;Δεν σας αρέσει ε;Όπως ζητάτε εσείς βόρεια ήπειρο που δεν υπάρχει,γιατί είναι μόνο στο μυαλό σας.Έχουμε και εμείς δικαίωμα να ζητήσουμε τη τσαμουριά.Ιωαννινα,Πρέβεζα,Αρτα,Φιλατι και πολλά άλλα υπήρξαν Αλβανία.Αλλα το 1913 η Διάσκεψη του Λονδίνου διαχώρισε αυτό το Αλβανικό έδαφος και το προσάρτησε στην Ελλάδα.Αλλα δεν σας αρέσει εσάς.Οσο για αυτό το βίντεο έχετε βρει εδώ κάτι πουλημένους Αλβανούς,που έχουν πουληθεί για ένα ευρωπαϊκό διαβατήριο.Και δυστυχώς υπάρχουν πολλοί σαν και αυτούς.
@akifkop9677 16 күн бұрын
@MesoitalishtDorianaZisi 16 күн бұрын
ne komunizem ishin te gjithe te mbyllur dhe pa te drejta,mos beni rolin e viktimes,cfare ka bere per ju Greqia ju dha dokumentat sic i dhane rusopondjove?
@DafneBoulias 17 күн бұрын
Ωραίοι άνθρωποι .Να ζήση όλοι η ήπειρος .❤
@LizaBela-js1ul 18 күн бұрын
Zoteri te la hoxha Te flisje te kendoje dhe te vajtoje greqisht Se ne jemi popull tolerant Por vajtofsh ishalla ketej e tutje sa te pellcasesh Se ju ne greqi nuk keni ber ndonje shkoll shqip ne greqi Por ju i detyronit njerezit te vaftiseshin sa per su e faqe Ju jua ndryshonit emrat njerezve Kjo eshte fytyra juaj e vertet dhe jo ajo tjetra qe mundoheni te nxirni Por e keni kot Jeni evgjiter Jeni endacak Ky eshte kombi juaj greqia e dhjerrenpike
@LizaBela-js1ul 18 күн бұрын
Po jo moj Mos i thuaj gjerat si do Por ne 1913 Ju dhan ju gjysmen e jugut te shqiperise Aty ka vetem shqiptare dhe ata grek te paket qe i ndoqet ju Dhe i strehuam ne Por nga ju ske ca te presesh Genjeshtra dhe vetem genjeshtra Ju vetem komb nuk jeni Ju u cliruam ne dhe shtetin tuaj e formoi Ali pasha Dhe ne nuk i kemi keqtrajtuar kurre Por kemi jetuar gjithmon ne paqe me minoritetin grek kush thot te kunderten genjen Se ne dhe me fet kemi njlloj paqeje Per ne nuk ka rendesi kujt feje i perket Por cfare njeriu je Kurse ju i vleresoni njerezit nga thrisqia Ne kemi kaluar mire dhe kemi mare e dhen me ta Por se ca mutin doni dhe beni Nuk behesh gazetare me nje emision ku vete ne nje vend tjeter te besh emision Ju vrate dhe zhduket camet per tu mare trojet dhe pasurine e tyre Se jeni nje komb dembel dhe i doni gjerat gati Turp te kesh Turp
@ΑθανασιαΤσουση 18 күн бұрын
Λυπάμαι για την ελληνική παιδεία κ τις ελληνικές κυβερνήσεις που δεν δίδαξαν την αληθινή ιστορία,κ γι'αυτό οι Βορειοηπειρώτες αντιμετωπιστηκαν με αυτον τον αισχρο τρόπο οταν ήρθαν στην Ελλάδα
@ΑθανασιαΤσουση 18 күн бұрын
Ο τόπος έχει απομονωθεί ανυπαρκτοι δρόμοι, καμία ανάπτυξη, άραγε γιατί;;;;
@ΑθανασιαΤσουση 18 күн бұрын
Μπράβο Φώτη Ακρίτα!!!!!!
@vasilistrempelas7031 22 күн бұрын
Γδαρσιμο στους βρωμιαρηδες
@vasilistrempelas7031 22 күн бұрын
Ποια είναι τα κωλοπαιδα που έφυγαν από την αίθουσα;πολύ θα θελα να μάθω...σίγουρα τώρα θα είναι οι πρώτοι γλυφτες του κουλη
@grubalicius 29 күн бұрын
@southepirote7676 Ай бұрын
@ΑποστολοςΚαραλιολιος-σ9μ Ай бұрын
@ΑποστολοςΚαραλιολιος-σ9μ Ай бұрын
@stefanosr.6282 2 ай бұрын
Τετοιο ηθος έχει η σελίδα σας που τους 2 από τους ελαχιστους φυγαδες απο το δικτατορικό καθεστως Χοτζα - που δεν αποκλείεται να ήταν και Ελληνες ομογενείς - δεν ντρέπεστε να τους ονοματίσετε ως ΛΑΘΡΟετανάστες, έναν προσβλητικό όρο που ούτε καν ειχε επινοηθεί την εποχη εκείνη.
@fokaspetrogiannis 2 ай бұрын
Υπέροχοι άνθρωποι , εξαιρετική εκπομπή ,αυτή είναι δημοσιογραφία …
@vasilioskyriakidis2559 2 ай бұрын
Τα κλεμμένα αυτοκίνητα από Ελλάδα πως περνούσαν στην Αλβανία;;;;
@LizaBela-js1ul 18 күн бұрын
Na plasi trapi per makinat tuaja Ju i keni te gjithe 30 vjecare e larte Te na ka makina te fundit 😅
@AgathiTheodorou-cm5ub 2 ай бұрын
@AgathiTheodorou-cm5ub 2 ай бұрын
τα κλεινουν τα βιντεο ανοιχτα σας παρακαλουμε
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
Albania didn’t exist before 19th century. Austro-Hungary created the modern Albanians …they are nothing else just a Caucasian region name ….they created 1913 and their alphabet it’s very new created 1909 …they never fight for their freedom it’s a shame for them …completely a fake nation 😂
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
it’s important to note Albanians don’t exist an ethnicity but are rather a mix of Greeks Slavs and Turks .Granted that there is no pure race but according to genetics Greeks are indeed the most homogenous in the region …if you look at the 3 largest haplogroups per country .!!! Albanians didn’t exist before 1913 and they don’t have alphabet before 1909 …🙂
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
All you Albanians are muslims Greeks but you don’t know it ..that’s why when Albania did test DNA heritage show Greek DNA in Albania .Look at the update and see 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
Ultra cringe Albanian nationalist Albanian fighter pilot aka chicken nugget aka souththepirote and many others is still crying in the comments 24 hours per day 😂😂 !! Someone quick find job 😂😂
@southepirote7676 2 ай бұрын
Johann Georg von Hahn 1811-1869: "The modern Greeks are, in the greater part, nothing more than Christianized Albanians." Jacob Philipp Fallmerayer 1790-1861: "The Greek War of Independence was a "purely Shqiptarian (Albanian), not a Hellenic Revolution." James Henry Skene 1812-1886: "The Albanians of Greece are called Arvaniti by the Greeks, and Arnaout by the Turks, but they call themselves Shqiptar." Edmond About 1828-1885: "The Greeks are not Greeks; they are Albanians who have forgotten their mother tongue." François Pouqueville 1770-1838: "The Souliotes, an Albanian race distinguished for their bravery and love of freedom." Edward Lear 1812-1888: "The Greeks of the Peloponnese often use the term 'Arvanites' to refer to Albanian-speaking communities in their region, acknowledging their distinct cultural and linguistic heritage." Lord Byron 1788-1824: "The Albanians in their dresses the most magnificent in the world." William Martin Leake 1777-1860: "The population of Greece is composed of a great variety of races, among which the Albanian has furnished a large proportion." William Martin Leake 1777-1860: "Throughout Greek history, the term 'Arvanites' has been used to identify Albanian settlers and communities in Greece, highlighting their cultural and linguistic connections to Albania." Johann Thunmann 1746-1778: "The Greeks are made up of various races, among which the Albanian is not the least numerous." Edward Daniel Clarke 1769-1822: "The Greeks of the present day are only the Albanians speaking a dialect of the ancient Greek." Konstantin Jirecek 1854-1918: "The ethnic composition of the Greek population is more diverse than commonly believed, with significant contributions from Albanians." Louis-Félicien de Saulcy 1807-1880: "The ancient Greeks were not a homogeneous population but rather a blend of various ethnic groups, including Albanians." Johann Jacob Reiske 1716-1774: "The modern Greeks are descended from a mixture of indigenous peoples and newcomers, including Albanians and Slavs." Richard Pococke 1704-1765: "The Souliotes, a tribe of Albanian descent, maintained their independence in the mountainous regions of Epirus, resisting both Ottoman and local Greek authority." Thomas Smart Hughes 1786-1847: "The Souliotes, a clan of Albanian descent, fiercely resisted Ottoman authority in the rugged mountains of Epirus." Jacob Philipp Fallmerayer 1790-1861: "The Greeks are not direct descendants of the ancient Greeks but rather of Slavic and Albanian origin." Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel 1772-1829: "The Greeks of his time were a mixture of various ethnic groups, including Albanians, who had contributed to the formation of Greek culture and civilization." Karl Otfried Müller 1797-1840: "The ancient Greeks were not a homogeneous ethnic group but rather a blend of various peoples, including Albanians." Pierre-Joseph Amédée Jaubert 1779-1847: "The modern Greeks are descended from a mixture of ancient Greeks, Albanians, and other Balkan peoples." François Pouqueville 1770-1838: "The modern Greek population has diverse ethnic origins, including significant contributions from Albanians." Edward Daniel Clarke 1769-1822: "The Souliotes, a fierce and indomitable race of Albanians." Richard Chandler 1738-1810: "The inhabitants of Suli are Albanians, whose ancestors for several centuries have inhabited these mountains." Lord Byron 1788-1824: The Souliotes are "Albanian giants, of the mountain-land, they were the foes of tyrants." William Martin Leake 1777-1860: "The Souliotes, an Albanian tribe inhabiting the mountains of Epirus." Sir John Hobhouse 1786-1869: "The Souliotes, a clan of Albanian origin, fiercely resisted Ottoman authority." Henry Holland 1788-1873: "The Souliotes, a hardy and warlike race of Albanians, inhabited the rugged mountains of Epirus." Frederick William Hasluck 1878-1920: "The Souliotes, a community of Albanian origin, fiercely defended their mountain stronghold against the Ottoman forces." Edward Dodwell 1767-1832: "The Souliotes, a tribe of Albanians, have been long distinguished for their bravery and love of freedom. They inhabit a mountainous district in the north of Greece." Johann Georg von Hahn 1811-1869: "The Greeks commonly refer to Albanians as 'Arvanites,' a term that has been used for centuries to describe the Albanian-speaking population residing in various parts of Greece." John L. Comstock 1787-1858: "The Souliotes, a tribe of Albanian origin, have maintained their independence amidst the mountains of Epirus." George Finlay 1799-1875: "The Souliotes, a hardy and independent race of Albanian mountaineers, inhabited the rugged region of Souli in Epirus." James Emerson Tennent 1804-1869: "The Souliotes, a bold and warlike race of Albanians, defended their mountain fastnesses against the Ottoman forces for centuries." George Gordon 1788-1824: "The Souliotes, an Albanian tribe renowned for their bravery and martial spirit, held out against overwhelming odds in their mountain strongholds." Lewis Sergeant 1841-1902: "The Souliotes, an Albanian community, displayed remarkable courage and tenacity in their struggle against Ottoman domination." Helen F. Glykatzi-Ahrweiler 1926-….: "The Souliotes, an Albanian-speaking people, were known for their fierce resistance against the Ottoman Empire." William Martin Leake 1777-1860: "The Souliotes, believed to be of Albanian origin, were renowned for their courage and tenacity in defending their mountain strongholds against all adversaries." John Cartwright 1740-1824: "The Souliotes, an Albanian-speaking community, fiercely defended their freedom and identity against the Ottoman Empire and neighboring Greek clans." Thomas Allom 1804-1872: "The Souliotes, descended from Albanian stock, were known for their martial prowess and resistance against foreign invaders." William Kelly 1811-1888: "The Souliotes, a tribe of Albanian lineage, held onto their independence in the mountains of Epirus, forging a distinct identity amidst the turbulent history of the region." Sir Richard Church 1784-1873: "In Greek folklore and literature, the term 'Arvanites' has been employed to denote Albanians, reflecting the historical presence of Albanian-speaking populations in Greece." Edward Everett 1794-1865: "The Albanians, renowned for their martial spirit and fierce independence, played a significant role in the Greek War of Independence, contributing both fighters and leaders to the cause." Sir Richard Church 1784-1873: "In the tumult of the Greek War of Independence, Albanians emerged as key actors, their bravery and military prowess contributing greatly to the struggle against Ottoman rule." Alexander Mavrocordatos 1791-1865: "Albanians, long oppressed under Ottoman rule, seized the opportunity presented by the Greek War of Independence to assert their own aspirations for self-determination, fighting for liberty." Edward Bulwer-Lytton 1803-1873: "The Greek War of Independence was a testament to the unity of purpose among diverse ethnic groups, including Albanians, who banded together in pursuit of a common goal: liberation from Ottoman tyranny." James Emerson Tennent 1804-1869: "The so called Greek struggle for independence witnessed the participation of Albanians, demonstrating a shared desire for freedom from Ottoman rule." Lewis Sergeant 1841-1902: "The Greek War of Independence cannot be fully understood without considering the impact of Ali Pasha's rule in the region. Edward Gibbon 1737-1794: "The Greeks often refer to the Albanians as 'Arvanites,' a term derived from the Albanian word 'Arber' or 'Arberesh,' signifying their Albanian origin." Richard Chandler 1738-1810: "In Greek folklore and historical accounts, the term 'Arvanites' is frequently used to denote Albanians living in Greece, reflecting their presence and influence in the region." Edward Daniel Clarke 1769-1822: "The designation 'Arvanites' has long been employed by Greeks to refer to Albanian-speaking populations in Greece, underscoring the enduring presence of Albanian communities in the region."
@southepirote7676 2 ай бұрын
Utra cringe Greek nationalist Greek fighter pilot aka Sickboy aka EML aka Amiliosgaming is still crying in the comments 24 hours. Someone quick find him a job 👇
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
Ultra cringe Albanian nationalist Albanian fighter pilot aka chicken nugget aka souththepirote and many others is still crying in the comments 24 hours per day 😂😂 !! Someone quick find job 😂😂
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
Ultra cringe Albanian nationalist Albanian fighter pilot aka chicken nugget aka souththepirote and many others is still crying in the comments 24 hours per day 😂😂 !! Someone quick find job 😂😂
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
All you Albanians are muslims Greeks but you don’t know it ..that’s why when Albania did test DNA heritage show Greek DNA in Albania .Look at the update and see 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
All you Albanians are Muslims Greeks but you don’t know it ..that’s why when Albania did test DNA heritage show Greek DNA in Albania .Look at the update and see 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
it’s important to note Albanians don’t exist an ethnicity but are rather a mix of Greeks Slavs and Turks .Granted that there is no pure race but according to genetics Greeks are indeed the most homogenous in the region …if you look at the 3 largest haplogroups per country .!!! Albanians didn’t exist before 1913 and they don’t have alphabet before 1909 …🙂
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
it’s important to note Albanians don’t exist an ethnicity but are rather a mix of Greeks Slavs and Turks .Granted that there is no pure race but according to genetics Greeks are indeed the most homogenous in the region …if you look at the 3 largest haplogroups per country .!!! Albanians didn’t exist before 1913 and they don’t have alphabet before 1909 …🙂
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
Albania didn’t exist before 19th century. Austro-Hungary created the modern Albanians …they are nothing else just a Caucasian region name ….they created 1913 and their alphabet it’s very new created 1909 …they never fight for their freedom it’s a shame for them …completely a fake nation 😂
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
Albania didn’t exist before 19th century. Austro-Hungary created the modern Albanians …they are nothing else just a Caucasian region name ….they created 1913 and their alphabet it’s very new created 1909 …they never fight for their freedom it’s a shame for them …completely a fake nation 😂
@southepirote7676 2 ай бұрын
Greece didn't exist before 19th century. Britain created the modern Greek nation and forced a Greek identity among the local Albanians there.
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
Albania didn’t exist before 19th century. Austro-Hungary created the modern Albanians …they are nothing else just a Caucasian region name ….they created 1913 and their alphabet it’s very new created 1909 …they never fight for their freedom it’s a shame for them …completely a fake nation 😂
@southepirote7676 2 ай бұрын
It's important to note Greeks don't exist an ethnicity but are rather a mix of Albanians, Slavs, Turks and Italians. Granted, that there is no pure race but according to genetics Albanians are indeed the most homogenous in the region.... If you look at the 3 largest haplogroups per country, you get a much clearer picture. The order below is by genetic similarity (which btw, coincides with historical/political maps throughout centuries): - Hungarians: R1a: 26% I2a: 20% R1b: 19% - Slovenes: R1a: 35% I2a: 20% R1b: 16% - Croats: I2a: 38% R1a: 25% R1b: 10% ---------------------------------- - Bosnians: I2a: 45% E3b: 15% R1a: 15% - Serbs: I2a: 28% E3b: 20% R1a: 15% - Bulgarians: I2a: 22% E3b: 20% R1a: 18% - Romanians: I2a: 20% R1a: 20% E3b: 19% (A lot J2 too: 16%) - Macedonians: I2a: 20% E3b: 20% J2: 16% (A lot of R1a too: 13%) ---------------------------------- - Turkey: J2: 30% E3b: 24% R1b: 16% - Greeks: E3b: 25% J2: 20% R1b: 15% - Albanians: E3b: 35% J2: 25% R1b: 18%
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
@@southepirote7676 it’s important to note Albanians don’t exist an ethnicity but are rather a mix of Greeks Slavs and Turks .Granted that there is no pure race but according to genetics Greeks are indeed the most homogenous in the region …if you look at the 3 largest haplogroups per country .!!! Albanians didn’t exist before 1913 and they don’t have alphabet before 1909 …🙂
@southepirote7676 2 ай бұрын
All you Greeks are orthodox Albanians but you don't know it. That's why when Greeks do a DNA test, Myheritage shows Albanian DNA in Greece. Look at the updates and see 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
All you Albanians are Muslims Greeks but you don’t know it ..that’s why when Albania did test DNA heritage show Greek DNA in Albania .Look at the update and see 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
All Albania belong to Greece 🇬🇷 🦅🇬🇷🦅🇬🇷🦅🇬🇷🦅🇬🇷🦅🇬🇷🦅🇬🇷
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
Βόρεια Ήπειρος γη Ελληνική 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
@southepirote7676 2 ай бұрын
Utra cringe Greek nationalist Greek fighter pilot aka Sickboy aka EML aka Amiliosgaming is still crying in the comments 24 hours. Someone quick find him a job 👇
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
Don’t cry Turkalbanian friend 🫵🤣🤣 you belong to Caucasus…😂😂😂
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
@Ξέρειςαπόβέσπα 2 ай бұрын
Ultra cringe Albanian nationalist Albanian fighter pilot aka chicken nugget aka souththepirote and many others is still crying in the comments 24 hours per day 😂😂 !! Someone quick find job 😂😂
@AggelosXatzidakis-sv2xz 2 ай бұрын
Μπράβο δήμαρχε πες τα γιατί έτσι είναι η αλήθεια είτε τους αρέσει είτε όχι
@sotirbilla2255 3 ай бұрын
O politikos pu stirikse ton Fredi Beleri se antithesi me sas ....