@TexasStormChaser69schann-od9rm 2 ай бұрын
Pretty cool concept. I enjoyed it a lot. The music tracks matched the timeline of the story and set the tone beautifully, like “A New Day” (or whatever it was named) and “Cursed”, which perfectly set the foreboding mood as the Germans made the fateful choice not to stay in the cabin (bonus points for popping up the actual image of the cabin btw). I’ve often wondered if they cursed themselves by stealing the cabin’s flag (found in the van). For some reason, the dramatic change in landscape from rugged, hilly, jagged Warm Spring Road transitioning almost instantly to the relative smoothness and vastness of Butte Valley makes the coming horror even more eerie. You can almost picture yourself standing in front of the cabin watching Egbert (or Cornelia…not sure which one was driving…van rented under her name and keys found with her personal affects & remains. But I’ll say it’s Egbert driving) going further and further across the valley, kicking up a dust trail as the road quickly becomes more jagged (very jagged). Losing that first tire I want to yell to him to please turn back…it’s not too late! 1/4 mile later the 2nd tire loses pressure. Don’t do it, Egbert! Please just turn around now! This is the last chance! But the ending was already written. Egbert somehow managed to exit Butte Valley, then turned left & drove until that 3rd tire ruptured and the rims gave out a few hundred yards down Anvil Canyon road. Even then, The adults & kids didn’t realize their situation. When leaving the van on foot, they locked it, taking only the Bud Ice, a bottle of wine (found near Cornelia’s remains next to the tiny bit of shade she sought provided by the small protruding bluff), and 1 bottle of water, leaving nearly a case of water behind in the van they locked. Tom’s theory about China Lake is probably right. For the longest time I figured Egbert was aiming for Barker’s Ranch, but China Lake makes the most sense given Egbert’s European experience that military bases in his country regularly patrolled at their perimeter. Doesn’t really matter either way. What still gnaws on both of us are the bones. Egbert and Cornelia were easily visible with almost no scattering by wildlife. But the kids…where the hell were the kids? We found no trace of them, which makes no sense to me (or Tom). Dozens and dozens of forensic search team members gridded a huge area around both adults’ remains and meticulously combed every bit of it. If the children’s bones were scavenged by wildlife, why weren’t the adult bones scavenged as well? And even if the children’s bones were scavenged, there would be numerous whole and fractured bones still visible somewhere in the vicinity. The only bone that may have belonged to a child was a partial fragment and DNA was inconclusive. This fragment was found near Cornelia. I’m so sorry for rambling. Your video brought back vivid memories and now I’ve prattled on and on! Anyway, you presented a fascinating conceptual production approach and the substance is excellent and accurate. The cartographer in me would’ve loved to see an animated visual path of the German’s route as it’s being described by the narrator. I tracked with you the whole time, but any sort of visualization will help immerse an average viewer into the world you’re creating. And I love the aerial world approach! P.s. Trona is the armpit of California.
@RadicalAirways 2 ай бұрын
Oh man! Thank you so much for your reply! I don't mind how long it is, it's wonderful to read about your recollection and thoughts on the video - it's definitely inspired me to make more like this! Thank you, and have agreat day!
@jesshughes776 2 ай бұрын
HAPPY SABBATH. PEACE! I am writing to share the most incredible thing you will likely ever hear, and it has everything to do with your life if you will follow it. First, it is impossible that anything you can touch, taste, hear, see or smell on the face of the earth, be it lighting, tornados, rocks, life of any kind, minerals from salt to plutonium or anything that be seen with the best telescope we have in orbit and what we can not see, that could possibly exist without having been created. Because of this, we can be sure that everything that is had to be made where there was absolutely nothing to make it out of. Romans 1:20 For since His invisible qualities-- eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been , so that people are without excuse. So you see, there is a God. I myself have studied world religions in depth in college and much more so on my own time. I have found that the only religion that holds water is Christianity. I am no affiliate of any Christian denomination as they are called because the enemy has a very well received counterfeit in place in nearly all of them, and the condition is terminal. I am Messianic, where I find Truth to be most rightly applied and followed. The bill of rights we share is such a blessing. But I will quote TobyMcKeehan with Times are changing/With morals in decay/Human rights have made the wrong okay. I am only showing you the way as I have found it and know it to be true through much study and life experience. Perhaps my best case for Truth of this is found in the book of Habakkuk 1-2:17 where he was given a vision of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Some very strong and interesting proof is in the discovery of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is in these videos. Pt. 1 kzbin.info/www/bejne/ZoLWmIxnZpp4fMU Pt. 2 kzbin.info/www/bejne/bqHPmWeEgtSEqZo And here is where the remains of pharaoh's army is found in the red sea. kzbin.info/www/bejne/jmSxpnShjbqqq5I Gnesis 19:24 New International Version Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah--from the LORD out of the heavens. Brimstone found there is over 95 percent pure. The purest sulfur anywhere else is just over 45% and is found near active geothermal regions. Brimstone such as is found near these two infamous cities is found nowhere else on earth. Yet here it is still, a God-given supernatural element to warn those who would live against Him. 2 Peter 2:6 If He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction, reducing them to ashes as an example of what is coming on the ungodly; He is love or He wouldn't have warned us.After much consideration I found truth best taught and followed as a Messianic. Here are two of the videos I found on this. kzbin.info/www/bejne/enO2eqZol62ca8k kzbin.info/www/bejne/ZoLWmIxnZpp4fMU&t=2s THESE 2 VIDEOS ARE UNDENIABLE PROOF OF NOAH'S ARK AND SODOM AND GOMORRAH. IT WAS SOUND AND THE DIMENSIONS AND MEASUREMENTS MATCH THE BIBLICAL RECORD EXACTLY. WHAT THEY FIRST SAW LOOKED TO BE AN OUTLINE OF A SHIP IN THE MOUNTAINS OF ARARAT WHERE THE BIBLE SAID THE ARK SETTLED. IT WAS MOSTLY PETRIFIED WOOD WITH LINES OF METAL RUNNING THE LENGTH OF THE ARK REMAINS EVENLY SPACED ACROSS. THIS MEDAL WAS NOT FOUND OUTSIDE THE ARK. THE ALSO FOUND PETRIFIED ANIMAL DROPPINGS AND WHAT LOOK TO BE RIB TIMBERS USED IN CONSTRUCTION. kzbin.info/www/bejne/pYLal4hteduIr6c BELOW ARE THE ACTUAL REMAINS OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH'S ASHEN REMAINS. MILLIONS OF PIECES OF BRIMSTONE WAS FOUND IN THE AREA OF THE CITIES, BUT NONE IN BETWEEN THEM. BRIMSTONE MEANS SULFUR. THIS SULFUR IS 98% PURE. THE PUREST SULFUR FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE ON EARTH IS A MAZIMUM 40% PURE. kzbin.info/www/bejne/fZm3m3iYg8yHh68 IT IS ALSO WORTH MENTIONING THAT EVIDENCE OF THE GREAT FLOOD HAS BEEN FOUND ON TOP OF MNT. EVEREST IN SHELLFISH FOSSILS.
@bionic_flab 3 ай бұрын
@RadicalAirways 4 ай бұрын
Had a slight technical issue with the stream, and it went out just before landing at King Khaled :\ Sorry!
@88keysLA 4 ай бұрын
Apparently, the “Good Evening” bug has been squashed for what it’s worth.
@Moonjabii 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this it helped me make my choice! I think in time sayintentions will polish the program as AI gets cheaper and more accurate but I came to the same conclusion as you did. I believe BATC does a great job for the price and for an absolute amateur like me who is too green for VATSIM this will definitely make me feel more comfortable.
@RadicalAirways 4 ай бұрын
The 'human' touch that Say Intentions adds is really cool, but as an ATC addon I couldn't justify its cost and inaccuracies. BATC is doing daily updates, so I have a lot of faith that it'll improve all around as it goes!